therpmemediner · 2 days
II Minor Details About The Muse– Ask Meme
How does your muse answer their phone? Do they get nervous or panic if they hear it ring? Do they answer it immediately or let it ring out? How do they greet the person on the other end?
How do they wake up in the morning? Do they jump out of bed immediately after they hear their alarm go off? Do they turn their alarm off and stay in bed a little longer? How long does it take for them to actually feel awake?
If they’re walking and they pass by a stranger who makes eye contact how do they react? Do they nod their head? Smile? Do they quickly avert their gaze?
What’s their posture like when they walk? Are they a slow, fast, or moderate walker?
If they hear a song they like what do they do? Do they tap their foot? Quietly dance? Nod their head? Etc.
Are they the type of person to hum to themselves when they are alone?
How do they react if somebody puts a plate of their favourite food in front of them? Do they gobble it up immediately? Savor it? Do that little wiggle/dance some people do when they are served their favourite food?
Are they the type to vocally go ‘Mmm’ when they eat?
If their phone/computer announces that they need to update their software, does your muse get right on it or do they procrastinate the update for as long as possible?
When they go out for a walk, are they the type of person to look up at the sky to check the clouds or the stars?
Is your muse a ‘Hey! Look at the moon!’ type of person?
Do they know how to whistle? If so, what type of whistle do they make? A loud one? A soft and airy one? Do they inhale or exhale to whistle?
If it’s a hot day, how do they keep themselves cool?
If it’s a cold day, how do they keep themselves warm?
If a group of strangers happens to pass their way and your muse hears them laughing amongst themselves, if your muse the type of person to instantly think those strangers are laughing at them or does your muse ignore it and rationalize with themself that those strangers are probably not laughing at you but something else?
Are they a fast or slow talker? Do they tend to stutter? Are their words clear and crisp when they speak?
When they tell a story, do they tell a story in a straightforward sort of way or does the story end up getting derailed with other, minute details?
Which of their five senses are the strongest? For example, are they usually the first person to smell something rotten? Are they the first person to see something across the street? Etc.
Do they panic when the cashier moves onto the next person behind them in the queue and your muse is still busy putting their change away?
What sort of unnecessary noises do they make?
What little superstitions do they carry out?
How do they hug?
What is their body language like when they talk to somebody? Are they the type of person to stand close to the other? Do they keep eye contact? Are they the type to touch the other on the shoulder or arm?
How do they react when they see something cute, like a cute animal or something?
Are they comfortable cursing? Do they do it under their breath or outloud?
Do they often fuss with their hair? Clothes? Makeup?
How long can they hold their breath?
Do they listen to music when they’re in a car or when they take the bus/train/etc? If so, are they the type of person to imagine themselves in some sort of music video or trailer as they listen to their music? Do they choose songs that match their mood that day?
Can your muse sleep if they know their room is untidy?
How do they talk to small kids? Is their tone demeaning? Do they go down to their level? Do they feel at ease?
Do they bite their ice cream or lick? Do they eat the ice cream from the top or bite the underside of the cone?
Are they good at telling jokes? Do they end up laughing before the punchline?
Is it easy for them to get engrossed in a book? Do they end up getting distracted by other things?
What do they do with freshly laundered clothes? Are they the type of person to press their face against them? Do they immediately fold them and keep them in a drawer? Do they leave them in a pile or in a basket and fold them little by little? Do they stuff them messily into a drawer or closet?
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therpmemediner · 9 days
Tumblr media
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therpmemediner · 13 days
Send “Song Recommendation” + a song to recommend a song to my muse(s). I will listen and then write what my muse(s) think of that recommendation.
The song can be based off their existing music taste, something you think they might like, or just something completely different as a whole, etc. Remember to specify a muse for multi muse blogs!
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therpmemediner · 15 days
Send "I searched everywhere for you! Why did you disappear like that?" for my muse's reaction.
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therpmemediner · 17 days
25 Randomly Generated "Would You Rather" Questions, Pt. 1
These were done using this site! Bonus points if your muse(s) elaborates on their answer. Remember to specify a muse for multimuse blogs!
Would you rather be the first to die among your close friends OR Be the last one to die and not make any new friends?
Would you rather go to jail for a year OR be homeless for a year?
Would you rather have to crawl on all fours everywhere OR walk backwards everywhere?
Would you rather never be able to take a hot shower again OR Never be able to eat a hot meal again?
Would you rather change your appearance OR change your personality?
