thesinfulrook · 2 years
would it be weird to post a steve harrington fic with summer weather in the middle of winter? kinda. but is that the new fic i'm working on finishing right now? yeah.
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thesinfulrook · 2 years
will be updated regularly !
pairing : agent whiskey x gender neutral reader
summary : when agent whiskey finds himself injured after a mission he expects to be taken care of by the statesman’s tech expert ginger ale. instead he is greeted by the team’s new medic, agent brandy. maybe it’s the concussion, but he’s head over heels for the new team member. maybe they are too.
warnings : mentions of violence + injury, mentions of death, pinch of angst, mainly fluff & confessions
pairing : matt murdock x gender neutral reader
summary : it almost never happens that the devil of hell’s kitchen has a quiet night, even so he still patrols the city again. although even with the ambient noise of the city, one heart in a sea of others stands out to him. caving into to his curiosity for another night, the devil visits you sitting on the roof of your apartment building in front of a neon bill board sign.
warnings : slightly she-hulk episode 8 inspired, mainly fluff & confessions, established friendship, reader doesn’t know matt is dardevil but foggy and karen do, reader has crush on matt
pairing : charles smith x gender neutral reader
summary : you’ve been riding with the van der linde gang for a while, considering them your family. but when everything is falling apart, you seek comfort in the silence. but that doesn’t mean you’ll be alone.
warning(s) : fluff, mentions of violence
pairing : charles smith x gender neutral reader
summary : “ hey! could i request a charles smith x gender neutral reader drabble where he and the reader have left the vdl gang and have set up a life together?? <3 “
warning(s) : angst, fluff, character death mention
pairing : arthur morgan x gender neutral reader
summary :  it’s another night in camp where you just can’t sleep, it’s getting frustrating. luckily, you aren’t the only one left awake and exhausted.
warnings : slight angst?
pairing : arthur morgan x gender neutral reader
summary : you’ve only ever seen arthur morgan with his nose in that sketchbook. you’ve never seen what he’s been drawing, until now at least.
warning(s) : fluff, maybe some self doubt
pairing : jacob seed x gender neutral reader
summary : you’re the newest deputy to hope county. your first assignment seemed pretty easy, although you didn’t even think to pay attention to the counter ticking down on your wrist when out in the field.
warnings : cult talk, mentions of kidnapping, drugging, etc.
pairing : jacob seed x gender neutral reader
summary : you’re hope county’s newest deputy in the midst of the collapse. trying to save the world is hard, the seed family has made it even worse for you. the many sleepless nights you’ve gone through, are a clear sign of that.
warning(s) : angst, torture, brainwashing, death, gore, drugs
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thesinfulrook · 2 years
thank you guys so much for the love on my most recent work!! ☺️ promise if you stick around i’ll be writing more!!
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thesinfulrook · 2 years
summary : it almost never happens that the devil of hell’s kitchen has a quiet night, even so he still patrols the city again. although even with the ambient noise of the city, one heart in a sea of others stands out to him. caving into to his curiosity for another night, the devil visits you sitting on the roof of your apartment building in front of a neon bill board sign. 
pairing : matt murdock / gender neutral reader (some slightly gendered compliments.)
warnings : slightly she-hulk episode 8 inspired, mainly fluff & confessions, established friendship, reader doesn’t know matt is dardevil but foggy and karen do, reader has crush on matt
wordcount : 1895
it isn’t too chilly to night, at least that’s what you thought before you decided to climb up to the roof; where in the night you could see the neon lights from the billboard cascade onto the apartment building across from yours. sometimes you wondered how the people across could deal with the light, but at the same time you didn’t mind the way the colors danced upon your skin. you typically came up to the roof top after a long day at the office. 
it was nice to observe the city as day turned to night, people retiring from their nine to five whilst others were just rising to start their long and slow night. your thoughts were absorbed in work, and attempting to wind down from another day working for nelson & murdock. your previous bosses barely treated you like an employee, nelson & murdock seemed to value the quality of friendship and family. you recalled the many times you, karen, foggy and matt would go to josie’s after a long shit for a couple rounds of beer and pool. 
a smile tugged to your lips at the thought. content with your job and your life now; even with being paid in assorted fruits instead of money. but there was still something tugging at your heart constantly. matt murdock, your boss, and one of your best friends. you had become known foggy, karen, and matt even before you started working for them. you’d gotten even closer since you started. but there was something in the way you and matt interacted that left you hiding smiles by biting the inside of your cheek and your face feeling hot at the thought of his smile.. 
the night has been passing by slowly, almost too slowly. a idea that had his muscles tensing and his senses heightened to catch even the lightest hint of something, anything. his hands would open and close into fists, fidgeting and pacing. on nights like these he couldn’t help but worry slightly; trying to listen in to the unique rhythm of a heart beat that he thought— no, knew— he could pick out from any area of hell’s kitchen. yours. 
