So much universe, and so little time...
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thesoulcakeduck · 3 months ago
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Vincent Price as Dr. Erasmus Craven
THE RAVEN (1963) - dir. Roger Corman
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thesoulcakeduck · 8 months ago
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thesoulcakeduck · 9 months ago
"That's a nice song," said young Sam, and Vimes remembered that he was hearing it for the first time.
"It's an old soldiers' song," he said.
"Really, sarge? But it's about angels."
Yes, thought Vimes, and it's amazing what bits those angels cause to rise up as the song progresses. It's a real soldiers' song: sentimental, with dirty bits.
"As I recall, they used to sing it after battles," he said. "I've seen old men cry when they sing it," he added.
"Why? It sounds cheerful."
They were remembering who they were not singing it with, thought Vimes. You'll learn. I know you will.
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thesoulcakeduck · 10 months ago
Buon 25 Aprile!
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thesoulcakeduck · 10 months ago
Alessandro Barbero
“Quella che la Resistenza è stata colonizzata dai rossi è un’autentica mistificazione. Basta studiare la Storia per sapere che la Resistenza l’hanno fatta i comunisti e i marchesi, gli operai e i nobili, i poveri e i ricchi, i socialisti, i cattolici, i liberali. Una mistificazione e anche una scusa per non festeggiare il 25 aprile.
C’è un pezzo d’Italia dove ormai da tre generazioni ai bambini si insegna che il regime ha fatto anche cose buone e che i partigiani erano degli scavezzacolli o, peggio, dei criminali, e quindi non c’è alcun motivo di festeggiare il 25 aprile. Una parte d’Italia è rimasta così. Perché altrimenti non si spiega come oggi, quasi un secolo dopo, sia così difficile ammettere che c’era una parte giusta e una sbagliata. Non c’è mai stata una guerra in cui fosse così evidente.
Se chi sta al governo, che quindi ha giurato sulla Costituzione antifascista, fa così fatica a dirsi antifascista, allora significa che è fascista. O uno o l’altro. E a me questo sembra inquietante”.
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thesoulcakeduck · 10 months ago
Ecco il testo integrale del monologo di Antonio Scurati sul 25 aprile, censurato dalla Rai:
"Giacomo Matteotti fu assassinato da sicari fascisti il 10 di giugno del 1924. Lo attesero sottocasa in cinque, tutti squadristi venuti da Milano, professionisti della violenza assoldati dai più stretti collaboratori di Benito Mussolini.
L’onorevole Matteotti, il segretario del Partito Socialista Unitario, l’ultimo che in Parlamento ancora si opponeva a viso aperto alla dittatura fascista, fu sequestrato in pieno centro di Roma, in pieno giorno, alla luce del sole.
Si batté fino all’ultimo, come lottato aveva per tutta la vita. Lo pugnalarono a morte, poi ne scempiarono il cadavere. Lo piegarono su se stesso per poterlo ficcare dentro una fossa scavata malamente con una lima da fabbro.
Mussolini fu immediatamente informato. Oltre che del delitto, si macchiò dell’infamia di giurare alla vedova che avrebbe fatto tutto il possibile per riportarle il marito. Mentre giurava, il Duce del fascismo teneva i documenti insanguinati della vittima nel cassetto della sua scrivania.
In questa nostra falsa primavera, però, non si commemora soltanto l’omicidio politico di Matteotti; si commemorano anche le stragi nazifasciste perpetrate dalle SS tedesche, con la complicità e la collaborazione dei fascisti italiani, nel 1944.
Fosse Ardeatine, Sant’Anna di Stazzema, Marzabotto. Sono soltanto alcuni dei luoghi nei quali i demoniaci alleati di Mussolini massacrarono a sangue freddo migliaia di inermi civili italiani. Tra di essi centinaia di bambini e perfino di infanti. Molti furono addirittura arsi vivi, alcuni decapitati.
