Use With Caution
19 posts
Ima PAN-cake ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ - happy pride month - homophobes: YOU SHALL NOT PASS! No seriously, get out. 
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Scared Of The Dark
a/n: yep. it is 2 am. In case you were wondering.
Warnings: angst, if you squint and cross your eyes.
pairings: Shouto Todoroki x gn! reader
Synopsis: Lol you scared of the dark? Loser. Same though.
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Shouto comes home late most nights.
He routinely steps through the door, takes off his coat, and heads over to the microwave. He grabs the dinner you have left on 'keep warm. Wolfing it down as he drags himself to the bathroom. He slides out of his hero suit, washing his face and brushing his teeth as he goes.
He's tired and awkward. He doesn't have the energy to not multi-task.
He then slips into your bedroom and turns off the closet light, Wich is always left on with the door cracked. Once he's done that, he squeezes into bed beside you.
He never thinks much about it.
On nights when the closet door isn't cracked, you usually fall asleep together on the couch with the TV on, or you're too exhausted to care.
But tonight is different.
When Shouto steps through the door, after dealing with a particularly annoying villain who caused a city-wide power outage, dinner isn't anywhere to be found.
He decides to just go ahead and change out of his costume.
Shouto drags himself into the bathroom, fumbling with his back pocket to grab his phone and switch on the flashlight.
He cleans his face and brushes his teeth, changing into a pair of sweats and some socks. Then he trudges into your shared bedroom, ready to pass out. And he gets into bed.
After a few minutes, he's feeling chilly and thinks you might be too. He reaches for your body so he can warm the both of you up. But you aren't there.
He rolls out of bed, searching the sheets for you, and lands on the floor with a soft "huff."
"Y/n??" he calls into the darkness.
He pulls himself to his feet when there isn't a response.
He chants your name as he pads across the house, looking for you. Obviously, he checks the living room and the kitchen. He looks through the blankets in the laundry bin and under the couch. He knows you aren't there, but he's sleepy and isn't thinking straight.
"Y/n, com'ere baby tsk, tsk, tsk.
He even tries calling you like a cat.
He finally gives up and slinks back to the bed, opting to try texting you.
He's already grabbed his phone and started typing when he hears and noise from the closet.
He steps over to the closet, cracking the door and peering in.
You're sitting cross-legged with a flashlight in hand. You've got a blanket wrapped around you and five other flashlights sitting on the floor in front of you. And you look more panicked than he's ever seen you in his life.
He watches as your flashlight starts to flicker, and you rush to grab another one, tossing the original to the side.
"Watcha doing love?"
You nearly jump out of your skin when he says that.
"O-oh! Sho! Haha, how was work??"
He sighs and moves to sit next to you, wrapping himself in a blanket of his own and using his hand as a flashlight.
"It was good... I guess. How was your day?"
"It was good..."
There's a moment of silence.
" Look, why are you in here?"
You pull the blanket further around you and screw your eyes shut.
"Well.. my phone.. died."
"What does that even mean?"
"It was dark."
Shouto leans back against the wall of the closet and thinks for a second.
He smirks.
"You aren't scared of the dark, are you?"
You turn to the side, hoping to hide the blush thrown across your features. This man fights terrifying villains every single day, and you are scared of the dark? You feel pretty pathetic.
'Well, I mean... maybe, just a little bit though..."
Shouto lets out a little chuckle.
"So that's why the closet doors cracked every night I get home. That's kinda cute."
"Why didn't you just sleep with the flashlights?"
"I... Well, I was scared they would turn off. These don't last long."
"But I always turn the light off."
"But then your there with me, so it's not as scary."
Shouto turns towards you, reaching for your chin and pulling your face to his. He pulls you right up until your noses touch and looks deep into your eyes.
"Wow." He states.
You look at him a second more before you both burst into laughter. It's like 2:00 am, and you're both sleep-deprived. You really should go to bed.
Your giggling on the floor, and he's hunched against the wall letting out a hoarse chuckle. You both sit there laughing for about two minutes.
"So, can we go to bed now?"
He grabs you, carrying you bridal style to the bed. He nearly falls more than once, and you're not gonna lie. You saw your life flash before your eyes SEVERAL times in those thirty seconds.
He half sets you down, half drops you on the bed and crawls underneath the covers with you.
He pulls you into his arms and places a feather-light kiss on your forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you more <3"
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Hey I just got braces and I hate them sm😩😩
could u do somthing were the reader got braces and is feeling kinda insecure ab it?
With todoroki please❤️
Ofc. Having braces is rough, but you'll get through it. I believe in you! Hope this helps. Also its 2 in the morning rn SO I shall fix the punctuation tmrw. Hope you like it <3
Warnings: none Pairing(s): Shouto Todoroki x Reader -------
"I love your smile."
