thornsraised · 2 years
i'll probably inevitably end up remaking this blog at some point soon because chernabog lilia is real
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thornsraised · 3 years
i did some touch ups on leona’s blog so it’s only natural i start doing that to my others... especially those i accidentally ghosted...
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thornsraised · 3 years
of course they named it briar valley and none of us thought to see that coming and now the thorns in this url just feels foolish
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thornsraised · 3 years
Sword w cellphone charms
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thornsraised · 3 years
"hawaiian shirt covered in blood" is a look
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thornsraised · 3 years
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i’m a joker. i’m a smoker. i’m a midniiiiight toker. ♫
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          I get my lovin’ on the ruuuun.
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i’m a picker, i’m a grinner; i’m a lover, and i’m a sinner.
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thornsraised · 3 years
i need to get back on here but as episode seven looms ever - closer i start feeling rather cornered by virtue of not wanting to do development in one direction and then loving what canon does and being forced to reconcile the two...
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thornsraised · 3 years
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Pov you're reading Idia's ghost marriage lines
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thornsraised · 3 years
logged in over here to yell about being right about lilia being crimson muscle and the fact that he and idia are best friends without knowing who the other is irl
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thornsraised · 3 years
if asked about his family or childhood ( parents, specifically ) lilia will just say he spawned into existence one day
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thornsraised · 3 years
the first thing malleus does when lilia brings up leona is spit out his coffee. it’s a rather inelegant sort of thing that no one except the other fae in question would be subject to witness. & even so this kind of unpolished & comically startled behavior is not something that has been the norm for malleus for many a decade. even so this situation warrants a little drop of composure in his opinion. 
it’s not as if he’s entirely surprised that lilia knows. in fact at this point malleus would be more surprised if he didn’t know. however to bring it up in such a fashion startles them significantly. not that this is entirely out of character for lilia either. malleus simply believed the context of this conversation would have been much more severe. hence why the prince has delayed it for this long.
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malleus remains quiet for a moment, simply moving to wipe the spilled coffee from the table & their chin in silence. he gives lilia many an opening to critique or criticize his behavior, but no such thing comes. this is both fortunate & unfortunate. the former because malleus really has long outgrown lilia’s lectures on propriety. & the latter because now they haven’t a clue of what to say now. when he finishes cleaning, malleus clears his throat, beginning to shift back to his usual composed exterior.  ❛    yes, i suppose so.   ❜  & there’s another few beats of silence as malleus takes a sip from their coffee & contemplates whether to address the elephant in the room. ❛    how long have you known?    ❜
LILIA IS FEELING very mature today so he doesn’t laugh too much when malleus spits out his coffee. he does laugh, but it’s a quiet and not unpolite sound. it’s almost uncharacteristic, but lilia is doing his best to keep his own feelings about this... situation in check. he knows malleus can anticipate his disapproval without needing to be told, and so he’s trying to keep that from shining through too much. he doesn’t want malleus to feel only that from him.
and so he waits, simply sipping his own tea in silence as malleus cleans up the coffee they’ve spilled before themself. he also watches malleus, and — oh, how he’s grown. even a little mishap like this doesn’t negate the fact that the crown prince is truly a young man now, growing into himself and everything he is meant to be.
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“ i’ve had my suspicions for some time now, ” the older fae says carefully when malleus asks. “ his scent has lingered on you for a while. ” he lowers his teacup once more, folding his hands in his lap. “ two days ago i saw you two talking, and that’s when my suspicions were confirmed. ” that was all he had seen, but the differences were clear. so much fell into place in that moment.
“ it’s not easy to set my own feelings aside as your guardian and caretaker, but as you are the future king i want you to feel confident and able to make your own decisions. ” whether lilia likes the decision or not doesn’t matter. all he can do is guide malleus along as he always has and respect what they decide to do. it is hard, stepping back. for a moment his red eyes fall to his half - empty teacup, and then they lift back to malleus’ green ones. “ but i do request, as your advisor and as the one who raised you, that you be careful. not only are you the future king and therefore under the watch of more eyes than my own, but i care for you dearly, malleus. ” i want you to make your own decisions, but i never want to see you hurt in a way i cannot help mend.
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thornsraised · 3 years
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.: Ghost Marriage :.
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thornsraised · 3 years
logging on to say that i definitely called lilia having a gosumari card as soon as reruns started and am so fucking glad to be right because he’s soooooooo cute sobsob what a lesbian look, too
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thornsraised · 3 years
what i want to do is find a way to do a nice promo for all of my blogs at once... or at least my three canon ones ( or four, if and when i give crowley his own main blog down the line ). it’s funny, because lilia is my ultimate favorite in twst but jade is the one i find the most fun to write but leona is the one i’m hanging out on most.
