The Green Pill Secret: Unaliving (A.K.A. Suicide)
Welcome everyone to a new episode of the Green Pill Secret, produced right here in Reston, VA. This week, we’re discussing a most series topic; a topic so fraught I can’t even call it what it is on YouTube for fear of demonetization. Mind you, the channel as it stands is about 9,990 subscribers away from ever making a single penny but I digress. (Though, if I was able to make money I could afford…
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More about Lena's re-traumatization during the rising of the Black Ajah in 3.01--
Under the seanchan, and her suldam, Lena was forced to weave battle magic against her sisters. It still tears her apart.
But now Lena's sisters are the ones weaving attacks against her, and they do so of their own volition, even with glee in their eyes, laughing as they kill and slaughter Lena's family.
She hears Kara pounding against the door, her warder's desperation to enter the fray, to be at her side, but Lena herself... she is numb. She cannot bring herself to throw death against her fellow aes sedai again-- but she can protect.
Everything she would have hurled at her enemies, once upon a time, she now channels into the shield she erects between the Amyrlin and her attackers.
The carnage taking place in front if her feels like the seanchan all over again. The blood and debris and the screams brings her back to the battle on the coast, and the moment she destroyed the seanchan fleet, eliminating the warriors and suldams, yes, but also her fellow damane, who were as enslaved as she.
When Lena wakes after the battle, its to the echo of the perished damane in her ears. No matter what comfort pours from Kara's lips, her touch, her gaze... nothing can chase away the weight of her perceived culpability.
In Lena's eyes, someway, somehow, the black ajah connects back to the seanchan, and therefore, to herself. She should have known, should have seen, should have suspected. But she hadn't... and thats her fault.
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The Green Pill Secret: Sapiosexuality
Welcome everyone to a new episode of the Green Pill Secret, produced right here in Reston, VA. This week we’re talking about Sapiosexuality. Simply put, today is all about it being okay to be smart! Maybe your jam is science books like The Science Book Club, which I run and am making the 2025–2026 book poll as I write this. Or, maybe you’d like to check out the Maryland Science Book Club? Or…
#Amazon#BeSmart#Bowie Bevy of Brainy Books#Cosplay#Doctor Who#Eco Book Club#Foundation Series#Harry Potter#Isaac Asimov#Karaoke#Loudoun Toastmasters#Murderbot Diaries#Numberphile#Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da#Outlander#Persuasive Influencer#Reston#Reston Writers Review#Sapiosexual#Science Book Club#The Science Book Club#Westminster Astronomical Society#Year One
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fic: angels work the night shift (complete version)
what's up yall happy supercorp sunday
this is the full fic of this snippet i posted a couple days ago
read the fic on ao3, 9k words
ok thx love u bye
"Fucking shit."
Lena rifles through the small stack of papers sitting beside her purse in the front passenger seat and realizes with great annoyance that the paperwork that Sam, her Chief Financial Officer, sent over isn't in there. She would have let it go and finally driven home were it not for the meeting about said paperwork early the next day.
Shutting her eyes and taking a deep breath, she attempts to cool the frustrations that's fraying the last of her sanity, and reaches out for her purse before heading back out of the underground parking lot and towards her private elevator.
Standing in front of the shiny reflective doors, her mouth curves down when she inspects her appearance, the bags under her eyes more prominent despite the makeup she has to cover it, her once tightly pulled high ponytail looser now, hanging limp behind her. Her cream satin blouse hangs on her thin frame, the bottom of it having come loose from where she'd tucked it in her navy blue pencil skirt. A pitying sight, if she's being truthful, but the accompanying pity party will need to be postponed until after tomorrow's meeting—no doubt a means for members of the board to undermine her at every turn while the ship sinks.
There doesn't seem to be any clear path to any real reprieve for her after inheriting the family business, not after her own brother, the touted Man of Tomorrow, had been arrested for murdering their father and placing their mother in a coma.
Eventually, her elevator reaches the top floor of her office suite and she straightens, internally waving away the thoughts of what her life has become, what her family has become. She has no control over those things, but she does have control of finding that stupid file she left on her desk that she will undoubtedly spend the next couple of hours detangling until she succumbs to exhaustion.
The elevator doors opens to her floor and she beelines for her office, alarm tingling when she looks at her door sitting ajar.
Her pace slows despite the persistent ache in the ball of her left foot and the sting on the heel of her right. She narrows her eyes, clutching her purse tightly in hand, and running through a mental list of what she can use inside of her purse for defense. When she reaches the door, she tilts her head and peeks through the sliver of space between, finds her desk lamp has been turned on. There are sounds of movement, footsteps, and something she can't quite make.
Then she hears…humming.
Narrowing her eyes, she grasps the edge of her door and pushes it slowly, careful not to make any sudden moves.
Her hand grasps the door's edge, carefully opening it only to discover a person with their back turned to her. Her eyes trail from the black sneakers to the powder blue overalls with the top half hanging around the person's waist. A black tank top serves as a backdrop to the blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, swishing back and forth as they move from side to side.
The woman turns a little, a mop in hand, as she uses the top of the mop handle as a microphone, singing some familiar tune that Lena can't quite place.
"All by myself, don't wanna be…"
The corner of Lena's mouth twitches into an amused smile when she realizes what she's looking at, or perhaps, who she's looking at, and how completely swayed and distracted they are with the music that they're listening to.
Lena's eyes are focused on this woman as she remains rooted in her place, watching this impromptu concert while the woman belts out the chorus of the song.
It's not until the woman opens her eyes and resumes the back and forth mopping that Lena realizes where she is and what she's doing there in the first place. Yet despite needing to collect the files at her desk, she's not sure if she should keep walking to her desk, make some kind of overt gesture or simply call out to the woman to signal her presence. She might have ended up taking too long because before she can make a decision, the clattering of a dropped mop handle reverberates in the room and a surprised shriek is coming from the woman who stands between Lena and her desk.
"Excuse me," she says.
The woman raises her hands up just as she pulls her headphones down. "I didn't—uh, who are you?"
"This is my office." As she goes to make a move towards her desk, the woman steps forward and blocks her, hands no longer up in the air and now towards her, as if to stop her.
The woman scrunches up her face. "I'm gonna need some i-identification. Ma'am."
Lena quirks a brow, but the woman remains with her hands up despite her demand. "You don't trust me?"
"Only until after you show me proof."
"And who's to say you're who you are?"
The woman frowns before straightening her shoulders, enough for Lena to discover that she stands broadly, arms exposed, before she taps on the ID badge clipped to her waist. "Kara Danvers. Overnight Custodial Specialist. Now you."
