molecular biology&genetics student @ boğaziçi university/istanbulalso intrested in german&japanese
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thestudyingcookie · 5 years ago
Starting from today (24.05.20) , every Sunday I am gonna post about what I’ve done that week regarding productive stuff that I rarely do (sadly).
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thestudyingcookie · 5 years ago
Random goals I wanna achieve (24.05.20)
Finish CS50 on edX —> currently on week4
Gain bioinformatic and phyton experience on Rosalind
Learn R for biology —> Almost half of swirl is done but I have 0 experience
Ask a prof if they got some bioinformatic part of their research I could possible work on!!
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
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Hi everyone! I’m throwing a new challenge, this time called Langblr Music Challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to have some fun by listening to music while improving your language skills.  To participate in this challenge you will choose one song in your target language every day that you will listen to (to improve your listening skills), sing along to (to improve your pronunciation), look up the lyrics to and learn all the words that were unfamiliar to you (to expand your vocabulary). You don’t have to memorize the whole song or post a video of yourself singing, don’t worry! Instead, if you want to, you can post about your progress and share the songs you listened to and the new words you learned. If you do, please tag your posts as #langblrmusicchallenge so that I and others can find new music and learn some new words as well! You can choose to participate in this challenge for 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, or 30/31 days - it’s up to you! 
Have fun! 🎶
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
Honorific Prefixes
The explanation that is generally given is that words of native Japanese origin take お as the honorific prefix whereas words of Chinese origin will take ご 
Another phrasing is that words read with their kun’yomi (Japanese readings) take お and words read with their On’yomi (Chinese readings) take ご
Both of these can be written in kanji as 御 however outside of Keigo お is practically never seen in kanji, and ご is maybe only a 50/50 chance of the kanji being used.
That said, there are a few additional notes that get left out.
お is commonly used for day-to-day words, い adjectives, and most foods (except for ご飯) regardless of origin
ご   is commonly used for more abstract concepts and most な adjectives
While you may sometimes see people attach these prefixes to loan words it’s considered incorrect to do so. 
Many “exceptions” are created by these additional notes.
Some Chinese origin words that commonly take お
お茶 「おちゃ」 Tea
お元気 「おげんき」 Lively, healthy
お勉強 「おべんきょう」 Study
お電話 「おでんわ」 Phone, Phone call
お食事 「おしょくじ」Meal
お化粧 「おけしょう」 Make-up
お野菜 「おやさい」 Vegetables
お綺麗 「おきれい」 Beautiful
Some Japanese origin words that commonly take ご
ごゆっくり leisurely
ごもっとも most, extemely
ご親切 「ごしんせつ」Kind, friendly
ご盛ん 「ごさかん」 Popular
Also some words can be used with either of the prefixes:
返事 「へんじ」 Reply
都合 「つごう」 Circumstance
利息 「りそく」 Interest (financial)
通知 「つうち」 Notification, notice
会計 「かいけい」 Account
受験 「じゅけん」 Entrance exam
年賀 「ねんが」 New year’s greetings
祝儀 「しゅうぎ」 Celebration
病気 「びょうき」 Illness
Required Honorifics
While some more masculine speech forms are more forgiving of this, there are several words in which the honorific has become accepted as part of the word and should be kept even in casual speech. The more common examples are:
お金 「おかね」 Money
お茶 「おちゃ」 Tea
お辞儀 「おじぎ」 bowing
ご飯  「ごはん」(as well as compound words using ご飯 ) Meal, cooked rice
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
Hi! Do you know any YouTube channel that teaches Japanese?
Hey Anon,
I’m sure there’s more than a few out there, but the one which I am aware of is Learn Japanese From Zero. It starts at, well, you guessed it - level 0, and continues on from there. It’s a well established channel with a substantial back catalogue of video content which ought to keep you going for quite a while. Their webpage,, has additional content which you can access via a free subscription if you so desire.
The host, George, is someone you either do or don’t warm to. I find him quite agreeable, and sometimes funny, but there sure are some cringe moments! Guess that makes him as human as the rest of us :-)
Happy video scouring!
