"We get into a lot of trouble, don't we, brother?"
47 posts
"The name is Thrask. If you're looking for a fight, you've come to the wrong place. But now, if a stiff drink is what you seek, I wouldn't mind if you sat next to us. Beware Meneos, though, he's incredibly boring." - Thrask Vandana
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thevandanatwins · 10 years ago
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The 69th gif in your folder is your muse's reaction to being approached for causal sex
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
Ask me to explain why a character has certain ticks/quirks/habits
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
Leave ↓ for a strange fact about the Mun
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
"Is that Castian I hear calling us?" Thrask bellowed back, only a few meters from the Altmer now. Once under the protection of the tree, the twins removed the sacks from atop their heads. The two were smiling, though anyone who didn't know Meneos would think his face was neutral. 
The two sat down beside Castian, looking his direction.
"Never thought I'd see you stranded in the rain," Thrask smirked, showing off his teeth as his brow quirked playfully. 
"Unfortunate. But good to see you," Meneos quietly added, feeling it truly unsavory that not only him and his brother had to endure this rain like this. It was a shame, in his opinion. Though, he didn't mind seeing a friendly face. They were lucky that they didn't meet someone rude and/or possibly dangerous.
"Yes, quite unfortunate for my hair," Thrask frowned, looking up and taking some of his locks in his fingers. Damp. Ugh, how disappointing. 
Let it Fall [Castian | Meneos and Thrask]
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
ღ [Either of them!]
"Perhaps I shall... Reward you with a kiss, then?" Thrask practically cooed by Castian's ear, quietly as he smirked and took his hand to the Altmer's jaw. He planted a firm kiss on Castian's lips, Thrask's own placed just below the other mer's nose, just catching his top lip. When he removed himself, the smirk on his face was still present and growing, as if proud of himself and his clever choice of "reward" when it was really more of a self-indulgent action.
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
"I blame you for this, Meneos. Why did you want to leave Riften again? Sheesh, you chose a terrible day, brother. I'm dreading to see my hair when we get out of this," A voice not far away complained. It belonged to a bosmer, who was standing next to another bosmer of similar height and stature. They held sacks over their heads, appearing to look for some place to hide themselves away for a while until the rain subsided. "Every day is overcast. How was I supposed to know?" The other voice mumbled more as a statement than a question. The two were walking along a path down a small hill, traveling to follow up on a rumor of treasure hidden in Whiterun when they got caught in the rain. They were too far to head back to Riften, and not too close to any other towns. They'd have to seek some natural shelter. There were some trees nearby, but none seemed terribly helpful except for one, and Thrask could swear he saw a figure under one. "Oh... Hey. Meneos, look. There's a fellow under that tree. Let's check it out. If he's there, maybe that tree shall make nice enough shelter," Thrask spoke up, directing them in that area before waiting for Meneos to respond. Meneos followed diligently, as they didn't have much of a choice anyway.
Let it Fall [Meneos and Thrask | Castian]
Castian cursed quietly, hood pulled up as he huddled under the tree, staring angrily at the rain. He shouldn’t have expected anything else from skyrim. It could go from sunny to hailing in the span of a few hours.
But getting caught in the rain still sucks.
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
send me a ღ for a kiss from my muse
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
Send me "How do you live with yourself?" and my character will be forced to confess one of their insecurities.
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
Character development time! Give me some interesting questions about my character and I will answer.
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey.
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
"Good afternoon, Meneos," Keerava greeted the bosmer as he sat down at the counter by her. It was night time, and the Bee was rather full, save for a few seats here and there. The counter was mostly empty, however, so that is where Meneos took his seat. He gave Keerava an acknowledging, thankful...
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
Guess my character's romantic weaknesses.
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
Ask my muse lots of questions! Silly ones, serious ones, stupid ones...let your curiosity get the better of you!
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
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[Castian from askcastian in palette 88 in pose 7B. Just the top half of 7B though because I actually wanted to finish it
this was fun! I hope you like it.
He looks so annoyed about something xD]
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
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So to those that might not get many asks or just dont know what pose they might want to do here is the Palette-Pose Maker!!
Palette: [x] Poses: a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h
And I think it goes without saying that if you get a number+letter that dont exist pick again!
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thevandanatwins · 11 years ago
[How does one become active in this community. What is my life. ? ;-;]
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