thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Thank you!
So I’ve just come back from holiday and I’ve gone from 50 add followers to 107! Thank you😁😁 keep the requests coming!
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
So I’m going on holiday for the next 2 weeks so won’t be able to write any new imagines but in the mean time please keep requesting😁 I’ve also decided that I’m going to start writing for Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield too! So send in some scenarios or choose some numbers from my prompt list😊 also check out some of my other imagines on my masterlist!
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Comforting | Reece Bibby
 You were sat at home absentmindedly scrolling through your phone whilst a TV show was playing in the background. You were scrolling through Instagram and Twitter, noticing some fans had posted some photos of them with Blake, George and Reece as they had just landed in Heathrow Airport after being away in America for so long. You smiled as you scrolled through, you were so proud of the boys for how far they had come and you actually missed them quite a lot.
A few hours had passed since and heard a knock at your door, you hesitantly climbed out of your bed and went over to the door to open it. You instantly smiled again as you saw the blonde-haired boy in front of you, he pulled you in for a hug and you hugged him back for what felt like forever.
‘I’ve missed you so much’ Reece said after you both pulled away
‘I’ve missed you too’ you replied and let him through the door. You went upstairs to switch off the TV and to grab your phone and headed downstairs to see Reece in your kitchen and you went and sat down on your sofa. You tried not to listen to the conversation but it sounded like Reece was arguing with someone on the other end of the phone.
‘I don’t care, she’s my best friend and you know that’ you head Reece shout. Almost straight away you could tell he was on the phone to his girlfriend, the one that, despite you trying your best to get along with, didn’t like you at all, simply because you were Reece’s best friend and a girl.
You switched on the TV to try and drown out the conversation on the other side of the wall. A few moments later Reece walked in and sat next to you.
‘You alright, Reece’ you looked at him sympathetically.
‘Yeah, yeah, I’m fine’ he didn’t look at you and just kept scrolling through Netflix to see what you both could watch. You didn’t bother to question him further as you didn’t want to see him upset.
The night was filled with you both watching Netflix, catching up and pizza. You also took some selfies and uploaded them to your Instagram stories and Twitter, both of you commenting on how you missed each other. You laughed at some of the replies and saw that a lot of fans reposted the photos onto their own Instagram and Twitter accounts which made you smile.
It was getting late and Reece received another phone call and left the room, you rolled your eyes as you could probably guess who was on the other end. You continued watching whatever was on the TV, again to drown out the noise. There was a silent bit in what you were watching and all you could hear was Reece practically screaming down the phone.
‘She’s my best friend and I don’t give a shit what you think! We’re over’ and with that Reece ended the call and walked back in to the living room, you had already paused the TV and just stared at Reece who looked more angry than upset. You stood up and embraced him with a hug.
No words were needed. He just wanted his best friend to comfort him. And you were right there for him.
 A/N: requested by @simplyklaris sorry it took so long, I’ve had a busy week! Keep the requests coming in 😊 if anyone wants a part 2 let me know!
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Reece Bibby
Friend of a Friend
Sick Day
Best Friends
Brad Simpson
Make Up
Drunken Nights
Embarrassment | Part 2
George Smith
Unexpected Romance
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Embarrassment Part 2 | Brad Simpson
 Part 1
 A few days had passed since the embarrassment of everyone knowing you had feelings for Brad. Connor had apologised not realising that Brad wasn’t supposed to tell anyone and you forgave him, laughing it off. You were sat watching TV when you heard the door bell ring, you threw the blanket you were wrapped in off and went to the door. You opened the door and when realising who it was you tried to shut the door but the person waiting the other side was too quick and held the door with his hand.
‘Brad, I don’t have time for this’ you groaned and he let himself in. Brad walked into the living room and you followed him, he sat down on the sofa and so did you.
‘So…’ he said and you just continued to watch the TV, trying to ignore him. ‘Look, I know you’re trying to ignore me but I’m sorry. I didn’t realise how much it would affect you.’ You sighed and carried on watching the TV, trying to not let any tears fall. ‘I’m sorry that-‘
‘If you were sorry you wouldn’t have done it, Brad’ you cut him off and paused the TV. ‘If you were sorry you wouldn’t have embarrassed me like that and if you were really sorry you wouldn’t have-‘ Brad decided it was his turn to cut you off by pressing his lips to yours and putting his hands around your waist. You both pulled away and stared at each other.
‘Y/N, I really am sorry and I mean it’ he cupped your face in his hands and stroked your cheek. You were so mesmerised by his eyes that all the cares in the world just seemed to disappear. ‘I didn’t know what to say because I was scared that if it didn’t work out then I’d lose you and I didn’t want that to happen, you mean a lot to me.’ you smiled and nodded your head as you understood what he said. ‘But, if you want to, we could see how things go and if it gets a bit much or it doesn’t work out then we need to promise each other that we’ll still remain friends no matter what’ you nodded again.
