My name is Tidus, I'm born as a girl and found out I'm trans. I live in Germany Bavaria. I'm an artist in progress. 🎨
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Lange nichts mehr gehört von mir. Tja so spielt leider das Leben, irgendwann setzt dass mit der Kreativität aus und du fühlst dich wie vor eine Wand gefahren. Alles was du anfasst, was du versucht wird am Ende nur beschissen. Du sitzt Stunden lang vor deinem dummen Stift deinem blöden papier und hast keine Ahnung was du damit tun sollst. Als ganz normaler Mensch gibst du auf. Du gibst einfach auf. Du hast kein bock mehr dich selbst mit dem was du nicht kannst zu frustrieren. Also setzt du dich hin bist unzufrieden. Und dann sitzt du da bis du. 100 bist wahrscheinlich. Jeder hat solche Phasen und es ist unheimlich schwer deren fesseln zu entkomme. Ich habe heut wieder begonnen mit einem kleinen bildchen dass ich irgendwann mal auf Pintarest gesehen habe. #paint #waves #sunlight #watercolorpainting #masterpiece #dontgiveup #depressinsarereal #wefightback #littleturtles #turtle #bluewater #swim #watercolorart #guachepainting #practice #dailywatercolor #hangon #slowcomeback #💚 #tidusart #practiceeveryday #itgetsbetter #thesketchbookproject #hypnotizing_arts @hypnotizing_arts #painting #arts #minimalism #lovethem #likeforlikes #feelings #mylifeisworthit #paint
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Und nun die siebte aber diesmal auf deutsch 👌🏻 Es ist 23:15 Uhr bisschen spät aber ich habe noch an einem Projekt für meine Schwester gearbeitet, das ganze könnt ihr kurz bereits in meiner Story sehen. Morgen dann bei Tageslicht 😉 Der stier ist für eine super Kollegin @caro_inan. Das erste Mal dass ich ein Sternzeichen male 💎. Das zweite, mickey und minni vorm Disney schloss in dem schönsten türkis dass ich je gezaubert habe. An alle die denken sie könnten sowas nicht, Leute üben, jeden Tag es lohnt sich. Ich wünsche euch einen wunderschönen Abend und bei mir heißt es heute gute Nacht 🤙🏻 #newones #littlepieces #lovethem #türkis #mickey #minni #Disney #disneysmickeymouse #schlossdisney #snowyone #sternzeichen #guache #painting #tidusarts #goodnight #watercolorart #guachepainting #late #bisschenmitfilternaufgepeppt #lovethem #lookmako #snowy #inspiration
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Helllloooooooo 🤯 Today my head explodes because I don't have any idea what to paint. Then it comes through my mind a man sitting on a mountain/rock and thinks. Just imagine u sitting there and watching the woodlands with all the trees u can hear birds singing ur song. And a warm summer wind is around u. I named this work "summer night" #summer #windy #thinking #man #rock #guache #mointain #blue #green #aquarelle #watercolorart #water #color #tidusart #practiceeveryday #aquarella #candles #chillvibes #feelings #getbetter #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #niceturn #staytuned #thanks #for #the #kindwords #sketchbook 💎
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Moooooorning it's daaaaaaay 5 🤙🏻 I think I named this pieces "feather of an angel" it was really fun painting with the bright colors, by the way it was reaaaaaly messy 😵 I'm happy how the colors turned out. I wish u a gooood Tuesday 🤙🏻💎🎨 #hypnotizing_arts #artviral @hypnotizing_arts @artlifestagram @arts_promoter @dailyart #watercolorart #water #feather #angel #brightcolors #turnedoutgood #painting #tidusart #practiceeveryday #itgetsbetter #thesketchbookproject @antennebayern @makoccinos #lookmako #happywithit #lovemypaintings #🎨💎
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Day 4 on my new series 👋 Today I paint around and I'm not happy with it. The colors are beautiful the picture is empty, sometimes I feel so too. On some day it's not easy to be concentrated. So many thoughts in my head. For years now I have this feelings and I can live with it, sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's super easy. Some people say depressions are not real, but here I am and here they are. So fight and never ever give up. Your demon is not stronger than u! 👹 Have a happy day and do some good things to other people. #daily #post #blog #aquarell #galaxy #starysky #mointain #rocks #empty #butbeautifulcolors #paintingagainstdepressions #fight #deep #blue #green #stars #candles #depressinsarereal #real #feelings #mylifeisworthit #paint #guache #acryl #🎨💎
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Hey guyes it's day 3 of my sketchbook series 🤙🏻👌🏻 This time it's a little snowy scene with some trees 🎄 I love the snow, it's so beautiful and Scholl to watch em fall down 😍 I'm Germany we don't have much snow ❄️ I wish u all a chill Sunday☃️ #newones #littlepieces #lovethem #acryl #aquarella #guache #watercolorart #guachepainting #lookmako #snowy #trees #christmas #feelings #tidusart #practiceeveryday #itgetsbetter #thesketchbookproject
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He guyes its day 3 of my sketchbook series 🙏😊. A little snowy tree scene. I loved to paint this. I love how the colors turned out its amazing. I don't know but I think it gets even better and better. Thanks for turning in I wish u all a wonderful day. #tidusart #3advent #guache #watercolorart #guachepainting #acrylic #lovetopaint #staytuned #wehnulovetopaint #practiceeveryday #aquarella #candles #chillvibes #musik #painting #brushes #christmas #lovley #winterscene #snowy #foggy #treeees #trees #snowy #blue #purple #sky #greenish #trees #proud #🙏 #😍 #🎨🖼️
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Day 2 of my new sketchbook series. I played around with some nice purple and blue colors. I think I'm in love with my new medium 😍 I will practice daily and it will even get better and better. In a few days i will upload a time-lapse video of one of my new paintings stay tuned. #guache #acryl #aquarella #new piece #newpost #purplebluesky #tidusart #guachepainting #fancycolors #practice #🎨 #dontgiveup #howdidthegermansay #werdscho
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Painting in the morning 🤯 #guache #lookmako #thanksfortheinspiration #snowyscene #painting #arts #minicanvas #paintinginthemorning #artistinprogress #somenewshit #tidusart #selfmade #diy #elgreco #color #green #blue #yellow #black #goonpractice #niceone #littleone #northernlights #learningby @makoccinos #paintingtrees #leraning by @colorbyfeliks #thanks #💚
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When I paint I feel free for a moment ☺️ #newones #littlepieces #lovethem #squirrel #fox #redfox #watercolorart #tidusart #thersabluedeer #monochromepainting #purrsianblue #color #winsorandnewton #girlonswing #nightsky #practiceeveryday #🎨
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On some days I look out the window and I fell this deep depression in my head. When this happens I look on my art supplies take a brush and some happy colors and paint. That's how I survive. 🎨🤙🏻
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#tidusarts_ #followmeoninsta #tidusartworks #mountains #waterfall #galaxy # totoro #workonyourpieces #dontgiveup #heythere #lovepainting
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It's not about how far u can go. It's about how high u will jump. Go on 🤙🏻
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