A beat passes, then another, before she tilts her head, attempting to bypass this Kara Danvers, but to no avail because Kara stops steps to block her again. "Do you know whose office you're cleaning?"
"Yes. Lena Luthor's."
"But you don't know what she looks like."
"So how would you know the difference?"
Kara frowns, but she stands her ground. "I can call the security guards to confirm. Actually, that's what I'll do."
Lena then proceeds to watch as Kara stands between her and her forsaken paperwork as she quickly radios for security. She would have been annoyed about this whole thing if she wasn't also touched that this veritable stranger is doing everything in her power to protect her company. So despite being tired, Lena waits for security to respond and clear her.
"Hi Scooter, listen, I have someone here in Lena Luthor's office claiming she's Lena Luthor but isn't showing identification. I just want to confirm. Um, over."
"Copy that, Danvers. Please have the woman approach the radio."
She bites back a smile, already anticipating Scott's request (or in this case, Scooter's request, already making a mental note to ask about this nickname) for her. Instead, she stands up straight and watches as Kara approaches with the radio between them.
"Go ahead, Scooter," she starts, pressing on the radio's talk button, just shy of Kara's fingers as she holds the radio up. "Please ask what you need from me."
There's what she thinks is a throat clear, but can't be sure with the static of the radio. "Right. Please provide today's ten digit confirmation code."
She doesn't tear her attention away from staring at Kara and the blue of her eyes. "1-0-2-4-1-9-9-4-3-8."
"Confirmed. Danvers, she's clear."
"Thanks, Scooter. Sorry for the bother."
"Good work, Danvers. Over and out."
"Uh, over and out." Kara clips the radio by her name badge and offers an apologetic smile that crinkles the corner of her eyes. Lena attempts not to focus on that. "You're cleared. Sorry."
"Don't be," she says, finally able to walk towards her desk unimpeded once Kara steps back. She picks up the folder and quickly flips through it to confirm it's exactly what she needs before turning around and meeting Kara's gaze. "I appreciate and commend the thorough precaution. Certainly more thoughtful than what I've experienced as of late."
"Forget I said that," she says, with a shake of her head. "It's clearly been a long night."
She motions to walk away when Kara's words stops her.
"It's not fair, how they're hounding you in the news. "
She arches a brow. "You know my name and you know about the news surrounding me but you don't know what I look like?"
"Uh. I'm no good with faces," she says with a shrug, Lena noting the definition of her shoulder muscles before turning her attention back towards Kara's blue eyes. "Face blindness."
She nods, though she remains somewhat dubious. "I understand. Well, Kara Danvers, as lovely as this has been, I must be going."
Kara's body jerks up and nods. "Oh, shoot. You're right! Sorry, it's so late and I've just kept you here even longer. Sorry, Miss Luthor, ma'am. I don't—"
She puts a hand up. "Just Lena is fine."
"Well, goodnight Miss Lu-Lena. Lena."
"Goodnight…" she intones, waiting until realization dawns on the blonde woman in front of her.
"Kara. Just Kara is also fine."
"Goodnight then, Kara."
She walks back to the door only chancing a glance over her shoulder and finding Kara giving her a small wave, the mop back in her capable hands. She smiles back, but her pace doesn't slow until she reaches the elevators.
Lena's ensuing weeks become a chaotic storm of meetings and court proceedings and hospital visits and escaping the nightmare of paparazzi and press hounding her for a glimpse of the LuthorCorp CEO.
Lena almost forgets about Kara Danvers until she finds herself back in her office after midnight.
She hadn't meant to stay this late in the office today, but she hadn't been able to break away after two back-to-back international conference calls with their satellite offices that needed to have her there.
Instead of using the coffee machine in her office, she decides to take a short trip a few floors down to one of the break rooms just to stretch her legs. She's only a few steps away from the break room when she hears singing. She recognizes the voice, surprised at how well she remembers it, an amused smile transforming her face.
"…but it's just a sweet, sweet fantasy baby…"
She carefully walks towards the threshold and, sure enough, finds Kara holding her phone with one hand and what Lena assumes is a mug of coffee in the other, her headphones on her head. Just like the last time Lena saw Kara, her overalls uniform has the top half wrapped around her waist, though this time, her tank top is white.
Lena doesn't move from her spot, afraid to make any sudden movements in case she startles the other woman. She waits and watches as Kara gets comfortable at a table, busy singing along to whatever she's listening to on her phone. The mug hovers by her lips when Kara looks up from her seat and finds Lena standing by the entrance.
Her shriek of surprise is worse than last time especially when she spills almost half of her coffee all over herself as she attempts to keep herself upright in her seat. Lena grimaces before she offers an apologetic and guilty smile and a wave.
"What the heck, lady!" Kara says, wrenching her tank top away from her body and squeezing it. Lena scolds herself for inappropriately checking her employee out, especially when she discovers tan skin under the now stained fabric.
"I'm sorry, Kara. I didn't mean to startle you again," she offers.
"Again?" Her face contorts in confusion and has Lena frowning because of it. Then a flash of recognition appears on Kara's face and her cheeks redden, her head bowed slightly. "Oh! Miss Luth—Miss Lena. Hi. Sorry, I didn't realize you'd be down here."
"I was hoping to make a cup for myself," she nods towards the half-empty cup sitting in front of Kara. "I didn't know how to make my presence known without startling you, but it seems I'd done it anyway."
"The fault is mine," Kara insists. "I should definitely stop listening to headphones while at work. But it's literally only me on these floors, so anybody showing up would for sure scare me."
With the misunderstanding resolved, Lena goes to the coffee maker. "Can I make you another cup?"
"Oh, that's okay. Probably for the best I don't have too much caffeine, then I won't be able to sleep later when I'm done with work."
Lena waits for the coffee maker's classic groan before placing the mug on the cup dock, her arms crossed over her chest while she leans against the counter and waits for her cup to fill.
"How long have you been working the overnight shift?" she asks.
"Almost a year next month. Started doing it because it's the best paying job I could get while going to school."
"Oh? May I ask what you're studying?"
"Um. Marketing. I take the evening classes and then head straight here."
She nods, processes the information that Kara shares with her. "Not passionate about marketing, I take it?"
Kara laughs, the sound melodic and bright, a start contrast to dark sky that blankets over them just outside the windows. "Not at all. But it's the program I was in before I deferred college a few years back, and I wasn't really sure what to go back into without starting over. So, marketing it is."
Puzzle pieces of Kara forms in Lena's mind, each one marked with all that she's shared so far in their short time together.
"If you could just do anything without worrying about starting over, what would you do?"
"Not sure. I like helping people whenever I can. But that could be anything."
