thetevinterspy · 16 hours
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thetevinterspy · 2 days
Let me talk to the little gremlin, Lucanis. 💜😈
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thetevinterspy · 2 days
I think the biggest problem this fandom has is misplaced nostalgia.
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thetevinterspy · 3 days
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hehehehuehue mage man gimme dopamine
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thetevinterspy · 4 days
As a very (old) and long term fan of choice-driven RPG’s, I am absolutely fine with whatever choices the developers made when it comes to world states. Their choice to save money and put that elsewhere is a reasonable and logical one, and what’s more, it does not invalidate my own head-canon or the hours I spent in those games making those choices. Instead, it allows me to imagine what I want for those characters.
What’s more is I think the choices in RPG’s should be felt in the game they are made in, instead of ten years down the road. Imagine we didn’t get another sequel at all- everyone would be in the same boat.
I feel bad for the game developers who I truly believe are trying to make the best choices for old and new players and I choose to focus on whatever story they are telling -now-. I’m still so so excited and I really can’t wait for Halloween. 👻
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thetevinterspy · 5 days
i made a post a while back about the peepaw jokes surrounding emmrich and got vague blogged about it by salty people because i was "ruining their fun," which whatever lol. but the jokes have now escalated to saying he has erectile dysfunction and like this is what i meant when i said people are unaccustomed to characters above the age of 30 existing in media they consume.
like, 50 year old men have pretty active sex lives. you could be 70 and have an active sex life but that's not the point. emmrich isn't some geriatric grandpa ready to keel over and have a heart attack during sex, and jokes about his penis not working because he's "sooooo old" aren't actually funny.
and in my OG post i was pretty gracious about people making these jokes but since y'all insist in being unfunny and corny lemme just spell it out for y'all: at some point y'all crossed over from harmless jokes to full out ageism and it's incredibly off-putting and ruining the vibes. you're not funny or creative for saying that a middle aged person is bad at sex.
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thetevinterspy · 6 days
It’s a new week, and while things in my life are still pretty rough, I have some renewed hope for the future. Dragon Age, of course, plays a big part in that. But there’s something I wanted to talk about, especially since I know many of you reading this are just starting out in your careers.
I was working in the corporate world, thinking I was fulfilling all my dreams. I felt a constant need to keep up with everyone around me, even though I didn’t have the means to do so. I was under so much pressure to have nice things, a nice car, a three-bedroom home, and to make sure my kids had the best of everything and were involved in all the same activities as everyone else’s kids. The pressure to succeed, to be perfect, to constantly produce, and to always be busy was overwhelming. I’m 42 now, and I’ve spent the last six-plus years living like that.
Until I couldn’t keep it up anymore, and my whole world came crashing down. Now, away from the life I once lived, I can finally step back and see it for what it was—a sham. It wasn’t what I wanted at all; it was what I’d been taught to want. As a woman born in the early ’80s, I wasn’t immune to the years of misogynistic stereotypes—not just about being a ‘trad wife,’ but the idea that if you’re a working mom, you have to do it all.
So instead of chasing any of that, I’m choosing to do my own thing. I’m going to slow down, seek happiness, and enjoy my hobbies. I won’t get caught up in the community or the drama. I’m going to start my YouTube channel, bake sourdough bread, and let my kids do what makes them happy. I’m going to embrace living with less and do everything I can to create a simple, cozy, homey life.
As I begin this journey of slowing down and pursuing happiness instead of chasing money and clout, I’ll be sharing my experiences here and on TikTok—what I’m doing and how it’s going. You might be wondering what any of this has to do with Dragon Age, and honestly, it doesn’t, at least not directly. But it’s come back into my life at the perfect time, just like it has during so many other pivotal moments in my life.
Dragon Age has always been a constant source of comfort and inspiration for me, and as I shift toward a simpler, more intentional life, it feels right to have it by my side again. So, whether I’m baking sourdough or diving deep into Thedas lore, I’ll be sharing this new chapter with all of you. It’s not about perfection anymore—it’s about living authentically and finding joy in the little things.