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
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I love my desk a lot ❤️
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
Advanced English vocabulary
The vocabulary list has been taken from here. Apathy (noun) Lack of interest or concern. There is widespread apathy among the school staff. Dismal (adjective) Gloomy; depressing; dreary. When the weather is dismal, I have a hard time getting motivated to do anything. Dismay (verb) To cause the sudden loss of courage; to cause the feeling of consternation and distress. We were dismayed by the president’s policy reversal. Emulation (noun) The imitation or copying of someone. No example sentence.   Endeavor (verb) To try very hard to achieve something. We hoped that the president would endeavor to help the people. Frugal (adjective) Thrifty; economical. You don’t have to have a lot of money to travel if you are frugal. Impair (verb) To weaken; to affect negatively. No example sentence. Mercenary (noun) A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army. The war was fought mostly by mercenaries. Naive (adjective) Lacking experience. It was naive of me to think that the governor actually cared about the people living in his state. Stringent (adjective) Strict; restrictive; rigid; severe. Mary has been on a stringent diet for months.
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
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Hello everyone! So this is my first ever post so I thought it be proper sharing my studying place. It’s a bit messy, filled with a lot of notes , it and contains much more than only my studying supplies but I’ve always had my desk like this so it works for me. As the new school year is about to start I want to participate the 100 days of productivity challange. So here it is the pic for the first day…
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
Hi Essi! Could you make a list of some vocabulary list topics?
Greetings and basic phrases
Numbers and counting
Telling time
Question words
Basic adjectives/verbs
Personal pronouns
Family members and relatives
Daily routine
Seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn
Events of the year: new year, easter, birthday, halloween, christmas, etc.
Life events and stages of life
Food and beverages
Herbs and spices 
Cooking and baking
Dietary requirements and allergies
Asking for and giving directions
Physical appearance
Clothes and accessories
Beauty and fashion
Fabrics and patterns
Body parts
Personality traits
Feelings and emotions
Places and buildings
Types of houses
Furniture and objects around the house
Animals and insects
Arts and crafts
TV and tv-shows
Books and literature
Popular movies/series/etc: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Twilight, Star Wars, Disney, Pokémon, Studio Ghibli, Moomin…
Cars and driving 
School, studying, and stationery
Work and occupations
Diary/bullet journal
Post and email
Natural disasters
Countries and continents
Bodies of water 
Compass points
Languages and linguistics
Profanities and insults
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Fairytales and mythology
Zodiac signs
Computers and other electronic devices
Social media & different platforms (tumblr, facebook, twitter…)
Cleaning and hygiene
Health and illnesses
Politics and elections
Alcohol and drugs
Military, army & war
Synonyms and antonyms
Pairs and opposites 
Idioms and proverbs
Tongue twisters 
Irregular verbs 
False friends 
Advanced vocabulary 
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
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work hard
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
Tumblr Resources to Get You Through the School Year!
Hi guys!! Thank you all so much for your support!!! Happy 250 (EDIT: I SPENT A DAY ON THIS AND NOW IM PAST 300) and hope you all have a great start to the month! The community is more welcoming with all of you - I haven’t faced negativity from anyone at all. None of these are my posts - but they’ve helped me out a lot. With that said - let’s get started:
For bujos/planners:
This is one of my side blogs, and has tons of inspiration for weekly and monthly spreads, as well as a few aesthetic ideas and how to start one. I update this constantly.
How to start a studyblr - Studyblrs with creative fields
Lighting (for photos)
Study spreads
Planning your month
Printables (the same as some used down there but in a different category):
Weekly printable
To - do printable
Cornell Notes printable
Back to school printables
Daily Planner  @theorganisedstudent
Weekly Planner II @theorganisedstudent
Essay Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Tracker
Novel Notes
Plot Diagrams
Correction Sheets
Grid & lined paper
Weekly schedule for studying
Printables masterpost
Exam printable & how to use it
2018 Calender set (by my QUEEN @emmastudies)
For students:
Exams & Studying:
Exam revision guide
How to beat different types of procrastination
How to deal with a crappy teacher (this has to do with studying ig)
Study tips!! (its a masterpost)
Exam Printable & How to Use it
Exam & Homework tips
Coping with hell i mean exams i mean hell
A cool studying outline to try
This is my favorite thing and it’s when to use certain remembering techniques
Correction Sheets
Memorization tips for different learners
Weekly study schedule
More sites to use in normal studying routines
How to study smarter and not harder
Study smarter II
Exam printable & how to use it
Self discipline 
Study methods
Hoe tips for school and studying
Studying masterpoint
Tips and tricks to studying
Study tip - so easy
How to stay organized to study
Note - Taking:
Lecture notes
How i set up flash cards (these are nice to study from but be determined to finish setting them up)
Nifty highlighting idea (this post is so old)
Highlighting idea that i actually use
How to take Cornell Notes
Cornell style notes printable (gridded)
Notebook paper (grid & lined)
Tips for pretty notes!!