‘I’d like that’ you smiled again and lay in his arms whilst choosing something else to watch. Brad kissed the top of your head and helped you pick.
 A/N: sorry that it’s so short but here’s part 2!
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Unexpected Romance| George Smith
Requested by: @frenxhflowxr
Can you do an imagine where y/n is Blake’s sister and touring with new hope club and gets close to one of the boys during tour, but after a month or two of touring she leaves for a month to work on her own music (she’s a popular singer too) then she comes back and the guy asks her out. George or Reece would be fine, can you pick? Xx
 You were excited to finally join New Hope Club on tour as their support act. Blake, your brother, had asked you if you would a few months back and you couldn’t believe the day had arrived. You spent months and months rehearsing with your band, choosing the right songs that you’d hope the crowd would enjoy, including a cover or two.
You finished putting the rest of your stuff in a suitcase when Blake entered the room. ‘You ready, Y/N?’ he asked with a suitcase in his hand. You looked around the room to see if you had forgotten anything.
‘Yeah, think I’ve got everything’ you smiled and headed downstairs to say your goodbyes to your parents. You all hugged each other and then you and Blake proceeded to head outside with your suitcases and guitars. You were greeted by the tour bus driver who helped you load everything on to the tour bus. You both jumped on the bus and Reece, George, Joe, Tanner and Ben were already sat waiting for you.
‘Hey!’ Reece shouted and hugged you both. ‘Are you excited to join us?’ Reece asked and you nodded.
‘Literally so excited, I can’t wait to see places I’ve never seen before’ you smiled and sat next to George.
After a couple of hours of playing FIFA and sing-a-longs, you finally made it to the first venue of the tour. You all hopped out of the bus and made your way inside.
You all waited in the dressing room for the stage and equipment to be set up. Everyone was chatting to each other and you found yourself talking to George. You had always been quite fond of George; he was quiet but actually really funny sometimes.
‘I’m actually really nervous for tonight for some reason’ you laughed.
‘Don’t be, Y/N. You’re great and the crowd will love you’ George smiled at you, reassuring you that everything would be okay and that you’d be fine. You smiled back and carried on with a different conversation, you’d never really talked to George much but it was nice to get to know him a bit more and you’d hoped that it would continue throughout the rest of the tour.
A week or so had passed since the first date of the tour and you were really enjoying it, you had made some inside jokes with Reece that eventually annoyed Blake a lot, Ben was giving you some photography advice and overall you were having a lot of fun. You were led in your bunk just daydreaming when you were snapped out of your thoughts by George walking into the bedroom area.
‘Hey, Y/N, I was thinking… did you want to spend the afternoon just watching films, since we’ve got a day off and the weather is rubbish’ he laughed and you smiled back.
‘Yeah, sure. That sounds like fun’ you got out of your bed and you both walked towards the living area. You both sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on, you flicked through Netflix to try and find something to watch. ‘What about Spider-man: Homecoming’ you asked George.
‘I didn’t know you were into that sort of stuff’ George replied looking at you.
‘Oh yeah, I love Marvel films. Plus, Tom Holland is rather fit’ you laughed and he just jokingly rolled his eyes. It amazed George that he found out little things about you everyday that he never knew before, despite you being his best friend’s sister and it made him like you just that bit more.
A month later and your time on the tour had finished. You had the best time visiting different places and playing so many different venues, but you had to go back to the studio to start writing recording some songs for your new album and there was definitely going to be a collaboration with New Hope Club on there.
You all had a few days off before the boys started their shows in America which consisted of more FIFA, watching films and pizza, but the time had come when the boys had to fly over to LA. You decided to go with them to the airport to say goodbye, you hugged Reece first, it was short but meaningful. Next you hugged Blake; it was a bit longer since he was your brother. ‘Try not to miss me too much’ he said as you both pulled away and you rolled your eyes. Next you hugged George, the hug was a lot longer and you felt like out of the three of them you’d miss him the most. You both had gotten so close over the past 2 months and you were practically joined at the hip, it was going to be weird not having that all the time. You almost felt like you had fallen for him but you didn’t want to say anything because you knew that you’d have to come home at some point whilst they carried on with their tour. You watched them head off to security and then you decided to go back home.
Another month had passed and you were sitting in the recording studio having just spend hours mixing a song that you had recorded earlier, trying to make sure it sounded good. You were scrolling through your Instagram when you noticed that fans were reposting some photos from when you were on tour with captions like ‘I miss Y/N being on tour with them!’ and ‘Bring Y/N back on tour’ this made you smile and tears started welling in your eyes because you missed them all a lot. You always made sure to watch videos of the boys performing and it made you smile when you saw fans reacting to the fact you had liked some videos.
