thisultralife-blog · 6 years
I’m pausing the #100daysofproductivity until I go back to school because I have nothing productive that needs doing...
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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Ariana performing at ‘The Sweetener Sessions’ At Chicago’s The Vic at The Vic Theater on August 22, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois.
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
Day 9 - #100daysofproductivity
23/08/18 - 16:16
I wasn’t really feeling like doing much today so I took a bit of an off-day and read a few chapters of ‘Autoboyography
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
Day 9 - #100daysofproductivity
22/08/18 - 12:02
Today I did an hour of revising for biology, put my clothes away and tidied my room. I also went through my other science flashcards.
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
Day 8 - #100daysofproductivity
21/08/18 - 11:56
Once again I’m posting this the day after. Oops. Today I started my dream journal which I’ve always wanted to do. I had three dreams that I remembered, all three very weird, one featuring Ariana Grande (who knew she does concerts in your hotel when you’re on a school trip?). I wrote them down as soon as I woke up and my handwriting was very messy, I’m surprised I can read it. I also went through my science flashcards and wrote in my journal.
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
GCSE Results Day
I couldn’t give any advice for A Level Results Day and coping with the anxiety of the day. However I have experienced GCSE results day before and know how stressful that day can be.
So for everyone getting their results, it’ll most likely be your first results envelope day. You’ll most likely be stressed and be up all night. However so is every other 15/16 year old across the country so you’re not alone in your stress. If you want to take your mind off it I suggest staying away from social media and doing something with friends or family or even if it’s just watching YouTube videos. If you want some humour about the day I suggest reading tweets about results day because they are genuinely funny.
In my experience I had a lot of nervous energy and was more hyper and restless. I was able to sleep the night of my results but with difficulty and I remember being up at 5am reading everyone’s tweets on Twitter as they panicked and reading the leaked maths grade boundaries, thankful I had a chance of passing. And waiting outside the school with all the other people who were there 15 minutes early.
My advice for those getting their results is
• Don’t feel pressured to tell others your results, whether you’ve done as amazing as you hoped or not. You do not need to disclose that information. But on the same argument, do not pressure others to tell you their results. Everyone is aiming for different minimum grades so some people may be upset with a grade that you’ve find amazing.
• Take a family member with you if you don’t want to open your results with friends. I took my father because I didn’t want the pressure of telling everyone my results, but I felt comfortable telling my father them and for him to be there. I would’ve took my mother as well however she was taking care of my brother. So I phoned her and told her not to worry and I’d tell her my grades when I got home but it was all good.
• if you do not get the grades you were hoping, be upset. You’re allowed to be upset if you worked for it. Never let anyone make you feel bad for being upset if it “was a decent grade” or “ you passed everything else.” Some people who are high achievers may get upset if they get a 7 instead of a 9, however they have different ambitions and are allowed to be upset they didn’t achieve what they want.
• if you don’t want to see other people bragging about their results (which they are allowed to do) ignore social media. Instagram and Twitter are typically full of parents or students saying how proud they are and how well they did. For me this was sweet but i didn’t want to see others results as I’m not a huge fan of publicly stating grades, however I just liked the posts but didn’t read them and then stayed off social media.
• if you feel you need a remark, get one. I was over 15 marks away from the next grade boundary yet I knew my grade wasn’t a true reflection of the work I put in. I ended up going up a grade even though the teachers would have never asked for a remark if I didn’t push them for it. Most schools will send for a remark if you are around 5 marks off the grade boundary. But if you believe you’ve done better, push for them to send the remark. Some may advise against it, however my teacher supported me knowing that my grade wasn’t right.
• A lot of sixth forms ask for certain grades at GCSE but will give you a trial period if you didn’t get the results but you were close. So don’t worry if one grade is a little low, your school most likely will still keep you on if they know you’re hardworking and put the effort in. Because most schools recognise that not everyone does amazing on every exam and that sometimes exam stress becomes too much especially in your first proper exams.