-When you first tell Shouto that you that your getting braces, he doesn't think much about it. -He loves you regardless of your smile, or the metal in your mouth. -But once you get them on, he gets a little bit worried. -You start to smile less, let alone talk. You have your mask on 24/7, you're pulling it back over your mouth every time you take a bite of food, and you start going out a lot less. -He hadn't really put a lot of thought into the braces. He didn't think they changed anything about you. But apparently, you thought different, and he had no idea what to do. :( -So! He decides to give you some space. That's how he deals with his problems. Space. -And tbh that plan backfires sooooo badly. -Have you ever felt insecure about literally anything, and your loved ones decide to give you 'space'? Space as in let's talk and see each other less, but I won't tell you why. You need time to think ;) -Did that help with literally anything? -Sorry Sho, we're just not all built like you. -Yep. Your thinking. Your head is buzzing with phrases like: "It's the braces!" And: "He doesn't love me anymore!" As you spiral even further. -I think the fact that "space" isn't helping this time just sorta clicks, and he's all over you. -Multiple dates per week. -Drowning you in sweet compliments and random check-ups. "Hey, beautiful." "Good morning love, you doing okay today?" -He even requests you to get his half-and-half colores on your braces because he thinks it would look cute. :O -Affection +100 -He gives you twice as many kisses, to prove that your braces don't affect him. -He holds your hand twice as much, just to show he loves you. -Overall hpd (hugs per day) averages a good five (witch is like.. just- wow- for the Todoroki family) Because he cares that much. -He's trying so hard for such a reserved snowball.
-You are recovering from insecurities no measure is too small.
You all are hanging out for the first time in a while. Shouto wasn't distancing himself from you anymore. You were relieved, yet somewhat panicked.
Shouto took you out to eat. He's sitting across from you!
What if the reason he was distancing himself was that your not attractive to him anymore!
What if he took you out to break up with you! :(
Shouto flicks you lightly across the head, the soft thump ringing through your ears. "Hmm? Oh! Sorry, Sho!! I just got a little bit distracted... What was that?
Shouto gives you a cheeky grin. "I said I love your smile."
Your cheeks heat up, and you curse him under your breath for the effect he has on you.
You subtly swing your head back and forth, attempting to shake the blush off.
"Umm.. Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
You break eye contact to twirl your fork around on your plate and peel your mask off your face.
"So, what if I ordered dessert?"
Now it was your turn to flash him a smile.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
[The punctuation here is garbage, ignore my compound/complex mistakes I'll fix em in the morning :)]
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
When He Makes You Breakfast~
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⚘ Warnings: None Tooth rotting fluff, the sweet sappy stuff, Reader-chan literally melting
⚘ A/n: Ik it's short but it's 3 am and I couldn't sleep without putting this idea into words. Also umm if u feel like it lemme know if my sleep-deprived ass needs to edit anything lol cuz I probably do
⚘ pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader-chan
You grumbled as you made grabby hands at the spot on the bed where Shouto should've been.
You groaned and rolled out of bed, rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes.
Your feet hit the floor, and you shivered at the contact as your shrugged of your blanket. You dragged yourself over to the closet and rummaged through the various articles of clothing before picking out the one that suited you best; Shouto's favorite hoodie.
You slipped on the oversized sweatshirt and pulled at the sleeves a little bit before dragging yourself once more towards the kitchen.
You trudged into the kitchen quietly, slipping out just barely from behind the wall to see your S/o swaying his hips to some music while rotating between the eggs, bacon, and pancakes he had sizzling, and you giggled.
Shouto turned around to give you his signature soft grin.
"Morning sleepy head~" He teased.
Yeah, you should probably be mad at this man for leaving you so early in the morning. You should be scolding him for not cuddling you before getting up. But right now, as you watched your lover sway across the room, the only thing you were thinking about was the fact that he was all yours.
Nobody else gets to see this side of him. He's reserved for you. And to be honest, you fall in love with him again every time you see that cheeky smile or hear that teasing lilt in his voice.
You slipped across the kitchen to attach yourself to your S/o, wrapping yourself around him in a hug from behind. You danced across the kitchen together as you buried your head into his back.
"So your not mad at me for getting up early today love?"
You giggled softly.
"I tried to be, but you make it so hard."
"I do my best."
Shouto chuckled and reached to prod at your face.
"Open up, tell me if they're good."
He shoved a piece of a pancake into your mouth, and you chewed it as thoughtfully as possible.
The pancake practically melted in your mouth.
"Ugh, delicious as always! What do you put in your pancakes?!"
He smirked.
"Welllll it's a top-secret family recipe, but I guess since your technically family..."
You started melting with the pancake when he said that.
"A tiny bit of black molasses and extra vanilla."
"Really, it's that simple?"
"But it makes such a big difference!"
He shoved another piece of pancake into your mouth.
"I know, now shut up and let me cook."
"Shhhh, you're disturbing the pancake's development process."
You should be scolding him, but your not because it's impossible to stay mad at someone as devilishly angelic as Shouto Todoroki, whether you like it or not.
