My Skinny Dreams
45 posts
Log for my weight loss experiment. 10kg in 10 days diet.
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thinhopesanddreams · 6 years ago
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thinhopesanddreams · 6 years ago
The sad truth…
You’re not going to love yourself at your goal weight.
You’re not going to love yourself at 10 lbs under your goal weight.
You’re not going to love yourself at any weight until you learn to love yourself at any weight. And yes, that includes where you are right now.
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thinhopesanddreams · 6 years ago
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
It's been very hard tonight.
I got called fat by my dad.
I'm 52 kilograms....
What the fuck.
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
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So Important!
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
Cool Whip and Chocolate Syrup
Being on a diet can be straining on your body. A healthy cleansing diet is not without days where you might feel faint and fatigued.
Sometimes this is because of your blood pressure being low. Something I've learned from my mom is that a quick sugary snack can stop that horrible feeling of being light headed.
Whipped Cream is a GREAT sugary snack solution. It has the sugar you need to feel better and it doesn't have many calories. Chocolate syrup is a tastier option.
A soup spoon of syrup or a small bowl of whipped cream will help you elevate the sugar in your blood and keep your pressure stable.
Take care!
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
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FOURTH DAY Even with the emergency snack yesterday good progress was made! I'm very happy.
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
Just had some Red Ice Tea with red berries.
Feeling a lot better. The tea does not have any dangerous carbs so everything is good. I’ll see the results in the morning.
Tip: Mustard revitalizes you immediately. So if you feel like you’re going to faint: Hard boiled egg with mustard.
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
Felt too Off
since this second round is more going below my normal weight rather than loosing extra weight my body has been complaining rather loudly.
Felt extremely woozy so I seasoned a boiled egg with a little mustard and ate it in a sandwich of whole grain brown diet bread.
Bread is not in the diet and mustard either but I rather bend the rules a little than fainting.
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
Boiled Eggs cooking tip
This diet has a lot of boiled eggs in it. Now, eating 6 boiled eggs in total every day for 10 days can turn in to a living nightmare.
Dry cold rubbery eggs are not exactly the first thing one wants to eat when they wake up. That's why I'll give you some tips of how to make morning eggs a delicious fast breaker.
Fluffy soft boiled eggs
Put the three eggs or two if you're not too hungry in a small pot and boil it like you would usually do.
Add a sprinkle of salt to keep the eggs from cracking.
The second you see the water boil let it stay like that for 30 seconds.
Turn the fire off and put the lid on the pot. If the pot doesn't have any lids put a plate on top.
Let it stay like that for 3 to 4 minutes.
And then rinse cool down and peel.
And there you go! Mushy fluffy juicy hard boiled eggs.
Fixing dry eggs
Sometimes it may happen. So a very eassy solution is pouring a little bit of vegetable oil or olive oil.
Smush the eggs with a fork to create a paste. Use a bowl for this.
Add the oil and seasoning and keep smushing until it becomes pasty.
It's delicious creamy goodness and it's easier to eat in the morning.
Don't be scared to adding a little salt and pepper.
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
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This is the kind of results I love to see. Like the first time I did this diet in September it has proven to practically melt the weight off.
I’m excited for the end of the weekend results. I know it will be hard to go through the weekend but I’ve done it before.
Will power!
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
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95 grams gone in one day. That’s a very good start!
I did feel a little off during the day but it was just the sudden shift in diet. If you’re doing this diet after a particularly junk foody week don’t be scared of not seeing slimming results the first day. You’re just bloated with gas.
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
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Starting a second round of 10kg in 10 days!
Put up some little weight since my last post. I’m not surprised tho. I wanted to enjoy eating some of my favorite meals before I started this second round.
Like before I’ll be documenting my progress and changes as I go through the process.
Wish me luck!
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
I'm giving up on the "Gap" for my "Cheeks"
I'm sorry. I prefer having a butt.
I like filling in shorts.
I like the bouncy thing plad skirts do when I walk around.
I like the fact that my waist looks super tiny in comparison.
I like my thick thies that can hold my stockings in place.
Tiny waist + big ass
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
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After a week of small dinners I think I have my weight control locked down. So, here's what I do. Breakfast: Glass of low fat yogurt or glass of low fat milk with coffee( artificial diet sweeteners ) Lunch: Have anything you want for lunch but try to keep week meals low cal. Keep it to only one portion. No seconds. Snack: usually I get hungry around the afternoon. Try to wait until 4:00 or 5:00. I usually make myself another coffee with milk. Drinking it warm satisfies my hungry. If it's too hot for you switch to fruit. An apple or a grapefruit. Dinner: big glass of low fat yogurt or a nice bowl of cereal with yogurt. This does the trick for me. If you are way to hungry there's some alternatives: 3 hard boiled eggs if you want something warm or also a whole grain brown bread ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes. Weekends ( Saturday and Sunday) have a normal 3 meals a day. Indulge but on meals. Have one snack. To keep the exercise on, do at least 10min of located exercise per day. I want to specify that this meal plan is not something I came up with to loose weight but to rather maintain it. This is what works for me.
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thinhopesanddreams · 7 years ago
Aftermath of the Diet.
Just concentrating on maintaining my weight. I'm eating lunch but replacing dinner with a glass of low fat yogurt.
Weekends I enjoy eating what I want but not overdoing it.
I was just so happy last Saturday.
I met with an old friend and he kept complimenting me. I was just all giddy inside.
He knows how much I enjoy being picked up so he surprised me by picking me up and carrying me to the car.
It was amazing.
Still working off the tiny pudge left in my abdomen but it's so tiny it doesn't bother me as much.
Life is good.
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thinhopesanddreams · 8 years ago
10th Day.
Sooooo..... I had to change the plans a little. I got sick. Like cold sick, so I decided to slowly ease out of the rigorous diet and ate some rise with the eggs this morning. I know it's the 10th day but I rather not get sicker.
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