"Is there anybody you admire and want to emulate, maybe?"
There's a half-smile on Kara's face and she turns her head slightly, her blonde ponytail swishing behind her. "Let me think on it and get back to you."
"You've got yourself a deal," she says before she gathers her coffee cup and walks over to the condiments, placing just one packet of sugar in her coffee. When she glances up, she catches the disgusted face on Kara's face. "Is there a problem?"
"That's not nearly enough sugar to offset the bitter taste of coffee."
It's her turn to laugh holding the cup just by her lips, the aroma of the coffee permeating her senses. "The coffee doesn't need anything else, Kara. It's good on its own."
"With all due respect, boss, but I'll have to disagree. Four packets of sugar and half a mug of creamer or bust."
Her jaw drops, aghast, and she twists her body as if to shield her coffee cup away from Kara who's flashing her a bright and pearly white smile. "That's atrocious."
Kara pouts, her elbows leaning on the table. "It's the only way to mask the nasty taste!"
"Then why drink coffee?"
"Because when you add all the good stuff, it's not so bad."
She shakes her head, wonders how she's possibly having this conversation. Though she'll admit it's the most pleasant interaction she's had all day. With a quick look at the clock on the opposite wall, she realizes that she's lingered far too long for someone who needed to have left the office hours ago.
"I'd hate to cut our conversation short," she starts to say, realizing how much she believes her words this time. "But I should be getting back to my office so I can finally head home." Kara jumps to her feet, the coffee stain on her tank top on full display that makes Lena's mouth twitch in a small frown. "Let me buy you a new one."
Kara looks down at herself before offering Lena a shrug and a grin. "No, no. My clumsiness is the true culprit here."
She wants to say more, poised to do just that, but her phone in her pocket chimes with emails pouring in from the other side of the globe.
"Duty calls," she says. "Goodnight Kara."
"Miss Lena."
There's an amused shake of her head when she meets Kara's eyes. "Just Lena really is fine."
"But you're, like, the super boss."
"Does being the super boss mean you can't call me by my name?" she wonders aloud.
"No. But you're the boss and I'm just a janitor." The smile on Kara's face is smaller this time, dimmer too, and her fingers have started fiddling with her stained shirt.
"Don't disparage the very vital work that you do around here, Kara. Without you maintaining order in my office, it'd look like a tornado made residence in there. Then what would the members of the board say when they strong arm their way in there and attempt to undermine my decisions?"
"Aye, aye." Kara flashes her a lopsided grin and throws her a mock salute. "For what it's worth, none of those old geezers stand a chance against you."
"I'll take it." She sighs and offers Kara a small smile. "Goodnight, Kara. Have a good rest of your shift tonight."
"Thanks. Sleep well—for, you know, for when you do."
She raises her mug to Kara before trekking back to the elevator and making her way back to her office.
Lena gets her assistant to order and discreetly wrap a stack of tank tops, in both black and white, delivered up to her office. She's not sure what to do now, how she should proceed. She has a business dinner tonight that she can't miss, so staying late in the office is not something she can do. She could always wait until the next day, but the idea of letting this half-baked idea fester any longer would only serve to intensify the anxiety she now feels for overstepping and being presumptuous.
She settles instead for scribbling a small note on the memo pad at her desk and signs it before folding it and placing it inside the bag. Buzzing her secretary in, she draws up an impassive face, her hand fiddling with her fountain pen.
"Jess," she begins when her assistant arrives just by her desk. "Have this bag delivered to Kara Danvers."
"Kara Danvers?"
"Custodial Staff."
"Right." Jess stares at her for a second before resuming her note-taking. "Anything I need to relay to her?"
"No. Simply that it's to be given to her at the start of her shift later tonight."
"Understood." Jess retrieves the bag from the couch and exits her office while Lena remains with the ball of nervous anxiety she's been nursing for the last couple of hours. It's almost a relief when she gets called down to the engineering lab to troubleshoot an engineering snafu, eager to set aside thoughts of Kara so she can actually get stuff done.
The next morning, Lena arrives in her office and finds a tented note resting at the center of her desk. She takes a second to put her workbag and coffee cup down before plucking the note up and turning it in her grasp.
She laughs when she reads Super Boss written in a neat combination of print and cursive. She flips the card open and reads,
Dear Lena,
Thank you for the replacement shirts that I received tonight. Even though I do recall mentioning that my clumsiness was the culprit and therefore the gift was not necessary. Appreciated, though you didn't have to.
But thank you, anyway. It was very sweet, and gave me the perfect excuse to throw away some of the older ones I was holding onto. Not the one that I spilled on, though. I'm keeping it for sentimental reasons. I've got it framed in my studio apartment as I write this, hanging right above my television and everything. I'm sure you understand.
Bonus points that my supervisor couldn't stop being nosy and wondering what was in the bag or why someone from your offices would hand deliver it for me. Maybe I'll tell him I was awarded new microfiber cloths. What do you think?
I hope you have a wonderful day, boss.
For the rest of the day, Lena fails spectacularly in keeping the smile on her face in check garnering slightly odd looks from her assistant and other employees.
It won't be for another three months that she finds herself staying late at the office, her life having become a whirlwind of chaos with her work and personal life blowing up for all the world to see: her mother, Lillian, had finally woken up from her coma, and Lena had been called to the stand to testify against her own brother.
Her choice of hiding in her office hadn't been planned, but the quiet of her office and the darkness bathing the room around her is enough for now.
She's sitting on her couch with her head in one hand and balled up tissues in the other, her decanter and an empty tumbler on the coffee table in front of her. It barely registers in her mind that there's rustling coming from her office door. She rushes to her desk, hand hovering underneath the silent alarm, her other hand clutching at her baton from her purse.
Yet when the door opens and she finds the same powder blue overalls with hanging by the waist and a tank top-wearing blonde woman, she sighs in relief at the familiar face.
Kara doesn't jump or startle this time, but she does end up standing by the door, a shocked expression on her face when she realizes that Lena's there. Quickly, she tugs at her headphones and offers Lena a smile.
"Who let you in here?" Lena's not quite sure how to respond to that, but it seems she doesn't have to when Kara walks in, pushing her cleaning cart forward, and realization dawns on her. "Oh, hi Lena."
She releases a wet laugh, her body loosening from the rigid posture she'd been holding. She releases the baton from her purse and moves her hand away from the silent alarm trigger, but doesn't otherwise leave her current station.
"How'd you realize it was me?"
"I didn't at first because your hair is down so I wasn't sure if that was you. But then I smelled your perfume."
Kara has pushed her cleaning cart all the way to her desk and they both look at one another. She wants to ask how Kara recognizes her perfume, but her fuzzy brain can't hold onto the thread long enough. Then, Kara asks, "Have you been crying?"
