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This is my RP blog! Please feel free to ask me anything and RP with me! I'll rp with anyone! I check #thesouthernwaterbender
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thesouthernwaterbender · 5 years ago
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This dino isn’t skating around the issues. 
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thesouthernwaterbender · 5 years ago
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Health Benefits of Roller Skating
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thesouthernwaterbender · 5 years ago
“It’s Been a Long Time” Sentence Starters
Muse A and Muse B haven’t seen each other in years.  Put one of these sentences in my ask to have your muse react to seeing my muse again after such a long time.
“It’s been awhile.”
“I can explain.”
“You’re supposed to be dead.”
“How did you get here?”
“Please don’t leave me again.”
“I need you to tell me the truth about where you’ve been.”
“I never thought I’d see you again.”
“I’m so glad I’ve finally found you!”
“Whatever rock you crawled out from under, you should crawl back.  Now!”
“Well, look what the cat dragged in!”
“I never thought I’d be so happy to see you.”
“Do you remember me at all?”
“Why didn’t you let me know you were okay?”
“Well, fancy seeing you again!”
“I never stopped looking for you.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I know you said you never wanted to see me again, but - ”
“Please don’t pretend like you don’t know me!’
“How dare you show your face around here!”
“What are you doing in a place like this?”
“You haven’t changed one bit.”
“Why did you just walk away like that?”
“Did you even stop to think about what your disappearance would do to me?”
“I know, I know - I’m supposed to be dead.”
“It’s a long story.”
“I-I’m sorry I left without saying anything.”
“I’m sorry I never contacted you.”
“Do - I know you?”
“Please don’t ask where I’ve been.”
“Miss me?”
“Please don’t let this be a dream.”
“How long have you been here?”
“Did you ever even try to look for me?”
“You said you’d never come back here!”
“Thank god I finally found you!”
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thesouthernwaterbender · 5 years ago
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…welcome to the RP Masterlist Bot.  I’m a Masterlist that never gets out of date, because I update myself!  
This is a Masterlist for Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra Characters.  If you’d like to be added to the list, please reblog with the following information in the first three tags.  You can have other tags, just make sure these three are first!  Remember, I’m a bot.  I am not smart.  
First Tag:  Your Characters Name (Put “Multimuse” here if you’re a multimuse)
Second Tag: Whether they are:  “canon” “oc” “canon divergent” “crossover” or “verse”
The last two are for characters that are other canon characters.  A “verse” is if you make an entirely new canon for them.  A “crossover” is if they’re somehow capable of visiting the ATLA/LOK universe.  
Multimuses, just put “canon” regardless of what the muses are.
Third Tag: “atla” “lok” “both” “comics” “other”  Basically, you can determine what these mean–but, mostly I define it as which canon you primarily write in!
Example:  #Aang #Canon #Atla
Please double check to make sure everything is spelled right and grammatically correct or the entry may be ignored!
You can find the list here.
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thesouthernwaterbender · 5 years ago
Katara took a deep breath - unable to stop herself from looking over her shoulder, unable to stop feeling like they were being watched.
And after all - what a sight to see - a water bender helping one of the fire nation princess’ most trusted confidantes.
Katara watched the girl closely - trying to keep her nerves hidden as she worked. “Who are they?” She asked, concern thick in her voice “do you have somewhere safe to go?”
What was her plan? She couldn’t seriously be thinking about taking her back to camp, could she?
She couldn’t just leave her here though. Anyone could stumble across her.
Katara froze - her eyes catching a familiar face down the end of an alley. She was so badly injured. Could she just turn her back on her? Katara swore quietly under her breath as she turned down the alley. “Ty Lee?” She asked, crouching down at the girls side, pulling her head down as she extracted the water from her pouch, feeling uneasy as she set about healing her. “What happened?”
Lee sat against the alley wall in a bloodied heap, trying to pull herself together before she even attempted to stand. While yes, the girl could be quite the opponent, and she was quick on her feet, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be taken by complete surprise and be overpowered; which had been what had consequently happened tonight. 
The former acrobat had her head resting back against the cool stone wall, trying to swallow away the copper taste in her mouth and will away her pain long enough to get to her feet and get away from here. However, her concentration was broken when she heard her name, causing her to flinch as she turned. Of all the people she might’ve expected to stumble upon her, the little waterbender girl wasn’t high on the list.
Nervous eyes watched the girl approach her. Honestly, she wouldn’t have been able to blame the younger girl if she decided to take this moment to seek any payback for all the trouble she and her friends has been causing... yet to her surprise, the bender instead seemed to be trying to help her, “I...I don’t know...they just came out of nowhere...” she muttered out softly.
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
Katara's heart sank when Aang admitted he had seen the letters. He had read it, it was real and happening, she hadn't misunderstood or made it up in her head.