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Could we have a part 2 of Trust Me. The ending is up to you :)
Posted it the other day <3
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Why am I cryin' in the club 😭
I'm on my knees begging you, please write a fluffy, happy part 2 for "Trust me". My heart can't take this angst
Btw I love your writing, you're doing an amazing job ❤️
Posted it on my page awhile ago ❤️ 
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Always & Forever
✿❀Anonymous said:❀✿
Hi love! I hope you’re doing well. I’d just like to point out that your work is honestly stunning!! I’m literally obsesseddddd🤩🤩 I loved the Shoto “Trust me” one shot and I was wondering if there was a part 2?🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
✧・゚:*Anonymous said:*:・゚✧
Could we have part 2 of Trust Me? The ending is up to you :)
✿❀Anonymous said:❀✿
Why am I cryin' in the club 😭I'm on my knees begging you, please write a fluffy, happy part 2 for Trust me. My heart can't take this angst Btw I love your writing, you're doing an amazing job ❤️
Yes, yes, yes, and thank you!. This had been in my drafts from the start, I just needed the motivation to finish them, but tbh I will always write more for Todoroki smh.
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♡Pairing: Todoroki x reader
-Slight angst
-mentions of shooting/being shot
♡A/n: Ok but I rewrote this like seven times and they all sucked, this one just sucked the least :( It's messy but you don't really have time to be fancy when you nearly just died so it's okay. Don't judge my grammar.
♡Read the first part here.♡
Soft rays of sunlight cast their golden glow across your figure as you rolled out of bed, sighing. You flopped your feet off your bed and felt around for your slippers with half-closed eyes.
It had been four months since you had left Todoroki, and you now officially considered yourself to be "okay".
You walked over to your bathroom, and switched on the light, giving yourself a sleepy smile in the mirror. You reached down, grabbing the handle of a drawer and pulling it out to grab your toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. Squeezing a good amount onto the brush you began to rub it across your teeth, reminiscing in the way you and Shouto used to spend your mornings.
He was always uncharacteristically cocky in the mornings... He'd step out of the shower, which you didn't even know he was in, with a loose towel tied around his waist. You would be brushing your teeth, or washing your face, and he'd lean over to give you a quick peck on the side of your neck, or head.
"Morning Beautiful~"
That cocky grin spread across his face as he grabbed his toothbrush and began to brush his teeth alongside you.
God, you adored that man.
Now you brushed your teeth alone, in your small, self-owned apartment.
You rinsed out your toothbrush, and slipped into some athletic clothes, before swinging your car keys around your index finger as you walked out the door.
You drove to the gym and decided to do some warm-up stretches. As you reached from toe to toe, in a full range of movement you could hear Shouto's voice. He had always insisted on doing your workout routines together...
"Well, I actually wanted to try a Chloe Tinge workout today..."
You quietly huffed to yourself as Shouto's eyes stared into yours, undisturbed by your statement.
"Okay.. go ahead and play the first video."
You sighed.
"Well I mean, your pretty intense. This is kinda...?"
He pulled you over to him, taking your hands in his.
"Sh-shouto.. Yes."
"Yes, what?"
"I dunno, seemed like you were about to propose or something?"
Shouto chuckled softly at 'the audacity', spurring you into a fit of laughter.
You loved how you were one of the few people that could actually get your stone-cold half and half hero to open up.
"I wanted to tell you that I value your opinion."
He resumed, pulling your hands into his again.
"We always do my 'intense' workouts, and you never complain. So I might as well return the favor..."
You laughed to yourself, realizing that you had been daydreaming the entire time you were working out. You grabbed your things, and chugged your water bottle, wiping your mouth as you stepped towards the car. It was time for work.
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You stepped into the hero agency with a smile on your face. Walking over to the front desk you reached for the clipboard and grabbed a pen, clicking it a few times with your thumb. You scanned the sheet of paper for your name and your post for today. Lucky you! You were patrolling the prettiest part of town with Tamaki. He had come to work with your agency recently, and you honestly loved his company. He was one of the 'better ones' among you.
but there was a time when every mission, and every patrol you would go on with Shouto. There had been no duo more dynamic than the two of you. No one could replace him.
Your phone buzzed and you slid it out of your pocket. Your boss was calling..
"Y/n. Shouto Todoroki was shot.."
Your boss rambled on with the details.
Your phone dropped to the floor. Everything was going slow-mo and you could hear the sound of the glass cracking reverberating around the room. You couldn't hear anything your boss was saying. Everything felt like it was coated in a sticky layer of honey. You couldn't move. You couldn't hear. Your vision blurred. But nevertheless, you scrambled to the floor, trying desperately to pick up your phone
"Wh-what hospital is he in?
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
You rushed into the hospital, begging for the room number of your ex-lover.
“What’s your relationship to Shouto?”
“I’m his S/o.”
You nearly choked on your own words, as you lied through gritted teeth.
When you arrived at the room, he was beginning to wake up, the wound had been in his chest, and the operation to remove the bullet performed, he shouldn’t have been alive. But he was.
The first thing he saw as he forced his eyelids open was you. You were wearing your hero costume, and your hair was messy. But you looked like the most beautiful thing on the planet to him.
And your eyes, you were crying. You were crying so hard.
For the first time ever he began to cry with you,  tears poured down his cheeks, glistening in the cold light of the room, and he sniffed.
His tears turned into heart-wrenching sobs, and you immediately ran over to him.
“Shouto, baby. Shhh, shh, shhh, shh, shh. Your gonna be okay. It’s all gonna be okay..”
