The Thief's Den
55 posts
Dash Only Indie Multi-muse RP blog, penned by Klep, 27+, follows back from plantsandpotionz
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thethiefsden · 2 months ago
send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses. bold all that definitely applies, italicize what could potentially apply. feel free to add more if you think certain options are missing or you just want to add more.
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( put whatever you want here )
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thethiefsden · 4 months ago
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Stolas's feathers could help but ruffle a little bashfully as a small blush dusted his cheeks at being called her "saviour".
He giggled softly, a hand going to gently hover over his beak as he spoke, bending over slightly to take the hand of the woman before him. Lips lightly caressed the back of her hand as he gave it a soft kiss in his low bow, and shook it lightly for a little good measure.
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"Stolas. Er- Prince Stolas, but you can call me Stolas."
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@plantsandpotionz wrote: "Excuse me darling but... Are you alright? That little ruffian didn't hurt you too badly did they?" (For Sallie Mae from Stolas)
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“who, this guy? nah, he barely left a scratch on me!” well, even if that’s what sallie said, her appearance clearly stated otherwise. maybe it was the wrath blood that flowed through her veins, or an unnaturally high pain tolerance, but the fresh specks of black blood and bruises against crimson skin were unmistakable. but maybe they were from the perpetrator? who knows, she’s not gonna question it. all she cares about was the fact the scoundrel was unconscious at their feet.
clawed hands hands come down to dust against her outfit. “i had it under control, y’know. but hey, i’m not against thankin’ you from stepping in!” she retorts, friendly smile against her face as gaze returns to the taller figure who just so happened to be in the right place at the right time, single hand reaching out in a handshake. “c’mon now, don’t be shy, i gotta have a name for my saviour, don’t i?”
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thethiefsden · 5 months ago
Ships with height differences. Reblog if you agree
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thethiefsden · 5 months ago
Minima watched, her golden eyes widened and her mouth slightly hung open in awe as the massively tall figure of the owl slowly began to rise out of the smoke. She couldn't help but shiver ever so slightly at the scraping of the talons against the hardwood floor, but had noticed that thankfully, they hadn't broken the summoning circle.
That was good at least.
Her heart was racing lightly as the smoke and magic cleared from the air, the little duckling tilting her head up and up and up until she finally met the multiple eyes of the demonic Prince standing in the middle of the circle. She nearly fell over on her back from the sheer height of the owl, but was able to keep her own wits about her.
She blinked, drinking in his words as he spoke and shivering once again. This was the first time she had summoned a demon and her nerves seemed to get the better of her. He little mind registered the words being said, but what came out of her mouth was a flurry of panicked and quick Italian.
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"Sì! Ho un'offerta! Non è molto ma..."
The little duckling hurriedly pulls to her a small box with an intricate, hand made look and a small lock, the look of wonder still on her face as her little arms reach out to raise the box over her head for the Prince to take and inspect.
"Ti piace il tè? È una miscela molto rara fatta da un fiore di gelsomino che sboccia solo di notte ogni due mesi!"
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["Yes! I have an offering! It's not much but... Do you like tea? It's a very rare blend made from a jasmine flower that blooms only at night every couple of months!"]
This would be the first time Minima would ever attempt something like this.
Sure, the little duckling had talked to her Papa in the past about stuff like this, but he'd also said she couldn't not try summoning a demon. It wasn't like she was doing so for power, she just needed a little more knowledge.
The book began twisted under her fingers, carried on the vibration of the chant she gave, filling the room. She had the impression it was judging her- the same impression she'd gotten the first time she'd ever laid hands on The Lesser Key of Solomon. But it didn't scoff, it didn't rage. She hadn't thought an invisible magical force could be said to giggle, but somehow that's the impression she got as it focused itself.
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It filled the non-smoke from the candles, her heat-shimmer becoming opaque, circling around the spell in a complex pattern that somehow followed the eye-watering star, raising the barrier that would keep the demon away from her before diving into the center, disappearing into the ground. Nervousness, excited, and a little windblown, as it hadn't just affected the area of the circle.
