I'm not American. I'm from the Carribean and my father was born in Ireland. I come from both a creole and Irish background. Now I live in Canada.
Not American in the slightest.
White people with dreadlocks who screamĀ ā€œthe Celts had locksā€ every time you get called out. Stop. Just stop.
Iā€™m mixed race and a Celt so here I am to tell you that Celtic people do not traditionally wear locks. Any Celt in the Isles today could tell you that. Most Celts living in North America could tell you that. Most Creole people who are Celtic could tell you that.Ā 
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See this? This is called plaiting. Itā€™s a type of braiding. THIS is the Celtic and Nordic style that ancient Romans mistook for dreadlocks because they were Colonial Imperialists who didnā€™t see or care about the differences between the cultures they wereĀ ā€œconquering.ā€
If you are Celtic, Nordic or trying to emulate Celtic cultureĀ (which is a discussion for another day) and you have dreadlocks all that says to me is that you donā€™t care about or respect those differences either.
I apologize on behalf of Celts with locks and random white people with locks who try to make this excuse. I can only hope correcting them might make a bit of a difference.
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Like first peeps, your kids can't "get" autism. It's not catching.
Second, even if they could as a person on the spectrum I would personally rather be alive than NT and dead, thanks!
Yeah see just saw a post about the importance of vaccines that ended in ableist speech, I knew this was exactly the problem.
Our efforts to convince anti vaxxers are never going to be effective until we stop with the ableism. ā€œVaccines donā€™t cause autism dw youā€™re safe from the sad people living with autism and their families uwuā€ isnā€™t fucking helping.
The entire problem is that antivaxers would rather their children be dead than be autistic or otherwise disabled. Lets talk about that, keep talking about that, and focus on it otherwise weā€™re going to get nowhere tackling this issue.
(Allistics reblog this without making dumb comments challenge)
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ā€œI like people who crave adventure as much I do,ā€ you date says, their eyes beaming. Your date is the most beautiful person youā€™ve ever met. In a panic, you grab your phone and order a taxi to Washington. Your plan - a nice little tour of the White House, overthrow the Pentagon and the government and win your dateā€™s heart.
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I hate how whenever there are children of a mixed race couple in media that dark skinned or white skinned kids are always not related to the parent with a different skin colour from them. They're usually step children or adopted etc etc.
It supports this idea that mixed race people should look a particular way. Which, if you are mixed race or have every met more than a single mixed race person you know is not at all true.
We're not all light-skinned with straight hair etc etc.
We don't jave to look like the perfect halway point of our parent's race to be percieved as their bioligical children.
This wouldn't be such a big deal for me if these portrayals didn't have real world consequences. Because media portrays mixed race people as needing to look a certain way society gaslighted me as a child into thinking I was adopted or being lied to about my father. That sucked. Imagine being six years old and coming home crying because you heard your friends' moms whispering about how your father couldn't really be your father. Imagine being bombarded with comments like that so often that you have to ask your own parents if they're lying to you because you're a child and you don't understand why people say these things otherwise. You don't understand that your friends parents are racist yet. You have to learn that slowly and painfully until you can't stand to be around some perfectly nice kids anymore.
Worse, imagine strangers grabbing you and pulling you away from your father in the street and the store all the God damn time because that brown man is clearly not this little girl's parent.
People have a clear perception of what a mixed race child "should" look like partly because of our prtrayal in the mainstream and, as a result, if you differ from it in any way you and your family are invalidated and punished.
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Challenge accepted. Give me a bit.
A Yuri on Ice fanfiction concept Iā€™m never gonna write so I might as well share it with you here
Ten years ago, Victor sold his soul for all the wins and gold medals. But he knows that the contract ends soon, and the hellhounds are coming to get himā€¦ (Yuuri can be the hunter who saved him or idk)
So kinda Supernatural AU although not necessarily, if you like it feel free to write (just tag me in the post) šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„
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Did you just...bury the gay???
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Since I haven't seen anyone else here say it...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mexico and all the Mexican response workers here for their assistance with the Canadian wildfires in Ontario. Thank You!
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Banana Fish
As much as I love everything I'm seeing from it right now I feel like there's going to be another group yelling about how "they're just bros"
Honestly, I had enough of that with Yuri!!! On Ice. Can we just skip that part of the discussion this time? Please?
I hope we can since there's a pre-existing manga that's surely already been debated.
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I have watched said video by Mother's Basement and I can confirm it is in fact about Thanos' place as the central protagonist in the structure of the film.
