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"I really didn't mean to start anything, maybe I should just go—" 
"Shut up or I'll bite you."
Send me “Shut up or I’ll bite you.” to see my muses reaction.
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"I don’t… really know what to say to that…You’ll bite me?”
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It took Emily to actually render the abibility to speak, she let out a short breath before replying. "Yeah I'm fine why?" She asked softly, she was still in a daze from what had just happened. 
Emily couldn’t believe that she had actually said that, it was a side of her that she didn’t too often. She was usually to shy and soft spoken but something had overcome her. She could feel her facing heating up in a blush as he brushed the piece of hair out of her face.
As he leaned in so did she, until their faces were inches apart. She pressed her lips to his softly and slowly. She couldn’t believe this was happening. This was Stiles, the boy she has had a crush on since before she could remember. Now they were kissing, she could have died right there.
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"Not a single girl?                 Wow. "
Madison let out a breath looking around and wondering how long they had all been here. It seemed like everyone had lived here there whole lives, working together peacefully, not even doubting why they couldn't remember a thing.
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"Guess I don't have to worry about competition then, huh?"
She said jokingly, with a smirk and  laughing at herself. She was trying to lighten the solem mood that there seemed to be about everything.
     Newt gestured for her to follow him, and proceeded to walk towards the Homestead. He eyed her attentively, surprised that it was finally a girl that had arrived in the Box, when there had only been boys so far    but there was no point in trying to figure out what WICKED was planning with all of this, so he figured it was best not to scare the girl off with his questions.
                        ”No girls here, Gre   Madison. You’re the first one.”
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Emily smiled up at the taller boy. The fact that she was talking to her soulmate was still nerve racking but it was beginning to fade. If they were soul mates that meant they were made to be together. It didn't mean that him and Lydia were ment to be together or him and this act that she put up for many people. Just them. Who they really were, not anyone else.
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"That sounds amazing, I'm starving." She confessed when he asked to get something to eat. She looked behind him and could have sworn she saw something move but ignored it. He must've been right about them listening to their entire conversation, sounded like something they would do. "Should we go before they" She paused, gesturing to behind him, "decide to join us?" She laughed lightly, her less shy side already breaking out, something that didn't happen often.
Stiles put his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet. “The meeting’s pretty much over, I think they’d understand if I left now. Hell they’ve probably been listening to what we’ve been saying since I came out here.” Fucking bastards. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “So, if you want we could just go grab something to eat if you want? My treat?” He offered.
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He tried not too seem as nervous and terrified as he actually was. One day, this girl could probably be his wife. He didn’t want to screw up what was probably one of his only chances to have that relationship with someone. Don’t be awkward. Act normal. Pretend you’re talking to a regular girl not your soulmate that may be your only chance at happiness in the future. Stiles cleared his throat, “So… yeah.��� Shit.
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    ❝Unless you have food, go away.❞
                  (  Yup, it’s one of those weekends.                     The ones where he wants to stuff                     his face with food and well.. cuddle. )
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"Well them I am in luck."
                     [Madison gestured to the plastic bag full                       of snacks she had brought over, having                       raided the pantry at her house. Scott was                       going to kill her when she got home but                       that didn't matter right now.] 
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"Oh why don't we just call Liam, I'm sure he could help me out on that last one" Madison said with a cocky grin and a wink, regaining her arrogant attitude. Madison stood up straight focusing on her anger, trying to think of everything that had ever gotten her frustrated. It wasn't very hard. She tried to focus that all into the extension of her hand, trying to throw it all into an extension of her body, claws. She let out a breath as she flicked out her wrist. There, at the end of each finger was a wolf's claw. "Scott!" She yelled as she gestured her hand to him.
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"Getting angry, at first. But then after a while all you have to is kind of concentrate on it. Kind of like when the mutants in X-Men discovered their abilities, they learned to control them by learning what triggers it emotionally. You’ll shift when you’re anger, stressed, sometimes scared, or if you are making out with someone," Scott said a little teasingly on the last one. 