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thornsraised · 3 years
trying to hold things together and steer them onto a different path is a task too great on such short notice, lilia is discovering. no amount of magic is enough and words failed long ago.
his tears are black, and ink floods his throat. surely he’s drowning, he thinks as he chokes. the world is in ruins around him, and he hears familiar voices yelling his name.
before awareness goes, everything comes flooding in all at once — the why most of all.
( his hands are grabbing crowley’s shirt collar in a white - knuckled grip and shaking violently. he’s screaming that this has gone far enough, tears streaming down his cheeks / it’s time to stop / it’s time to call this quits / it’s enough!!
and he’s called soft for all his caring, and that dismissal makes his hands drop and makes him stagger a step back.
things were never supposed to go this way, not initially, and the fact that this is being accepted as the way things will be —
lilia feels bile rising in his throat, vision blanking as he blinks back his tears and sets off with a determined stride.
he tries to put an end to things before the pendulum could start swinging, but it isn’t enough. now the steady passage of time is too fast to fight and the truth has slipped out and everything has slipped through his fingertips and spiraled out of control on its way to shattering on the floor.
even people with the best of intentions can be villains of someone’s story, and the looks in his son’s eyes / in his ward’s eyes / in his protégé’s eyes / in the prefect’s eyes all told the same story: lilia was, unequivocally, the villain in their stories. but being a villain only means you do evil deeds important to a plot; it doesn’t mean that he can’t change course and help.
but help isn’t enough, he finds out as everything begins to unravel.
perhaps the course has been set already, and it’s impossible to change it so late. )
the prefect is unconscious in his arms and losing blood fast, and lilia knows what this means for malleus — the boy who has always been so gentle, so warm, so naive. lilia knows what’s coming, and this is where he’ll make a stand on shaking legs. he lowers their still body to the ground, his own ruby eyes glassy and dazed as he holds the magic pen out towards his side. the pale skin of his face is covered with in-black tears.
this ends here, he thinks, and he doesn’t realize he’s speaking the words aloud. his voice echoes with something that isn’t him, and it’s in the seconds after that the pain sears through him.
it’s scorching and tearing and drowning as whatever will that is lilia vanrouge is overcome with something singular and powerful. it takes his magic into its own hands and it smiles with that same mischievous fire he always smiles with.
green fire covers the ground around him, and he yells again — something he won’t remember with a voice that is far from just his own. ink stains his skin in the marks of a drowned soul and the filigree the marks those who have fallen to this curse crowley — and himself — have foolishly set upon this school and the students therein.
like all the ones who have fallen to this before, there’s a target of his anger and frustration and pain.
but he won’t remember the single - minded fury, or the way he’d attacked his own children for standing in his way, or the way he caused so much destruction as a being with so much power acting with no control. he won’t remember the bitter truth spilling out without restraint, and he won’t remember when it’s silver who takes him out of it before his magic runs out and his entire being is consumed.
he won’t remember for a while, at least — and when he does remember it will be in well - deserved drowning nightmares with ink grasping at his legs and pulling him ever under into its depths. he’ll stare at a mirror of himself, and that mirror will smile and will hurt those he loves in that mirror world.
no one will remember except for two, it turns out.
when he opens his eyes, the ceiling isn’t a terribly familiar one, and he inhales a slow breath as his gaze flicks sideways to crowley. he wishes he could say his stomach drops, but that would involve being surprised.
“ you didn’t. ” it’s not a question.
“ you know very well that i did. that we did, actually. we’re stuck in this now, or did you forget?? ”
lilia’s silent as he pushes himself up and off the bed. there’s no pain in his muscles like there should be, but of course there isn’t — nothing really happened, after all. he crosses towards the door, only stopping beside crowley once he starts speaking again.
“ that’s the second time you’ve tried something like that. i won’t pretend it doesn’t hurt my feelings when you yell at me like that. such cruel words… ”
lilia finally regains whatever composure was shaken from him, and he smiles sweetly and lifts a hand to pat crowley’s cheek. “ save the crocodile tears for someone who will at least pretend to buy them, brother. ” his heels echo on the stone floor as he continues his walk to the door.
he wants to, but he doesn’t slam the door behind himself.
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thornsraised · 3 years
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Sometimes I think Malleus is lucky he wasn't born surrounded by technology, or this would have happened more than once
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thornsraised · 3 years
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if anyone’s wondering where lilia and crowley as brothers comes from...
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