The idea is that with a cast containing so many heroes it would be very easy for the story to lose focus. As such the singular villain is centric to the film as protagonist instead of the multitude of heroes in order to stream-line the film.
It's a very good analysis and I encourage anyone interested in story telling from a creative or analytical point of view to check it out.
Of course, none of that solves the issue of the messaging in this film. A work can be both structurally impressive and worth studying while also being worthy of harsh analysis and criticism of its ethical implications.
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Me: slightly above average weight girl with severe anemia looking for recovery tips and inspiration in the anemia tags
Proana: but what about getting even more anemic!?
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Hey! I have a question about plating. I have always loved seeing that kind of braid in beards, is that something that was normally done? I'm not 100% certain I have any Nordic blood in me (My family says I do but I haven't had any genealogy done), is it considered disrespectful to wear those if you aren't of that descent?
Honestly, not disrespectful in the slightest in my opinion. The truth is that many European cultures followed similar braiding traditions.
Besides that, the reason some hairstyles, specifically dreads as discussed before, are a problem is because white people in dreads are taking advantage of a style that Black folks can actually face discrimination for wearing. Celtic folks are very unlikely to be discriminated against based on their braids and plaiting. The double standard is the true issue and that simply does not exust in this particular instance.
This is the rule of thumb I usually use: Imagine a person of the original culture goes to work with the style youā€™re thinking of wearing. Would they be at risk of facing reprecussions for properly expressing their culture? If so, best to stay away. If not itā€™s a case-by-case basis but usually Iā€™d consider it harmless.
Of course, thatā€™s just my opinion. I obviously donā€™t speak for everyone.
EDIT: In regards to beards, yes! That was very common among Celtic men. Iā€™ve heard uy was among Nordic men as well but they are seperate cultures and Iā€™m not an academic authority on Nordic traditions.In ancient Celtic law men were not considered adults until they were able to grow a thick, full beard. This lead to many odd instances in stories where grown 30-something men were still legally children because of hairless genes but also meant that beard braiding was a symbol of pride. Dying, braiding and decorating beards means youā€™re a capable adult man and active member of your community.
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1) The fact you've got Celt ancestry (Scottish or Irish or whatever) doesn't make you an expert on the history of those populations. 2) Also, dreads is literally a thing our hair can do. We're still free to do whatever we want with our bodies, or...? 3) African people don't care about this BS. Please don't mistake some African-American activists going batshit insane as 'what all PoC want'.
Hi! These are all very good arguments but they are based in a few misconceptions.I've studied Latin, the history of Eurasian imperialism and Celtic languages for years. That pretains to both independant studies using language resources and linguistic and historical studies in my University. My initial interest in the subject is rooted in my heritage but my base for knowledge is very much more academic that anything else.The fact is that Rome had a bias about hair. Long hair and long beards (particularly on men) were seen as unclean. Thereby, when they invaded a territory - such as the Celtic regions of Western Europe of the Nations of Northern Africa - they would often point to certain hairstyles being symbolic of barbarism. They always used the same phrase "hair like snakes" to describe nearly every style so as to keep their propoganda consistant in imagery. This lead to mistranslations in more recent times that lead historians to believe that all the cultures referred to were wearing the same hairstyle. Cross referencing with less biased more in depth accounts, however, reveals that the mistake. Celts plaited. I'm not saying your hair can't do that. I'm saying that if you want to wear dreads, someone calls you out and you cite Celtic culture as a reasoning for you to wear them you are factually wrong. Wear them. Don't wear them. My personal feelings matter way less than fact. The fact is that if you're white and you wear dreads it because of your personal taste and has nothing at all to do with any european culture or history. Claiming such is misleading. Also, my interest in cultural appropriation is not American-centric. For one, I'm Canadian. A minor detail but we have a very different history with it's own different prejudices and inequalities. Second of all, my family is creole from Trinidad and Tobago. When I speak about my own racial experience it's from a mixed race, Carribean-centric, immigrant point of view. I honestly know jack shit about wtf happens in America and American movements. Seems weird though. Don't really want to touch that subject.
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Give land back to the Natives you stole from, European thug terrorist Neanderthal.
So, Iā€™m not sure what anon is trying to accomplish by sending me this but I have 3 guesses. Iā€™m going to list them in order of probability:
1) They are trolling.
2) They are being sarcastic because I have been vocal about my opinions on certain remnants of imperialism in the past and they want to point out the ways I benefit from imperialism in the modern day myself. (A topic I ponder often but this is the least intelligent way I have ever seen that thought process framed.)
