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Ведомый любовью и ненавистью
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Взболтать, но не смешивать и пожалуйста не трогайте меня
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*гнойный пост*
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Кофейни. Коворкинг. Бриджи. ТОШ-НО-ТА
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Томный взгляд. Тонкие пальцы. Тесный мир.
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Душа хочет погулять
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С каждым днем становится только хуже
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I see the television program in the night
And I see some people standing around
While bloody heads, rolling like bowling balls
I see monsters of money, making more and more
I see poor workers dying in the streets
I see a young couple making love on the backside of the moon
I see they are watched by the USSR
I see a football player making a wonderful goal
I see some millions of people are paranoid
While others full of joy, are killing
I see many blind eyes, and many deaf ears
From politicians never saying the truth
I see they are so fat, they really cannot move
I see them talking about hunger, I see them laughing
I see how the sun is getting tired and starts to shine
I see how one hobo's hurt, and almost starts to cry
I see thousands of hungry people, lying around
I see how they die with open mouths, I see
I see they are so, they are so weak that they cannot cry "I'm Hungry!"
I see all the streets change into bloody rivers
I see soldiers fighting for nothing in the whole world
I see soldiers dying for nothing in the whole world
And I see that's important for the economy
And I see the pope and bishop, saying not a word
And I see that the pill is a devil's host
Well and I see that, thousands of people cannot write and read,
Hungry That everyone in this whole world has the same rights
And that this rights, are called the human rights
And now, I'm wondering how this is possible
After all I saw, and I'm still wandering
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