The Failure To Act Through Fear
The Failure To Act Through Fear
As a Guide, much depends on when and whether your charges choose to act, but are you a failure because they failed to act through fear or apathy? Souls must choose to act through their own volition, because that’s the lesson they need to learn, but what if they are afraid, or what if they have convinced themselves it makes no difference, or it isn’t worth the risk or hassle? This is where the…

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Finding The Balance Between Darkness And Light
Finding The Balance Between Darkness And Light
Recently, the theme of darkness crossed my path again, and while the world as a whole is going through a dark phase, how should we view this and hope do we cope? Many of use have been through dark periods, and have found ourselves stuck in dark corners or crevices. We cope by putting on a brave face, and hide the pain that we can’t fully understand. How do we cope when we find ourselves in a…

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Guiding With Balance and Dealing With Toxicity
Guiding With Balance and Dealing With Toxicity
Finding a balance in life is difficult enough, but when you try to find balance as a Guide, that task becomes harder. Many people think being a Guide is easy, that it’s a matter of mentoring someone and telling them what to do, but it’s quite the opposite for me at least. Guides work in different ways, and each ‘charge’ is different and you have to adapt to their ways, and know how far to push…
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Self-Isolation, The Dark Night of The Soul, and The Hermitage Life
The coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of people into self-isolation in a bid to curb the spread to the virus, and while some see it as a form of imprisonment, if you are an Old Soul who chooses a hermitage lifestyle, or have been through a Dark Night of the Soul, then you will already be familiar with periods of self-imposed, self-isolation. Many have expressed fear of being stuck indoors,…
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Perception, Listening, And Acceptance
Perception, Listening, And Acceptance
One never stops learning, and in my case what I have recently learned is that some Souls don’t wish to learn or are afraid. It’s frustrating to say the least because I question, why bother to guide or mentor those who don’t wish to listen or choose not to act?This is another lesson in my evergrowing need to learn greater degrees of tolerance, yet it is never easy as what do you do? Choose to turn…
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Honest Spirituality
One assumes that spiritual folks are honest, just as you would expect a police officer or priest to be, yet we know there are corrupt people in society regardless of their job title or status, and the ‘spiritual’ tag is no exception. The problem is that those seeking spiritual guidance or help can be a little vulnerable, gullible even in trusting what they are told, and what they must do, and…
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Spiritual Scars
Scars are important because they remind us of what we have learnt, what not to do, to be cautious, and perhaps how to do things better. They are part of the Soul. We are led to believe that our Souls will be healed of all pain once we have reached the Spiritual Plane, but healing isn’t that easy, nor is it scar free. When we choose to reincarnate those Spiritual Scars may be invisible for a…
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Spiritual Duty And Exhaustion
Spiritual Duty And Exhaustion
Is there such as thing as being ‘spiritually exhausted’? When I sat down to write this I felt a plain and simple description was appropriate. How does it happen, why, and what can you do about it?No matter how strongly you ‘shield’ you will always feel some burden of responsibility when you see things going wrong in society. We can speak up for change, but change can be slow, and things that do…
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Soul Responsibility
Today is Easter Sunday, and there is much going on in the world that affects all of us that it’s easy to forget about the bigger picture and that we do have a ‘Soul Responsibility’ to our own Soul, our Soul Group members, and to innocent souls that cross our paths. These days, the easy option is to often think, ‘It’s none of my business,’ or hope that someone else will do something about a…
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Judas and Dealing With the Act of Betrayal
Judas and Dealing With the Act of Betrayal
As a child, the tale of ‘The Last Supper’and Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane has always perplexed me, because if Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him, then why did he let it happen? When Jesus predicted it would happen, the disciples all denied that such a thing could happen, yet as we know it did according to the Bible. Is this human nature, or does the…
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What Exactly Is The 'Higher Self'?
What Exactly Is The ‘Higher Self’?
Although I have talked about the ‘Higher Self’, what it is and what purpose it serves, I find that some Souls have unrealistic expectations of the Higher Self, especially when they read for others, or when a Soul expects them to sort things out. I recently asked a friend who I was doing a card reading for (only to confirm, for I believe we all know the answers to the questions even if they are…
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Crossing The Fragile Broken Bridge
Crossing The Fragile Broken Bridge
Bridges feature heavily as symbols when you are on a path, whether you are changing one, reach the end of one, or are in search of an alternate one. Sometimes bridges can be scary to cross, and indeed there are some long ones where you can’t see where you will end up, while others maybe a little rickety and unstable as you make your way across. What does it mean when you see a bridge, or when you…
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The Reality Behind The Dark Night Of The Soul
The Reality Behind The Dark Night Of The Soul
It’s been a while since my last ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ and I wrote about it on my other blog where you can read it so I won’t repeat myself;
I write now more in hindsight and in reflection because it’s still very much misunderstood. Without having to repeat myself too much it’s a transient period,…
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The Power Of The Soul
The Power Of The Soul
First of all, one must answer the question, “What is power?” for the answer to that will determine how powerful your Soul is. Each Soul has the capacity for power;
That is the power to choose their path.
The power to know right from wrong.
The power to see the truth whether it’s good or bad.
It is then for the Soul to choose to use those powers to help them evolve during an incarnation. The truth…
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How Long Do You Have To Wait For Karma Or Fate To Act?
How Long Do You Have To Wait For Karma Or Fate To Act?
I get asked this question so often, and I’m almost afraid to reply as people get disappointed with my answer, mainly because there is no set defined timeframe whereby Fate or Karmawork. How can you give a definitive answer when every present thought or action affects the level of karmic debt owed? Some don’t want to hear why, or how Karma works; they just want to know when. I often want to ask…
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Karma and the Lunar Eclipse
Karma and the Lunar Eclipse
Last night (27 July 2018) was a lunar blood moon eclipse. It was significant as it was a long eclipse (1 hour 42 minutes) and one that long won’t happen again until June 2123. While many camped out to watch this spectacular natural event because it looked beautiful, what effect does it have on us spiritually if any? A lunar eclipse (unlike a solar eclipse) is like watching the sunset and sunrise…
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What Happens if You Choose Not to Follow a Spiritual Path
What Happens if You Choose Not to Follow a Spiritual Path
For those of you have read my blogs, you’ll know I write about both the good and bad elements of being on a Spiritual Path. Some would say I’m not very spiritual by writing things that don’t seem pleasant, and that it deters people from pursuing or choosing a Spiritual Path. I am fully aware of that, and also that some Guides may not be that encouraging of my being so open about the less rosy…
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