Would you rather dump someone else OR be the person getting dumped?
Would you rather look strong and fit but actually be weak, OR look weak and out of shape but be really strong?
Would you rather always have to say everything that you are thinking OR never speak again?
Would you rather be stuck in a brightly lit room for a month OR be stuck in a completely dark room for a month?
Would you rather go through life unable to answer any questions OR go through life unable to ask any questions?
Would you rather punch someone else in the face for no reason OR be punched in the face for no reason?
Would you rather lick the floor in a public bathroom OR lick the door handle in a public bathroom?
Would you rather give out bad advice OR receive bad advice?
Would you rather have the same phone for the rest of your life OR have the same haircut for the rest of your life?
Would you rather love and lose OR never love at all?
Would you rather listen to the same song for a year OR only be allowed to watch the same movie for a year?
Would you rather be a genius in a world of morons OR be a moron in a world of geniuses?
Would you rather be ignorant and happy, OR be knowledgeable and never fully content?
Would you rather be an unknown hero OR be a famous villain?
Would you rather always be cold OR always be tired?
Would you rather lose 5 friends OR gain 2 enemies?
Would you rather go without heat in the summer OR go without air conditioning in the summer?
Would you rather lose all your money and possessions, OR lose all your memories?
Would you rather talk to animals OR read peoples' minds?
Would you rather live in the nicest house in a bad neighborhood OR live in the worst house in a nice neighborhood?
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therpmemediner · 19 days
Random Muse Questions Pt. 1
Remember to specify a muse for multi muse blogs!
Does your muse like to play video games? What's their preferred console(s)? What does their game library look like? Is there a specific game they want to play or are looking forward to?
Is your muse a bookworm? Do they tend to read multiple books in just a few days, read at their own pace, or hoard books?
If your muse were a Pokémon Trainer, what Pokémon team would they have? A specific type of Pokémon, or various types?
What's one really specific or obscure location that your muse is interested in visiting? Why does this place interest them specifically?
Does your muse like music? Are they well-versed in one specific genre, or multiple genres? Are they open minded when it comes to listening to music? What does their music library look like most of the time?
What is the worst travel experience your muse has had, if any?
Is there any specific childhood memory that your muse looks back on fondly? What is it?
What is your muse's dream car/vehicle/etc?
What is your muse's dream home like?
What is your muse's dream vacation like?
How did your muse do in school? Was there a particular subject they did better at than another? Did they have any specific teachers they liked or disliked?
Does your muse prefer the hustle and bustle of city life, or would they rather be somewhere quiet like the countryside? Why?
What is one food that your muse just can't stand? Is it the texture, taste, or something else?
What does your muse typically eat for breakfast?
Is your muse a big birthday person? When theirs comes around, do they like to celebrate, or do they view it as just another day?
Is your muse good with directions or do they find themselves getting lost easily?
Does your muse watch YouTube videos? What kinds of videos do they like to watch?
If your muse could choose any other occupation rather than the one they have now, what would it be and why?
What was the worst injury your muse sustained? When did it happen?
Has your muse ever broken a bone? When and where, and did they get their cast signed by anybody? Would they have liked to, if not?
What is something interesting that your muse can tell mine, right now? (Whether it be something that happened to them, a fact, etc...)
What was the last expensive purchase your muse made?
Is there a specific place that your muse loves to hang out at? Why is this place a favorite for them?
What kinds of people really gets on your muse's nerves? Why?
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therpmemediner · 21 days
Random Starters Pt. 2
Feel free to adjust pronouns etc to fit. Remember to specify a muse for multi muse blogs!
Don’t come crying to me when the inevitable happens.
What? Don’t look at me, I’m not going to do it.
Running away isn’t going to get you anywhere.
I warned you it would end badly. And you still didn’t listen. No, I think I got it—yeah OK, no, I could use some help.
Are you sure this is going to work out?
Shh! Don’t move, they’re getting close!
(Name), please just—just hold me…
What the hell are you wearing?
I promise I won’t leave you. I am here for you.
Happy birthday!! Oh, it’s not your birthday? Well… I still got you something.
Oh, that was yours? Sorry, I was hungry.
Wait, you want me to do WHAT?
You should smile more! I love seeing you happy.
What can I do to help you feel better? I don’t like seeing you this way.
You just relax and I’ll take care of things from here.
Ooh, come here, you! I love you!
What did I tell you about (Bad Thing)?
Pfft, please. That? That’s nothing compared to what I’ve seen/done/did/etc.