Lena sags against her desk this time, her head hanging low as her chin dips against her chest. "It's just been a very long day."
Kara slowly approaches her and extends a hand. "Wanna sit for a minute?"
She glances down at the outstretched hand, open and inviting, before looking back up at patient blue eyes. She nods, accepting what's offered to her as they make their way to the couch.
"My hand's clean, I promise."
She chuckles, throws a look at the woman beside her before she takes her seat on the couch. Kara takes a few short steps towards her cart and grabs a water bottle before walking around and sitting beside her.
"Here, drink some."
Accepting the water, she takes a few swigs, careful not to spill on herself. The cool water feels good as it makes its way down her parched mouth and sinks into her belly. It certainly has a better effect than the alcohol she's been nursing for the last hour. Kara is fiddling with something in her pocket for a few moments until she reveals three granola bars and two fruit leather strips.
"You take one, I take one."
"I couldn't take your snack, Kara. I shouldn't even be here right now."
"Sure you can. You gift me clothes, I gift you store-brand granola and Fruit-by-the-Foot knockoffs. It's a fair trade."
She eyes the snacks held in Kara's hand, the very same one that held her firmly just moments ago. She'd contest this, but she is tired beyond exhaustion, so she acquiesces, grabbing one of each and slowly peeling the wrapper of the granola bar. Kara mirrors her, peeling her own granola bar and taking a bite just as Lena takes a bite.
It's an odd thing to find herself in, Lena thinks, with one of her custodial staff sitting with her as she contends with the shambles that has become of her life. Still, there is comfort in Kara's presence, a lack of expectation from a woman who takes a moment to recognize her and doesn't immediately recoil when it dawns on her that she's a Luthor.
"Good, right?" Kara asks after she chews and swallows half the granola bar. "Got it on sale this weekend and bought two packs. So if you want another one, just let me know."
She's about to protest, but her stomach gurgles, her body betraying her in front of her visitor.
"Sometimes it's the little things, you know?"
She nods, though she can't imagine if there's any little thing left to enjoy in her life. Kara smiles at her, her cheek puffing slightly as she finishes the granola in her hand. Okay, perhaps there's one little thing to enjoy in her life.
Lena eventually moves onto the fruit leather, the inside slightly sticky as she unfurls the roll. She takes a tentative bite, the sweetness just on the edge of cloying, but all the same comforting.
"I don't know if I've ever had this," she confesses, inspecting the package in her hand.
"What? You're kidding!"
"I highly doubt I had processed foods until I was in boarding school, and even then, they had a highly specific diet the girls were supposed to follow."
Kara looks on at her in slight disbelief, but no apparent judgment directed at her. "This was one of the treats my parents used to have for me growing up. Usually as incentive to get my homework done."
"That sounds nice. What do your parents do?"
"My dad was a Chemistry professor and my mother was an adjudicator."
Kara offers her a small smile. "They passed some years back, car accident."
Her first instinct is to offer her condolences and apology for having asked, but the way Kara's looking at her makes her bite her tongue. Instead, she takes another bite of her granola, the two of them sitting in companionable silence. Then, "Were they good people?"
"Yeah, I think so. They tried to do right by me, at least. They weren't perfect, but they tried to do good where and when they could."
She wants to sob, a pressure of envy sits against her ribcage of a life she would never know: a family who tried to do good when they could, to do right by her to their best of their ability. Instead, she's left to pick up the pieces of her father's death, her mother's incapacitation, and her brother's imprisonment.
"You do that, you know." Lena's head snaps up to look at her, blinking away the shine of tears from her eyes to get a better view of Kara's face. "Try to do good, I mean."
Lena swallows the lump in her throat, her eyes focused on Kara as her brain attempts to process her words.
"Sorry, was that—was that out of line?"
She shakes her head. "No, not at all. It just took me by surprise. You might be the only person in the world who thinks that."
"There are more people who believe in you than you think."
An errant tear does manage to escape, and she rushes to wipe it with her free hand. "God, sorry."
Kara rummages through the pocket of her overalls and takes out an honest-to-god handkerchief. It's white with three simple blue parallel lines on one edge of the square. Lena wordlessly accepts it and uses it to dab at her face, hopeful that whatever makeup she must have smeared all over her face doesn't transfer on the fabric.
"I didn't think people still carried handkerchiefs," she comments, clutching at the cloth in her hand—it's soft to the touch, softer than she'd imagined. Kara simply chuckles when she responds.
"People usually don't anymore. But my parents used to carry them, so..."
"That's sweet, carrying on their legacy."
"Something like that. They weren't perfect people and getting older without them let me see that. But I loved them. You know?"
Eventually, Lena recognizes how late it's gotten and that she ought to get some sleep. She requests for a car from security downstairs, gathering her belongings while Kara busies herself to clean her office. She's just about to put the bottle of liquor back in the bar cart when Kara calls out to her.
"Leave it. I'll take care of it, don't worry."
The phone dings in her other hand letting her know that her driver is waiting for her, so she makes her way towards Kara who now held the vacuum in front of her.
"Thank you, Kara. For tonight. It means…" she doesn't know how to end her sentence without simply blurting out an insufficient 'everything', how to thank this person for sharing parts of herself and keeping her company despite the isolation that Lena has felt so acutely tonight. She sighs, hopes that the sag of relief in her bones is enough to convey her appreciation. "Goodnight, Kara."
The brightness of Kara's smile directed at her is one she'll remember for the rest of her life, she thinks. "Sleep well, Lena."
Later, when she's sitting in the backseat, she'll realize with a slight panic that she's still clutching onto the handkerchief that Kara offered her. Knowing that she can't do anything about returning it tonight, she ends up pushing it up against her cheek, the softness of the fabric a comfort pressed up against her skin.
She closes her eyes and smiles.
The following week, Lena finds one box of granola bars and one box of fruit leather sitting on her desk with the same tented note at the top. Her face splits into a smile when she reads Super Boss in the now familiar handwriting.
Dear Lena,
For your personal stash.
She takes a fruit leather out and unrolls it, taking a bite of it first thing that morning before placing the two boxes in her side drawer. Lena barely hides the smirk when Jess walks in with her tablet in hand and gapes at her for a second when she catches sight of the snack in Lena's hand.
An international acquisition deal keeps Lena busy in the following couple of months. Her itinerary has her traveling to several countries in a short span. When she has a minute or two to spare, her mind wanders to thoughts of a particular employee, one who carries handkerchiefs and keeps her pockets stocked with granola and fruit leather. Lena had half a mind to return the handkerchief the very next day, but she couldn't get herself to relinquish her hold even after she'd washed it and folded it and placed it at her desk with her own note for Kara to see. Something about it gave her comfort and she wasn't sure she could give that up so easily right now.