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thetevinterspy · 7 days
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A selection of article and video titles from video game news outlets following the DA:TV hands-on previews
[source, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen] <- source links may contain spoilers
Text version of titles:
"After 6 Hours, Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a Definite GOTY Contender [Hands-on Preview] Playing Dragon Age: The Veilguard Made It My Most Anticipated Game of 2024 Dragon Age: The Veilguard combines the series’ best qualities into one Dragon Age: The Veilguard preview – Defying the loftiest expectations Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s press preview gave me the reassurance I was looking for Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview - A New Combat-Ready Design For A Classic Fantasy Franchise Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview – BioWare’s Back, Baby Dragon Age: The Veilguard final hands-on preview — A return to form, a return to Thedas Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview: BioWare Finally Nails The Character Creator I’ve Always Wanted I spent nearly 7 hours playing Dragon Age: The Veilguard and would like to spend 100 more in this RPG right now, thank you very much Dragon Age: The Veilguard Feels Like BioWare At Its Most Confident Playing 6 hours of Dragon Age: The Veilguard gave me the faith its trailers couldn't: This is the BioWare comeback fans want After playing it all day, Dragon Age: The Veilguard feels like the series' Mass Effect 2 moment Dragon Age: The Veilguard is so much more than you think it is, and it channels BioWare’s best"
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thetevinterspy · 8 days
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da2 + text posts
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thetevinterspy · 9 days
Had my first run-in today with one of those guys (because it’s almost always a guy) who likes to complain about games being “woke”. Apparently, the Character Creator we saw is the -worst ever- because they can have top surgery scars, but they can’t make their tits and ass big enough. I’m ruining games because I think it’s great that DA no longer seems to pander to the incel gamers of the world.
Imagine getting one of the most inclusive and incredibly deep character creators in the history of the game, and you’re mad that you can’t make the tits huge. Or that the ass is too flat.
As someone with large breasts, I just don’t need a D or F cup in my game.
Also, a lot of people complaining about the bulge size not being big enough deeply overestimate their own.
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thetevinterspy · 10 days
I had the worst day of my entire possible life up until this point, and once again, Dragon Age is coming in clutch for me. It’s been there for me, with me, since the beginning really of my adult life as a wife and a mother. I can not tell you how relieved I am to just sink into bed and return to Thedas and watch all of these incredible videos and takes.
Thank you, BioWare, and thanks for reminding me I’ll never have it as bad as Solas has it right now. 🥹
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thetevinterspy · 12 days
I’m unexpectedly between jobs, and have some time on my hands before Veilguard comes out, so I decided to do something I’ve always wanted to do! My own DA YouTube channel. Dragon Age has been by my side through a LOT, and honestly, made me love gaming.
I’ve been sifting through DA videos in the lead up to Veilguard, watching Let’s Plays of the older games, news videos, and lore videos and I’m SO inspired, but also for every reasonable video there’s two hateful ones talking about how everything sucks.
Couldn’t be me though. And while I’m not in it for views, really, I do hope once I post it here some of you might come and hang out with me, because I have literally nobody in my personal life who loves Dragon Age and I need people to share the moment with, you know?
So here’s some questions for all of you!
1) What videos do you like most? Let’s plays? Lore? News? What should I do first?
2) What are your favorite YT creators for Dragon Age? I know I follow all of the big ones, but would love to watch others who may be smaller!
3) Does anyone have any suggestions for good apps and programs to make my videos look nice and professional? Again, not chasing views but I would like to be proud of what I’m putting out!!
Anyway that’s it. I’m just so excited I had to share it with somebody besides my kids. 😅
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thetevinterspy · 16 days
Do we think Emmrich is a widower?
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thetevinterspy · 17 days
I actually don’t think the latest spoilers for Dragon Age are all that shocking. And I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who thinks…no, KNOWS, that the DA team surely has so many surprises in store for us still. I just think the real good shit they are keeping to themselves.
Anyway my life is falling apart over here but I’ve still got Dragon Age to distract me, and I’m thrilled with all of the goodies they have been giving us.
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thetevinterspy · 25 days
Solas is the king of macguffins, lord of trinkets, chief of tchotchkes. Man needs to be kept away from flea markets with urgency. Lavellan come collect your man he's trying to break the world with a fidget spinner again
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thetevinterspy · 1 month
Yall gotta stop calling Emmrich old when he’s like 52. 😅
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thetevinterspy · 1 month
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I finished watching Jane Eyre (1983) last night, and I just hope/wish/long for Emmrich romance scenes to have something like this. A sort of desperate longing, tender embraces, deep kisses. The way he holds her head after looking into her eyes. All consuming afection/desire.
The height and age differences in this series also add to that whole Emmrich/Rook fantasy in my head.
Holding on till Halloween i guess.
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