he knew about your nightly adventures to the roof. he lived in the building across from you after all. at first he had simply found out on accident. a night where he couldn’t sleep, tangled in a mess of silk sheets, forced to listen to the loud city nightlife. instead, picking up on a unique rhythm that seemed to draw him in. he knew it was you, all the time spent together in college your heartbeat was something he couldn’t forget and it was your heartbeat that lulled him to sleep that night. he would say it was simply “coincidence” the next day you bumped into each other at the coffee shop, where he asked you about how things were and where you were working. the next thing he knew, you were apart of nelson and murdock and he couldn’t have been happier.
 foggy and karen noticed the way he acted around you. how he started becoming happier around the office when you were around. and how you acted the same way around him. you were oblivious to his feelings towards you. and matt could not help but keep you at an arm’s length. he never meant for foggy and karen to get caught up with the devil of hell’s kitchen, he intended to keep you out of it.
although, it didn’t seem to last very long. after that sleepless night he couldn’t stop listening for the beat of your heart. even on his nightly patrols. he had convinced himself that he was just checking in on you, as you were his coworker and friend. nothing more. at least, that is what he said to himself. which left him a few roof tops away from your hypnotically musical beating heart, trying to decide between circling the block for the seventh time or finally giving in to see exactly what had you on the roof for the last three hours on that chilly night. 
your head perked up the second he landed on the roof. almost as if, similar to how he was listening for your heart beat, you were listening for him to. a part of it was true, at first the nights on the roof were an escape from everyone. but the devil of hell’s kitchen had become an exception the night he joined you on the roof for the first time. a complete stranger, a vigilante, and maybe even the devil himself sat next to you until three in the morning that night. you didn’t know why, but you trusted him, telling him everything about your life while he spoke vaguely about his. but you connected in a way neither of you could describe. the devil of hell’s kitchen became one of your favorite people to talk to. you were starting to think you told the vigilante more than you told karen, foggy and matt.
you had been wondering if he was going to show. it had been a while since the devil has visited you. but, he had a city to protect. a small smile spread across your face, your arms wrapped around yourself for a bit of protection from the chilly night.
“i was wondering if you were ever going to show.” you couldn’t help but pay attention to the way he crossed the roof top to sit beside you. the dim reflection of light from the neon bill board soaking you both in slowly fading colors. 
“the city is quiet tonight.” he offers it as the only explanation for his wear-a-bouts. he didn’t intend to get you involved with daredevil’s business. even if he was breaking his own rules by speaking to you in the costume. you were special. he knew you were simply two strangers when he was the protector of hell’s kitchen, simply someone to talk to and confide in. but a part of him desperately wanted you to notice him. notice how he was trying to flirt with you as matt, and how daredevil was his only was to get closer to you without completely embarrassing himself around you. 
“i’m glad you’re here.” i missed talking to you. you say in your head. your thoughts racing. he feels you lean into him slightly, he almost can’t contain the smile on his face as he feels you relax against him. he knows it’s been a long day.
“what are you thinking about?” he ask.
it takes a moment before you answer. you aren’t exactly sure what to tell him. you know enough about him, to know he knows when you’re lying, so it’s better not to. but you don’t want to dump everything about your life to the strange vigilante man you’ve started to make friends with on the roof of your apartment building.
he can hear the way your heart begins to race slightly. his brows furrow, as he’s trying to decipher just what might have your heart racing before you can utter a word.
you take a sharp inhale.
“i think i like someone.” it comes out quick.
he can fell his heart sink to his stomach. his lips coming into a fine line. a small part of him upset at the idea you could be interested in someone else. he’s angry, then jealous, even sad, thinking of the person so lucky for you to be pinning over. slightly cursing himself off for not trying to ask you out sooner. he then pulled a smile, the best he could muster.
“you should do a criminal background check on him, he could be a criminal.” he joked.
“he’s not a criminal!” you laugh, “at least i don’t think so. he’s a lawyer.” 
had you met someone through one of the cases the nelson & murdock firm? dating a former client? oh god- did you like foggy? no-- the thoughts rushed to his head so fast he didn’t realize the way he tensed. 
“don’t lawyer’s not have souls?” something you had jokingly said to him at one point at the office.
“ha! you know, i used to think that. but, i’m pretty sure he’s special, a lawyer with a soul. he cares a lot about his job-”
“what does he look like?” jealousy and a bit of curiosity had gotten the better of him, wanting to know the person who beat him to the punch. something he would silently be envious of.
“well.. he’s around five ten. he has this dark brown hair and he’s growing a stubble right now, sometimes i wonder what he would look like with a beard. oh and he wears these red glasses with golden frames, he almost never takes them off but he has these dark brown eyes i cant stop thinking about. he walks in the office every day and i can hear him come down the hall with his cane, and my heart races” your heart racing as you ran out of breathe, your entire face heating up as you realized just how odd your situation was. telling the devil of hell’s kitchen about your silly little crush. “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to rambl-”
“you really like him?” he spits it out quickly. your heart beat becomes muffled over his own rapidly beating heart. his throat felt dry. the realization hitting him, that he had gotten himself too attached to the idea of you liking him. but he couldn’t take back his words, a part of him didn’t want to take them back, genuinely curious. 
matt and you were just friends. but he was craving more than playful flirting and friendly joking. his previous relationships had been temporary, but you were the constant steady thing unlike anything else he needed in his life. a balance. you weren’t like anyone else he had met. you didn’t walk on eggshells around him. you fit perfectly in with foggy and karen. you were compassionate about your work on cases for clients at the firm. you made him feel comfortable to smile, laugh. that there was a type of normalcy in his life. 
your voice brought him back to reality.