While spending some time in Japan, Lena thought about the time difference, how her midday was right in the middle of Kara's shift. She wondered about what Kara was singing to at that moment, if she'd been trying a different flavor of granola bars, what color handkerchief did she carry while Lean held onto her white and blue striped one.
By the time she returns to National City, her sleeping schedule is completely out of sync despite her best efforts to control her caffeine intake. Which is why tonight she's in her office working late, various files and her barely touched Chinese food all over the coffee table.
When she hears rustling by her door, she checks her watch and pauses her work, her body twisted enough to see her visitor.
Kara appears in her usual uniform with her cleaning cart in tow. Kara stills at the door before her face slowly splits into a smile as she enters the office and walks right up to the couch.
"Working through the midnight oil?"
"More like jet lag has dictated how I spend my days and nights as of late."
"Well, at least you have Sister Liu's keeping you company tonight," Kara nods to her table.
She laughs, tries to clear up some of the papers that have littered her space. "I've not been a very good host to them, if that's the case. I think all I've had is a bite of my lo mein and two potstickers."
Kara gasps, her hands resting on her waist, well-defined arms on full display. "How can you possibly only eat three bites of the best Chinese food in the entire city?"
Lena sits up. "Why don't you have some."
"I couldn't possibly. Plus, I'm on the clock right now."
"Then take a break."
"Have you?" she challenges, but Lena can only shrug since she can't say that she has. "Besides, I can't eat your food, Lena! You haven't eaten any of it!"
"I have plenty to share, but it probably does need reheating."
Kara looks at her, narrowing her eyes, when she says, "Well then let's both take it to the breakroom downstairs and eat there."
She's about to protest when she reconsiders knowing that her work can wait. So she smiles up at Kara from her spot on the couch and nods.
Kara takes the lead in heating up her food before opening the cupboards and finding plates and utensils. She offers to help but Kara shoos her away, so she makes herself useful and pours them both glasses of water. When the microwave dings, Kara's quick to take out the plastic container before Lena can even get to it, a playful glare thrown her way.
"Go sit."
She quirks a brow. "Last I checked, I was your boss."
Lena then smiles when Kara throws her a cheeky eyeroll and says, "Okay. Go sit, boss."
Doing as she's told, she takes her place at the table and watches as Kara plates her once-forgotten dinner, portioning it perfectly for the two of them. It's a silly thing for her to imagine a life where this could happen, but they're not at work or her breakroom, but instead at home together. Kara's studio apartment or her penthouse perhaps. A dangerous thing to entertain in her mind, tempting as it is. Chalks this lapse of judgment to her frayed and fraught emotions.
Still, when Kara's face breaks into a smile as she sits across from Lena, she reminds herself that there's no harm for a little fantasy that will go nowhere. Least of all when it's after midnight.
From her seat, she watches as Kara takes an appreciative bite of her potsticker. "Man, they really have the best potsticker in the world. Even China, probably."
She laughs, shaking her head as she forks a bite of her own lo mein into her mouth. Lena surprises herself when she gets through her plate quickly, the hunger she'd staved off for the last few hours coming back in full force.
"See, Sister Liu's is the best," Kara announces when she tips her head towards Lena's now clear plate.
"It did come highly recommended from my assistant."
"Yeah, she and I have talked about it in passing. I was actually the one to put her on it, so I'm glad that my rec made it all the way to the top."
"I hadn't realized you were familiar with my assistant," she comments, attempting to temper the surprise in her voice.
"Oh, sure. I've seen her a few times when I come into work early on nights I don't have class. I'm usually hauling a takeout bag in while she's on her way out."
"Perhaps you can relay some food suggestions to her. I normally have her order from the same place most of the time."
Kara smiles at that. "You're talking to the right person, then."
"Definitely. You'll eat good, I promise."
She doesn't doubt Kara at all, not when she's flashing Lena a bright smile. When they finish eating, Lena insists she washes the plates they used since Kara 'cooked'. The hearty laugh that fills the quiet break room replenishes a drought she can't identify inside of her. She laughs along as she passes the plates for Kara to dry.
It's so easy, here.
It's so easy, here, for Lena to forget where she is, who she is.
It's so easy, here, to imagine a life that isn't hers, with a woman who has delivered more joy and light in her life than she could have ever expected.
They eventually walk back to Lena's office, Lena's soul and stomach satiated, and she considers leaving the files as they are and heading home.
"Time to go?"
"I think so," she says, even as she covers her mouth from a yawn. "Leave the room as it is, I'll sort through these things in the morning."
"Might still do some light dusting," Kara says with a shrug. Then she puts her hand out to reveal a fortune cookie. "For the trip home."
"Keep it."
"No, this is your fortune. You have to keep it." Kara reaches out and takes Lena's hand before placing the fortune cookie in the center of her palm before curling her fingers carefully into a loose fist. "You have to eat the cookie first entirely before you read the fortune or it won't work."
She huffs, but nods. "I didn't realize there were so many rules. But okay. I will do as told."
Kara gives her a triumphant smile. "Good. Sleep well, when you do."
"Goodnight, Kara."
With a parting wave to Kara when the elevator doors close, she stare at the fortune cookie still in hand. She rips the plastic open and splits the cookie, careful to take heed of Kara's advice. By the time she reaches her car, she's already eaten the cookie, yet it's not until she's sitting in the passenger seat that she looks at the small slip of paper.
She laughs when she reads her fortune.
Your heart will skip a beat.
Lena arrives in the office a bit tired but in good spirits, greeting Jess with a smile. Walking into her office, she shakes her head when she sees the clutter she'd made the night before cleared up, the files stacked neatly. She finds a colorful spread of papers at her desk and smiles when she sees the familiar scrawl on a tented memo.
Dear Lena,
Here are my top recommendations. I've circled my favorite dishes in all of them that I think you'd like. Happy eating, boss!
Lena plucks the menu for Big Belly Burger at the very top of the pile and grins at the sticky note she finds on the inside.
If you don't think this cheeseburger is delicious then I will eat my shoe. Also, get the cheese fries. Trust me.
She turns to another menu, one for a cafe called Noonan's, and finds a sticky note on it.
This cinnamon bun is the best thing you'll ever eat here. I am a professional, so trust me on this, I am so serious.
She leaves the notes on the menus though she devours reading each and every single one, each one a glimpse of Kara's life, each one a piece in a growing puzzle she forms of who Kara is. Touched by the consideration and thankful for the food recommendations despite how indulgent and less than healthy they appear, Lena sets aside the menus in the same drawer that houses the granola bars and fruit leather. She reminds herself to get some more and perhaps purchase extra to pass off to her favorite custodian.
