The Scribble System
4 posts
I have D.I.D. and alot of issues and im here to tell stories from them because I think people will find them interesting and funny.
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thescribblesystem88 · 27 days ago
Scaussian Lesson: Hope
Tho the ash of the flames of disaster have been seen in the horizon across the land, there is still hope. The Scaussians believe that even in the darkest times there was always a small glimmer of hope. While the world may be filled with those who will always hurt others in the pursuit of profit, there will always be those who will help others in the darkest times. When you can, lead a hand. Even a small action can make someone go the greatest distance. The greater powers of this world can't break your spirit, especially we all stand tall together. We all have the same goal in life, survival and peace and prosperity, if that is not a reason to stand together, then there is none. Hope is not yet gone, lead a hand when you can. For the beat and the broken, for the lost and forsaken, let the memories of those who once passed live on forever, glory to all.
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thescribblesystem88 · 4 months ago
I am making a D.I.D. movie!
I'm a small independent filmmaker in Missouri who has D.I.D. and I've decided to make a D.I.D. movie with a positive spin on it. I'm still in the early writing phase, which means I don't have a year estimate when it will be released but I will keep making updates on the development.
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thescribblesystem88 · 4 months ago
A D.I.D. Story: The Past Can Never Leave
I have dissociative identity disorder, one of my alters is a demon named Inky. He is a shapeshifting demonic being of ink, he is some based off of bendy from the video game franchise. He does not have the same personality tho. Recently he has been torturing me in the headspace for the last few months, and it nearly killed me mentally. The reason for this cruelty was because he was mad at how I treated him in the past and for what I did to the other alters. I didn't know what to do and I didn't think therapy would fix it seeing how last session was all about him and it only made things worst. I've behave irrationally and now I've lost the only 3 things that gave me life. I've managed to gain a second chance to get those things back, but I need to end this with him. I cornered him in the headspace and as I was ready to hurt him like he did to me, I instead forgave him. A thought raced against me in that moment, the past can never leave you, whether you want it to or not. It's a part of you, it defines you, but you chose whether it drags down to the deepest depths or you rise above to become something better than what you were. I also apologize to him for my past crimes and now we're both neutral to each other. As for those 3 things, I never knew what I had until I lost it. I hope those 3 people are reading this before I meet them again, because I'm really sorry for what I did. I was panicking and didn't know better. I promise what I did will never happen again. I leave this story with one last message.
The past can never leave, so decide whether you will rise above it to become a new, or let it drown you and never move forward.
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thescribblesystem88 · 4 months ago
Scaussism Lesson #1
Life is nor simple nor is it complex. Some of the easiest tasks require the hardest solutions, and some of the most treacherous journeys have the simplest ends. For all my life I never knew how I should feel, so I've been asking everyone how I feel. Little did I know that was the problem. I was feeling with my brain and not my heart. Which is why I decided to not let anyone tell me how I feel ever again. Only you know how you feel, listen to your heart.
This blog will be dedicated to all the lessons of Scaussism. These are life lessons that I hope people take into their day to day lives. These life lessons are taken directly from the Scaussian Chronicles which I hope one day to share the stories themselves. I end this entry with a common saying of Scaussism.
To seek tomorrow is to survive, to live is to feel the warmth of today.
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