The words stuck in your throat
“Don-Don’t” *sniff* “Cry it’s gonna be okay!.
You sobbed with him, and wove your fingers into his hair, burying your face in his shoulder.
“Y/n I’m so sorry. I’ve always had to deal with s-stuff on my own, I’m not used to talking.”
The words tumbling from his lips felt unreal, but you listened as they continued. He grabbed your chin and weakly forced you to look at him.
“If I died, without being able t-to say that I loved you one last time...”
He didn’t have to say anything else as you pulled what you could of him into a hug. Finally, Shouto was talking to you, and you both hated yourselves for letting him come so close to his death bed before doing so.
“N-no I’m *sob* I-'m sorry! I shoul-ould’ve been more patient wi-with you. Bab-baby you d-didn’t do a thing!”
You cried into his hair, and he reached for your face with both hands, he couldn’t keep them up for long and you grabbed onto them to support him. He pulled you down into a heartfelt kiss, and as you broke away he smiled.
“C-can you.. Can Y-you ever for-forgive me?”
Your voice came out as all but a whisper.
He pulled your forehead to meet his, reveling in the way the tip of your nose brushed against his. He looked at your tear-stained face realizing that you had never been ‘over’ him. You had ordered him soba, in the middle of a fight, so he wouldn’t have to cook dinner in a bad mood, while you were at the hotel. There was no way he couldn’t forgive you.
“No.. love. Can you forgive me?”
You let out a hushed “Yes.”
“Your, not my child weaponizing father.. and you aren’t my face boiling mother. Your just regular old you. A-and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He sighed.
“Next time, I’ll start the fire. We can sit down and talk, but you’ll have to be patient with me. I’m new to this whole thing.. That is if you’ll have me?”
You smiled as you pressed a kiss to his forehead and brought your face down to look back into his eyes, tears starting to spill down your face again.
“Always and forever.”
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Hi love! I hope you’re doing well. I’d just like to point out that your work is honestly stunning!! I’m literally obsesseddddd🤩🤩 I loved the Shoto “Trust me” one shot and I was wondering if there was a part 2?🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
Ahhh, this is my third ask for this piece! I’m so extremely honored that you think my work is stunning!
(For all of you lovely ppl that want a part two) I’m taking a tiny lil’ bitty hiatus for my birthday week, but once that is over, I’ll get it out of my drafts, I promise! Please Bear with me! :) 
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
heyy could you write with shoto todoroki a scenario where him and his s/o are in a argument (for any reason it's up to you!), things got heat up and he says something that he regrets, like something really mean idk haha i crave for angst this times thank you
Just posted your ask on my page <3
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Trust Me
✦⋆⋇Anonymous said:⋇⋆✦
heyy could you write with shoto todoroki a scenario where him and his s/o are in a argument (for any reason it's up to you!), things got heat up and he says something that he regrets, like something really mean idk haha i crave for angst this times thank you
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Thank you for the request luv! I’m not very experienced when it comes to angst, so i hope it turned out okay!
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⚘ Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x reader
⚘ Warnings: angst
⚘ Summary: Todoroki has trouble displaying his emotions and you just want to comfort him.
⚘ A/n: UmM. I have a hate/love relationship with this fic. Didn't know how to end it.. :/
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
“Y/n, leave.”
“No Shou-”
“Y/n, I don’t need you to solve my problems. I can live without you, and I will deal with myself, myself. Stop being a whiny little brat and go.”
Shouto has these days.
He’ll come home from work, extremely on-edge, and push you away for the rest of the night.
He doesn’t even sleep in the bed, he stays on the couch.
And it breaks your heart, every, single, time.
Whenever you come home in an off mood, Shouto will sit you down, he’ll make some tea, and you’ll chat by the fireplace. He’ll let you just stare off into the flames while you list your problems one, by one. If you need it he’ll draw you into a hug, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, while you sob into his shoulder.
But the problem with Shouto, was that he wasn’t you. He dealt with all his problems on his own, he closed himself off from everyone when he needed a shoulder to cry on. He closed himself off to you. And you were afraid he didn’t trust you, that maybe he never would.
So, as Shouto stomped into your room, and motioned for you to leave so he could have a minute, you decided it was time to put an end to this.
“Shouto, do you.. do you wanna come sit by the fire with me?”
He shot you a look as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt.
“The fire that I’ll have to start? I’ve had a long day love, why don’t you go work on dinner”
“But Shouto..”
You fidgeted with you hands, nervously, leaning your weight on one foot, then the other.
“You know you can talk to me right?”
“You know now is not the time for this, right?”
He moved to the bed to start slipping his shoes off.
“I’m serious, I can’t do this anymore.”
“Neither can I, that’s why you should go.”
“Stop! Stop pushing me out, I want to be there for you! Just let me be your S/o and for once in your life talk to me!” You could hear your voice crack and you desperately tried to hold back your tears.
Shouto gave you and cold look and nodded his head.
“Your raising your voice love, why don’t you go make dinner.”
“This is exactly what I’m talking about! I love you! Don’t you trust me?”