You had a look through the tour dates as you couldn’t remember them all off the top of your head a saw that the last one was in two days, you made a quick decision and booked flights. You rang Joe to tell him that you be flying over but not to tell the boys because you wanted to surprise them.
Soon enough you were getting off the plane in LA, making sure you had your hood up and sunglasses covering your eyes so that no one would recognise you and ruin the surprise. You decided to surprise them after the show so you could watch the show without them knowing you were there. You were in your hotel room when Bailee, Blake’s girlfriend, texted you to say you were clear to come downstairs. You walked to the lobby and saw Bailee and some of her friends there.
‘I’ve missed you so much’ Bailee said as she hugged you.
‘I’ve missed you too’ you smiled and pulled away from the hug, you were so glad that Blake found someone that made him happy. You all walked out of the hotel and into a taxi to the venue, still making sure not to be seen so it wouldn’t ruin the surprise.
You watched the show and was still mesmerised by it as if it was the first time you had seen them live, you danced and sang all the words to every song. You had also put some Instagram stories up with Bailee and her friends and even took some photos with some fans since you knew the boys wouldn’t have their phones. It got to the last song and you headed backstage to wait for them when they came off stage. You waited nervously in the dressing room.
The boys came off stage and straight to the dressing room, all of them stopping dead in their tracks when they saw you stood there smiling back at them. ‘Surprise?’ you held your arms up and laughed at them looking speechless. They ran over to you and you found yourself in a massive group hug. You all pulled away and sat on the sofa, catching up on what had happened over the past month. After a few minutes the crew and management came in to congratulate the boys on the show and soon the atmosphere was filled with talking and laughter. You were sat talking to one of Bailee’s friends when you felt a tap on your arm, you turned around and George was stood there smiling and you smiled back. You excused yourself and you both walked out of the room to talk.
‘I’ve missed you’ George said.
‘I’ve missed you all too, its actually been really weird without you all for the past month’ you laughed and George frowned slightly and you noticed this, ‘what’s up’ you asked him and stepped closer so you were in front of him.
‘I was kind of hoping you had said you missed me too, not just the others’ he looked away and you put your hand on his forearms.
‘Of course I’ve missed you too, watching Spider-man just isn’t the same without you’ you said and he chuckled.
George took a deep breath and then held your hands and you looked a bit confused. ‘I’m glad you’re here because I’ve been wanting to ask you something for a while. Ever since the start of the tour we’ve gotten really close, and I tried not to but I started falling for you. But then you left and I was going to tell you then but I was afraid you’d reject me because we’d both be apart for a while or that you just didn’t like me at all. Anyway, I don’t care now because I’m just going to ask you. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?’ you smiled at everything he said, you knew you had some sort of feelings for George but you weren’t quite sure what it was until now.
‘Yes, of course I will’ you smiled back and hugged him for what felt like forever.
A/N: hope you enjoyed this one! If you’d like to request anything, I have a prompt list or you can choose any scenario.
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Embarrassment | Brad Simpson
Requested by: @gamechanging97
Prompts: 10 and 11
 You had been invited by your best friend Brad to a few of his band’s shows in the UK. You had just finished your final year at university so it was nice to be able to take a break before graduation. You were sat near the stage at the venue listening to the boys soundcheck, they started playing your favourite song and you smiled and sang along.
You had been friends with Brad since school and pretty much grew up with each other until you turned 18 and you had to move away because of university. You loved Birmingham but wanted to go elsewhere to give you new experiences, Brad was sad to see you leave but was so proud of you for following your dreams. Throughout your three years at university you were always teased by your friends to try and find a boyfriend but you knew there was only one person for you and that was Brad.
They had finished their final song at sound check and Brad walked off the stage and towards you, smiling.
‘That was amazing’ you smiled back and gave him a hug when he had reached you.
‘That was only a soundcheck. Wait until later’ he laughed.
‘I know, but it was still so good’. You both walked towards the changing room area and you chatted about your day, you complaining about how delayed the train was and Brad complaining about how early he had to get up.
You both reached the dressing room and found that there was no body there. You both sat on the couch and put the TV on, continuing with your previous conversation. You couldn’t help but smile every time Brad spoke, you were just so proud of his achievements.
‘Brad…’ you started to say something but stopped yourself.
‘What?’ he replied.
‘Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry about’ you looked at the TV hoping Brad wouldn’t say anything else.
‘You’re my best friend. You can tell me anything’ Brad looked at you with honesty. You wanted to tell him how you felt but you didn’t know how he’d take it, the least you wanted to happen was for him to reject you and then the rest of the tour would just be awkward. You looked at him and then took a deep breath.