“yes. i do.”
“i think he’d be lucky to ask someone like you out.”
you laughed.
“thank you. but he’s kinda my best friend.. and my boss.”  he hears you shift as you move to stand, your arms wrapped around your torso. what time was it?
“maybe he’s already in love with you.” there’s something about the way that he says it that makes you pause. you smile slightly and shrug.
“sounds like a fairy tail. thank you, for another night protecting the city i mean.” you joke, “it’s nice talking to you.”
“goodnight, <insert name.>”
you’re walking towards the door back into your apartment building, looking back to see the devil of hell’s kitchen dip off the edge of the roof as you close the door behind you.
the next morning matt woke up to the automated voice coming from his alarm clock. a part of him was worried it was all going to go wrong some how, but the aching hole in his heart was tugging and tugging. he got ready rather quickly, showing up to the office earlier than he usually did. making it a point to use the slightly damaged coffee machine to make two fresh cups as you entered the firm.
you seemed surprised he was there so early, your heart beat racing as you recalled the conversation you had about him with the vigilante last night. he couldn’t help but walk straight up to you, holding out a cup coffee to you. you gratefully took the cup.
“i was wondering if we could get dinner?”
“like a date?” your heart beat is fast.
“like a date.”
“i’d love too.”
the devil was right. he was in love with you from the start.
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
summary : when agent whiskey finds himself injured after a mission he expects to be taken care of by the statesman’s tech expert ginger ale. instead he is greeted by the team’s new medic, agent brandy. maybe it’s the concussion, but he’s head over heels for the new team member. maybe they are too.
pairing : jack daniels aka agent whiskey / gender neutral reader (some slightly gendered compliments.)
warnings : mentions of violence + injury, mentions of death, pinch of angst, mainly fluff & confessions
of course it was obvious being apart of a secret organization intended to protect the country was going to be a risk. hell, simply the process of becoming an agent was proof enough. not many people even made it through the tests. agents were expected to return from some missions with injuries. some would be lucky enough to come back just needed stitches. but not everyone was lucky.
thankfully, with the amazing technology their tech expert provided, many medical procedures could be done technically and easily. but not all tech is affective, and ginger ale was no licensed medical professional (even though her creation of alpha-gel was literally mind-blowing). 
that is where you fell into the picture. champagne said they needed a medic. you were a statesman recruit, one who didn’t seem very capable but proved the other recruits very wrong. you simply had a soft spot, but your medical knowledge made up for that.
you were assigned to ginger ale, as her assistant but also the team’s medic. you were quite proud of yourself, although you like ginger ale, also wished to be out in the field you were okay being able to treat agents after field mishaps. 
elizabeth, ginger ale, had become a close friend to you as the both of you basically inhabited the same workspace. she was the technical genius while you were the medical one, and combined the two of you had helped so many agents. although there weren’t many thanks, the two of you knew your work was important. 
that day, as far as you knew, two agents were out in the field undercover. agents tequila and whiskey. you were to be on standby in case anything happened as ginger ale monitored their progress over her console. this wasn’t the first time agents had gone undercover, they always seemed to come back successful, tequila and whiskey were some of champagne’s best agents after all. you and ginger had no doubt in them and no cause for concern.
how wrong you could be.
you weren’t exactly sure how it had come to this. ginger ale had tequila and whiskey extracted from their mission, but not without a few scars. tequila seemed fine over comms, his visuals weren’t distressing either. but he couldn’t say the same for whiskey. things had gotten too rough and he took a harsh blow to the head. you could list off the things on your fingers that you could be looking for from a head injury, it made you nervous. since you started you hadn’t lost an agent, but you were absolutely terrified every time an agent came into your office, it might just be that time. 
tequila and ginger burst into the room, each of them holding up a side of the agent you’d never seen before. you quickly lead them over to the medical examination table. before either of them could start to coddle their injured friend, you pulled them away. 
“ you need to tell me what injuries he sustained, how was he hurt? “ your tone was dead cold, although it was laced in worry and care. 
“ couldn’t even tell you until-- “ tequila was out of breath, luckily just brusied, he took off his hat. “ we were ‘supposed to be undercover, talk to this fake mob ‘bout some kinda deal and when we got in take ‘em out from the bottom. no clue how they knew. someone had to of tipped them off to us --
“ his injuries, tequila.” you cut him short. you didn’t care for the story. his injuries were more important to helping him.
“ yes-- ‘sorry. they slammed his head in-- huge gash. pretty sure he’s ‘gon need stitches, a lot. can’t get him to look straight--” in seconds, you were shoving the two of them out of the door. apologizing profusely, but promising them they’d have an agent in tip-top shape, but you couldn’t have them interfering with his treatment. 
you leaned against the closed door for only a moment. trying to swallow the lump in your throat before gliding across the room to stand in front of the agent before you.