You mentally cursed at yourself as tears began to spill out of your eyes,
“When I come home you always make me talk to you, I don’t get a choice. You need to talk too! To be taken care of!”
“I’m sorry your the weaker one in this relationship.”
“Shouto! being able to bottle up your emotions is not a strength!”
“Being a clingy little leech who can’t go two seconds without suffocating someone isn’t a strength.”
“Shouto just talk to me.”
“Y/n, leave.”
“No Shout-”
“Y/n, I don’t need you to solve my problems. I can live without you, and I will deal with myself, myself. Stop being a whiny little brat and go.”
You sniffled a bit, and grabbed a fresh change of clothes.
“If that’s how you really feel, then I’ll go.”
You dragged yourself to the kitchen, reaching to grab the car keys. Unzipping your purse you dug around for your phone and wallet, just to double check.
“I’m ordering you some cold soba, then i’m going out!”
You ordered the soba and left, tears blurring your vision as you drove to the nearest hotel.
He really didn’t trust you.
When Shouto groggily rubbed at his eyes, and rolled of the couch, he expected you to hear the noise and wake up.
He put his bowl from the night before in the sink, for you to scrub along with your own. But there were no other bowls there.
He couldn’t remember much from the previous night, but he assumed you hadn’t eaten, and where probably hungry. So, he made you some waffles.
He hummed a tune as he whipped up the batter, waffles always made you feel better.
He decided to tie on his ‘kiss the cook’ apron, witch you had given him for his last birthday, to make you smile, and tip-toed over to the room. He opened the door, careful to keep it from making a clicking sound.
“Rise and shin-”
He set the tray of food down when you weren’t in your bed.
He combed through the house, struggling to find you.
“Hey Siri. Where’s Y/n?”
“Y/n, is at a hotel ten miles from here. Would you like directions?”
He tried to call you a few times, but they all went to voice mail. He remembered all the things he had said last night, about being a suffocating leech, about being a whiny little brat.
Thank God for Siri.
You sniffled, burying your face further into the stuffy you had bought at a gas stop last night. You hadn’t been able to sleep a wink.
You where startled out of your thoughts by a man outside your door.
“Ma’am, there’s a pro-hero here to see you. We have to let him in, there may be vital evidence towards his err- investigation in here? I’m sorry.”
You grabbed your stuffy and sprinted into the bathroom, hiding in the corner just as the door unlocked.
You heard it close.
Shouto sighed when he found your hiding spot.
“I’m sorry for all the stuff i said..  None of it’s true.”
You stood up, and the half and half hero pulled you into himself, burying your face in his chest. He rested his head on yours and sighed, as you weakly attempted to pull away.
“sh-Shouto.” You sobbed “I need to comfort y-you!”
“I’m sorry, but right now you need to be comforted.”
You pushed away from his chest slightly, and looked up at him.
“N-no you don’t trus-ust me.”
“I know, I’m working on it.”
“I think we-we need to take a bre-break.”
“From hugging? Sorry, i didn’t mean to suf-”
“No, from us..”
Todoroki backed away. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes.
“Are you sure?”
You sniffed again and rubbed your nose on your sleeve.
“Yeah, I’ll come over to pack some stuff. I just n-need a break.”
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
When He Throws You Over His Shoulder
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✧pairings: Shoto Todoroki x reader
✧Summary: read the title luvs ♡
A/n: So ig I have 'followers' now?? I'm new at all of this, (including the followers thing) and overall i've received a lot more support towards my writing than expected so tysm! Also requests are open! I'm bored! I've got free time! Don't be shy, I don't bite~
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
- Okay, but hunny, Shouto is literally an ice prince, mans is chilll. So what exactly did you do to get yourself thrown over his shoulder like a rag doll? Allow me to set the scene:
-Todoroki's ability to show emotion is close to a rock's, He's not living under one. Shouto knows what Tik Tok is.
-Another thing Shouto is very much aware of, is that you have Tik Tok. You've dragged him into several cute couple trends throughout your relationship, and he 100% supports you.
-HOWEVER shouto does not look through your tik tok, he trusts you, and tbh he's busy planning his next step towards being better than dear old daddy, he doesn't have time for any of that.
-So as you set up your phone for to do a bend and snap tik tok with Ochaco and Mina, YOU EXPECTED for Deku to shield Ochaco, or maybe even to have her thrown over his shoulder.
-Mina had other plans, and had already texted shouto to come grab the water bottle he had forgotten in the lounge area.
-Shouto walked down stairs right as the audio started playing, and you playfully clapped to the music, hyping up Ochaco.
-Poor baby had no idea Deku was the target here, and all that was going through his head was "umm no, that's my S/o not Tik Tok's. That booty is mine."
-Ya'll were bout to get to the part where Ochaco gets her mans, the music going "Look at my-" when your camera was frozen over, and you were turned upside down.
-Oh, you were looking at some ass alright. Watching it flex as the rest of the man carried you upstairs, stealing you away to his room.
-You were folded over Todoroki's shoulder like you weighed nothing, and you could hear Mina cackling in the background.