‘Okay. This might sound stupid and don’t laugh but… ever since we met, we’ve been really close and the best of friends. Well, when I went away to university, it made me realise that maybe there’s something more between us and I just don’t know… but yeah’ you sort of rambled on at him. There was a silence for a moment and Brad was trying to contemplate what you had just said.
‘Y/N, we’re best friends, and I’m away a lot. I don’t know if I can be that committed to you or anyone’ Brad looked at you and you nodded.
‘Okay, that’s fair. Just forget I said anything, but don’t say anything to the boys’ you tried to laugh but the awkwardness had already filled the air. The rest of the boys entered the room and you smiled at them, you decided to leave the room to let them get ready and took a wander around the venue. You let your thoughts wander until you bumped into Kirstie and Lucie.
‘Hey, Y/N! The show’s going to start soon, do you want to join us and get a drink before it starts’ Lucie said.
‘Oh yeah, that sounds great’ you smiled and followed the girls to the VIP area to get a drink and to join the rest of the boys’ families to wait for the show to start.
To say that you enjoyed the show was an understatement, you thought that they got better every time you saw them. You were singing and dancing to every song, just living in the moment with no cares.
You all walked backstage to congratulate the boys on such an amazing show. There was a great atmosphere in the air as all the families were talking to each other and the boys, you were talking to Natalie, Brad’s sister, when Brad made his way over to you. You pulled him in for a hug as he said ‘I wouldn’t do that, I’m a bit sweaty’ you both laughed and heard a wolf whistle from across the room. You pulled away from the hug and slightly blushed.
‘When are you two getting together then?’ Connor asked ‘since Y/N likes Brad a lot’ he laughed and you felt everyone’s eyes on yours. You had never felt so embarrassed before and decided to leave the room, you kept walking down the hall until you reached a different room. You sat down on a chair and out your head in your hands, you felt so stupid, you knew you shouldn’t have told Brad. But you thought you could trust him; he was meant to be your best friend after all.
Moments later Brad walked into the room and sat next to you.
‘Y/N I-’ Brad started talking but you cut him off.
‘I told you not to tell anyone, Brad’ you took your head out of your hands and looked at him dead on in the eyes.
‘I know but-‘
‘But what?’
‘They’re my best friends’
‘I’m your best friend too. I told you not to tell and you did. I felt so embarrassed, Brad’ you felt tears rolling down your face. ‘I just don’t know if I can trust you ever again. I kept that to myself for so long and the minute that I tell you, you go and tell the boys and then that happens’ you get up to leave the room with tears down your face. ‘Just don’t talk to me anymore’.
 A/N: ooooooh. Thinking of doing a part 2? Let me know what you think!
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
if you’d like to request an imagine just message me! I’ve got a prompts list which you can view in my description or you can choose a scenario😊
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Drunken Nights | Brad Simpson
Requested by: @gamechanging97
Prompts: 2 and 12
 Brad Simpson had always been a flirt, and you knew that. Being his best friend was fun because you got to travel to some parts of the world you had never been to and other times it was hard to watch him flirt with other girls because you knew you liked him more than a friend. Today was George from New Hope Club’s birthday and he invited you all out for a night out in London, you were excited but dreading it because of how Brad sometimes acts on nights out.
It was 5pm and you decided to start getting ready as pre-drinks started at 7pm at Brad and Tristan’s flat. You rummaged through your wardrobe to find something suitable to wear, something that would catch Brad’s eye but not to short or skimpy. You pulled out a red dress that was just above the knee, slightly low cut and had sleeves that were lace. You started putting makeup on that would suit the dress and curled your Y/H/C hair. It was 6.45pm and you checked yourself in the mirror to make sure everything was right. You wanted Brad to notice you and only you. You walked down the stairs of your flat to be greeted by Kirstie and James who both complimented you on your look and you all got in a taxi to Brad and Tristan’s.
You arrived at the flat and could hear music before you entered through the door. You were greeted by Tristan who led you through to the kitchen and living space where you saw George, Blake, Reece, Connor, Lucie, Joe, Dean, Tanner and a few other crew members that you had recognised whilst going to see the Vamps on tour. You headed straight towards George to wish him a happy birthday.
‘Happy Birthday, George!’ you smiled and hugged him.
Y/N! Thank you so much, you look great’ you smiled back and went to join Kirstie and Lucie and got a drink. You kept looking around to see where Brad was but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
‘Looking for lover boy?’ Kirstie asked and laughed. Her and Lucie were the only ones who knew about your secret crush on Brad as you had blurted it out once at a drunken sleepover. You rolled your eyes and laughed back. You carried on with the conversation you had before when you heard a familiar voice
‘Party can start now I’m here’ everyone turned around to see Brad and laughed. ‘Happy Birthday George!’ he said and held up his drink and everyone followed, raising a toast. You looked at him in his tight fitted shirt and jeans which made you slightly flustered. You didn’t realise how long you had been staring until Lucie snapped you out of your thoughts.