“ agent, can you hear me? “ you removed the hat from his head, placing it behind him on the medical table and for a second, you felt as though the air had been knocked right out of your check. his hair was short and black, it was clear it had been neatly done but his mission left it disheveled. big and bright brown eyes were staring into yours, or at least trying to as his focus couldn’t stay on just one spot. you might have been able to stare at his for hours like this, if it weren’t for the crimson red rolling down from the deep gash in his forehead. he was going to be needing stitches.
you’d have to make sure you stopped the bleeding and stitched his wound before you tried a complete cranial nerve exam. but you already were quite sure he his head trauma would have caused a concussion.
using gauze after gauze to stop the majority of bleeding, you would be able to start stitching. you felt terrible that you could only slightly numb the area before stitching him up. he was so dazed it almost was like he didn’t realize what you were doing until you started. once the needle driver and forceps touched his forehead his large hand shot up, tightly holding onto your wrist.
“ sir-- listen.” you hissed, his nails were attempting to dig into your skin. “ i’m a doctor, i need you to relax. okay? you were seriously injured. i know it hurts, i’m doing my best not to hurt you, but it will hurt more if you don’t let me finish. “
jack’s eyes narrowed, but it barely seemed like he registered anything. he hesitantly let go out your wrist, letting his hand slide down to your forearm. maybe you should have allowed tequila or ginger to stay and keep him still. as you pulled the needle through his skin along with the thread he let out a deep hiss as well, gently squeezing your forearm.
“ for someone so pretty you sure do cause me some pain, doc. “ his voice was so rough, as if he hadn’t used it in quite some time. it nearly stopped you in the middle of what you were doing. you shook your head, trying to finish the knot.
“ well, i apologize but i would rather you not bleed out in my infirmary. “ you huffed, picking up the scissors you cut the extra thread. he finally let go of your arm as you moved away. picking up a sterile bandage you wrapped it around the newly done stitches. 
he let out a bit of a huff, his head lulling to the side but his eyes were still trained on you. you turned to your medical tray, grabbing a flashlight. you should check his cranial nerves, make sure he didn’t really have a concussion. 
“ i need you to look straight for me, can you do that? “ you asked, reaching a hand out to tilt his head back to looking straight ahead. you gave him a nervous smile, raising a single finger. 
“ look right here. follow my finger, alright? “ you began to move your finger across his vision, his head and eyes following suit. “ don’t move your head please. “ you moved his head back to it’s original position, and as you moved your finger once more his head followed along. your eyebrows furrowed, now it was easy to tell something was wrong.
“ can you tell me your name? “
“ well gorgeous... i’m jack, what’s your name?” he rose from his spot on the medical examination table, causing you to start moving backwards. your finger still in the air. “ how would you like to ride home on a real cowboy? i got a six pack of cold ones on ice and my room mate is out all night so you can scream my name as loud as you need to sugar! “
he had nearly backed you into the other wall of the room. you took your hand and pressed a palm to his chest, pushing him back to the medical examination table. 
“ well, jack. if we can get through a few more tests of mine, then maybe we can talk about that, how does that sound? “ you barely had a moment to think of the words that just rolled off your tongue, you didn’t really mean it right? you just needed your patient to stay still. he had a concussion after all, he was just easily distracted there was no way he meant what he said.
but you couldn’t tell if his pupils were dilated because of the concussion, or if you had just basically agreed to his proposal.
“ that sounds perfect to me sugar. “ he nearly purred.
i mean.. it is true pupils do dilate when you look at something you love...
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
summary : soulmate au by @r-evolve-art . based off of the counter on your wrist until you meet your soulmate.
you’re the newest deputy to hope county. your first assignment seemed pretty easy, although you didn’t even think to pay attention to the counter ticking down on your wrist when out in the field.
pairing : jacob seed / gender neutral reader
warnings : cult talk, mentions of kidnapping, drugging, etc.
hope county, montana.
it might have been the best place to be. well, that was if you enjoyed living in the middle of nowhere. luckily for you, being re-stationed from the city to buttfuck no where was exactly how you wanted it. the chances of your life not being calm in a place like this was slim. of course, you didn’t consider it a vacation but more slow a chance to slow down.
lifting the last box from the bed of your pick-up truck, you turned towards the cheap house you ended up purchasing. you let out a soft sigh. it wasn’t much, but it was your home now. you’d make it feel like one. heading inside you planned to unpack the other boxes you had dragged in and go around town. or maybe nap—
it had been a few weeks since you had unpacked. the people of hope’s county were nothing but kind— in their own ways. you had found a family in your new team at the sheriff’s department. whitehorse was like a father, or an uncle to you while hudson was like the serious older sister and pratt.. pratt was like your little brother. it was sweet.
you bonded over shows, music, caffine addiction, and the little counters ticking down on your wrist. of course not without the teasing comment from staci about how his didn’t get to zero when he saw you, sadly.