3) They legitimately believe the 20-something, mixed race daughter of immigrants has the authority to end thousands of years of imperial and colonial based discrimimation that culminated in the theft of Indigenous land across the globe.
Listed below you will find the responses to each:
1) Hello to you too! (Iā€™m assuming this is troll for hello. I havenā€™t brushed up on my trollish language skills recently though so correct me if Iā€™m wrong.)
2) Iā€™m aware of the irony that the same imperial systems that captured and enslaved three quarters of my family was perpetrated by the elite factions of the other quarter of my familyā€™s country. Itā€™s kind of a sore subject for me, actually. I am the product of evil. Great!
3) You are quite the optimist, arenā€™t you?
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Passing privelege is hard to discuss though. I mean, the white majority definitely has a racial bias towards people who can pass as white. On the other hand, is it a privelege to have your identity forcibly removed by the white majority?
It operates as a privelege that must be acknowldeged and a form of erasure and discrimination that must be rectified all at once.
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This is something that comes up time and time again like clockwork.Hereā€™s aā€just the factsā€ post.
Racists LOVE this tired old saw. The problem is that itā€™s complete and utter bullshit, it always HAS been, and IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF REALITY.
Caucasian students receive more than three-quarters (76%) of all institutional merit-based scholarship and grant funding, even though they represent less than two-thirds (62%) of the student population. Caucasian students are 40% more likely to win private scholarships than minority students. These statistics demonstrate that, as a whole, private sector scholarship programs tend to perpetuate historical inequities in the distribution of scholarships according to race.
-The Distribution of Grants and Scholarships by Race
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It debunks the race myth, which claims that minority students receive more than their fair share of scholarships. The reality is that minority students are less likely to win private scholarships or receive merit-based institutional grants than Caucasian students. Among undergraduate students enrolled full-time/full-year in Bachelorā€™s degree programs at four-year colleges and universities, minority students represent about a third of applicants but slightly more than a quarter of private scholarship recipients. Caucasian students receive more than three-quarters (76%) of all institutional merit-based scholarship and grant funding, even though they represent less than two-thirds (62%) of the student population. Caucasian students are 40% more likely to win private scholarships than minority students.
Scholarships Go Disproportionately To White Students
White Students More Likely To Win Scholarships
White students get Minority Scholarships
Texas State Offers Scholarship EXCLUSIVELY FOR WHITE PEOPLE
One Million dollarsā€™ Worth of White ā€œEthnicā€ Scholarships Donā€™t Trouble Student Group Protesting ā€œMinority Scholarships
B-b-but what about the ā€œEvilsā€ Of Affirmative Action in Higher Education??? Oh yeah, WHITE MEN ARE THE #1 BENEFICIARIES OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
So stop saying this shit. youā€™re just plain fucking WRONG. Also, racist.
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Floral Chapter 2 - Victuuri Regency AU
Chapter 2 has been taking waaaaaaay to long and I haven't updated mh writing for even longer. So here, have a piece of Chapter early!
. . .
Distance was a subject with which Victor Nikiforov had familiarized himself intimately over the years. He would often write home to his relations that it was a side effect of being an adventurous creature. This wasnā€™t at all a lie. In his travels heā€™d been acquainted with many such people and found them altogether very distant in both mind and matter. However, despite the implication of this sentiment disclosed in his writings Victor was not, in fact, an adventurous creature. He was a fearful one.
He often imagined himself to be a kindred spirit to the stag. They were proud animals: regal, imposing, graceful, lustful. Symbols of potency, strength and leadership. Victor fancied himself all of these things. Yet stags were still, at the core, deer. They were prey, as timid and as wary as any doe might be. The young Nikiforov heir had no illusions about the truth of those traits and their applicability to his own character.
Distance was a tool he used - an effective tool if years of survival and general contentment were any indication. Just as the great, beastly stags in the Russian wilderness kept long paces between themselves and a hunter, Victor measured his distance from all those who might harm him with equal care. The potential for such hurt created a long list, one Victor filled with the names of all persons to whom he associated. All but one.
Yuuri Katsuki, Victor spelled his name on blank parchment for what seemed like the thousandth time. Somehow it was never quite right; the stroke of his hand could not form letters that might do his lover justice. No matter, Victor tried again: My Dearest Yuuri Katsuki, My Darling Yuuri Katsuki, My Sweet Yuuri Katsuki. None rang true enough to that overflowing emotion which Victor felt for him. Victor tried again, again, and again. Each time he failed once more, crumpling the offending paper in his hand, marking his palms and fingers with unsightly stains of ink.
