most unstable girl you know: i need to get a masters degree
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did you imagine your own tragic death a lot as a child or are you normal
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I'm addicted to my ancient coin though lmfao yes I always have that ancient coin on my person🤣🤣🤣 &&yes it speaks to me in the serpants tongue
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oh come on man youre just being paranoid no ones ever died from anything
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Animated scrap metal figures by Guillermo Galetti
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on this day one year ago someone sewed a fried egg to a tshirt
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if mangoes didnt have the pit inside of them they would have to invent a new 8th deadly sin to describe the way i act around them because greed gluttony and lust wouldn't even Begin to cover the heinous depraved things i would do if there wasn't a piece of wood lurking inside to humble me
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"dont smoke around your pets" okay well i dont even smoke im asthmatic. my dog smokes bc she needs to fucking chill sometimes and Yeah i light them for her Obviously bc she cant use a lighter. i dont get anyrhing out of this arrangment and i resent the implication. in fact shes giving ME secondhand smoke. so my question is why are you so hateful and jugemental and acting like an asshole to me making presumptions and shit about my life.
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just born and suck on berry
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genuinely thought that the “t” in “tgirl” meant “testosterone” when i first saw the term and i was like “hell yeah girls with the ‘rone… kinda awesome”
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omfg i forgot that i never showed tumblr my greatest achievement. my pride and joy, my pi-ass de résistance
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not now, im noticing the pattern
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Large men... i love large men.
Weather it be fat men or muscular men, i love them.
real as fuck everyone in the world rb
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