‘Y/N! Stop staring’ she giggled and you turned back around to face the two girls.
It was 10.30pm and you were all starting the feel the effect of alcohol take over so decided that it was the best time to head out into town.
Once you had arrived you and a few others made a B-line for the bar to grab more drinks and down a few shots. You immediately started to feel fuzzy as the alcohol took over and headed over to the dance floor with the girls and Reece, Blake and George.
In the corner Brad noticed you getting close to Blake whilst dancing and he couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous. He always thought that if he flirted with other girls that it would somehow get your attention, but this time he felt that he needed to do something else to get your attention so that you wouldn’t end up with Blake. He downed a couple of drinks for extra encouragement and headed over to your group.
You noticed Brad walking towards your group and started feeling a bit nervous when you saw he was just looking at you. He grabbed your hand and walked you over to another booth, away from the group. You looked behind you at the others and they just smiled with encouragement as you started to feel more nervous.
‘You look amazing’ Brad said, rather close to your face. He smelt strongly of alcohol so you weren’t sure whether he meant it or whether it was him being drunk. Your hand was still in his and you began to blush slightly.
‘Y-you look great too’ you stuttered, unsure whether it was because of the alcohol or whether it was because you felt nervous around him and had never seen him be this close to you.
‘If I make a move are you down with that?’ Brad asked and before you could reply he smashed his lips onto yours, his hands finding your waist as yours went to the back of his neck. The kiss lasted a while before you both pulled away and looked at each other. You slowly realised that you shouldn’t have done it, what if it ruined the friendship? What if he’s only doing it because he’s drunk? You grabbed your bag and ran to the toilets, Lucie and Kirstie followed you.
‘Y/N, what’s wrong? Didn’t you want that to happen?’ Lucie asked you, you had tears streaming down your face which slightly ruined your makeup.
‘I don’t know, it’s exactly what I wanted. But I just… I just feel like he’s only doing it because he’s drunk and what if he wakes up and it’s just a mistake to him’ you replied as Kirstie and Lucie helped you tidy up your makeup and make you feel better. ‘I think I’m going to go home’ you said and you all left the toilets. Waiting outside the toilets was Brad and you tried to avoid him but he took your hand and led you outside so that he could talk to you properly without having to shout over the music. The fresh air felt good and you both found a spot where you both could talk.
‘I’m sorry if that was too much. Probably not the best place to do it’ Brad said and you realised he had sobered up a little.
‘It’s okay, I think I was just a little shocked and being drunk didn’t help’ you managed to laugh a bit.
‘Man, it’s boiling out here’ Brad began to take his shirt off and your eyes widened.
‘Put your shirt back on!’ you giggled as Brad pulled his shirt back down. He looked at you and smiled.
‘Well maybe I can take it off later at mine’ he winked at you and grabbed your hand. You just laughed again and blushed slightly. You started heading back over to the club as you didn’t want to ruin George’s night by going home early. Brad stopped you just outside of the of the club, ‘Y/N, I really like you. I mean it, I’m not saying it because I’m half cut.’ You giggled at his comment, ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ you smiled.
‘I might just take you up on that offer’ he grabbed your hand and you both headed back into the club.
A/N: if you’d like to request anything there’s a prompts list in my description, you can pick up to 3 numbers and any New Hope Club/Vamps boys.
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Make Up | Brad Simpson
Requested by: @lostinrealityof-unreal
Prompts: 15, 31, 38
 You had been best friends with James McVey ever since you were little, and now that he was in a band, that meant you went to most of their concerts. You got on with all of his bandmates, except for one. Brad Simpson. For some reason the both of you could never get on and would always bicker and argue until one of you gave in. He thought you were rather uptight and snobbish whilst you on the other hand thought he was vain and an attention seeker. The day had come when the Vamps were playing at the 02 Arena in London, a special day as they were the only band to have played at that venue 5 years in a row.
It was early morning and the tour buses arrived at the arena which included the Vamps Boys, New Hope Club, Joe, the tour crew and yourself. You decided that you’d be useful and help carry some equipment into the venue. You waited by the bus that was carrying the equipment to see what you were able to take it. One of the crew members passed you a few small boxes that were heavy but weren’t too heavy that you’d end up dropping them.
‘I wouldn’t give them to her’ you heard someone speak behind you. ‘She might drop them’ you instantly turned around to see Brad smirking at you, you rolled your eyes and then carried on walking to the venue. You had been to every Vamps concert that they held here but every time you walked in you were mesmerised at how big the arena was and proud of the boys for being able to do this.