you were really going to like it here.
it didn’t take long for you to do an entire 360 on your prior thoughts. hope county was nothing like it seemed. at least, not since “ the project at eden’s gate “ made their way into the quiet little county. it was a mess. call after call of these people spreading the word of the end? people saying their family were forced to join their cult? for fucks sake, whitehorse even contacted a u.s. marshal.
you were new to all of this, a rookie. you expected your first call to be a noise disturbance of checking out the drunks at the bar. not the fucking apocalypse.
the wind felt nice on your face, but it didn’t help to stop the anxiety making knot after knot in your stomach. over hundreds of feet in the air, strapped into a seat with your team, a couple guns, and a warrant for arrest was not how you planned your night.
the helicopter flew right by the statue of the infamous joseph seed — the father — the man who were about to arrest. no matter how many times you saw that statue it would always both amaze you and disgust you.
your mind was barely focused on what burke and whitehorse were discussing about your purpose there. there was no time to ask when the helicopter landed.
the people of the compound weren’t happy to see you either.. that was for certain. the way they menacing watched as you approached the church shook you to your core.
“ no guns, no weapons. we go in with the warrant and make the arrest. rook, you’ll cuff ‘em. “ whitehorse had a gruff tone of voice, but you could tell how serious he was being. you nodded your head slowly as the doors were pushed open.
the tension in the air outside was nothing compared to when you stepped into the church. it seemed as if the father was mid sermon when you arrived, but your appearance didn’t deter his words.
“ they will come, they will try to take from us. take our guns. take our freedom. take our faith.. we will not let them.” with every step closer down the aisle the people in the pews rose with hateful glares.
“ sheriff—“
“ hold on, marshall.”
although whitehorse had given burke a warning, moment later as the father continued to preach he pulled out a piece of paper, presenting it to the man.
“ joseph seed! i have a warrant issued for your arrest under the suspicion of kidnapping and intent to harm. now i want you to step forward and keep your hands where i can see them.” burke seemed like he was taking charge now. but you weren’t necessarily paying attention, more focused on the three figures standing behind joseph seed. two men and a woman. faith, john, and jacob seed. your eyes locked with piercing blue ones.
the sign of those eyes truck you to your core. your stomach turned. not only was there pain and suffering behind those blue eyes and red hair, their was anger and violence. you were only snapped out of it when burke called you a second time,
“ rookie! cuff this sick son of a bitch.”
the church had emptied when your mind wandered. now standing before you was joseph seed with his arms outstretched ready to be cuffed.
“ god will not let you take me.” he stated as you pulled out your handcuffs. grabbing his wrist tightly you secured the handcuffs, tugging at them slightly to make sure. your eyes wandered down to your own wrists.
fuck no.
your brain spun for a moment, your eyes desperately yet secretly searching joseph’s wrist. begging it not to be this psychopath. luckily, or rather not so luckily, his counter had been slashed out meaning his own soulmate had passed.
but if he wasn’t your soulmate—
who in this room was?
you barely had time to deduce an answer as whitehorse urged you to get a move on. your hand now rested on the father’s shoulder guiding him to the exit of his own chapel.
you thought you felt eyes watching you, and turning back to look at the three seed siblings you realized something. those terrifying piercing blue eyes and red hair made your stomach turn for a different reason.
your soulmate was jacob fucking seed.
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
hey! could i request a charles smith x gender neutral reader drabble where he and the reader have left the vdl gang and have set up a life together?? <3
pairing : charles smith x gender neutral reader
warning(s) : angst, fluff, character death mention
everything was going to fall apart eventually. you knew that. the world was changing and it didn’t need cowboys and outlaws anymore. yet even when it all crumbled to bits, you felt like you broke too even if you were expecting it.
you had lost relatively everything you had. your mind could never erase the thoughts of burying your closest friends and family or seeing them slowly drift away.
“ love?”
but you still had one thing.
“ daydreaming again?” strong arms wrapped around your back and a chin rested on your shoulder. a sensation your body instinctively leaned into. no matter the thoughts on your mind, that voice always brought you back.
shimmying around his grip in order to face him you pressed your forehead against his. staring into those dark eyes with a smile on your face.
“ not anymore i’m not.” you reached your hand up to cup his cheek. lips gently pressing against his for a moment.
“ you’ve already finished with the wood?” you questioned. he nodded with a low hum, “ been for quite a while, all the chores in fact.” you must have lost track of time in your thoughts.
“ what would i ever do without you charles smith?” you questioned in a teasing manor.
“ what would you, <first name> <last name>?” he responded with a small smirk. leaving you to laugh, pulling back to put a finger to your pursed lips in thought.
“ hmm.. i’m not quite sure, maybe i’d be rich?” you joked. charles took your hand from your lips, raising it into the air in order to spin you into his arms. holding you gently, charles dipped you down. his own hair surrounding the two of you as he did.
“ rich, but would you be happy?” he asked in return. it didn’t take you a moments hesitation to shake your head. “ i don’t think anything in the world could compare about how happy i am with you.” you respond truthfully.
he pulled you up to a standing position, the two of you held close together and swaying from side to side. “ well, if that’s how you feel.. i was thinking arthur for a boy.. and morgan for a girl.”