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[Emily smiled lightly, biting her lip as they began to dance. She wasn't as bad as she thought she was. She rester her head on his shoulder lightly. She was so nervous that her heart was pounding rapidly but at the same time she felt relaxed being so close. After awhile the song came to a close, she lifted her head and pulled away from him.]
"Thank you—for that." 
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[Stiles smiled, though he was still a bit nervous it was starting to fade a bit.]
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"Don’t worry about it. At least we’ll both be bad at dancing… that way neither of us has to feel bad."
[He tried to reassure her, keeping in mind not to step on her feet. As he looked around a bit at the other people dancing Stiles considered pulling her closer but decided that was a bad idea. This distance was safe but still considered close.]
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Madison nodded slowly, thinking about what he was saying, trying hard to imagine it. She tried to listen in on Scotts heartbeat, she wasn't very good at any of this yet and had no idea how to trigger these things. She looked up at her brother curiously, "So if that's how I stop it...how do I trigger the shift? Like when I want to wolf-out." 
"Well, if you feel yourself getting out of control, like you’re beginning to shift focus on your anchor until you’re calm again. IF they are nearby focus on the sound of their voice or their heartbeat or if it’s not a person just think about how calm you feel when you are doing whatever it is," Scott said smiling. He knew Derek tried to teach him to use the anger as a means of control but that never went well for Scott.
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When you see it, REBLOG IT
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
If you ever want to talk: My Tumblr ask is always open.
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Semi Hiatus Notice.
As you may (or may not) Have noticed I haven't been around in quite a few days.  It is simply because I am in school and drowning in school work. So I am deciding to take a small break because I am getting very stressed! This doesn't mean that I will never be on here, I just means I will be on here a whole lot less and most likely on weekends! Thank you for understanding!
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You know that I want to be best friends with all of you, right? You want an RP best friend? I’m over here. Want an OTP partner? Hi hello let me show you my credentials. A shoulder to cry on? I provide shoulder and cheering up services.
That plot you have circling your brain? I want it too. I have lots of love to spread and share-                                  now I just need people to accept it.
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Plot # 32: Unteachable (submitted by dauntlessxdaredevil)
Muse A and Muse B meet one night at the carnival that comes to town every year before school starts. They hit it off well—maybe they kiss, maybe more. They exchange numbers and agree to go out sometime—there was undeniable chemistry that they both wanted to explore. All of that comes crashing down when Muse A, who is a senior in high school, walks into class on the first day and finds Muse B sitting behind the teachers desk. How will they cope with the discovery that a relationship would be illegal? Will Muse B break it off before it goes any farther? Will Muse A be disgusted and beg to switch classes? Or will they work something out, both knowing that, if caught, Muse B will lose their job, and Muse A will be expelled—or worse?
Inspiration from Unteachable by Leah Raeder
Optional tweak: Muse A is a college student and Muse B is a professor.  
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My muse is pushing themselves too hard, and is at risk of collapsing. How does your muse get them to relax?
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Emily's eyes fell to the floor as he mentioned Lydia. "Yeah, can you even imagines telling a banshee that sister is dying."  She said sombrely, running a hand though her hair. She couldn't imagine loosing it from the treatment. When she found out she was shocked, it seemed like such a big change compared to what they had become used to here in Beacon Hills. It was so ordinary and real. 
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∫ for my muse’s reaction to finding out that yours is terminally ill
Stiles inhaled sharply as soon as the words left Emily’s mouth.  She couldn’t be terminally ill.  So much shit happened in this town all the time, and he couldn’t believe that now they had to deal with this too.  It was so simple, so ordinary compared to all of the supernatural happenings that were usually their biggest worries.  
"You can’t..I mean..there’s no cure for that.. How?” he whispered, wiping at his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie.  ”Does Lydia know already?”  He assumed that she did, but he knew that he should ask anyway.
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                        even when you    FALL APART
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