I don’t know if I can ever be truly whole again.
I didn’t know you were afraid of (Thing).
No, no. I’m okay, I… Just—just give me a minute.
I just stepped on a Lego and I now know what true pain feels like.
Can you do anything else but lie?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I swear!
Take notes, (Name), this is about to be a huge breakthrough!
Oh, hmm… I could have sworn that would have worked.
(Name), listen very carefully. Because if you don’t, this might be your last chance.
Wait, please—please don’t leave me.
You’re asking me to dance? You must have the wrong person! I’d make a fool of myself!
They/she/he/etc told me you _____.
Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you!
Uh, nope. I’ve tried that once and I’m never doing it again.
Are you sure you’re okay, (Name)? Maybe you should sit down for a bit…
Whoa, hey! (Name), (Name)! Can you hear me?
Aw hell, (Name), you didn’t have to do that for me…
If you choose to do that, I’m not responsible for what comes next.
There you are, (Name). What are you doing clear out here, all alone?
He/she/they/etc are looking for you. You need to get out of here. I’ll help, just go!
I got us friendship bracelets! I made them out of (sender specifies material etc).
Everything comes with a price. Even magic. It’s not some plaything.
Sorry for all the loud swearing you just heard, I stubbed my toe…
(Name), I have to ask: What is it truly like to have a friend?
I’m telling you, my (Pet/Familiar/etc) ate my (Thing)! I wouldn’t joke about something like that!
You’re pushing yourself too hard. Don’t you ever get a break, at all?
Oh, (Name)! How long have you been like this? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?
You want him/her/them/etc? You’ll have to get through me first. And I don’t play nice!
(Name), I’ve always been interested in how you do (Skill/Hobby). Can you teach me, too?
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therpmemediner · 22 days
Send Squish! + a Squishmallow to tell my muse(s) what Squishmallow they would be! Bonus if the sender says why. Don’t forget to specify a muse for multimuse blogs!
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therpmemediner · 22 days
Peter Gunn (1958-1961) Starters Pt. 1
Peter Gunn is a private detective TV series created by Blake Edwards. Feel free to adjust pronouns, etc as needed. Remember to specify a muse for multimuse blogs!
These lines were taken from S1E1 "The Kill".
I get around. Picnics, fish fries, funerals...
We haven't met, but I know all about you.
I'm surprised to see you here. I didn't know that you and (Name) had any sort of affiliation.
I thought you said you knew all about me?
There's always a chance I may have missed something.
From what I hear, you don't miss.
Hello, sweetheart.
September rain does that sometimes.
Yeah, I'm not talking about that kind of heat.
(Name), you gotta do me a favor.
Talk to (Name). Get him/her/them/etc to lay off!
I'll talk to him/her/them/etc. But I don't think she'll/he'll/they'll/etc listen.
(Name), you ever miss anybody? I mean, really miss 'em?
It's a drag. Sometimes when you don't show up, I just... I'm having a bad night, sorry.
Is it true, what they say about you?
Take a raincheck. I've gotta run an errand for (Name).
I can see one of your foremost accomplishments is sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong.
Not much of an investment when you consider the results.
(Name), this is gonna get worse before it gets better. A little cooperation wouldn't hurt.
I didn't leave you with any guarantees.
That's what I like -- quick answers.
Take care of the music while I'm gone.
Are you all right? Stay here!
(Name)! (Name), are you hurt bad?
You're wasting a lot of time on statistics.
Pick 'em up, (Name), or I will!
(Name), I'll go after you as fast as I go after (other Name).
Sure. What would you like me to sing?
No, no... My God, no!
There's only one thing I want from you, and I'm gonna take it right now!
You picked a fine time...
I get bugged when people hang up on me.
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therpmemediner · 23 days
Send (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to walk in on my muse literally flipping a table. For the reverse, send (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ + reverse. If you can’t see the sign, send “Table flip!”
Remember to specify a muse for multi muse blogs!
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therpmemediner · 23 days
My muse is asleep. Send 😱 to try and scare them awake whether it be intentional or as a prank. If you can’t see the sign, send “WAKE UP CALL!”; put Reverse for the reverse. Renember to specify a muse for multimuse blogs!
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therpmemediner · 23 days
Various Song Lyrics From My Favorite Artists, Pt. 1
Remember to specify a muse for multimuse blogs! Feel free to adjust pronouns etc as needed to fit!
How lucky can one guy be?
