The Valiant Reticent
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Someday it will all pay off.
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thevaliantreticent · 7 years ago
23 and still sappy...
There's that moment in life where you'd really like to do something you'd probably regret, but then you do it anyway, so here's mine: I've heard that birthdays means being a step closer to your grave (well technically it does)... Ever since then, aside from the mandatory cake (I mean HBD greeting aren't a big deal to me, but not having cake's like saying don't celebrate at all!) I've thought birthdays are no big deal. You get gifts, you eat out, and that's it nothing special.  Especially if you're born on the 13th of August (and your birthday happens to land on a Friday), everyone thinks the day is cursed you can't help but feel that maybe you are too.
(that was the intro) This year I finally felt like I never wanted it to come. I did not want to just be reminded of my existence, I never did. Lately, I feel like I've taken too much crap from a lot of people, letting everyone walk all over me, and life has kept throwing rocks at me. A week before our birthday, (happened to be born on the same week, my bad luck must have rubbed off on him), one of my furbabies had distemper virus. Until now I' don't know if he'll last till his birthday. He's breathing and standing but looking at him is agonizingly heartbreaking. I kept asking why now, I've had enough reason to not want to exist or to be reminded that I am. In the end, I realized, whether you want to be or not, you just have to be. In the end, there would always be an answer to my whys. Why everything happened, and the reason for my being.
A left-handed, born on #LeftHandersDay, just one of the reason to be born on this date, cursed or not, I'd just have to make the most out of it, if I can't live for myself, I've got to live for the greater good.
All I wanted to say is, even tho I don't want to exist, I am still grateful, I don't know if that's possible but I am, I've got people and GOD to thank for that.
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thevaliantreticent · 8 years ago
Here’s to the Days I decided to waste...
To the days I wasted because I was waiting for everything to be 'right'
The right moment.
When I become ready.
When I'm good enough.
When I'm matured enough.
When he finally realize.
After I'm done with the things that I'm supposed to do.
When things finally fall into place.
 When is all that going to be? When am I going to be ready? How can I say it's finally time?
I finally know now that things just doesn't suddenly fall into place, because obviously, they just don't.
He won't suddenly realize I liked him back unless I say or give him hints.
I won't become a lawyer unless I go to law school, or become a biologist unless I study to become one.
My voice won't be heard unless I speak out, I won't be happy until I let myself be.
Nothing in this world is perfect, the right time won't come unless you make it happen; you won't be able to move forward if you choose to continue to be stuck in the past, reliving the moments, regretting over things you wish you did differently. 
I can't go back.
I can't stay the way I am, the same way I can't make things stay the way I wanted them to be.
I'm done wasting another breath, wasting the rest of my time.
 It can't be perfect because it shouldn't be. The right moment will never come. 
I can never be matured enough, the same with the ones I liked to the point of loving, they can never come back.
Imperfection makes things more realistic, it makes things more memorable and interesting, it teaches us a lesson. 
That's when it become effective, and that's what makes it perfect, and that's when we'll know it's right.
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thevaliantreticent · 8 years ago
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GET TO KNOW ME MEME -  [1/10]  favorite relationships: Chandler and Monica
“I’m fine. In fact, I’ve been fine for a long time now, and I think the reason is you.”
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
Check out @ValiantReticent's Tweet:
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
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...Be wary of the things and people you put on hold...
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
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Your words are as dark as your lips, soul sucking and manipulative.
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
I’ve become an insomniac, trying to imagine a world without hate, without violence, without this insatiable need to fight fire with fire. Nothing spells lonely like bearing the brunt of worldy aches without your warmth cloaking my freezing body.
asilencetooloud  (via wnq-writers)
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
They say they will go mad unless they write. I write because I’ve gone mad.
existpause  (via wnq-writers)
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
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Don’t let it consume you.
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
what to say to someone who says sorry a lot
u didn’t do anything wrong its ok
don’t worry about it u didn’t do anything wrong
what not to say to someone who says sorry a lot
omg stop saying sorry so much 
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
When I like people immensely I never tell their names to any one. It is like surrendering a part of them. I have grown to love secrecy. It seems to be the one thing that can make modern life mysterious or marvellous to us. The commonest thing is delightful if one only hides it.
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (via wordsnquotes)
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
Everything in life is significant
"Every blank space is a portal to a new world; Every space, gives way for one's imagination to come to life... Every letter, every line written, has its significance. -A.P.R."
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
Ignore those who say just get over it. Healing is a process.
Anonymous (via wnq-anonymous)
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
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A Leo is a great analyst. Problem is they cant help but recognize and correct the bullshit. -Discover the secrets of the 12 Zodiac Signs Facts : Aries, Taurus, Gemini,Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Piscesdaily horoscope - ZodiacSignsToday
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
Thought for tonight
I’ve been struggling with writing a 5-paged paper, a requirement in one of my last two subjects. 
As I was pondering, and juggling with other school-related paper works, I realized: What’s the point of having all those medals and certificates, and attending all the seminars  if I couldn’t write, not even a word, for a 5-paged paper?
How come after spending almost half of my life in school: studying, doing homework, seat-work, and aiming for perfect scores in quizzes or tests, how come I’m still not good enough, or knowledgeable enough to write this 5-paged paper?
I’m not blaming the education system, nor the teachers, for what I lack, but then again what’s the point of all those hard work if in the end, I would still feel like I’m never going to be good enough? 
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
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Which question keeps you up at night?
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thevaliantreticent · 9 years ago
When you begin to forget how you get to where you are, and why you are there, take some time off, don't just keep going. Sometimes no matter how good or how bad the situation is, you owe it to yourself to remember, if not realize why you're doing what you're doing.
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