#red dead redemption 2 fa fiction
thesinfulrook · 3 years
summary : you’ve been riding with the van der linde gang for a while, considering them your family. but when everything is falling apart, you seek comfort in the silence. but that doesn’t mean you’ll be alone.
pairing : charles smith / reader
warning(s) : fluff, mentions of violence
running with the van der linde gang was something else entirely. robbing, stealing, murdering and fleeing from place to place. it wasn’t the life for most. but you couldn’t say much, you obviously weren’t clean from the life of crime either. these outlaws were your family though.
even if john always injured, and bill always seemed so angry. not to mention sean being so loud, and pearson’s constant complaining. they were the only family you had. you loved them more than anything.
but there was really so much of this life one could handle. everyone was moving past the era of outlaws and cowboys, that was absolutely clear. yet no matter how much you saw hosea, the man you considered a father, tell dutch over and over it was time to stop he would never let go.
dutch always talked about having one more score. one more big plan and that would be it. just like be more job and then we’d all be set for life. it was hard to believe it. that’s why people didn’t, why there was doubt and tension.
when the whispers of doubt spread threw the camp dutch blew like a train whistle. casting out the doubt like a pastor at prayer. red in the face, fuming, eyes glaring at just who might be the rat amongst them.
you couldn’t take it.
as the sun set on the horizon and everyone went to their tents, you stayed behind. waiting until the last of people retreated into their tents. the embers started to die down from the campfire, and you took that as your initiative to leave.
at the edge of camp, you saddled up your horse gently brushing it’s coat before you pulled yourself up. your horse let out a huff as you lead it to the trail. there was no intention behind where you’d be heading, you just needed to get away.
you barley knew how long you were riding for, or how far you had gotten away from camp before the sound of hooves came up behind you. your hand on your revolver, you were ready to fire until you saw the spotted grey, white, and black coat of a horse. taima. more importantly, the person riding her, charles.
charles didn’t say a word, neither did you. you weren’t in the mood to talk, and no one understood that more than charles. horse shoes hitting the dirt path and the occasional sounds of wildlife were the only sounds on your journey.
it felt like hours had past, when in reality it had only been a few minutes. your hand reached over, and not even word was exchanged for charles to reach over as well. your smaller hand intertwining with his. even if it’s everything was falling to pieces around the two of you, you had each other in the silence. that’s all that mattered.
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