It's easy to remember, but oh so hard to forget.
My heart cries for you.
Everybody loves somebody sometime.
It's funny, honey, you don't care.
Maybe, baby, you will love me someday.
I just heard a rumor from a friend.
The world can see that you were meant for me.
You don't know what you've been a-missin'.
I'm so glad you're revealin' your love for me.
Tell me, you love me only.
They got a rockin' party goin' down the street.
She's my baby doll.
But I can't help falling in love with you.
You see, you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself.
That's life, that's what all the people say.
Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today.
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few.
I faced it all, and I stood tall.
And yes, I know how lonely life can be.
But I don't let the evening get me down, now that you're around me.
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
Why she had to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say.
Help! I need somebody.
I want to hold your hand.
I love you because you understand, dear.
I love you most of all because you're you!
I love you for a hundred thousand reasons.
Miracles, I guess, still happen now and then.
I'm made for love, not for hating.
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone.
Let's pretend that we're together, all alone.
Take your drink to the end of the bar, buddy.
I ain't a bad man, that's plain to see. / But bad men don't mess around with me.
I didn't do that time just for shooting dice.
There stands the glass, that will ease all my pain.
Your cheatin' heart will tell on you.
I'm so lonesome I could cry.
The news is out, all over town.
Just trusting you was my great sin.
No one wanted or needed any part of me.
I've been busted, disgusted, hurt by those I trusted.
There's a big old hurt inside where my heart should be.
I've been cryin' so long my eyes can hardly see.
Baby, are you sure you want what's left of me?
I haven't got a penny, not a nickel can I show.
Nobody seems to want me, or to lend a helping hand.
Once I lived the life of a millionaire.
Nobody wants me 'round their door.
Nobody knows you when you're down and out.
No man/girl/etc can use you when you're down and out.
What did you have in mind? When you broke this heart of mine?
Are you laughing in my face?
Darling, what can I do when you say that we are through?
You've left a wound time can't erase.
Is it power you've won? For the things that you have done?
What you've gained, I guess I'll never see.
Don't tell me your troubles, I've got troubles of my own.
I can't stop loving you.
Every love I've had has faded like the dew.
Well, there must be some way I can lose these lonesome blues.
I've got five dollars and it's Saturday night.
I never knew that I could be so in love until I met you.
I wanna live fast, love hard, die young, and leave a beautiful memory.
Well, if you ain't lovin', then you ain't livin'.
Who are you to change this world? Silly boy/girl/etc.
No one needs to hear your words.
They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling.
I know you're watching, I can feel you out there.
I need your help, I can't fight this forever.
I'm better with the lost than the found.
Somebody save me from myself.
I bet they wonder where she is now.
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therpmemediner · 23 days
Random Starters Pt. 1
Feel free to adjust as needed to suit your needs. Remember to specify a muse for multi muse blogs!
Psst! (Name). Wake up, I’m bored.
Look! An ice cream truck!
(Name)? (Name)! Where are you?
So, uh… I may have accidentally may have broken (Thing)/(Your Thing). Please don’t be mad!
Who, me? Oh, no, I’d never do such a thing.
You’re doing a crossword puzzle? I thought those were only for old people.
(Name), (Name)! Guess what? I love you.
Sorry, I was really cold and couldn’t find a blanket so I took your (Piece of Clothing). It’s really warm.
I swear if it gets any hotter I’m going to have words with the sun!
(Name)? Is that you? I-I lost my glasses and can’t see.
You’ve got to be absolutely kidding me!
Oh, uh, don’t cry, please don’t cry!
Ah, crap. Sorry, I thought that would have went over better.
Knowing you, whatever you plan it always ends up being a disaster.
Oh no! No, I’m not falling for that again!
Can we please keep him/her/it?
Look what I found out of the dumpster!
That is probably the most idiotic thing I’ve ever come across.
I don’t have time for this! Get out of my way!
I know you may not wanna see me but, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.
Whatcha doin’? Can I try?
Ooh, I didn’t know you were so good at that!
I went to the library today. Wanna see all the books I got?
Whenever I see a math problem, I want to disappear.
Oh god! Are you OK? I’m sorry!
Not all country music is bad!
Wanna play in the rain with me?
Hey, do you need a hand with that?
I drew a picture of you, (Name). Do you like it?
Hey, hey—check this out. Look what I can do! (sender specifies action)
That sure is one intricate coffee order. What’s it like?
I went to the store today and while I was shopping, I saw (item), thought of you and bought it!