“ charles!” you laughed, gently pushing him. he laughed as well, pulling you close again to kiss the crown of your hair.
“ i could stay here forever with you.”
“ and i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
author’s note : apologies for how short it seems to have come out! i had a lot more originally but lost the original work, so rewriting was frustrating. but i love the idea of the reader and charles moving up to canada together, it’s literally adorable !! <33
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
howdy + welcome!!
im so happy to see people seem to enjoy my work and are liking and reblogging. it means so much to me as im not that good at writing. hopefully writing more i will continue to grow!
< masterlist here! >
inbox is open!!
currently writing for ;
kingsman (movie series)
daredevil (marvel tv show)
marvel (fandom) (**will write for majority of characters)
criminal minds (netflix)
YOU (netflix)
demon slayer (anime)
dragon age (video game series)
mass effect (video game series)
red dead redemption 2 (video game)
overwatch (video game)
far cry 5 (video game)
++ and more 2 come!!
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა hope to write more soon !!
- ray <33
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
summary : it’s another night in camp where you just can’t sleep, it’s getting frustrating. luckily, you aren’t the only one left awake and exhausted.
pairing : arthur morgan / gender neutral reader
warnings : slight angst?
it felt late, or extremely early. you had no idea what time it was. it felt like hours when it might have been just minutes of you tossing and turning in your tent. your body was begging for sleep, but your mind simply wouldn’t allow a moments rest. it was almost the third night of this, and it was frustrating— painful even.
the soft sound of an owl in the distance was the last straw. you sat up straight, eyeing the blanket and pillow tossed aside in your attempts to sleep. your eyes nearly pricked with tears. you simply didn’t get it, why was everyone else able to sleep when you couldn’t get a moments rest?
the light of the campfire was only embers through the fabric of the tent. reminding you of the fact you refused to tell anyone of your sleeping problems, even if it was obvious by the bags under your eyes. you didn’t want to trouble anyone, despite being offered help from charles and hosea.
pushing aside the fabric of the tent you stepped out into the cool night air. you almost considered going on a walk until your body was too tired to go anymore, but the figure sitting at the campfire stopped you in your tracks. your first thoughts were panicked, who in their right mind (other than you) would be up this late? did you accidentally wake someone?
before you could think of an answer to your own thoughts a voice broke through the silence.
“ are you just gon’ stand there or ? “
arthur. you felt someone more relaxed knowing it wasn’t someone like bill or micah. but it pulled your heartstrings to think you woke up arthur. he was always out doing things for camp, he deserved to rest.
hesitantly you pulled yourself towards the campfire, sitting yourself on a crate. arthur shifted in his spot, reaching for a log and placing it on the dying fire. embers curled around the dry wood slowly consuming it.
“ i didn’t wake you did i ? “
the question was hushed from your lips, and you almost cringed the way you heard the sadness drip from your voice.
“ wake me ? nah . “
arthur waved his hand dismissively in response along with a shake of his head.
“ been up for a while now … how ‘bout you, why’re you up ? “
“ out of all the people in camp mr. morgan, do you really have to ask me ? by now everyone here knows i cant sleep, you on the other hand— why aren’t you sleeping ? “ you rubbed the skin underneath your eyes as if it would magically remove the lack of sleep from your face .
“ same as you ‘suppose. just can’t. “ arthur gives a shrug, his eyes focused on the crackle of fire.
“ you mean to tell me mr. arthur morgan, the man who does just about everything for this camp, works to the bone, and travels almost every day, can’t sleep ? “ your eyebrow rose slightly. you didn’t believe it. “ it has to be something else. “
arthur laughed, but quickly quieted himself down.
“ oh ? so just because i do stuff ‘round here means i can’t have sleepin’ trouble like you ? “
“ no— no that isnt what i meant. just… come on. there has to be something else. it can’t just be you aren’t tired. “
arthur let’s put a sigh. he had been caught red handed, and this wasn’t the first time. you were as good as mary-beth in telling when something was wrong with him.
“ you know too damn much sometimes you know that ? “ he paused for a moment his rough hands rubbed the back of his own neck, he couldn’t face you. “ i guess … it’s just stress is all . “
you rose from your seat on the grate and shuffled to sit beside him. your hand reached to gently hold his shoulder, slightly massaging your hand into it.
