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Unlucky in Luck
NOTE 1: Posts like this will be tagged #Disney Ducks for Animation
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Unlucky in Luck (I.N.D.U.C.K.S Code D2014-015)
Donald and Gladstone switch luck due to an accident at Gyro’s workshop. Donald is ecstatic, and utilizes his newfound luck to make up for all his past misfortunes. It doesn’t work out the way he wishes it.

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#( D O N A L D ⋆ number 1 ; mage to the king )#( ;relevent )#listen#im super about and here for donald constantly being reminded of how important his fam is#i want more things like this#where his life changes and he misses what he has#also more gladstone and donald is gr8
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(( *quietly waves at the mun* ))
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( *excuse my absence, friends! I'm off Sunday and Monday this week, so I should be back to reply to things then!)
#(⋆out of magic ; ooc)#( ;mobile post)#tho I feel like I'm absent a lot regardless lmao;;;;#IM SORRY FRIENDS#I literally pass out the moment I get home from work#and then it's hard to write when I'm barely able to stare at the keyboard#I HAVR SORA THIGS TO REPLY TO I NEED TO GET MY BUTT IN GEAR#YOUVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH
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#( D O N A L D ⋆ number 1 ; mage to the king )#( D A I S Y ⋆ his flower )#( OTP ; I'd sail the world for you )
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ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones? ✝ : Is your muse religious?
Random headcanon meme! | ACCEPTING
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
Donald loves making friends! And he has tons! He knows for a fact you can most certainly have more than one best friend. He also loves the attention.
✝ : Is your muse religious?
Donald is an open minded duck and though he doesn’t practice any sort himself, has delved in many religions. He doesn’t believe any one is right or wrong, and accepts them all.
#( ;headcanon )#don has traveled the world and experienced TONS of things and met so many people#acmecoyote#I can super see Donald trying like#every religion practice at least once?#but isn't really that religious himself#but he wanted to understand them all
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☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more? 🏨 : How well does your muse sleep? ❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If
Random headcanon meme! | ACCEPTING
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
Daytime. It’s the best time for fishing, which is one of his biggest hobbies. Early morning if he had to be more specific!
🏨 : How well does your muse sleep?
Donald sleeps surprisingly well! He’s a pretty heavy sleeper, so once he’s out, he’s out. It takes something big and loud to jolt him right up.
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
He thinks it’s pretty mushy… And he’s the mushiest musher that ever mushed. He believes the object of one’s eye needs to be woo’d as much as possible. Donald can never understand the concept of love getting old. He truly thinks it’s special, though he’d never admit any of that out loud.
#( ;headcanon )#though im p sure a good amount of it is canon#have you seen the way he is with daisy?#boy still acts like a kid asking out his crush#he finds things adorable#he's a softy lbr#( ;LETTERS )#acmecoyote
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“That ego knocks your rating down a bit, Don. You’re cuter than Daffy, though, I’ll give you that.”
He can live with that.
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Eh. You’re alright.
“Just alright??---- What’s wrong with me? Everybody loves me!”
#hoopsheartthrob#donald: only settles for PERFECTION#holds one finger up real high#on his tip toes#loudly whispering number oooooone
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“Awww, how nice of you to remind the people. You can leave now.”
“If I was talking about you, it’d be a negative 11.”
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Yeah yeah, every duck is great and all-----
But let’s not forget who’s Number 1!
#( ;dash commentary )#donald no#ive also waited for a chance to use this icon#i mean just look at it
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Random headcanon meme!
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
☃ : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one?
☂ : Does your muse like rain?
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
🏨 : How well does your muse sleep?
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate?
⚯ : Does your muse have good eyesight? If not, what is it like? Are they nearsighted or farsighted? Or both? Do they use glasses? Or do they prefer contacts?
👓 : If your muse wears glasses, what are their glasses frames like?
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
εїз : How does your muse feel about bugs and insects?
📱 : Does your muse prefer calling or texting?
☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
✝ : Is your muse religious?
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#( S O R A ⋆ the hero we didn't expect ; he holds the key )#( G O O F Y ⋆ big palooka ; loyal & royal knight )#( D O N A L D ⋆ number 1 ; mage to the king )#( ALL FOR O N E ⋆ ONE FOR A L L )
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Huey shot Louie a small glare, okay fair enough.
He cleared his throat. This was a bit harder. Uncle Donald actually knew her. He was her brother, after all. He didn’t even want to think about how terrible this would make him feel. It’s not exactly like he could directly throw Louie under the bus. When the ship went down, they all sunk with it. Fighting with each other or not.
“The jerk, um, it’s not that important Uncle D. What’s my punishment? No comics for a week? Grounded for a month? ”
Louie matched Huey’s glare with one of his own. He was so not letting his oldest brother off the hook. Nevermind that he had done nothing to keep the fight from escalating, Huey deserved to squirm a little bit.
But Louie wasn’t an idiot. If Huey was going to keep his beak shut about their fight, so was he. If Uncle Donald found out that they were fighting about Della… Well, Louie definitely didn’t want to be having that conversation any time soon.
“Yeah, Uncle D, it was nobody important. Just one of your typical idiots.”
They were twisting the subject on him and he knew it. And it panged him to see they couldn’t talk to him about this. It was hard to get them to admit anything when all together, but he wondered if it’d be harder on their own.
“You’re both not getting off that easily. This is serious! What about the next time you fight? It could be worse!” Again, he was talking from experience. Once you get use to letting out your anger in that way, well...
But how would be punish them? Should he in a typical way? Well, if they weren’t going to talk to him, he was going to have to. First thing was first, “You boys are better than that. And I want you both to apologize and mean it.”
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continued from [ X ] | @wabbitseezon
“Of course I do!” He was lying. He’s never used-- let alone seen-- these kind of space suits in all his life. But he didn’t want to admit that to someone like Dodgers, he had too much pride.
Besides, how hard could it be? It was just a couple of buttons!
Anyone could see the wheels turning in Donald’s head as his finger hovered over one part of his suit, then moved to hover over another, then back. One of these buttons was for outside space walking, right?
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"Donald... you're like sea-salt ice cream. Not everyone likes it, but Goofy and I do-- and that's what matters."
He didn’t always admit it out loud, but he appreciated his two best friends more than anything. Especially in moments of doubt and when the darkness rarely peeked into his own heart.
“Ooh… Thanks, Sora.”
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continued from [ X ] | @kingoftheklondike
Donald scrambled to adjust his grip on the wall when his uncle moved him, a sigh of relief following before he squinted at the older duck.
Was he saying this was his fault? Him?? All because he accidentally touched one thing? How was he suppose to know it was booby trapped? Why did everything have to have a trap anyway?
With a grumble Donald continued his scale up the wall, only to be startled again by the sound of another thunderous crash and the temple shaking.
Despite Scrooge’s attempt to keep Donald at a distance, the sailor reacted like a startled cat to the noise. Jumping back towards his Uncle and practically clinging to the duck. “What was that?!”
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*Thinks deeply about how everyone only associates Donald with anger and never asks how he’s feeling about anything else.
#( out of magic ; OOC )#its actually something that gets to me#how ppl only see donald as this angry bird#cause when you really watch and think about it?#he's really not#he's short tempered yeah but it also blows over as quickly as it comes#he's more impatient than anything#or more ppl assume he's angry ALL the time#when he's just constantly pushed to be that way
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