And then silence. The candles burned low, the ceiling-light no one had bothered to turn off dimming with them. Noises from far off could be heard, just at the edge of hearing, sounds that could drive one insane if one listened too closely for too long... interrupted by a noise that sounded disturbingly like a hundred owls hooting all at once.
With the sound came smoke, filling the circle, but not escaping it- black and red, seeming to twist into dozens of feathers as one watched. Minima almost dropped the book as it physically twisted and wiggled in her grasp, forcing it to stay open- she could feel the cover moving, making motions as though it was laughing for a few seconds before it stilled, right about when the smoke began to clear.
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thethiefsden · 6 months ago
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Stolas couldn't help but widen his own smile as the Overlord flashed him her own. He giggled slightly, and gently took the hand offered in his own. However, instead of shaking it, he gently brought it to his beak and gave the back of her hand a soft, polite kiss, his own little mark of respect for the woman.
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"I'd be honored, Madame Rosie." He released her hand and gave the woman a small, low bow. "And I am Stolas, 36th Great Prince of the Ars Goetia."
He rose, giving a quick little look around the quaint shop. "How long have you been in business? It's been quite a while since I last passed through here."
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Truth be told, Stolas found himself quite uncertain about the true motivation that compelled him to step into Rosie's shop on that particular afternoon. Perhaps it was the insistent pangs of hunger that finally overwhelmed his senses. After all, as he wandered through the streets, the alluring aroma of cooking meat wafted through the air, drawing him in like an irresistible siren’s call, promising a taste of something divine.
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As he crossed the threshold, the gentle tinkling of the bell announced his arrival, a sound that seemed to echo through the ages, mingling with the soft strains of vintage music that filled the space. It enveloped him in an unexpected cocoon of tranquility, a stark contrast to the chaos of his princely life. The warm scents of the kitchen wrapped around him, igniting a flicker of delight in his heart, and he couldn’t help but shiver slightly at the intoxicating fragrance of roasted pork, each whiff a tantalizing reminder of comfort.
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Yet, as Stolas looked around, a peculiar stillness enveloped the shop. It was as if time had momentarily paused, leaving him in a world that felt both inviting and eerily solitary. No one stood behind the counter; the shop appeared abandoned, save for a quaint little bell that sat on the desk, its presence a silent invitation. He approached the polished surface, which gleamed under the soft light, and carefully pressed the bell. The gentle tinkle rang out, a hopeful sound in the stillness.
With a soft, almost reverent sigh, he removed his small hat and crown, casting aside the weight of royal expectation for just a moment. Leaning closer to the empty space, he called out in a voice that was barely above a whisper, “Hello?” The word floated into the silence, lingering like a fragile promise, as he waited with bated breath, yearning for a response—a flicker of connection in the tranquil void that surrounded him.
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thethiefsden · 6 months ago
Stolas raised his hands, the delightful little crown waving in his grasp, an amusing accessory that seemed to chuckle at the absurdity of its wearer. With a slightly embarrassed look, he waved his hands, hopefully and trying to weave reassurance into the atmosphere like a charm cast to dispel unease. A charming smile adorned his face as his gaze settled on the owner of the shop.
"Oh, dear, please don’t worry; it’s entirely alright," he said, his voice light soothing and warm. "A thousand apologies if I have caused any disruption to your day. You see, I was simply wandering by when I caught a whiff of your lovely establishment—it smelled utterly divine!" His words flowed effortlessly, like honey cascading from a jar, sweet and inviting, wrapping around the very essence of the place as if to embrace it.
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As if to add a humorous emphasis to his point, his stomach let out a deep, rumbling protest—a low growl that echoed through the quaint shop like the playful laughter of a mischievous spirit. A rosy flush crept across his cheeks, a delicate shade blooming against the pale canvas of his skin. "Oh, heh... Sorry that," he chuckled. "I wasn’t quite sure if I had wandered into a restaurant or a shop of sorts. You see, I don’t often find myself traversing the peculiar streets of Cannibal Town."