Queste due concomitanti ricorrenze luttuose – primavera del ’24, primavera del ’44 – proclamano che il fascismo è stato lungo tutta la sua esistenza storica – non soltanto alla fine o occasionalmente – un irredimibile fenomeno di sistematica violenza politica omicida e stragista. Lo riconosceranno, una buona volta, gli eredi di quella storia?
Tutto, purtroppo, lascia pensare che non sarà così. Il gruppo dirigente post-fascista, vinte le elezioni nell’ottobre del 2022, aveva davanti a sé due strade: ripudiare il suo passato neo-fascista oppure cercare di riscrivere la storia. Ha indubbiamente imboccato la seconda via.
Dopo aver evitato l’argomento in campagna elettorale, la Presidente del Consiglio, quando costretta ad affrontarlo dagli anniversari storici, si è pervicacemente attenuta alla linea ideologica della sua cultura neofascista di provenienza: ha preso le distanze dalle efferatezze indifendibili perpetrate dal regime (la persecuzione degli ebrei) senza mai ripudiare nel suo insieme l’esperienza fascista, ha scaricato sui soli nazisti le stragi compiute con la complicità dei fascisti repubblichini, infine ha disconosciuto il ruolo fondamentale della Resistenza nella rinascita italiana (fino al punto di non nominare mai la parola “antifascismo” in occasione del 25 aprile 2023).
Mentre vi parlo, siamo di nuovo alla vigilia dell’anniversario della Liberazione dal nazifascismo. La parola che la Presidente del Consiglio si rifiutò di pronunciare palpiterà ancora sulle labbra riconoscenti di tutti i sinceri democratici, siano essi di sinistra, di centro o di destra.
Finché quella parola – antifascismo – non sarà pronunciata da chi ci governa, lo spettro del fascismo continuerà a infestare la casa della democrazia italiana".
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
L'educazione delle masse è stata assunta dalla televisione. E la televisione è dovunque nelle mani dei privati, cioè del Potere. Dunque agisce nel loro interesse, e contro l'interesse degli spettatori, cioè delle masse. Solo che il suo funzionamento è assai più pervasivo, più potente, più subdolo: l'educazione si realizza manipolando. E la manipolazione avviene in forme accattivanti, divertenti, solleticanti, tendenti al massimo ascolto. Così siamo stati “educati". Dunque il problema all'ordine del giorno è mettere a fuoco una verità elementare. È la tv a plasmare gli individui e a definire lo stato psicologico, intellettuale, morale di un popolo intero. In quanto tale, essa non dovrebbe essere né al servizio dei pochi, né fuori dal controllo democratico dei molti. In una società “debole”, cioè con un livello civile ridotto o elementare, la tv ha effetti più devastanti. Cento trasmissioni sono devastanti per lo stato intellettuale e morale di un intero paese. Hanno prodotto lo spettacolo necessario per stemperare gli obiettivi di trasformazione sociale; per oscurare, marginalizzare, ridicolizzare la critica al sistema; per produrre il rumore di fondo sufficiente a impedire l’ascolto di altre voci. Penso che per fare la televisione bisogna avere la patente. Perché l'informazione è un diritto e non può essere subordinata al mercato; perché la cultura è un patrimonio comune; perché l'educazione è un dovere.
