thoughts-insidee · 6 days
The inner child in me has always longed for a space far away from the greed of people who constantly push me to work hard, just to pay them back one day. Maybe they believe it will make me happy. But I wish I could tell them that doing something that isn’t true to who I am will never bring me happiness. The real me wants to play video games, read books, travel, be a writer, and create something for myself that will make you all proud. By forcing me into a path that’s not mine, you’re not helping—you're killing the inner child in me, turning me into someone cold. One day, you might even call me soulless when I can no longer live up to your expectations....
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thoughts-insidee · 8 days
"So, Grandpa, what was the date when you first met Grandma?" Peter asked eagerly. "You’re asking me the date?" I chuckled softly. "I remember more than just the date, Peter. I know the exact time, the day of the week, the month, the very moment our eyes met for the first time. I remember the first time we held hands, the warmth of her touch, the first time we hugged, and when we confessed our love to each other," I said, gazing fondly at her photo, my heart filling with both joy and longing. "When you truly love someone, every moment becomes unforgettable. Every little detail, every smile, every word—it all gets etched into your heart. Even after all these years, it feels like it happened just yesterday."
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thoughts-insidee · 9 days
A starry night is a canvas of endless dreams, creating a breathtaking scene where every star witnesses countless hopes and stories. Under the beautiful night sky, the stars remind us of our own smallness and the boundless possibilities that lie beyond our everyday lives. Each star, though seemingly distant, holds a unique story, much like each moment in our lives.It invites us to pause, to dream, and to find meaning in life through the realization that even in the darkest moments, there is light. A starry night reminds us of the simplicity and beauty that exist beyond the chaos of our daily lives. While our real world is filled with challenges and distractions, the starry night represents an eternal, unchanging beauty, offering a momentary escape from life's complexities and a chance to contemplate our place in the grand scheme of things.
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