“ you don’t have to say anymore than that. i get it. “ your voice was quiet, barely audible. but it seem arthur heard you just fine. his tense body slowly loosened under your grip. his head falling gently onto yours.
before he could get anymore comfortable you rose up, shocking him slightly. you outstretched your hand to him and it took him only a moment before he grabbed your much smaller hand.
leading him back to his own tent you pulled down the fabric surrounding the outside for more privacy. maybe even some extra hours. arthur stood somewhat awkwardly at the side of his own bed, still dressed in his casual wear while you were in night wear. you didn’t hesitate to unbutton his shirt and gently pull it up and over his head. he had no objections other than a beat red face you could barely see in the dark.
allowing him a moment to completely undress until he was comforts you climbed onto his cot, and he joined moments later leaving you squished between his chest and the wagon. his body was becoming jello, and it shocked him how fast your presence changed him. the weight of exhaustion was finally hitting. his face pressed into the crown of your hairline and he muttered a barely intelligible ‘ thank you ‘ before drifting you sleep.
a goofy smile was plastered on your face. you felt accomplished. helping arthur sleep knowing he was so exhausted.. then you realized, when would you sleep? your brain barely had time to focus on the thought over the soft thrum of a heartbeat in your ears. the soft sound of inhaled and exhales. the way his warm body was wrapped around you like a blanket.
your jaw opened to let out a yawn, you lifted your head slightly to kiss the underside of his chin before snuggling in closer. you muttered a soft ‘ your welcome ‘ before your own eyes became to heavy to hold open.
maybe you would have any more sleepless nights now …
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
summary : you’ve only ever seen arthur morgan with his nose in that sketchbook. you’ve never seen what he’s been drawing, until now at least.
pairing : arthur morgan / gender neutral reader
warning(s) : fluff, maybe some self doubt
you had been running with the gang for a while. ever since you had started, everyone warned you about mr. arthur morgan. a cold and serious man. you didn’t believe it for a second, and you didn’t think anyone at camp truly believed that either. arthur truly was a loner, and rather cold, serious too it was all true. but he wasn’t in the least bit bad.
what kind of bad person, even being an outlaw, went out of their way for the camp? for family? what kind of bad person went all over looking for those books jack liked? what kind of bad man was always sketching? what kind of bad man has such pretty eyes and soft locks of hair and a smile that just melted your heart—
okay, you were biased. you were absolutely infatuated with mr. morgan. but no matter what people said you would stand by your statement. not even if the man himself disagreed.
of course you never acted on your feelings. he was your friend, rather an acquaintance with how little he shared, but you didn’t want to ruin what the two of you had. you’d never try to push a boundary like that on purpose.
all these thoughts had distracted you from what you were doing. the stern voice of ms. grimshaw pulling you back to reality.
“ the dishes don’t take that long to be cleaned, <lastname>. i might have you do more chores if you can’t manage to do this right. “ susan has a clear anger in her voice, a bit of a threat to get your cleaning done and not to doddle.
your soapy and wet hands immediately began scrubbing the dishes suken into the water and suds contained in the steel tub. “ sorry ms. grimshaw, it won’t happen again. “
in response she tsked, knowing all to well the two of you would go through this again. you knew it too. it had been happening more and more as of late, becoming distracted from your duties at camp to ogle at mr. morgan at the edge of camp under a tree with that notebook.
using the washcloth to dry off your hands you stood to your feet, making your way over the the man. somehow not disturbing him you held onto the tree, leaning slightly over to observe just what he was doodling. of course you meant no ill will, it was pure curiosity.
what you saw almost made your heart jump from your chest. you let out a bit of a gasp, which definitely startled arthur who shut the journal quickly. but that didn’t change what you had saw at a quick glance.
a beautifully sketched image of you doing your chores in camp with the lovely handwriting beside you managed to read as ‘ <first name> is a lovely person, strong and independent. they’re one of the best we got, best i got not even mary could compare to them… ‘ before he hid it from your eyes.
arthur cleared his throat, “ <first name> “ as if he were attempting to cover up what just happened. attempting to hide from the idea you might reject him.
“ arthur, “ you replied, moving from leaning on the tree to sit beside the man. your folded hands in your lap.
“ listen what you saw i didn’t mean —“
“ arthur. “ that shut him up immediately, “ i don’t know how you feel about me, i might be getting the wrong idea but. i do like you, fact is i love you. you’re a kind man mister morgan. i understand if you don’t but-“
“no— no. i like you too. a lot i just i don’t got the words—“ he began to stumble on his words, his sun kissed face redder than before. it was adorable. you couldn’t help it before you were leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“ we don’t have to talk about it.. do you have anymore of those drawings? “ you asked, eyes shining.
“ they aren’t too good—“
“ oh shush,” you gently shoved his shoulder which made him laugh. you scooted closer to lean forward as he opened the journal.
“ they’re absolutely lovely.” you commented.
the two of you sat like that, going over arthur’s drawings whilst laughing and chatting. your head rested on his shoulder and his chin on your head.
back in camp john and charles stood side by side. with a knowing look from charles, john cursed under his breath before forking over a five dollar bill.