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He paused for a moment, glancing around as if the very walls might offer him a reassuring nod of understanding. "It’s a fascinating locale, honestly. Everyone is so chipper."
Truth be told, Stolas found himself quite uncertain about the true motivation that compelled him to step into Rosie's shop on that particular afternoon. Perhaps it was the insistent pangs of hunger that finally overwhelmed his senses. After all, as he wandered through the streets, the alluring aroma of cooking meat wafted through the air, drawing him in like an irresistible siren’s call, promising a taste of something divine.
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As he crossed the threshold, the gentle tinkling of the bell announced his arrival, a sound that seemed to echo through the ages, mingling with the soft strains of vintage music that filled the space. It enveloped him in an unexpected cocoon of tranquility, a stark contrast to the chaos of his princely life. The warm scents of the kitchen wrapped around him, igniting a flicker of delight in his heart, and he couldn’t help but shiver slightly at the intoxicating fragrance of roasted pork, each whiff a tantalizing reminder of comfort.
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Yet, as Stolas looked around, a peculiar stillness enveloped the shop. It was as if time had momentarily paused, leaving him in a world that felt both inviting and eerily solitary. No one stood behind the counter; the shop appeared abandoned, save for a quaint little bell that sat on the desk, its presence a silent invitation. He approached the polished surface, which gleamed under the soft light, and carefully pressed the bell. The gentle tinkle rang out, a hopeful sound in the stillness.
With a soft, almost reverent sigh, he removed his small hat and crown, casting aside the weight of royal expectation for just a moment. Leaning closer to the empty space, he called out in a voice that was barely above a whisper, “Hello?” The word floated into the silence, lingering like a fragile promise, as he waited with bated breath, yearning for a response—a flicker of connection in the tranquil void that surrounded him.
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thethiefsden · 6 months ago
Truth be told, Stolas found himself quite uncertain about the true motivation that compelled him to step into Rosie's shop on that particular afternoon. Perhaps it was the insistent pangs of hunger that finally overwhelmed his senses. After all, as he wandered through the streets, the alluring aroma of cooking meat wafted through the air, drawing him in like an irresistible siren’s call, promising a taste of something divine.
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As he crossed the threshold, the gentle tinkling of the bell announced his arrival, a sound that seemed to echo through the ages, mingling with the soft strains of vintage music that filled the space. It enveloped him in an unexpected cocoon of tranquility, a stark contrast to the chaos of his princely life. The warm scents of the kitchen wrapped around him, igniting a flicker of delight in his heart, and he couldn’t help but shiver slightly at the intoxicating fragrance of roasted pork, each whiff a tantalizing reminder of comfort.
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Yet, as Stolas looked around, a peculiar stillness enveloped the shop. It was as if time had momentarily paused, leaving him in a world that felt both inviting and eerily solitary. No one stood behind the counter; the shop appeared abandoned, save for a quaint little bell that sat on the desk, its presence a silent invitation. He approached the polished surface, which gleamed under the soft light, and carefully pressed the bell. The gentle tinkle rang out, a hopeful sound in the stillness.
With a soft, almost reverent sigh, he removed his small hat and crown, casting aside the weight of royal expectation for just a moment. Leaning closer to the empty space, he called out in a voice that was barely above a whisper, “Hello?” The word floated into the silence, lingering like a fragile promise, as he waited with bated breath, yearning for a response—a flicker of connection in the tranquil void that surrounded him.
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thethiefsden · 6 months ago
This would be the first time Minima would ever attempt something like this.
Sure, the little duckling had talked to her Papa in the past about stuff like this, but he'd also said she couldn't not try summoning a demon. It wasn't like she was doing so for power, she just needed a little more knowledge.
The book began twisted under her fingers, carried on the vibration of the chant she gave, filling the room. She had the impression it was judging her- the same impression she'd gotten the first time she'd ever laid hands on The Lesser Key of Solomon. But it didn't scoff, it didn't rage. She hadn't thought an invisible magical force could be said to giggle, but somehow that's the impression she got as it focused itself.