P.P. Pasolini
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
GRASSHOPPERS (Cavallette) - Oscar Nomination 1991 - Bruno Bozzetto
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
Compliment someone on one of their personality traits��
Write a handwritten card to someone to say thanks
Text a friend to share your gratitude for something they did for you
Leave a positive review online of a restaurant you like
Tell a friend what you love about their children
Compliment a photo someone posts on social media
Let someone cut in front of you in line
Introduce two people who you think would get along
Pick up trash on the ground and put it in the garbage
Compliment someone on their clothing or hair
Use old grocery bags to pick up dog poop you see on your neighbor's lawn
Shovel snow off the sidewalk in your neighborhood
Offer to mow the lawn for an elderly neighbor
Give up your seat on the plane to let a couple sit together
Talk to someone at a party that doesn’t seem to know anyone
Invite someone new in your town to a social event and introduce them to everyone
Invite a friend that you haven’t seen in a while out to lunch
Offer to pick up a friend at the airport
Reach out to an old friend to let them know of an experience you had with them that you value
Spend time with the elderly at a local retirement home
Offer to bring someone else's grocery cart back to the store
Keep an extra pen in your purse to give people when they need one
Put a positive note in a library book
Attend events that support your friends’ passions (like an art show, musical performance, etc…)
Donate unused items to charity
Bring snacks to the local fire station
Keep packs of toothpaste or packs of socks in your bag to give to homeless people
Post an uplifting photo on a friend’s social media
Compliment someone on something they’ve done or accomplished
Tell a parent that they’re doing a great job raising their kids
Bring or send your mother flowers
Bring a friend a small gift next time you see them
Buy a warm meal to give to a homeless person
Share an article, event, or other information with someone who might be interested
Help to connect a friend seeking a job to someone who has a job to offer
Help a neighbor bring in their groceries
Make dinner for your friend group
Compliment a neighbor on how nice their yard looks
Bring in the trash bins for your neighbor after trash has been picked up
Send an email to a former teacher to let them know how they impacted your life
Leave a thank you note in your mailbox for your mail carrier
Give a flower to a stranger
Buy a gift card to give to a stranger
Ofter to be there for a friend when they are struggling with something
Give bottles of water to people working outside on a hot day
Buy a sandwich for the next person in the lunch line
Leave a sticky note with a positive note somewhere public, like at a bus stop
Bring brownies to your next neighborhood association meeting
Scrape the ice off the car windshield of the car next to yours
Leave a positive comment on someone else's social media post, #ProsocialPost
Put coins in someone’s parking meter that is about to run out
Slow down to let someone merge in front of you in traffic
Be on time (don’t waste others’ time)
Hold the door open for the person walking behind you
Make a double batch of dinner so that you can give a meal to someone in need
Give directions to someone who is lost
Give an extra big tip when eating out
Practice compassion when someone else is struggling
Be self-compassionate when you’re struggling with something
Share veggies you grow in your garden with friends, neighbors, and family
Become an organ donor
Volunteer at the local animal shelter
Bring dinner to a friend who's just had a baby
Build a “little free library” box in your yard with books for everyone to read
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
how you can help palestine
*i regularly update this post with any new info i find so please always reblog the original post*
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donations currently reaching gaza:
help buy e-sims for people in gaza (PLEASE HELP CONNECT GAZANS TO THE WORLD. if you would like to stay updated, please follow @/Mirna_elhelbawi on twitter)
donate to get food packages to gaza - care for gaza
support palestinians: buy a keffiyeh from the last and only factory in palestine - hirbawi
donate to ahmed (@/90-ghost on tumblr) (he is born, raised and based in gaza. please help him reach his goal of $25K to get his family to safety across the rafah border into egypt. as of right now… it’s 5K per person to evacuate gaza)
secondary donations:
palestine children's relief fund
palestine red crescent society
save palestine - islamic relief canada
send medical supplies to gaza - palestinian american medical association
click to donate -
donate for the recovery of hisham awartani - gofundme
one of the three palestinian students shot by a racist in vermont for wearing kufiyas and speaking arabic. hisham’s injuries have left him paralysed from below the chest.
help bring down israel's weapon trade - palaction
NOTE: journalists based in gaza are saying a demand for ceasefire is the priority as not all donations are reaching gazans (focus on the donations that are directly reaching gaza). so please contact your local MPs every single day demanding as such. palestine need a permanent ceasefire.
