I literally haven't been on Tumblr in two years and jump back on for the first time and look back at a couple posts I made and I'm cackling because I was talking about getting a kitten and living with my boyfriend. Now that kitten is 3 years old and a fucking crackhead and the boyfriend is now my husband. 🤣
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So I’m really good at going AWOL, clearly. I miss all my Tumblr friends so much. I just want everyone to know that I love you all no matter what. Hope you all are safe and doing well.
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I literally just need someone to talk to. I’m so stressed out right now I’m not sure how to function...
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Having anxiety and being in a relationship is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. I over think everything and when I start to feel like I've got it together and I dont need to be worried that he's angry with me, something happens and every bit of the progress I made goes straight out of the window.
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Me: Can I get you anything else?
Customer: Yeah, a smile would be nice
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So the absolute shit show known as “my life” has finally calmed down a little. A quick update, I’m adopting a kitten today. After months of living with my boyfriend I finally got comfortable in my own home and feel like I belong here. I finally got my depression in check to a level where I don’t feel like I’m drowning every day. My physical health is starting to get to a point where I’m happy with myself. I started a Dungeons and Dragons group with a few people that I absolutely love and it has been the most fun I’ve ever had. Things are going well and I’m genuinely happy for the first time in months. I’ve missed all the people I talk to on here and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to talk to you guys more.
Much love,
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Scotland I
Austrian-based photographer Lukas Furlan captures stunning views of Scotland in his latest series. 
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A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice.
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The 100: A Summary
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Will I Ever Shut Up About Women In Suits???
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@Bellarke fam,
You good??
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We don’t appreciate Eliza doing Josephine’s voice enough. She could barely pronounce unity day in season 1 without her accent slipping out and now she’s doing an American accent in two different registers and doing it flawlessly.
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bellarke + touch (part six) — also known as holy fuck 6x10 tho
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Gabriel in that scene where he told Josephine that he loves her but he had 200 years with her and that it was time for them to finally die totally had Gabriel thinking at the same time
It’s their time to love Josie. Bellamy and Clarke deserve to grow old together and have the years of love we did. I’m giving them their chance
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