You walked over to the crew and placed the boxes down so that they could begin setting up. You pretty much knew the venue off by heart so you went for a wander around.
You found yourself at one of the dressing rooms and went in to sit down. Moments later someone walked in. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ Brad asked.
‘I was just having a wander around the place, what’s so bad about that?’ you frowned.
‘Why are you even here? Nobody wants you here, James is probably only still your friend because he feels sorry for you’ he smirked again and you stood up, tears brewing in your eyes.
‘Don’t you dare say that! I’ve known James a lot longer than you have and I’m pretty sure he would have said something a long time ago if that was true. Why are you always picking on me? Everytime that I’m near you, you just have to nit pick and make fun of everything that I do. I’ve had enough’ the tears had started streaming down your face. You had put up with it for so long but something inside you burst and you couldn’t keep it in anymore. Brad just stared at you. ‘Was it worth it? Bullying me every second that you could just to get a reaction from me?’ your voice had quietened down. You decided to grab your bags and head out of the venue.
You passed James and Connor on the way out, wiping your tears. James looked at Connor with concern and ran after you. You headed straight for the tour buses as you could see some fans lingering outside the venue and you didn’t want them to notice your tears. You found your bunk bed and curled up crying to yourself. Moments later someone opened the curtains to your bunk and sat down on the floor next to you. You slowly moved and was happy to see James there.
‘I’m so sorry about Brad. I really don’t know why he’s always picking on you constantly, he’s never like that around the rest of us’ James said calmly.
‘I don’t either, I don’t know whether it’s something I said in the past or what’ you were trying to think of something which had made Brad dislike you. Suddenly you heard someone else walk up the steps and you dropped your head as soon as you saw who it was.
‘I’ll leave you both in peace. Just don’t kill each other’ James left and there was an awkward silence for a while.
‘Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-‘
‘Well you clearly aren’t if you said it’ you cut him off. ‘Why do you hate me?’
‘I don’t hate you. I never have’ Brad replied.
‘Then why are you always mean to me? I don’t get it?’ tears started forming in your eyes again and you breathed in to try and stop them, you had already cried in front of him and you didn’t want to do it again.
‘Because… because I like you’ Brad blurted out and your eyes widened in shock. ‘I always have and, I know it sounds stupid but when you talk it keeps getting harder. I want to tell you but you get so frustrated with me that I feel like it’s not the best time to say it, and then the arguing gets worse and I just think that you’d never like me back’ Brad poured his heart out to you and you still sat there in shock. Brad grabbed your hand and you hesitantly kept your hand in his.
‘I just… I really don’t know what to say. I’ve kind of always like you too, from the moment I met you. But all we’ve done is argue so I didn’t think you liked me back’ the tears had stopped and you sat next to Brad on the floor.
‘Y/N, I know this might be a strange thing to say since all we’ve done is argue for the past 6 years but, will you be my girlfriend? You don’t have to say yes straight away or we can see how things go without putting a label on it but I just really like you’ you started smiling slightly, it was weird seeing this side of Brad and you like it.
‘I think we just need to see how it goes, if that’s okay?’ you replied.
‘That’s more than okay’ he smiled back and you decided to head back to the arena so the boys could start sound checking. As soon as you got inside the venue Brad intertwined his hand with yours and smiled at you. You both reached the boys who had their guitars in hand and Tristan was already sat up by the drumkit. James and Connor both looked your hands and then to each other rather confused.
‘I guess we kind of made up’ Brad answered before they could ask any questions. He gave you a kiss on the cheek before heading towards the stage and you went to sit down on a seat near the stage so you could watch the boys.
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Reece Bibby
Friend of a Friend
Sick Day
Best Friends
Brad Simpson
Make Up
Drunken Nights
Embarrassment | Part 2
George Smith
Unexpected Romance
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
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Best Friends | Reece Bibby
 Requested by: @newvampsclub
Prompts: 5, 27 and 40
 The rain poured heavily as you looked out of the window, you sighed knowing that you wouldn’t be able to go out anywhere fun. Your best friend Reece had just come home from touring and you’d hoped that you would be able to go and enjoy the day. Just you and him. You two had been best friends since school and had watched him grow through the X Factor and then onto joining a new band. It was hard for you because you barely saw him, and when you did, you couldn’t help but fall a bit more for him. You didn’t want to tell him how you feel because you didn’t want to risk losing an amazing friendship but you couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if you were together.
The sound of a doorbell snapped you out of your thoughts and you walked downstairs to the door. You opened the door to the familiar face you had hoped to see and a massive smile grew on your face. ‘Reece!’ you immediately threw your arms around him and he pulled you in for a tight hug. ‘What are you doing here?’ you asked.