-"HAVE FUN Y/N!" *wheeze*
-Ochaco, dear, sweet, Ochaco, she was giggling to. To think? Betrayed by both your besties. What a shame..
-Todoroki flung you onto his bed, and collapsed on top of you, encasing you in a, tight, slightly hostile bear hug.
"Okay" *grunt* "I think we need some ground rules for this Tik Tok of yours."
He looked up at you from your stomach, smirking as you tried to wiggle out of his embrace.
"But, Sho! I'm my own person! I can make my own Tik Tokssss!"
He gave you a look.
"Y/n. You signed away all rights to being your own person when you became my S/o. You are mine now witch means-"
He released his hold to flip you over.
"This butt, and these thighs are mine as well."
And then he resumed his hug, his head now on your back.
You gave him a little huff of defiance, and his fingers inched under your shirt.
He gave you an 'i warned you' look and started tickling you until you gave in.
"I underst- *giggle* I understand! Stop!"
You sat up and arranged your hair, attempting to look dignified.
"Look at Mr. stone cold, all fired up over these thighs."
"Only you love~"
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Saturday Afternoons
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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 – 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
█████████ 100%
Pairing: Izuku Midoria x reader
Warnings: none
Sunlight shined in through cracked windows, a soft breeze stirring through the room. The golden rays of light danced across Izuku's groggy form as he curled up, then stretched out reaching for the place where you usually lay cuddled up beside him.
He peeked an eye open as he felt around for you, wanting nothing more then to spend his Saturday afternoon cuddling together. But you weren't in your usual spot beside him. The blankets were warm where you had been sleeping last night and he pulled them to himself, inhaling your scent for a second as he blinked away the sleepiness.
He could vaguely hear the sound of the electric mixer on in the kitchen, and the soft tones of your voice as you read, then re-read a set of instructions to yourself. He sat up, flinging his lower body off the bed.
He slipped his feet into the matching pair of dinosaur slippers you had bought for the two of you last Christmas. His pair was all by itself on the floor, without yours to keep it company and a frown tugged at his lips at the fact that you and your slippers had left them so early on in the day.
Reluctantly, he trudged towards the kitchen with a sigh. He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned over your shoulder to get a peek at the recipe you were chanting, his warm breath fanning across your neck.
"Brownies? For Breakfast?"
You giggled and scooped up a spoonful of the batter, before turning around and squishing his cheeks to open his mouth. You shoved the batter in his face and let go. You watched him taste it thoughtfully, before giving you one of those 'deku is in pure bliss right now' faces.
"So are you saying you don't want my delicious brownies?"
He began flailing his arms around like the more wind he created the more likely you were to forgive him "No! I didn-"
You cut him off, grabbing his hands and standing on your tip-toes to give him a quick peck.
"Then how bout you help me with these?"
his face was tinged pink, but he nodded and started digging around for an 8x8 dish. You grabbed the cooking spray and a spatula, moving the bowl of batter closer to the stove top.
"Can you hold the bowl while I scrape the batter in?"
You sprayed the dish before reaching to scrape the batter out in ribbons. You placed one hand on his and scooted closer to get the last bits of brownie out. Once you finished he set the bowl down.
You searched through a few drawers until you found what you were looking for, and then went to place the brownies in the oven.
"You know you don't have to wear oven mittens if the pan isn't hot.. right? Especially not two of them."
Your face heated up a bit at his calling you out.
"Yeah.. of course i do! Better safe then sorry!"
Izuku chuckled at your response and came up behind you, sliding his arms around your waist while you set a timer for forty-five minutes.
He buried his face on your hair and started walking back to your room without letting go.
"Zuku... I have to clean the kitchen..."
"You can do that in forty five minutes, after the brownies are done. I need cuddles."
His words were muffled by your hair, but you could hear him perfectly.
"No, if the brownie batter hardens in the bowl its gonna be hard to wash ou-"
It was his turn to cut you off as he moved to pick you up bridal style, marveling at the little gasp you let out with the quick switch of positions.
"If it's to hard for you, I'll use a lil' bit of one for all to get it off. Okay?"
He leaned down to give you a quick peck, and you sighed , letting him carry you back to bed.
"That's what i thought."
He dropped you on the bed gently and tucked you in, before squeezing in beside you.
"Alexa, set an alarm for forty five minutes from now" You mumbled
Izuku wrapped his limbs around yours, and buried his face in the crook of your neck. He took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered shut, tickling you a bit.
"I love you."
You sighed, melting into him.
"I love you too."
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
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Kuroo Tetsurō:
when your comfort cat needs some comfort too - your greasy-haired bedhead needs some love.
Kita Shinsuke:
Kita as your boyfriend
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Shoto Todoroki:
♥*♡Motivation♡*♥ - Todoroki offers some fluffy motivation.
Trust me: Todoroki has a hard time expressing his emotions.
I love your smile: Reader has a hard time getting used to braces.
When He makes you breakfast - Shouto lets you in on his secret pancake recipe
Always and forever: Part two to Trust me cuz ig we don't do tragic endings here
When he throws you over his shoulder
Denki Kaminari:
Bakusquad Boys w/a shy S/o
Bakugou Katsuki:
Bakusquad Boys w/a shy S/o
Sero Hanta:
Bakusquad Boys w/a shy S/o
Kirishima Ejiro:
Bakusquad Boys w/a shy S/o
Izuku Mirdoria:
Saturday Afternoons: brownies, and cuddles.