ā€œDonā€™t frown so, cousin,ā€ Mila said to him. The young woman had come to visit him at the family's Parisian residence. She had brought along her brother and sworn up and down that it was so that she might relieve herself of the ache Victorā€™s absence left in her heart. Victor suspected her fondness of Paris and resulting eagerness to expose her brother - an austere, unhappy young fellow who went by Yuri - to its culture was a more pressing motivation. ā€œIt leaves me in terrible pain to see my handsome cousin ruin himself so with an ugly frown.ā€
ā€œYour concern is touching. Truly.ā€ Victorā€™s brow creased as he refocused his attention onto the dissatisfying address heā€™d managed to put together. ā€œI shall take it under advisement.ā€
ā€œWhat is it that could make you frown, I wonder,ā€ Yuri said, entirely unsympathetic.
Turning in his chair, resting his arm over the ornate backing of the furniture, Victor could see his young cousins draping themselves lazily on his sofas. Mila lay on her back, arms stretched above her head like one of the grecian models from Mr. Giacometti's collection of classical paintings. Yuri, equally as comfortable but possessing far less grace, sat upside down. His legs rested where oneā€™s back should be, and his head dangled where oneā€™s feet should be. The word childish came to mind but at 15-years of age Yuri was expected to conduct himself in such ways to some extent. He was at the precipice of childhood, staring into the chasm of manhood. Victor had behaved no differently at that tender age. He could not expect Yuri to greet the dark pit of adult decorum with enthusiasm when he had spent so long clinging to youthful freedoms himself.
There was a trust between Victor and the Plisetsky-Babicheva siblings. It had been established long ago when Yuri was nothing but a toddling babe and Mila a child. Victor had been about Yuriā€™s age and the children had seen him as an all-knowing beacon of wisdom. He described to them parties they could not attend, drinks they could not yet sip, conversations they found themselves ushered away from. As such, Victor longed to answer Yuriā€™s interest honestly - as he had so many years prior - but found himself unable to.
The Plisetsky-Babicheva siblings were a centerpiece of the Nikiforov family. The passing of their fathers - first Mr. Babicheva and then their mother's second husband, Mr. Plisetsky - and their motherā€™s resulting grief had made life difficult for the young family. Mila, Yuri and their broken-hearted mother found themselves in the care of Victorā€™s and their own mutual grandfather. With such a tragic start to their lives and their status as the youngest children in the Nikiforov familyā€™s many branches, they found themselves cherished. Doted on, if you will. With such close emotional proximity to the family Victor had to take caution with the details of his life he shared. The image of a stag came to him once more; even with all the love he bore them, these two were still a reluctant threat. The nature of his feelings for Yuuri Katsuki would not be a detail he shared today.
ā€œWhen I was in England for the season I made a connection with one Yuuri Katsuki of Japan,ā€ Victor said. ā€œHe was in the midst of studying medicine of the western variety at Oxford. Heā€™s brilliant and a sparkling conversationalist; I enjoyed our little exchanges.ā€
ā€œThis Mr. Katsuki--ā€ Mila began, before she was quickly corrected by her eldest cousin Ā on the status of the man in question. ā€œDr. Katsuki sounds like an impressive gentleman. Is he committed?ā€
One could only hope so. There were no ties - legal or social - to bind one man to another in any broadly recognized fashion. But emotion and physicality was an entirely different bond. Victor felt these bonds now. They prickled at his skin, made him itch with anxieties and joys in equal measure. The scent of fresh grass, the rhythm of poetry, the whisper of sensation where flesh once touched flesh, these were the things that bound Victor willingly to Yuuri. They were the feelings he wished his love to reciprocate.
With that Victor knew exactly what to write.
ā€œDr. Katsuki has a very eager prospect who has made their intentions towards him known,ā€ Victor answered with a practiced smile. He turned back towards his writing, the chair legs rattling against the wood flooring as he shuffled closer to his desk. ā€œI have already thrown my support behind this match and wished luck to the would-be partner. Iā€™ll not have you wooing Dr. Katsuki away.ā€
Yuri Plisetsky laughed - a laugh more jovial than Victor had heard from him in weeks - at the ladyā€™s rejection. ā€œDonā€™t frown so, sister. It pains me to see my pretty sister ruin herself with so ugly a frownā€
ā€œYurochka,ā€ she sighed, swinging his legs over the edge of her cushioned perch and standing. ā€œPlease do be quiet.ā€
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the most adorable shit i have ever seen
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Ice Adolescence!!!
It's using melancholic Russian film aesthetic and I'm happy
Just happy
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