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It filled the non-smoke from the candles, her heat-shimmer becoming opaque, circling around the spell in a complex pattern that somehow followed the eye-watering star, raising the barrier that would keep the demon away from her before diving into the center, disappearing into the ground. Nervousness, excited, and a little windblown, as it hadn't just affected the area of the circle.
And then silence. The candles burned low, the ceiling-light no one had bothered to turn off dimming with them. Noises from far off could be heard, just at the edge of hearing, sounds that could drive one insane if one listened too closely for too long... interrupted by a noise that sounded disturbingly like a hundred owls hooting all at once.
With the sound came smoke, filling the circle, but not escaping it- black and red, seeming to twist into dozens of feathers as one watched. Minima almost dropped the book as it physically twisted and wiggled in her grasp, forcing it to stay open- she could feel the cover moving, making motions as though it was laughing for a few seconds before it stilled, right about when the smoke began to clear.
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thethiefsden · 6 months ago
Octavia couldn't help but cringe ever so slightly at her mother's admittance of her watching the girl, but that was when she was still in her shell. But now...
Now it just made her the slightest bit uncomfortable.
"'M alright. Dad said he was going to make something to eat since I was a little hungry but..."
The girl paused mid sentence, hand set at her own stomach. She was hungry, but Satan, there were just so many thoughts rolling in her own head, just as her had. I'm worried about Dad. I'm worried about you. I know about what happened with Striker at the Harvest Moon festival. Why? Why would you do that? I thought you loved him...
No, those were hard not to blurt out. Instead, all the girl would opt for was, "I'm fine. Just... I dunno... Everything feels all... Fucked up."
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@thethiefsden asked: "Mum, not that I'm not happy to see you or anything but... do you need something? You've been standing there for a while and it's freaking me out..." (From Octavia for Stella)
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“What? Why?” Stella rose from her recline in the doorway, expression lifting from the stone-faced fixture to surprise. What was there to be 'Freaked Out' about? What was she doing? “I did a lot of standing and staring while you were still in your shell, you know.”
Oh, this wasn't about that - don't get sidetracked. Be honest.
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“No, I don't need anything, Via.” Stella answered, while smaller voices in the back of her mind debated on whether or not to strike that and reverse it. Should she confess what her real thoughts were? I'm worried about you and your development. You're still young and undergoing an enormous change that I know is fucking you up monumentally. I'm worried your father and I have just notched a milestone in your formative years that may shape you as a young woman. I am worried about you.
Those thoughts would stay inside. At least for the time being. Perhaps she could hint at it and test the waters in some way. Hm.
“How are you feeling, dear?”
Because that wasn't out of the blue.
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thethiefsden · 6 months ago
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Stolas was quick to act, turning wordlessly to a few of the servant imps, he made a few rapid gestures with his hands and muttered something about the aforementioned champagne, and the imps scuttled off in a flurry of fear and worry.
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Stolas turned back to his Father, a single bead of sweat rolling down his face as he swallowed thickly, muscles tensing. "I-I'm sorry, Father. It's just... Had I known you were coming I would have had more time to set everything in order, make it a grand appearance worth of your presence!"
Was he laying it on just a tad bit thick? Yes, but the worry of his wrath far outweighed the idea of his own well-being at the moment. A beat passed and now there was a maid imp next to Paimon, holding up a rather beautiful and expensive looking champagne and glass, already full of course. All that was needed now was the red carpet.
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"Father. I was... unaware you would be visiting today. What brings you to my abode?" (For Stolas, from @thethiefsden)
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"It is every bit your abode as it is mine, owlet." Announce a visit? Preposterous. And no, he is not about to bother bringing this one's name to the forefront of his memory. Perhaps a brief inspection of whatever tomfoolery his offspring is getting up to is in order. It'd be unbecoming to refrain from keeping a close eye, lest some scandal that tarnishes the Goetias' good name comes out in the light.