Pineapple on pizza?! Seriously, (Name)?
I tried baking something for you, but let’s just say it didn’t turn out well.
This is so boring! How can you find this entertaining?
Do you mind giving me a ride to (Place)?
Thanks for helping me back there.
How much did you say that was? / I can’t afford that!
Get away from me!
Oh that doesn’t look good, that doesn’t look good at all.
Ugh, that’s nasty.
Why won’t you answer your phone?
Please don’t shut me out, I’m only trying to help you.
Aah! Don’t scare me like that!
Please. Just this once, I’m begging you.
Here, come here. It’ll be okay, shh…
My head is killing me…
You know exactly what I’m talking about, (Name). Don’t you?
Let’s settle this the old fashioned way: rock, paper, scissors!
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therpmemediner · 24 days
Injured RP Starters
Remember to specify a muse for multi muse blogs!
From the Injured
A-Ah!! Don’t touch it, please—
How—how bad is it? It hurts a lot, ah!
My head feels fuzzy…
Oh God, that’s—that’s a lot more blood than I was expecting…
Please just-just be gentle.
No—no, I’m okay, I—aah!
C-Crap, I think it’s broken…!
I’ll be OK, I’ve been through much worse.
Keep your hands off of me—gah!
Walking? I-I don’t know if I can…
I’m so dizzy, please just—let me close my eyes for a bit.
D-Don’t faint, you’re supposed to be helping me!
Wait—wait! Before you start—please, please—hold my hand.
I don’t need your help! I can handle it myself—ah, damn it…!
I-I’m sorry for crying! It hurts so much!
I’ll try not to cry… just please hurry!
D-Do you think your magic can help with something like this?!
Well isn’t this just lovely…!
What—What happened? Where am I?
From the Helper
I-I know, I know it hurts. I’m so sorry.
I have to look at it. Can you let me do that?
Don’t move! Stay still, I’m calling an ambulance!
I-It’s not bad. It’s okay, you’re OK. / It-It’s bad. It’s bad. But I’m going to try my best to help you!
No, no—(Name), hang on, please! Hang on a little while longer!
Oh my God, you’re bleeding, a lot! That’s a lot of blood!!
I’ll try to be as careful as I can, OK? Just breathe!
You’re not okay! You need help, please just let me help you!
But you’re—you’re hurt! How can you wave it off like it’s nothing?
I’m sorry, but I can’t just stand by and let you stay like this.
Here, here—lean on me like this! Easy does it, I’ll get you somewhere safe.
Don’t you dare close your eyes, (Name)! I’m almost done, keep focusing on me, my voice!!
A-Ah, I don’t do well with blood, I… there’s so much of it…
OK, OK. Here’s my hand, OK? We can do this together.
Cry all you need to! You’re doing great.
OK, all right. Are you ready? This might hurt, but I need you to be strong.
Just try to relax and I’ll heal you.
This is what being reckless does. Now hold still!
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therpmemediner · 24 days
What job can you see my muse having other than the one they have now? Let me know in the inbox!
Bonus points if sender specifies why. Remember to specify a muse for multimuse blogs!
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therpmemediner · 24 days
For Multimuse Blogs: Send 🩹 for me to write about one muse coming across another one of my muses, injured. How does the discovering muse react? Remember to specify the muses for the mun! If you can't see the sign, send "Bandage" instead.
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therpmemediner · 24 days
Things I've Said To or About my Cat
What are you doing?
Hey, get down from there!
How did you get up there?
What are you doing there?
I just fed you!
No, it's not time yet.
What? What do you want?
Oh my god, look at her!
Isn't she cute?
You are beautiful.
How can you be comfortable like that?
Oh yeah? Tell me all about it!
Just because you're looking at me like that doesn't mean I'm going to fall for it.
You're ridiculous.
Aww, look at her!
Did you have a rough [time of day]?
Did you miss me?
I know, I missed you too.
God, I love you.
All that playing must of worn you out.
You're just a big baby. That's all you are.
Oh, fine. Come on up here...
You're so soft.
I know, you don't like hugs but you're just too cute!
Well, that sounded pitiful.
What kind of noise was that?
We were having quite the conversation.
Don't tell me no!
Is it cuddle time?
Thank you for the kisses.
Hey, be nice.
There you are!
Where did you come from?
Well, hello to you too!
When she does that, it's bait.
Why are you so freaking cute?! Argh!
You're adorable. You know that?
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