She presses a button on her phone and waits until the call gets picked up.
"To what do I owe this call first thing in the morning?" Sam asks.
"What do you think about grabbing Big Belly Burger for lunch?" There's a beat of silence that passes between them and she wonders if Sam's not familiar. "Have you never had it?"
Then, Sam laughs. "No, I've had it, alright. I just didn't think you did."
"Well, I saw a glowing recommendation to try out the cheeseburger," she responds, looking down at Kara's note.
Three weeks later, Kara comes in super early and catches Lena just as she's getting ready to leave for the evening. It's a surprise all her own when Kara knocks on her already open door. Her blonde hair is down, reaching just a below her shoulders. She's in a navy blue button down paired with black skinny jeans and sneakers. She looks just at ease in this outfit as she does in her normal work uniform and such a thought brings a smile on her face.
"Kara Danvers, you're at work awfully early." She puts the last of her files in her work bag and waits at her desk.
"It's my night off, actually."
"Far be it for me to judge someone at work when they shouldn't be, but what are you doing here?"
"Uh, well. I actually I'm here to put in my two weeks' notice."
Lena's heart sinks. "Ah."
"Yeah, I uh, finished school last week and my cousin in Metropolis invited me to move in with him and his wife now that I'm done with school."
"So soon?" she asks, unable to help herself.
"Yeah, he'd waited to ask me 'til I was done with school since that was really the only thing keeping me here."
"I see."
"Yeah. It's not true, of course, there are other things that I really like about this place," Kara reasons, looking at her intently. Lena doesn't want to make anything out of nothing, so she only nods, encourages Kara to continue. "It was kind of fast, but I think he just didn't want me to be alone. I haven't been in a long time, but it's hard to fault a guy for being concerned when he lives on the opposite side of the country."
A slew of things rush through Lena's head, but now is not the time to think about any of them. Instead, what she says is, "Well, first, congratulations are in order. I didn't realize you'd finished school."
"I did, yeah. Thanks. Taking evening classes paid off and being gainfully employed here definitely helped."
"If you don't mind my company, then let me take you out for dinner to celebrate…unless you have plans?"
Kara smiles. "No. This was just it, I was mostly going to go home and start packing."
She grabs her work bag and leads the two of them to the private elevator. "Do you mind riding with me or do you feel more comfortable taking a separate car or walking to dinner?"
"Nuh uh," Kara says with a shake of her head, her eyes staring at the sleek sports car that Lena unlocks with her fob. "You can take me anywhere you want if I get to ride shotgun in this thing."
Laughter springs from her lips and she shakes her head before hoisting her bag into the back seat. "Hop in, then."
They make quick work of the drive, Kara's eyes scanning the entire interior of the car while she calibrates the directions to one of the restaurants that Kara suggested. If it were up to Lena, she would have taken this woman to the fanciest place she knew and wined and dined her.
She parks on the street in front of an unassuming Indian restaurant. She recalls the logo from the menu and how it matched with the logo right out front. They get seated right away, Kara being greeted with great familiarity by the server, something that Lena has never really seen save for the movies.
"Kara, always good to see you, my friend." The elderly man says with a pat on Kara's shoulder.
"Hi, Anish. This is Lena."
"Nice to meet you," she offers as she takes the man's hand.
Kara's eyes widen and she shakes her head, an embarrassed smile on her face. "Be cool for once, Anish. She's my boss. Gosh. Besides, she's definitely out of my league." The last of her words trail as she muffles them with the menu in front of her face, but Lena pretends not to hear, pretends not to react at the possibility that Kara may have already thought of them dating.
"We're celebrating Kara's graduation," she offers instead, delighted by the man's eyes lighting up at the news.
"Then let me get dinner started right away for you two!"
He leaves and gets them waters and time to look over the menu.
"You're a popular girl, Kara Danvers."
A bashful smile appears on her face and Kara smooshes half her face into her palm as she leans on the table. "I am a loyal customer, I'll say that."
"They'll be sad when you go."
"Yeah, I was thinking of making the rounds next week to let them know. Feels weird to just up and leave."
She nods, her eyes landing back on Kara in front of her. "Certainly thoughtful of you. One of the many things I have come to admire about you, actually."
It's then that Kara covers her face with both hands and Lena can't help but giggle. "Jeeze."
Daring to act, Lena pushes forward and tugs at one of Kara's hands so she can see Lena.
"Hey, I mean it. You've been a very thoughtful person, Kara. And I've appreciated everything you've done for my company and for me, specifically."
"I'd do them again, no problem. Everyone needs somebody in their corner."
There's no response that comes out of her mouth, and she's thankful for the interruption from Anish as he begins to prepare their table in front of them, talking all the while and sharing stories of Kara, all of which she accepts readily.
With food served and Anish attending to other guests, she and Kara fall into easy conversation, much like all the times they've shared together, however few and far between they were. Lena does her best to table that particular thought later in the comfort of her own home, the reality of Kara's impending departure hitting her more than she ever imagined.
So she remains present at this dinner where she learns that Kara's cousin and his wife are reporters at The Daily Planet and they have one son named Jonathan. How Kara can really only cook the basics and turns to takeout for the majority of her nourishment. How Kara likes to paint and draw in her spare time but didn't ever want to make that into her job.
How Kara considers Lena someone she wants to emulate, someone she looks up to. A flash of one of their late night conversations springs to mind, about school and marketing programs.
"No, you can't possibly."
"Sure I can, and I do! I mean, how you've been able to manage everything that's happened to you over the last couple of years has been nothing less than saintly, if you ask me."
It's her turn to become bashful, dipping her head. "Well, thank you."
Dinner ends with a feast of desserts that Anish fills their table with when he overhears that Kara's moving to Metropolis. She laughs, heart full, when Kara gazes at her just as Anish explains that he has his own cousin in Metropolis and even though his restaurant is not as good as his, he would still recommend it so she can have a taste of home. When it's time to pay and Anish refuses them, Lena simply tucks a few hundred dollar bills into his shirt pocket and pats him on the shoulder. It's only then that the older man finally loses his cool.
Each of them walk out with a to-go bag each, the two of them giggling openly when they breathe in the night air. Kara accepts the ride to her apartment and so they spend the fifteen-minute drive chatting about nothing in particular, content with simply enjoying each other's company.
The traitorous part of Lena can't help but shake the idea of how good this all feels, how light and alive she feels in Kara's presence. So she indulges herself and appreciates it for the time that it is, another moment in finding joy, however fleeting, with Kara around.