How to take notes
Notes for different classes
Life, man & general school stuff:
Back - to -school guide
Things I learned as a college freshman
Textbooks are expensive so here’s some free ones…
Tips for working students that sound extra but may work for u ily don’t overwork urselves
Masterpost for motivation and stuff
Get ur life together again bc haha i stay organized for like a day anyway
School supplies that u should have just to stay minimal
Grad school tips
Organization masterpost
Productive afterschool routine
30 websites to kill boredom
Back to school masterpost
Get confident in presentations
Overcome procrastination
Succeeding in school masterpost
For bad days 
For bad days II
A GOOD MASTERPOST for getting ur life together 
General school tips 
Free online courses
Sites to learns stuff
More learning stuff sites
Dealing with a trashy class
Study resources masterpost
Summer Productivity
Summer life tips
Honest guide to college 
University tips
What to do on Sundays
Back to school masterpost
Useful things for going back to school
How to clean your house
Cute self care tips!
More self care tips
Plant care tips!
A handy list of words to fit into ur essays
How to write an article like a journalist
Words to replace over-used words
ESSAY STRUCTURE IDEA this is in bold so u losers don’t miss this bc it’s not just for English u nerds
Get gucci while reading and be an active reader
Get gud reading them academic articles amigo
Words to replace “the author or whatever shows…” bc that is baby writing and i accidentally used that on an essay and i failed so
Novel notes
Plot Diagrams
Reading Lists
Literary techniques (what themes, personifications, metaphors are etc)
Discussing in English
How to top a literature class
Literature class masterpost
Strong/weak verbs
More essay tips!!
MLA format - a how to
How to avoid essay cliches
Chemistry (I’m taking chem so i have a few resources aha)
Da terms on exam papers
Chemistry resources masterpost
Cute periodic tables
Study chapters
History/Social Studies
How to write a history paper
AP world history powerpoints masterpost
General tips
Understanding math masterpost
Test Prep
ACT tips!
100 words for the SATs (start studying early!!)
Thank you so much for the support! I couldn’t have done it without all of you. A simple reblog or like will help others see these tips, and will be very appreciated. I hope these links work - feel free to message me with questions and other links!! A possible part 2 might come out at the end of august, and one for languages!!!
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
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Guise …
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
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Laws of Productivity, No. 1: “Get started.”
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
Quick reminder, especially for you younger undergrads: Discipline is a skill, not a character trait. And just like any skill, it can be practiced and improved upon incrementally. Try not to get discouraged if you have a day, or multiple days, where you are less disciplined than you would like or need to be. Don’t quit. Don’t spend the next week binging Netflix because you think it’s a hopeless endeavour. Just get up the next day and try again. Each day you try is more practice, and each day you practice, you’ll get a little bit better, and that continual improvement will pay dividends in the long run.
Keep at it.
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
When you lose your Duolingo streak, but do 30 lessons to teach that bitch ass owl you are not joking around
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thestudyingcookie · 7 years ago
#Japanese #WordoftheDay 寝取る (ねとる /netoru) “to steal another’s spouse, to steal another’s lover”
— Learning Japanese (@LearnJPBOD) November 9, 2016
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thestudyingcookie · 8 years ago
This post is to remind you that
if we are studying the same languages, we can be study buddies
if you’re studying my native language, you can ask me questions regarding vocab and grammar, ask me to proof-read something you wrote, ask me to translate something or just write me if you want to practise writing
just let me know :)
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