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
Kita Shinsuke As Your Boyfriend
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♡pairing: Kita s. x gn!reader
♡warnings: none
-when he realized he had fallen for you he fell for you again.
-Brought you flowers and some fancy, heart shaped, chocolate filled macaroons (he specifically asked Osamu to make), on a valentines day in a secluded area, He then romantically got on one knee obliviously corny ik and said some cheesy pickup line with the most serious face ever.
-poor baby searched 'how to get your crush to like you on valentine's' and then asked his granny for help. Both sources gave him a list of ridiculous lines to help him grab whatever lady he was after..
"Y/n.. "
"what's up?"
You spun around to see the boy you'd been crushing on for the past year or so, on one knee, bouquet in hand, wearing the most serious face you've ever seen.
"Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you’ve got fine written all over you."
The MOST monotone voice ever
don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh.
(Granny knows if you accept his confession you love him for real)
-Alright so maybe pickup lines haven't been his forte so far? But he absolutely loves when you use cheesy puns on him!
-Quietly laughs at how cute you are when your trying to flirt with him or just joke around, AND IS 100% outa his mind in love with that smile you give him when he receives them well.
-Might not seem like it but he's sooooo clingy. LIKE. SO. CLINGY.
-He also values a good work ethic, so how bout you guys finish up allll the work together, (cuz the thought of working together is so romantic to him <3) and then we can slow dance across the room/have a thirty minute (three hour) long cuddle session.
-If you had to pee or got hungry, then no, you didn't.
-Once he finishes all his work, he's gone, and their's nothing you can do to snap him outa his cuddly split personality.
-likes listening to Spotify playlists of your favorite music while working with you, or just chilling.
-believes in taking care of yourself, so you both walk through your nightly routines side by side. (washing faces, brushing teeth, relaxing baths from time to time, etc.)
-Loves when you come to watch his volleyball games, or come to practice. ESPECIALLY loves when you bring snacks and water bottles for everyone cuz he wants the person he loves to care bout the people he cares about just as much as he does.
-trusts you to shut down any flirting that goes on between you and the team. Atsumu
-Life saver for you clumsy kita simps out there. me
"Did you grab the keys?"
"Your blue shirt is underneath the bathroom sink for some reason."
"Go change,it's going to be cold. Closed toed shoes only."
"The milk goes in the fridge hun, not with the dishes."
*proceeds to save the items you drop, and keeps you from tripping?!*
-goes to visit his grandma during the summer, but the moth before he leaves (if he's not bringing you) you guys go on as many dates as possible, sit around making friendship bracelets with face masks on, complete a month long workout challenge, you name it! It's a ritual, just a month of pure bonding and enjoying yourselves before he leaves.
-Neither of you are leaving the house until you both eat a protein rich breakfast, and brush your teeth afterwards. I don't make the rules. Kita does.
-notices when your sad right off the bat and just hugs you or gives you lots of extra attention until your ready to talk. Tries not to prompt/push you unless it seems absolutely necessary.
-You are his human translator. He spits out the blunt advice, and you water it down. He thanks god for the way you can help him get the point across in sensitive situations without making anyone cry.
-A pretty chill guy. Likes dates such as going to the farmers market, craft conventions, fancy dinner date nights, window shopping downtown, and picnics under the stars. He desperately wants to take you some place like Apple hill or a cat cafe just because.
-him and his granny make homemade mochii and Onigiri with cute lil faces out of the rice on their farm and have it specially delivered so it doesn't melt or anything.
-he has a soft, sorta whiny "boyfriend" voice reserved specifically for you.
-it's tradition to greet each other, and say goodbye with a quick peck on the cheek, lips, forehead, chin, and/or nose from one party or both. If you miss it even once he'll be sorta pouty the rest of the day.
-he remembers the things you say that not even you remember and puts sososo much time and effort into gifts it's ridiculous. And kinda intimidating? How are you supposed to compare your mediocre gifts to his insane AND on point masterpieces?!
- Don't worry he'll cherish anything you give him to inhumane extents
- just imagine spending the summer with him!!!!1
It's been a long day, your waiting on the porch for him, and granny's inside watching frozen for the first time (again). Your hair flying in the wind, as you see a tiny, distant, figure, slowly growing until he stand less then twelve feet away. His shirt tied around his waist, hat hanging off his shoulders bye the string that's supposed to keep it on his head.
He runs over to give you a huge hug, spinning you around in his arms a few times before setting you down gently, and giving you a quick peck, then he takes a fast shower.
You guys cuddle, as you comb his damp hair through with your fingers and tell him about your day, with occasional interjections from grandma. Him being the tired and quiet baby boy he is, just nods sleepily, asks a few questions and traces patterns across your skin as you wait for the dinner to get out of the oven.
-What's not to love?!
-I'm turning this into a full blown fluff fic later.