When they reach the front of Kara's building, she gets out of her own seat and walks around to meet Kara.
"Thanks for dinner tonight," Kara says, scratching the back of her head. "Not what I thought would happen when I put my resignation notice in, but I can't complain."
"I think you'll have Anish to thank for the food. But I appreciated you letting me take you out to celebrate. I really am proud of you for finishing what you set out to do. I wish you nothing but luck in Metropolis."
"Can I—sorry, this is probably really inappropriate, but can I give you a hug?"
Lena wants nothing more, so she opens her arms until they wind their way around Kara's neck. For a long moment, one that Lena will feel for days to come, they simply hold each other in place, steady breaths passing between them until the embrace meets its end.
"Thanks for taking care of my office," she says intently when they finally separate, hoping to convey that what she really means is Thanks for taking care of me.
By the smile that Kara sends her way and the softness in her eyes, she can tell that Kara has heard her loud and clear when she responds, simply, "It was my pleasure."
On what Lena knows is Kara's last night, she orders for the handkerchief she'd been carrying with her to be delivered back to Kara. It sits in a simple box with a note of thanks for letting her keep it for so long.
Yet when she reaches her desk the next morning, the box is already sitting at her desk. When she flips it open, the handkerchief is still there.
Months go by and Lena's life continues, day in and day out. The changes that she makes in the company keeps her busy.
Lillian's recovery keeps her busy.
Her life is better than it has been in a long time. Every so often, though, her thoughts drift to Kara. How she's doing in Metropolis. She considered keeping tabs on Kara, but decided against it knowing that it would only hurt her in the long run. Nevertheless, when she catches her self working late in the office, or needing a pick-me-up snack, memories of Kara populate her mind. How a handful of interactions with this one woman helped keep her from floating adrift in the hardest year of her life.
How someone she otherwise would never have met helped keep her sane, kept her fed, and offered a light in a life that had been tumultuous and miserable for her.
A year passes and Lena is all the better for it. Her life has settled, stabilized. It's more than she could have hoped for, certainly more than she could have imagined a year prior when she'd only gotten her bearings in order.
After Kara left, she'd resolved to leave work earlier, never to catch herself in the office so late in the night. Something about the sacredness of those nights needed to be preserved with the woman who left for the opposite side of the country. It's a silly notion, but Jess seems all the happier for it when she leaves work at a more consistent hour in the evening.
"Miss Luthor, your 11 AM had to cancel last minute."
Faced with a free hour, she grabs her purse and heads for the elevator. "I'm gonna take a long lunch. Hold my calls until I get back."
She makes her way to Noonan's and orders herself a kale salad, a cinnamon bun, and a cup of coffee before occupying a seat outside. Engrossed in eating her lunch just as she flips a page of her book, she falls into the shadows of someone standing by the free chair of her table. She squints to get a better look, the person in a blazer with short hair that end right below the ears. Still, the shadows obscure the person's face.
"I think you dropped this," the voice says. "I have one just like it."
Sure enough, this stranger pulls out a handkerchief of her own from her pocket and it's a simple square with three parallel lines on one edge, this time all red. Shock appears on her face when she finally recognizes exactly who's standing in front of her.
"Kara?" she asks, her voice sounding unsure as she jumps to get a better look.
"Hi, Lena."
In front of her is Kara, the woman who has drifted in and out of Lena's thoughts over time. Unable to help herself, she reaches forward and clutches at Kara's arm, strong and solid in her grasp, proof of the woman's presence in front of her.
Later, Lena will text Jess to postpone the rest of her afternoon meetings because she'll be out for the rest of the day. She won't think too deeply when she hears the amusement in Jess' voice when she says it's not a problem and for her to enjoy her lunch.
Then, Lena will discover that Kara has moved back to National City just two weeks ago as a junior reporter for CatCo Magazine, that she's back to living in the same building that Lena once drove her to, and that even though Kara thinks it's a long shot, she'd really like to take Lena out to this new restaurant she found. As friends, perhaps, but maybe more, if Lena's open and willing.
And after that, Lena accepts on the condition that it is as more than friends and even suggests that she drive them there in her sports car that Kara enjoys so much.
For now, though, her heart skips at her good fortune joining her for lunch.
"I didn't think you'd remember me," she admits, somehow the first thing that comes to mind once they seat themselves.
"It's true, I'm no good with faces," Kara says, before her own face splits into a mischievous smile, leaning in closer that Lena has no choice but to do the same. "But there's no way I could ever forget you."
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the fact that the season 19 tardis team are all from different planets will forever be the coolest thing ever to me :)
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dr who’s on first, doctor strange is on second and doctor house is on third. theres no way theyre getting through a single inning
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The Green Pill Secret: Hegemony
No matter how you pronounce it, Hegemony, or more specifically Hegemonic Masculinity, is the idea that the man and the woman have specific gendered roles when it comes to dating. In and of itself, that seems rather innocuous, but problems occur when taken to extremes. One example of an extreme is a guy telling his girlfriend she can’t have any male friends. Don’t do that! Another things is when…
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The Green Pill Secret: Energy
This week is all about Energy. Don’t let a boring date get you down. Sometimes things don’t work out, and that’s okay. But often, the energy you share is the energy you receive. If you’re a dead fish, how can you expect your companion to be anything different. Of course, the type of energy you give also matters. What we’re talking about here is Positive Energy. Positive energy is about engagement…
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Greys Anatomy AU: Active Shooter Option 1
When a bereaved husband walks into the surgical center of Seattle Grace Hospital, no one is prepared. Least of all Lena and Lexie, who came in expecting nothing more than to be overworked and underpaid. The poff-poff of gunfire sounds distant at first, almost like a car backfiring. It's noteworthy only in the sense that the parking lot is out of earshot from the core maze of corridors the interns frequent.
The screams that follow confirms the situation is far deadlier.
Lena's first instinct is to hide. What else can she do? She's on the glass-lined catwalk outside the chief's office, and the only shelter is a low ledge that serves as a planter box for indoor office plants.
She knows she's been seen when the man's boots clomp closer, and she almost screams when he fires, the retort of the gun impossibly loud, and the unfamiliar attending who's just rounded the corner falls in a mist of blood.
But the terrified intake of breath isn't hers. It comes from the far side of the bridge, making the shooter turn sharply. Recognizing the voice, Lena's world slows. Peeking out around the corner she's hiding behind, Lena sees the man, and Lexie beyond him, her features wide and stricken with panic.
The gun lifts towards Lexie, and the world launches back into warp speed. Without a single thought Lena charges from behind her corner with a shout.