‘Well, I looked at the crappy weather and decided that I would come here to see my best friend’ he smiled and you smiled back. Reece took his hoodie off and before he could hang it up you took it off and put it on.
‘Hey, can’t you afford your own hoodie?’ he laughed as you stood there with it on.
‘I’m cold, leave me be. Plus, it smells like you and I haven’t seen you in a while’ you blushed and stood awkwardly. You both walked into the living room and put Netflix on and Reece brought out a load of snacks from a bad that he had brought with him.
You skipped through a load of films and TV shows until you came across ‘Isn’t It Romantic’ and decided to put that on.
The film finished and you turned to Reece, ‘I don’t get why people would date their best friend, you know, what if something happens and then you lose the friendship’ you were lying through your teeth but wanted to see what Reece’s opinion on it was.
‘Well, this is awkward’ Reece replied and you looked at him confused. ‘I mean, what if it does work out and it’s the best thing that happens to you?’ you sat there in an awkward silence unsure of what to say next. ‘Y/N, I’ve liked you for a while and I just didn’t know what or how to say it. I was worried that because I’m away a lot that you wouldn’t want to be with-‘ you cut him off by kissing him. Your hands went to his hair and his hands found your waist. It was probably the best feeling you had experienced, knowing that Reece liked you back.
You pulled away and sat there smiling, ‘well, I guess I like you too’.
‘Y/N, I know I’ll be going back on tour soon and you don’t have to say anything right away but, will you be my girlfriend’ Reece asked and your smile grew bigger.
‘Yes’ you replied and Reece gave you a peck on the lips.
‘Come here and cuddle me’ Reece said as he put his arm around you and you cuddled into him, choosing another film to watch.
If you’d like to request anything there’s a prompt list or you can request anything. Just message me with what you’d like and one of the New Hope Club/Vamps boys.
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Prompt List
So I’ve decided to make a prompt list to help me write some new imagines!
Pick any number you’d like - up to 3 if you want and chose any of the NHC/Vamps Boys.
1. ‘I wish I could tell you...’
2. ‘Put your shirt back on!’
3. ‘You look nice in that’
4. ‘Is it a bad time to tell you I love you?’
5. ‘Can’t you afford your own hoodie?’
6. ‘I don’t know why but she’s my type’
7. ‘I’ll only say it if you say it back’
8. ‘This was a mistake’
9. ‘Would’ve told you, you looked beautiful instead of you look nice’
10. ‘You’re my best friend. You can tell me anything’
11. ‘Just don’t talk to me anymore’
12. ‘If I make a move are you down with that’
13. ‘I talk a lot of shit when I’m drinking’
14. ‘Of all the lies I heard, I love you was my favourite’
15. ‘I don’t hate you. I never did’
16. ‘You’re mine and I don’t share’
17. ‘Even when it hurts I’m holding onto your love’
18. ‘Can you forgive me?’
19. ‘It was a mistake’
20. ‘Forget what your father says’
21. ‘Every time I look at you I just don’t care’
22. ‘We don’t need permission to love’
23. ‘Maybe you want to know, what goes around comes back around’
24. ‘And if I’m honest, a second date with you is all I want’
25. ‘I’m not leaving until you listen’
26. ‘How can I love you if you can’t live yourself?’
27. ‘Come here and cuddle me’
28. ‘I’m sorry’
29. ‘Do you regret it?’
30. ‘I hope you found the one that you’re happy with, whoever he is’
31. ‘When you talk it keeps getting harder’
32. ‘I miss you’
33. ‘I love you’
34. ‘I want to be with you forever’
35. ‘I don’t know if I can do this any more’
36. ‘Personally, I think you’d be better with somebody like me’
37. ‘My head doesn’t feel so bright, what the hell happened last night’
38. ‘Was it worth it?’
39. ‘I’ve always been here for you’
40. ‘This is awkward’
Songs - you can request an imagine based on any of these songs.
Personal - The Vamps
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - Taylor Swift
Ghost of You - 5SOS
Friend of a Friend - New Hope Club
All the Lies - The Vamps
Better Man - 5SOS
You and Me - Niall Horan
I Like Me Better - Lauv
Fixed - New Hope Club
Too Much To Ask - Niall Horan
Forget What Your Father Says - The Vamps
Whoever He Is - New Hope Club
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
I’m So Tired - Lauv
Middle of the Night - The Vamps
Missing You - The Vamps
Last Kiss - Taylor Swift
Barcelona - Ed Sheeran
Pictures of Us - The Vamps
Love Again - New Hope Club
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
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Sick Day | Reece Bibby
 You woke up in a cold sweat and looked around at the bed in front of you, the duvet was messy and piled up towards the bottom of your bed. Two of your pillows had managed to fall of the floor and your head was spinning. You managed to prop yourself up and quickly checked your phone, the brightness stinging your eyes. The time read 1.37pm and you realised you had 8 missed calls and 6. texts from your boyfriend Reece.