-BASICALLY he loves you to the moon. Please, PLEASE love him back?
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
My heart went oof-
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sakusa hates the rain.
he despises the fact that he needs to bring an umbrella everywhere he goes whenever the rainy season rolls around.
the way the roads get all muddy and slippery irritates him, and it gets even worse if a tardy passerby decides that it’s a good idea to speedwalk through the puddles on the ground and splash dirty rainwater onto his pants.
sakusa hates the rain, and everyone knows that.
he mumbles out a greeting to you as he takes his shoes off by the door, letting you know that he has come home completely unharmed, save for his shoulder bag that’s partially drenched with water.
“want some tea?” you ask, gesturing at your impressive collection of teabags in the top drawer of your kitchen.
shrugging the damp jacket off his shoulders, sakusa nods, “just the regular oolong, please.”
you hum lightly, urging him to go take a warm shower while you brew him a pot of his favorite tea.
standing by the bathroom door for a little while, sakusa observes the way you sway around in the kitchen, singing out the lyrics of some random love song as if no one else is in the room.
his lips twitch slightly as he shakes his head at your antics, amused. he grabs his towel before entering the shower, wrapping the plush material around his neck.
sakusa hates the rain, or at least that’s what he tells everyone.
Keep reading
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
【When your comfort cat needs some comfort too】
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ˏˋ⋆ ̥   ̣̮ ̥   ͙ʰ͙ᵉ͙ˡ͙ˡ͙ᵒ͙   ̥   ̣̮ ̥ ⋆ˊˎ-
♥*♡Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
♥*♡Warnings: none
♥*♡Synopsis: Kuroo’s having a bad day working from home and you decide to help.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
“Well SOMEBODYS in an off mood to day.” you sighed to the empty apartment.. extra emphasis on somebody.
Yes Kuroo was built.. and yes he was the smartest man you knew.. but he was also the man who had just trash talked the trash can when the bag full of oddly shaped objects had stuck inside of it. When he finally managed to remove the bag he has stormed outside to throw the trash bag in the, and i quote “Loneliest dumpster ever where you won’t have any friends! you can just think about what you’ve done until the garbage truck takes you away to be incinerated or buried inatimate!”
You couldn’t help but inwardly chuckle at the way he took his pent up frustration out on that poor garbage bag as he stomped back in the house and kicked of his sandals, before running upstairs. 
You put down the plate you were washing. “Tetsu, Baby?” you called from the kitchen. You made your way upstairs slowly when he didn’t respond, considering the fact that he might want to be left alone. When you got to the top you knocked on the door frame of your shared bedroom lightly. “Hey, can I come in?”  
You peeked in slightly and noticed him rubbing his temples in concentration, as he mulled over some paperwork on the desk. He looked up his gaze softening slightly as you walked over, “I’m busy honey, five minutes, then i gotta finish this up.” You frowned, Five minutes was barely enough time for anything..
Moving over to the bed you sat down, patting at the seat beside you with one hand, and opening the other for a hug. Your giant cat/manbaby set a timer before flopping into your arms. 
You ran your fingers through his oily hair as you cradled his head against your tummy. “Awww is my baby having a bad day?” He hummed a muffled “mhm” into your shirt. “Does my baby need a cuddle break from his stressfull work?” you cooed. Another “mhm.” you smiled as he hugged around your waist tighter. “I’ts okay baby. It’s all going to be okay. You just keep working hard and I’ll make you some yummy grilled, salted, mackerel pie. Does that sound okay?” This time you were answered by a muffled sob.
“Y/n, what did I even do to deserve you!?” the pressure had been too much and he just caved as you stroked his hair and offered his favorite food free of charge. He only cried for about a minute, around sixty seconds, but he cried aggressively and it coated your clean shirt in snot and drool almost instantly.
“Shhh, shh baby. I know work’s hard.. and life’s hard.. But I’m always gonna be here for you. Your gonna make it through this. Your gonna be okay.” He sniffled a bit. 
You sat there for another minute or so before the timer went off, and then a few more after that before you finally got up. “Babyyyyy!” He groaned a you slid out of his grip. You smirked “Aww c’mon! I have a mackerel pie to get started on! You can’t hold that against me! AND you have to get back to work” He perked up a bit with the mention of pie, but was still pretty huffy as he walked back to his desk, and you laughed as you left the room.
Halfway down the stairs you paused. “And hey Tetsurou!” A few seconds passed before you heard a “Yes Y/n?”   “I want you to put that trash bag back with it’s friends after your done. It wasn’t very nice to bully him just because you were frustrated.” you heard him let out a deep laugh before a “Yes ma’am. I’m extremely sorry ma’am!”  “Make sure you apologize to him too!” You both nearly died of laughter. When he could finally breathe again he let out a shaky. “Yes ma’am.”  
The perfect example of a boy who deserves some mackerel pie.
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thiccchurro · 4 years ago
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Feel free to message me or request something after reading my RULES
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-Welcome to my blog
- You can call me Cherri »» I prefer she/they
- I currently write for Bnha, kny, fire force and haikyuu!
-My DMs are always open for anyone who might need/want to vent to me or chat with me. 
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