tiedtopages · 23 days
Pride and Prejudice 1995 has my heart forever. And would you LOOK at these two 💛💛
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Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth after Bafta win.
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tiedtopages · 2 years
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tiedtopages · 2 years
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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tiedtopages · 3 years
There are so many different types of love. There's love for friendship, love for children, love across the generations, romantic love, love of work, love of cooking. I wish I'd known how big that word is, how capacious it is, how many different expressions it can have, and how many ordinary graces people can give to each other.
- Susie Orbach, quoted in Conversations on Love by Natasha Lunn
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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- Robert Bly
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tiedtopages · 3 years
There are lots of things that I used to be that I am no longer. And there are lots of things that I never thought I’d be that I unexpectedly am.
Conversations with other women (Helena Bonham Carter)
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tiedtopages · 3 years
'At two in the morning the library closed and I walked home through the fresh snow. The clouds had cleared, revealing the stars. Light from even a nearby star was four years old by the time it reached your eyes. Where would I be in four years? Simple: where you are. In four years I'll have reached you.'
from The Idiot, Elif Batuman
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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Too good not to share. G'night ✨
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tiedtopages · 3 years
'What happens to time, when the moon shines on a sundial?' ... And she walked on while her mind reeled with the enormity of the question. Moondial - measuring a different time. Moondial - free from the slow, relentless march of the sun, the trickle of sand in glass, the minute by minute ticking of clocks. Moondial - freewheeling, measuring the real time of hearts and lives and linking them across centuries. Moontime!
- from Moondial, Helen Cresswell
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tiedtopages · 3 years
'Fear isn't a real feeling,' Kate had told her, more than once. 'It's an instinct, and doesn't mean very much, really. Lots of things are bigger than fear and can beat it. Love, for a start.'
- from Moondial, Helen Cresswell
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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tiedtopages · 3 years
Today it has rained. And, when out and about, I didn't mind its presence too much, since I had a big old raincoat and my (handsome duck) umbrella to hand.
But for the past week I've also been sad. And reading this poem, and seeing within it the images of autumnal rain and seasonal melancholy, has given me such a lift this evening. "Into each life some rain must fall"... wonderful words to remember going forward.
The Rainy Day
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the mouldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days are dark and dreary. Be still, sad heart! and cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary.
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tiedtopages · 3 years
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who’s ready for halloween?
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