The man whips around with pistol outstretched, but Lena pitches her weight down and back, her momentum sliding her into the man's legs like a baseball player sliding into home plate.
The shooter tumbles down on top of her, and Lena starts fighting for her life.
The gun clatters against the tile, sliding out of reach, but the man reacts quickly, wrapping his hands around Lena's throat, pressing down with all his weight as he squeezes. For several breathless seconds, Lena struggles ineffectually to loosen his grip with prying, desperate fingers, before her mind remembers the self-defense she took as a girl.
Her scrabbling fingers move deliberately to dig her nails deep into the man's nail beds. His fingers flinch only a fraction, but that's all she needs. Lena wrenches at his thumbs, widing the space between them as she bucks her hips, unbalancing him. His unsteadiness sends him lurching towards her and she immediately shoves her fingers towards his eyes.
She catches only one, but it's enough. He shouts, cursing, and draws himself fully back onto his heels. Lena sucks in a breath, choking as she squirms out from underneath him. The movement pulls his attention back towards her, and he reaches for her ankles to yank her back towards him.
Lena scrambles just out of reach, lunging towards the discarded pistol. She wraps her palms around the grip and points it towards him with both hands, still lying on her back. The man lumbers to his feet with murder in his eyes.
"Stay back!" Lena shouts, the warning scraping against her bruised larynx.
The man instead reaches behind him, and withdraws another pistol from the back of his waistband. Panic grips Lena anew.
"Put it down!"
The man ignores her. The muzzle of the pistol lifts towards her.
Lena squeezes the trigger.
Once, twice, three times in rapid sequence, straight towards center of mass. All three rounds punch little red holes in his chest. The man stands so close to Lena that his blood splatters against Lena's face in little droplets.
There's a long, terrible moment where the man sways in place, rifle balanced between both hands, before he topples over. In truth, it takes no more than a heartbeat.
Lena freezes, gasping for breath. Then new instincts take over.
With shaking fingers she ejects the magazine and pops the remaining round from the chamber. Flinging gun and mag in opposite directions, Lena scrambles to her feet. She kicks the second pistol out of the man's reach then kneels down, laces her fingers together, and begins chest compressions.
Lexie watches the scene unfold with wide, horrified eyes. Frozen, she watches Lena pelt towards the gunman, then somehow disarm him, and then...
The triple crack of the pistol firing explodes in Lexie's ears. She recoils, covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut against the noise. When she looks up once more, she immediately doesn't know who's fired first, until the man collapses.
Relief washes over Lexie when Lena flings the pistol away in pieces, only for shock to take over when her girlfriend tries to save the life of the man who'd tried to kill her.
Lexie only comes back to herself when she sees the single-minded determination on Lena's face as she shoves her weight against the man's chest in sharp, even compressions.
"Get a crash cart!" Lexie shouts to the nurse she sees cowering next to the chief's office. The woman doesn't seem to hear her, but Lexie doesn't have time to shake her out of it.
"Now!" she tries again, but already moving towards Lena, unknowing whether the nurse obeys or not.
But even as she slides to her knees beside Lena, new voices begin to shout at them.
"Step away from the suspect!" barks the SWAT commander moving towards them, his strides careful and measured with a rifle of his own settled confidently in the pocket of his shoulder.
Lena doesn't respond, even as the policeman and his partner continue their approach.
"I said step away--"
"If I stop this man dies," Lena says evenly.
Pressing her fingers to the man's pulse point, Lexie looks up to meet Lena's gaze. "He's already dead."
For several brisk compressions, Lena says nothing.
"Lena. He's gone."
Something flickers across Lena's features, something Lexie is unable to interpret or understand. But then Lena stops, and lifts her bloodsoaked hands in surrender.
Lena saved her.
Now over an hour later, the SWAT officers have given way to crime scene analysts and detectives come to take statements and tally the dead. The blood on Lena's hands has grown tacky, drying in the coolness of the hospital air conditioning.
Lena has said nothing. Neither has Lexie. They sit together on a ledge, shoulders pressing together in as reassurance as they can manage. When Lexie glances at Lena, her features are blank, placid, with no indication she felt the same tremors of abating adrenaline that Lexie feels. Lexie knows Lena is in shock, but doesn't know what words would pull her out of it.
The sound of Lena's phone ringing makes Lexie jump.
Lena pulls her cell from her pocket with gummy fingers. For a long moment, she stares at the screen, where Lexie sees "Mother" flashing with an incoming call.
Then-- Lena cracks.
Her breath hitches suddenly, sharp and broken as a sob bursts out of her. Lexie moves to kneel in front of her, wrapping her hand around Lena's wrist. When the phone continues to ring in Lena's quaking palms, Lexie gently takes it from her and answers for her, even as her other hand reaches up to cup Lena's cheek.
"Dr. Luthor," Lexie greets. She registers the panic on the other end, but her focus remains on holding Lena's gaze, doing her best to ground her.
"Lena is safe," Lexie says, rubbing tears from Lena's cheek. "She's okay."
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Active shooter episooooooode!!
Lets fucken go!!!!
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Green Pill Secret: Faith
A couple weeks ago, I attended the funeral of my dear friend and occasional writing partner Donna Royston. I knew Donna from the Hourlings writing group, which meets weekly, Sunday mornings online and at the Barnes & Noble in Ashburn. It was a lovely service in the Church in Winchester, VA. Needless to say, the service inspired me, and has brought me to love Jesus. I feel that accepting Jesus, as…
#Antioch Church#Barnes & Noble#Donna Royston#First Amendment#Jesus Christ#Jewish#Krystyna#Pastor Ray#Pledge of Allegiance#The Antioch Church#The Hourlings#US Constitution#Winchester#Woodbridge
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Green Pill Secret: Pick Me
Welcome to another episode if the Green Pill Secret. Last week, I wanted to tell you all about the problem with Creep Culture, this week, it’s all about the Pick Me people. What is a Pick Me person? Simply put, a Pick Me Person, for instance, a Pick Me Girl, is a woman who talks about mens and boys issues. For this, she’s called a Pick Me Girl because she’s constantly defending men and boys. The…
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Been listening to bits and pieces of EPIC the musical odyssey, and having listened to the part where Odysseus returns to Troy, I dunno what I want more: Lena as Penelope and Kara as Odysseus, or the other way around.
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Tutor: Science / Math / Software Engineering
Folks, as I’ve from time to time mentioned, I’m currently unemployed and as such, although I’m using the time to improve my literary portfolio, with hopefully at least 2 books to be released this year, I’m also considering earning some cash as the money runs out. For instance, since I run a science book club, am a mathematician, and a software engineer with decades of experience, I wanted to…
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