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"I've spent, oh, five minutes here, and seen not a single carpet rolled out. Nary an offer of champagne. Is this how we greet an omnipotent sovereign, dear boy? I taught you better."
|| @thethiefsden
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thethiefsden · 6 months ago
Stolas gently pushed his plate aside, noticing that frown on her face. His heart tensed as a whirlwind of emotions channeled through him all once, but the most prominent one being worry.
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His chair gently scrapped across the floor as he made his way to her, pulling up a chair and sitting beside her, setting a gentle hand on her back.
"Oh my Starfire, I'm always worried about you... I know there are... A lot of things going on right now between your mother and I but... If there's anything I can do to help..."
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"Via, dear? Are you alright? You've hardly touched your food. Is something troubling you my little Owlette?" (From Stolas, @thethiefsden)
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SHE POKED AT HER PLATE with a fork, finding herself without much of an appetite. Raising her head when she heard her father's voice, she frowns somewhat. "I don't know..." She trails off, thinking about all the different thoughts that turmoil within her mind.
"Just a lot going on, I guess." She admits, forcing herself to take another bite of her food despite her lack of hunger. "Teenage girl shit. You don't need to worry about it."
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thethiefsden · 7 months ago
"Whatever do you mean? I see no problems here."
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He's staring at her with them big ole peepers. Blinking. Not even saying a word. But then he just—
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thethiefsden · 7 months ago
He's staring at her with them big ole peepers. Blinking. Not even saying a word. But then he just—
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@plantsandpotionz said: Stolas grows weed. Just saying lol
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Did she get it from you?
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thethiefsden · 7 months ago
Hey y'all! I know I haven't been here in a while, but I promise I haven't forgotten about anyone or anything here! I've mostly been on discord, so if you'd like you can add me there and we can talk and plot! Just hit that heart and I'll send you my info! :> love y'all! happy 4th!
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thethiefsden · 9 months ago
Send a }!{ + a Muse you can see me playing and I’ll give you a sample of me roleplaying as them.
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thethiefsden · 10 months ago
Stolas couldn't help roll his eyes at the sheer stupidity of this... Mmmm, admittedly very attractive mortal, drinking in her words and her body with his dark red eyes, not even flinching as the knife soared inches from his head and sunk into the body beside him with a sickening squelch, ignoring the remark about his "showings."
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His eyebrow raised however at the notion of he needing an information devil however.
He then took on a coy smile, one arm raising itself to his heart and the other sweeping out beside him, cloak billowing behind him in a non-existent breeze. "Well, Lucifer I am not... But I am an information demon. The Great Stolas, 37th Prince of the Ars Goetia. I provide forms of knowledge of the Stars, Plants, Herbs, Poisons, and Potions."
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His head raised, eyes meeting her own with a sly smile... And moved forward, stepping out of the circle, and moving closer to her.
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@thethiefsden asked: "You know if you wanted to summon someone different, then I'd have recommended actually looking for a book that has the proper spell translation and ingredients. This book is just filled with all sorts of gobbledygook." (From Stolas, for Martha )
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"I had purpose to think that he was peddling me a genuine summonin's journal when I bought it, all right?" Fwiii~ing, thunk! That was the blood-soaked dagger flinging 'cross the room to stick into the fresh forehead of a taxidermied salesman. "He was very charismatic and did a few showin's, you know?"
Martha didn't see herself stalking this tall, sweeping glass of water across her altar room at 10:30pm, but here she was, and admittedly, even with the cloak in the way, the owl was reeeeeal easy on the eyes. Mm!
Still, he wasn't exactly who she was expecting to pop up, and she knows she shoulda known better; Big Daddy Asmodeus and his people got real specific energy in their sigils, and this pretty thing's name wasn't ringing a bell 'til she put down the last 'S' and it was already too late. "You tellin' me I wasn't even close when I was summonin' an informational sorta devil?"
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thethiefsden · 10 months ago
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Anyone wanna join my new rp discord server I made? Hit that heart and I'll send you and invite. :>
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