Reece: Good morning x
Reece: You awake? X
Reece: Are you free today? X
Reece: the boys and I have a day off if you want to do anything? X
Reece: Hello? Y/N
Reece: call me when you’re awake x
 You muttered a curse word and phoned Reece.
‘Hello?’ as soon as you spoke your throat hurt and you coughed.
‘Y/N! I was so worried! Are you okay? Your voice sounds weird’ Reece worried.
‘Well, I’ve only just woken up and I feel awful, I’m just going to stay in today if that’s okay,’ you coughed again.
‘I’m coming over then, don’t want my beautiful girl all on her own’ Reece replied and you half smiled.
‘Reece, you’ll get sick too’
‘Don’t care, I’ll be over soon’ and with that Reece had hung up. You decided it might be best to get a shower and change out of your sweaty pyjamas. As soon as you had gotten out of the shower and into a pair of grey joggers and a loose t-shirt, you heard the door bell ring, you slowly trudged over to the door and opened it to see Reece who gave you a massive hug as soon as he saw you.
‘Are you okay, babe?’ Reece had a concerned look on his face.
‘I think I’ve got laryngitis; my head is spinning and my throat is so swollen and itchy. I can barely move my body with out it hurting and I…’ you started tearing up because you were in so much pain. Reece put his arms around you again and held you tight.
‘Well, it’s a good thing I’m here to cuddle you and it’s also a good thing that I brought snacks and medicine’ he held up a massive bag full of food and snacks. You smiled at him and hugged into his chest.
You both went into your room and put Netflix on, you took some paracetamol to help with the headaches. After sipping some water, you snuggled into Reece who had put his arm around you whilst flicking through to see what you both could watch. After failing to find something to watch, Reece decided to sing for you as you loved his angelic voice; ‘tell me, have I lost my mind again? I get the feeling you might feel the same, tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again, and even though we're in this crowded room I'm feeling like there's no one else but you, tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again’ he sang to you softly. Once he had finished the song, he looked down at you and you had fallen asleep.
‘I love you, Y/N’ he said and lightly kissed your forehead.
 A/N: requested by @simplyklaris
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
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Friend of a Friend | Reece Bibby
 ‘C’mon Y/N, it’ll be fun’ your best friend was trying to convince you to come out after a stressful day. ‘You never know, you may just meet someone’ she laughed.
You decided that you didn’t really need much convincing and started to get ready for the night ahead. You wore a short fitting black dress and let your Y/C/H fall into curls, some simple makeup and a pair of black heels. You heard the taxi pull up outside and walked down to your two best friends who were waiting downstairs.
The taxi pulled up in front of the club and all you could hear was music booming and loud laughs from drunk people outside. It always baffled you how people could get that drunk at 10pm. You queued outside for a couple of minutes before being greeted by security who quickly checked your ID and then let you inside. You looked inside and all you could see was blaring, colourful lights, people dancing closely together and other taking shots. You all decided to go straight to the bar to get some drinks.
‘Y/B/F/N! Hey!’ you looked over to where the voice was and you thought the world had stopped. There stood was a tall, gorgeous, blonde boy with two of his friends.
‘Reece! Hey!’ you all ditched the bar and walked over to where the group of boys were. Your friend introduced you to them and you soon learned that they were Reece, Blake and George from New Hope Club. The entire time that you were stood there you couldn’t keep your eyes off Reece and inevitably, he couldn’t keep his eyes off yours.
After you had all gotten drinks from the bar, you started walking over to a booth but before you could sit down Reece whispered to you ‘follow me’, you turned around and he grabbed your hand and lead you towards the dance floor. You looked behind and your friends, including the boys gave you reassuring smiles.
You and Reece ended up in the middle of the dance floor and you both started dancing, rather awkwardly.
‘So, you’re Y/N, right?’ you nodded. ‘Yeah, Y/B/F/N has talked about you a lot. I always wanted to meet you, but never found the time’ he chuckled and you blushed slightly.
‘Yeah, I remember her vaguely talking about being friends with someone in a band, but I didn’t know it was you! I love New Hope Club’ you smiled.
‘Do you want to go out sometime? Just me and you? Without all the loud music and lots of people?’ he said and you laughed.
‘Yeah! I’d love to’ you smiled.
 A/N: so this is my first imagine! Hope you all enjoyed it. REQUESTS ARE OPEN 😊
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
So I’ve decided to start writing some New Hope Club/The Vamps imagines!
Requests are open so just message with a boy and a scenario and I’ll do my best👍😊
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