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petition to investigate war crimes committed by israeli military
demand ceasefire -
open call for immediate ceasefire
american government call for immediate ceasefire
american government to stop funding israeli military
ceasefire and increase humanitarian assistance - oxfam au
petition to get canva to address their pro-israel stance
invoke the genocide convention to call for ceasefire in gaza - world beyond war
location specific petitions
gaza call for ceasefire - oxfam (UK)
end israeli occupation - parliament uk (UK)
email your MP - medical aid for palestine (UK)
protect gaza civilians - islamic relief (UK)
stop fuelling genocide - action network (USA)
@ biden: call for ceasefire now - move on (USA) - jewishvoiceofpeace (USA)
call congress and demand a ceasefire - uscpr (USA - they provide a script of what you should say, so don't worry about it)
note: you can call everyday. they tally the number of calls per issue. so more calls = higher chance for them to take action. p.s. you mainly go to voicemail so don’t worry about phone call anxiety. fight through it just this once please.
australia call on israel to stop attacking palestinians - apan (AUS)
immediate ceasefire and increase in humanitarian aid in gaza - actionaid (AUS)
email your MPs - stand with palestine (AUS)
sign to send letter to MP for ceasefire - nccm (CANADA)
ceasefire now! - ijv (CANADA)
ceasefire and allow aid to enter gaza - oxfam (CANADA)
call on your local mayor and council to demand ceasefire - LeadNow (CANADA)
cessez-le-feu et un couloir humanitaire - le mouvement (FRANCE)
écrivez aux député-es et sénateurs-trices - association france palestine solidarité (FRANCE)
write to your député - assemblée nationale (FRANCE)
skydda civilbefolkningen i gaza! - mittskifte (SWEDEN)
singaporeans call for immediate ceasefire (SIN)
contact your elected reps and demand a ceasefire (GERMANY)
write to the EU demanding a ceasefire (EUROPE)
template of letters you can send (EU)
guide on how to contact your MPs in EU
p.s. if the template is outdated, just use it as a guide and add a few sentences here and there that reflect the current situation. i can’t find any recent templates so :/ at least this is something
multiple actions you can take to help palestine - plant een olifbloom (NETHERLANDS)
includes: links for donations, emails to MP, emails to media, links to petitions and demonstrations
den haag, maak nú werk van vrede in israël/Palestina - the right forum (NETHERLANDS)
māori call for palestine - ourActionStation (NZ)
special visa for palestinians in gaza with family in NZ - NZ parliament/pāremata aotearoa (NZ)
deem israeli actions as war crimes - NZ parliament/pāremata aotearoa (NZ)
basta ao genocídio em Gaza! - awaaz (BRAZIL)
globo e grande mídia, parem de desumanizar civis palestinos - the intercept (BRAZIL)
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friends of al-aqsa
❥ UK-specific
urge your MP to speak up for palestine
hands off al-aqsa
stop administrative detention
petition for UK to stop arming israel
❥ International
boycott puma — email them to end their partnership with israel
boycott coca-cola
palestine action
join the resistance
islamic relief canada
urge your MP to rally for ceasefire
decolonise palestine
poster campaign to raise awareness on the war crimes being committed against palestinians | (very very important please share + read the sources provided)
text/call campaign for people living in USA
text CEASEFIRE @ 51905 to call for a ceasefire
text RESIST @ 50409 to send a letter to your representatives to pass HR3103–a bill that prohibits tax dollars from going to israel
download 5Calls app to contact members of your congress | (more info)
fax campaign for people in the USA
go on this website to send 5 free faxes per day
here’s a link to a pre-written fax copy you can download to send (the first link on the linktree)
here’s a video that explains how to fax your senator (it’s very easy and all you need is a valid email address)
BDS movement
get involved in boycotting companies associated with israel
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please let me know if you have any more links. i will add them in. and please reblog the original post!!
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
È quel mese dell'anno in cui si rilegge hogfather
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
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thesoulcakeduck · 1 year ago
"I Wish To Ask You A Question," said the golem.
"I Smashed The Treadmill But The Golems Repaired It. Why? And I Let The Animals Go But They Just Milled Around Stupidly. Some Of Them Even Went Back To The Slaughter Pens. Why?"
"Welcome to the world, Constable Dorfl."
"Is It Frightening To Be Free?"
"You said it."
"You Say To People 'Throw Off Your Chains' And They Make New Chains For Themselves?"
"Seems to be a major human activity, yes."
Dorfl rumbled as he thought about this. "Yes," he said eventually. "I Can See Why. Freedom Is Like Having The Top Of Your Head Opened Up."
"I'll have to take your word for that, Constable."
Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
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