theshynekotaru · 2 years
I haven't logged in in years, and don't plan on sticking around. But yeah agree with all this. I was shitty and learned a lot and changed since all those years ago. I’m genuinely hurt I used to be so angry and defensive over shit. Hopefully I’m doing better now and to keep doing better.
glad this blog is dead xoxoxo
Life in general has been so much better for all of us after we stopped giving a shit about tumblr tier drama and spending so much time in things that objectively do not matter.
I really suggest you do the same, it’s really relieving
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theshynekotaru · 4 years
“Obviously ‘bihet’ offends a lot of bisexuals, so we need to come up with a better term for bisexuals in m/f relationships.”
How about… and hear me out… this may sound crazy…. but you… continue to call us bisexual… because (and I realize this gets confusing for you people so read this next part slowly) it turns out we continue to be bisexual regardless of who we’re dating.
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theshynekotaru · 4 years
Glitchedpuppet intentionally exposed themselves to a minor and gaslit them about it
cw: pedophilia, nudity, child grooming, predation, animal abuse, sexual abuse for context on the people being talked about: https://bestofglitchedpuppet.tumblr.com/post/172641660549/the-creative-team-behind-floraverse-are-confirmed
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theshynekotaru · 4 years
Floraverse leaders Eevee and Glitchedpuppet actively retraumatized and silenced marl’s victims for years.
Note: the information presented in this post does not come from, and is in no way affiliated with Kiwifarms. All the information collected has resulted from an outside investigation with inside sources who acted independently. Please be aware that Glitchedpuppet and Eevee frequently smear any criticism and detractors as Kiwifarms members, even without any evidence, or even when presented with evidence taken from their own public accounts.
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theshynekotaru · 4 years
I absolutely fucking hate tumblr man. I hate wokefucks because they turn legitimately good causes and rhetoric and twist it as an excuse to shit on people who don’t deserve it and create an environment in which it’s next to impossible to tell who’s trying to make a noble point and who’s intentionally misrepresenting someone they got into a stupid argument with and got their ego bruised from.
“Someone who is not like you enjoying fiction about characters who are like you is not fetishization.”
No it isn’t.
But you know what is?
When you look at two male characters who spend any form of time with one another and conclude they’re gay based on nothing but proximity to one another, even when they fucking hate each other or when one or both of them explicitly have girlfriends/female significant others or are otherwise attracted to women. And then act like your interpretation when it’s canon and then throw a tantrum when people point out it isn’t.
When you do the same with two girls even when one or both have boyfriends, again getting mad at how 
When you look at a pale-skinned catgirl who’s suffered in-universe fantasy prejudice or a purple red-colored space rock with a cube shaped afro and go “this is literally a black person and if you say otherwise you’re a racist” 
Basically any form of “Coding” argument based on negative stereotypes (Especially when you call a creators anti-semites for making a character with a big nose… because you automatically assume that any character with a big nose is Jewish by default like that somehow doesn’t mean YOU are the anti-semite).
Like bro it’s no open secret that Tumblr’s thing with minorities isn’t civil rights type support or allyship, it’s an incredibly warped form of fetishization where people either project too much onto characters that don’t belong to them (if you’re gonna go that far into changing them at some point you need to realize you’re just making an OC), or twisting characters that don’t belong to them into unrecognizable shapes not for the sake of art or experimentation or appreciation for the character/the work they hail from/the author, but because it’s an easy form of social credit that gives them attention and because they know if anyone objects to their blatant self-entitlement and shitty “I don’t make the rules sweaty :))))” attitude then they can crybully their way out of it and claim victim while their dipshit followerbase tries to suicidebait the kid who told the emperor he has no clothes.
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theshynekotaru · 4 years
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i am begging you all go outside kylo ren isn’t real
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theshynekotaru · 4 years
not sorry
parents who try to “change” their cishet kids to be LGBT are just as disgusting as parents who try to “change” their LGBT kid to be cishet 
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
It’s a pokemon game of coursew it sold well they always sell well thats why they can sell you the exact same game and people will buiy it anyways and be like “woah this is so new and cool” even though there wasn’t anythiung new added in and it was basically just the same exact formula repeated but now with less pokemon and more lies.
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Of course it did
Mediocrity prevails again
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
i think it's crazy how men are feeling represented by joker
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
The suicide rate for people aged 10 to 24 increased by 56% between 2007 to 2017, according to new data from the CDC.
For children aged 10 to 14, the suicide rate tripled between 2007 to 2017 after years of decline.
Suicide had increased among millennials, but the data suggests Gen Z might be most at risk for mental illness.
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
It’s needed mroe than ever in a USA this large. it prevenmts California, new York, and other highly densely populated cities from being the ONLY voices heard. It prevents the echo chamber effect of these crowded city scapes to run America into the ground.
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I can’t wait to go back to a world where I don’t agree with everything david fucking frum says, but here we are, the enemy of my enemy is my friend I fucking guess
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
They dont want another Resetera. They gotta contain them here, even as they leak into twitter.
This site defies all logic.
A network or service that fails to make enough money for its shareholders generally gets closed down within 2-3 years.
Tumblr lost Yahoo a billion dollars and it's still around.
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
Hey so what we’re NOT gonna do is take the murder of Bianca Devins and turn it into ANOTHER political soapbox.
It’s been only two days and I’m already seeing this bullshit on my dash:
Do not.
Not only is this sexist and blatant fearmongering, but (most importantly) it’s incredibly insincere and disrespectful to Bianca and her loved ones. They’ve barely even had time to mourn in peace because they’re trying to stop clout-chasers from continuously spreading those images of Bianca, but here y’all are using her body like a platform to widen the divide in society and demonize an entire gender.
And for what? To look righteous? Virtue signal? Look woke?
Y’all are fucking disgusting and need some sense punched into you.
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
Hot Take, but If Captain Marvel wasn’t a Marvel movie no one would give it the time a day. 
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
transmeds: trenders exist, unfortunately
ex trenders: yeah I was a trender it was awful
psychiatrists: there are people who think theyre trans because they’re confused and then get reverse dysphoria
tucutes: how DARE you suggest that ANYONE would be trans as a trend that NEVER happens and is NOT a concern ur just transphobic everyone who thinks they’re trans IS TRANS
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
here’s a good video on the subject
TIL that while Robin Williams’ most iconic role is probably The Genie, after he accepted the role Disney actively tried to bully him out of being in FernGully because they didn’t want him in another studio’s project. And when that didn’t work they decided to sabotage FernGully’s theatrical run and completely disregarded Williams’ request that they not use his name/character in the marketing for Aladdin. He was furious and vowed never to work for the company again.
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theshynekotaru · 5 years
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