Her heart completely sank when he suggested for a moment they cancel the wedding, the slight suggestion enough to make her look up, the tears freshly falling down her cheeks at so much of a mention of cancelling the wedding.
"What?" She asked in disbelief, hurt and getting angrier at Sokka at the conversation that was even taking place. "You.... You don't want to marry me anymore?" She asked, unable to believe what she was hearing.
The mere suggestion made her even angrier at Sokka.
"No." She demanded stubbornly "He's the one who has the problem, he can come see us. We're busy. I'm busy at the clinic, you're busy with the council, we don't have time to pack up and travel across the world because he's being a stubborn arse." She insisted.
Anger was easier than sadness.
She moved her hands, angrily washing away the remaining blood from her skin, bending the water out of her hair as she stormed out of the stream, grabbing Aang's hand on her way past to drag him back to their camp.
She dropped his hand before she made her way into their tent, changing into clean bindings in less than two minutes, pulling on a clean set of clothing before she joined Aang back outside the tent.
"We should just go get married now. Elope. If Sokka doesn't want to come then fine, he doesn't have to come, that's his choice, it's not our fault that he doesn't care."
Rifts and nightmares
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
Who breaks the notes? GIRLS!
Reblog If You Can Take Off Your Bra Without Taking Your Shirt Off.
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
Got in a fight with a pro-gun activist today
After running out of arguments they say "well if it works why doesn't everyone just move to Australia?" Me: "Because haven't you heard? We stopped the boats."
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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So bummed I'm missing Dark Mofo :( throw back to Blacklist 2015
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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#darkmofo #ephemeralive (at Dark Mofo)
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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This Dark Mofo thing is serious business….
#darkmofo #roadtrip #tassiemofoagogo (at Dark Park)
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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our.time. #DarkMofo #Hobart #Tasmania (at Dark Park)
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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consumption. #DarkMofo #Hobart #Tasmania #Australia (at Dark Park)
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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The Cloud. Dark Park, Dark Mofo. #darkmofo #darkmofo2016 #darkpark #hobart #tasmania #instatassie #discovertasmania (at Dark Park)
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
Katara didn't move from her spot, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees, her chin resting as she looked out over the mountains, shaking her head a little at the mention of Toph. She sighed a little, feeling a little guilty. "I'm sorry I snapped. It's just......" She began, moving her head to hide her face, "Sokka stormed off back home over something petty and stupid and today's the anniversary of the raid on our tribe." She murmured, tears stinging in her eyes.
❝ Well, you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it? ❞
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“Katara are you –are you okay?” Soft steps characteristic to the air nomad made the quietest crunch against the grit and rocks as he reached a hand out in ginger comfort. “Is this about what Toph said earlier? I’m sure she didn’t mean it, and y’know sometimes she just says stuff, you can’t take all of it too seriously.” dropping the arms he had lifted while talking, concern knit deeper into his face. He stepped forward again. “That’s… not what this is about, is it?”
@thesouthernwaterbender“Portal” Sentence Meme
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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A quick note and shout out to my wonderful, beautiful friend @avatarwindboy Today marks 2 years since we started RPing together and it feels like so much longer and only yesterday all at the same time. Avatarwindboy has not only been one of my absolute favourite people to RP with (I'm still in awe and unworthy) but has been my friend, shoulder to cry on, councillor, therapist, and advisor over the last two years. You've inspired so much creativity through out the years and put up with me even when I randomly move across the country, disappear to mourn the death of a friend or suddenly adopt a cat. Thank you for everything, you're the most patient person I know. GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS! Xxx
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thesouthernwaterbender · 9 years ago
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So about the ages of the cloudbabies:
Tenzin seems a few months old and Kya between 2 and 4 years old here. Bumi looks like he could be as old as 14 to me, particularly if we compare him to other kids in the show (he seems older than Aang was at the end of ATLA and perhaps even Kai in Book 4 - was he just awkwardly tall?). I think I remember one of the Bryke saying he was entering his awkward stage or something, so I’d say 10 is the very minimum.
Tenzin was born when Aang was 32. So if Bumi is 10-14 in the photo, it means Aang would have had him when he was somewhere between 18 (!!!) (*) and 22 years old. Tenzin (kinda) remembers playing with Bumi when he was little though (and it’s hard to believe he was nearly 70 in LoK Book 4), so a 10-12 years age difference may be more likely than a 14 years one?
Headcanon timeline: 107/8 AG: Bumi is born. Katara is 22/23, Aang 20/21. 116 AG: Kya is born. Katara is 31, Aang 29, Bumi 9/8. 119 AG: Tenzin is born. Katara is 34, Aang 32, Bumi 12/11 and Kya 3.
(*) I actually don’t think it’s impossible for Aang (and Katara) to have Bumi this young:
Keep reading
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