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
summary : you’ve been riding with the van der linde gang for a while, considering them your family. but when everything is falling apart, you seek comfort in the silence. but that doesn’t mean you’ll be alone.
pairing : charles smith / reader
warning(s) : fluff, mentions of violence
running with the van der linde gang was something else entirely. robbing, stealing, murdering and fleeing from place to place. it wasn’t the life for most. but you couldn’t say much, you obviously weren’t clean from the life of crime either. these outlaws were your family though.
even if john always injured, and bill always seemed so angry. not to mention sean being so loud, and pearson’s constant complaining. they were the only family you had. you loved them more than anything.
but there was really so much of this life one could handle. everyone was moving past the era of outlaws and cowboys, that was absolutely clear. yet no matter how much you saw hosea, the man you considered a father, tell dutch over and over it was time to stop he would never let go.
dutch always talked about having one more score. one more big plan and that would be it. just like be more job and then we’d all be set for life. it was hard to believe it. that’s why people didn’t, why there was doubt and tension.
when the whispers of doubt spread threw the camp dutch blew like a train whistle. casting out the doubt like a pastor at prayer. red in the face, fuming, eyes glaring at just who might be the rat amongst them.
you couldn’t take it.
as the sun set on the horizon and everyone went to their tents, you stayed behind. waiting until the last of people retreated into their tents. the embers started to die down from the campfire, and you took that as your initiative to leave.
at the edge of camp, you saddled up your horse gently brushing it’s coat before you pulled yourself up. your horse let out a huff as you lead it to the trail. there was no intention behind where you’d be heading, you just needed to get away.
you barley knew how long you were riding for, or how far you had gotten away from camp before the sound of hooves came up behind you. your hand on your revolver, you were ready to fire until you saw the spotted grey, white, and black coat of a horse. taima. more importantly, the person riding her, charles.
charles didn’t say a word, neither did you. you weren’t in the mood to talk, and no one understood that more than charles. horse shoes hitting the dirt path and the occasional sounds of wildlife were the only sounds on your journey.
it felt like hours had past, when in reality it had only been a few minutes. your hand reached over, and not even word was exchanged for charles to reach over as well. your smaller hand intertwining with his. even if it’s everything was falling to pieces around the two of you, you had each other in the silence. that’s all that mattered.
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thesinfulrook · 3 years
summary : you’re hope county’s newest deputy in the midst of the collapse. trying to save the world is hard, the seed family has made it even worse for you. the many sleepless nights you’ve gone through, are a clear sign of that.
warning(s) : angst, torture, brainwashing, death, gore, drugs
your body felt heavy, every limb weighed down. the fog consuming your head slowly lifted, as did the haze in your eyes only to be replaced by the painful pounding in your head. a pained groan escaped you, your kneeled body caving in on itself in attempt to escape the pain. although it seemed completely futile.
even with the consistent thrum, the scent of copper flooded your nose. a familiar scent that made your stomach churn. glazed eyes clearing to focus on the crimson soaked dirt below your scrapped knees. you nearly gagged at the sight, struggling to keep the continents of your stomach. no matter how many times you had seen it, blood always made you sick.
blood. it was blood.
your eyes immediately flicked upwards, only to shut tightly at the pounding your head responded with. reprimanding you for moving to fast. slowly opening your eyes, your heart dropped. throat now completely dry as your surroundings set in.
row by row on iron and steel bars surrounded you, splotches of dirt soaked completely in the red that made you sick. figures hunched over in their prisons, their cries of pain finally reaching your ears. st. francis veterans center. the one place in the world you never wished to be, yet there you were. but where was he.
as if on cue, a gruff voice replaced the sounds of screams. your gaze landed on him, jacob. sitting in that damn chair in from of your cage, leaning forward with his hands folded in his lap. the serious face he held could never hide the smirk underneath, that sick and twisted ginger proud to have made you a solider and have your co-worker, your friend, staci pratt standing behind him wrapped around his pinkie.
he leaned forward, getting closer to the bars. the words that snapped you out from your surroundings finally reaching your ears.
“it was always you. only you.”
it was a split second when your body jolted forward, the messy sheets falling right off your body. feverishly your eyes scanned the room, trying to determine your surroundings. making sure to know for sure you weren’t back there.
you didn’t even notice you had been holding your breath until your lungs burned for the crisp air. clenching onto the fabric resting over your heart, the fast paced beating started to bring you back. shakily breathing in and out, you tried to focus.
five things i can see. one, the moonlight trickling in slivers through the blinds. two, the blinking alarm clock beside my bed that reads 00:57. three, the phone lying fully charged by my alarm clock. four, the bat rested beside my bed. five, my uniform hung up outside the closet.
four things i can touch. one, the sweat clinging to my skin. two, the flimsy material of the sheets. three, the texture as i run my fingers through my hair. four, the scar written in my collar bone that reads ‘ wrath ‘ which still feels fresh on my skin.
three things i can hear. one, the howling of coyotes. two, the cheers of falls end’s citizens, celebrating another victory late into the night. three, the steady beating of my heart in my ears.
two things i can smell. one, the ointment from the medical kits soaking into my skin under wrapped wounds. two, the whiskey scent stained into my clothing.
one thing i can taste. the copper taste of blood as i bite my tongue, a final reminder that i’m actually here.
i rise from bed, knowing there will be no more sleep for tonight, like many before. there won’t be any sleep until i see eden’s gate torn down and the seed family on their knees.
author’s note :
hello!! my name is ray, this is honestly my first time ever writing on tumblr so please be patient with me. i hope to write for soon, especially for far cry 5, so please leave feedback and suggestions!! thank you for reading <33
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