I'm sure it was a mistake, whatever caused this to happen to you. It'll most likely go away soon. Try not to worry too much? [He wasn't aware that the whole city and more was being changed. Hell, even Odette's kids could have been effected.]
Explain to me how you feel? Because we might be going through the same thing. So you’re not sick. [Jim rested a hand on her shoulder.]  I’m human. Right now. Without the help of the illusion.
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Explain to me how you feel? Because we might be going through the same thing. So you're not sick. [Jim rested a hand on her shoulder.]  I'm human. Right now. Without the help of the illusion.
thethievingmagpie replied to your post: Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Odette? [THAT was not how she was supposed to look like. And he was naturally human again. Did that mean she was too?] Maybe you should sit down.
I-I sit and I do not feel right—I stand and I do not feel right.
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A Miracle
When it happened, Jim had been making tea. He was wearing the medallion so the physical appearance went unnoticed - but then he felt it. The heavier human weight, no longer feeling restricted inside the human shell the medallion pushed the wings and such in. He wasn't in pain, he didn't feel sick, he felt...like he was supposed to. Jim dropped his glass and went to pull the medallion off to make sure he wasn't just confused and light headed from having not eaten yet - but no. His hands didn't turn to talons or scaled arms. He didn't sprout wings or grow tail feathers.  He was human again. This needed to be shared. John would be relieved. Odette maybe not, but this was GOOD.  
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"I wouldn't doubt it, but if he doesn't show up at the moment, let him know I dropped this off hm?" Of course there was a possibility she'd steal the money but there were also cameras and the like. He was sure Rune had people working for him that knew ho things went.
Jim raised an eyebrow. “Just here to drop off Rune’s money.” Whether she worked in Sky City or not. He’d be leaving the briefcase in the safest place in the bar if the dragon wasn’t there. Medallion charged and working so he appeared completely human.
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Sight: Muse is blind for ___
Hearing: Muse is deaf for ___
Ariel: Muse doesn't have speech for ___
Memory: Muse cannot remember anything for ___
Injury: Muse will be injured somehow (anon decides severity and injury) for ____
Fear: Muse will be terrified by something or someone (anon specifies who) for ___
Compulsion: Muse has OCD for ___ (anon decides primary source of obsession [number, clenliness, etc])
Love: Muse will be in love with (Anon decides) for 2 days
Cloak: Muse will be Invisible if wearing a special Clothing (Anon decides) for 3 Hours
Cough: Muse will be ill for 14 Hours
Remember: Muse will suffer Memory Loss for 4 Days
Gas: Muse will have hallucinogenic imaginary sights for one day.
Beer: Muse will talk like a Drunk and hit on everybody, lasts 3 Hours
Phobia: Muse is terribly afraid of something or someone (Anon specifies)
Lurk: Muse will follow ______(Anon can specify who or what)
Answer: Muse will have to answer anything that is asked of him/her truthfully, lasts 4 hours
Noise: Muse will say everything they think, lasts for a day
Sick: Muse will be sick with a unique flu for (Anon decides. Anon may also specify flu symptoms, they can even be really odd, different from Cough curse.)
Command: Muse has to take commands by the next _______ people in their ask (Anon specifies)
Obsession: Muse will be obsessed with ______ (Anon specifies) for the next 12 hours.
Power: Muse gains _______ (Anon specifies) as a power for 17 hours
Confess: Muse has to confess something they think of or feel toward anyone they speak to each time they speak to them for the next 5 hours
Enemy: Muse takes the appearance of someone they hate for 16 hours
Slave: Muse becomes a maid or butler to _______ (Anon decides) for 24 hours
Dream: Muse is able to trespass in the dreams and nightmares of others for 48 hours
Impression: Muse thinks they are a ______ (Anon pick an animal) for 15 hours
Gone: Muse loses _____ (Mun decides something or someone important) for 16 hours
Kiss: Muse wants to kiss everyone in their inbox for the next hour
Stalk: Muse thinks they are being stalked for (Anon decides)
Nightmare: Muse is plagued with horrific images and scenes both in sleeping and in waking for 3 days
Paranoia: Muse becomes extremely paranoid about (Anon specifies what and for how long)
Hallucination: Muse sees things for (Anon decides)
Craving: Muse will have an unusual craving for (Anon specifies) for 9 hours
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Jim raised an eyebrow. "Just here to drop off Rune's money." Whether she worked in Sky City or not. He'd be leaving the briefcase in the safest place in the bar if the dragon wasn't there. Medallion charged and working so he appeared completely human.
thethievingmagpie started following you
Sometimes Enya found her inability to drink alcohol a huge annoyance, but she had grown use to sitting at the bar. Her response to anyone approaching her was the same. “You may be in a bar, but I’m not a waitress, so don’t even ask.”