Good luck to all those getting their results on Thursday. Whatever happens it doesn’t mean you’ll never get anywhere in life. Ignore rich, famous people saying you don’t need GCSEs, you need them to get to the next part of your life. Most importantly be proud of your successes and all the work you put in even if it’s not as good as expected.
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
results day tomorrow haha let’s get ready to cry :)))
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
Day Seven - #100daysofproductivity
20/08/18 - 12:00
Today I got fed up of having so many things on my Habitica tasklist so I sat down and worked through 7 of them and I now have 3 left. I did two pomodoros and I got a lot of work done! Also I just found out the timetable for the first two days of school and I’m not in any classes with my best friend and I’m only in two with one of my other friends... We still don’t know about Art and PE yet so there’s hope.
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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3.25.17 // went to a local coffee shop to study with my friend ☕️
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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my house of intuition candle (which I lighted after taking this pic, obviously) and some journaling. this week is looking great so far!
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
Hey its me- Jasmine :)
I know, I know, I’ve been gone for a hot minute, but tbh I haven’t had anything to post xD
I’ll try to fill you in… let’s see… I had prom, NCS, countless sixth form induction days, my 16th birthday, and almost never-ending summer shifts at work in between all of that!
Anyways, gcse results day is just around the corner, and I am quite worried, like most young people across the UK. I am doubting all of my answers, I have dreams in which I fail- I just can’t get it out of my head. My stomach is literally churning just typing this.
But I want to change that, hence my brief return. I want to make myself feel better, as well as all of you. I encourage all of you to re-read this the night before results day, like I will too.
Now let’s get into some official statistics. For last year’s maths exam, and for the November resits, the pass mark was 13-14%. That’s it. A lot of teachers are confident that they won’t raise the pass mark to higher than 20%, especially since it was lowered for the resits. I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel pretty good about myself. Next up, the rest of the subjects- the new spec ones that we were forced to take, where even the teachers were confused. If last year’s pass mark was so low for the new spec, surely our new subjects will be low too, if not even lower? The maths spec hadn’t changed a whole lot, but the sciences? There is now a level content at gcse level- surely that deserves a low pass mark? We will be fine! :D
I know we hear this a lot, but your results really don’t define you. You really don’t want to be a walking exam certificate. You are so much more than your grades. You are a person. A living, breathing person that has done a lot for themselves; a person who has tried their hardest to reach their dreams; a person who hasn’t given up; a person who is strong and confident; a person who will not let their results define their persona. Because you are a person. You’ve tried your best, and that’s all that should really matter at the end of the day. You’ve put a lot into these exams. Think back to your revision sessions- it doesn’t matter if you revised on the day of the exam (like I did for physics oops), or months before- it’s the effort and the thought that counts. You brought yourself to revise for yourself. You did it for you. No matter what your results are, be proud of you, and your efforts.
I’m sure you’ve aced your exams. We can all shove our good grades into Gove’s face to tell him that we can succeed, we can get through anything. Anyone that has any doubted you should be running to you apologising- they didn’t realise how much potential you really had. We can do this guys- it’ll all be fine.
 It’s just one piece of paper- it doesn’t define you—you define you.
I love you all, and I wish you luck for next week- not that you need it!
Lots of hugs,
-jasmine xx​
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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18.08.18 8.33pm With Thursday’s exam finally over, I’ve been catching up on my lab reviews!
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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51/100 days of productivity
College started about a week ago and I’m already feeling tired and overloaded. But that’s how it is.
Sorry about the quality of the photo, the light was low. I’m not in one of my best days, I don’t know why though lol. But it will be okay like it always does.
Just finished my social sciences essay and now I’m gonna organize things for the week. Hope you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful week! Take care! 💗
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thisultralife-blog · 6 years
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etsy shop things. 🌸💛✨
everything on my shop is 15% off from now through august 10th. just use the code “TUMBLR15″ at check out and it’ll apply the discount. ((:
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