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[Jim gave a slight nod before heading the direction into the master bedroom where she said the shower was, grabbing a towel and washcloth from the linen closet. The shower was a huge relief really. Warm water massaging shoulders and wings. The clean feeling that came from a good wash. It brought him out of the darkness his mind created for a while. When he was done he went about doing his best to dry off. Feathers were rather easy to dry at least. Wrapping a towel around his waist after, putting the medallion necklace over himself sine he wasn't wearing pants to keep it in a pocket for now. He'd probably put the sweatpants back on anyway. They weren't technically dirty. He'd make due without a shirt for now and headed back into the kitchen wearing the sweatpants and looking shades better than earlier.]
thethievingmagpie started following you
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Jim raised an eyebrow at the price, but hardly cared. Money was money. This was far more important. "I'll have one of my men bring it in either later today or tomorrow," he told Rune when the dragon came back and began drawing a circle. He watched curiously.
thethievingmagpie entered the bar
That was a relief to hear. He hadn’t seen the Nix in so long, he wasn’t sure who to go to to get it recharged. He relaxed some. “Good. Money isn’t an issue, if you want something in return for the service.”
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[He deflated at ht answer and shook his head, sighing.]
Never mind, don't worry about it. [Obviously he was cursed like him, and it probably wasn't permanent unlike his own situation.]
+ thethievingmagpie
[A thought crossed the harpy’s mind. If this “Cain” was an original harpy, perhaps he’d know more about the species? Perhaps about the curse? His taloned feet tapped on the ground when he paused his steps, eventually turning back around.] Have you always been like that?
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[A thought crossed the harpy's mind. If this "Cain" was an original harpy, perhaps he'd know more about the species? Perhaps about the curse? His taloned feet tapped on the ground when he paused his steps, eventually turning back around.] Have you always been like that?
+ thethievingmagpie
Jim Doyle…
[Typical alias he was known to use. He calmed down considerably when the other appeared to be a stammering mess. Hardy a threat. Even if a bearded vulture was likely stronger and bigger than a magpie.] Pleasure. [He started to walk past, not sure carrying on a conversation with each other would go over well anyway. Things might get territorial.]
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That was a relief to hear. He hadn't seen the Nix in so long, he wasn't sure who to go to to get it recharged. He relaxed some. "Good. Money isn't an issue, if you want something in return for the service."
thethievingmagpie entered the bar
Jim kept his expression unamused while he pulled out the medallion, placing it on the counter. “I need this recharged with illusion magic.” His talons scraped against the silver item before letting it go and studying Rune. “I heard you are good at that sort of thing.”
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Jim Doyle...
[Typical alias he was known to use. He calmed down considerably when the other appeared to be a stammering mess. Hardy a threat. Even if a bearded vulture was likely stronger and bigger than a magpie.] Pleasure. [He started to walk past, not sure carrying on a conversation with each other would go over well anyway. Things might get territorial.]
+ thethievingmagpie
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Jim kept his expression unamused while he pulled out the medallion, placing it on the counter. "I need this recharged with illusion magic." His talons scraped against the silver item before letting it go and studying Rune. "I heard you are good at that sort of thing."
thethievingmagpie entered the bar
“Shit, we need to start stamping numbers on your foreheads.”
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[He stared for a good minute and a half. He hadn't seen another harpy - let alone a male one as long as he'd been cursed. He stepped back warily, wings tucked defensively against his back.Jim wasn't up for challenging, and the other wasn't threatening yet. No need for a display.] ...Afternoon. [He still eyed him suspiciously.]
+ thethievingmagpie
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"Excuse me?" he hissed. He wasn't wearing the medallion currently, considering it needed a magical recharge. He overheard this place had a good bit of magic. Wings ruffled their feathers behind him. He was sure to not like this man. 
thethievingmagpie entered the bar
“Shit, we need to start stamping numbers on your foreheads.”
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Sausage is fine...[Jim muttered, looking over himself. Was he that dirty? He would normally never let himself get like that. He sighed.] Do you mind if I do laundry here?  [He could also have her go out and buy an outfit for him with his money but...he didn't want to consume her time. A shower did sound amazing, though. He stood up.] I think I'll go take that shower, though.
thethievingmagpie started following you
[He was fairly certain he didn’t want to burden her with his problems, but he doubted she would take no for an answer. And getting away from the flat and having social interaction that wasn’t always negative was probably a good idea. So he let her tug him along.]  …Anything, I guess? [He had been coming down from a high, so his thought process was muddled. But cleaner clothes and a meal sounded great. Stomach rumbled despite itself.]
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[He was fairly certain he didn't want to burden her with his problems, but he doubted she would take no for an answer. And getting away from the flat and having social interaction that wasn't always negative was probably a good idea. So he let her tug him along.]  ...Anything, I guess? [He had been coming down from a high, so his thought process was muddled. But cleaner clothes and a meal sounded great. Stomach rumbled despite itself.]
thethievingmagpie started following you
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