theroyaldragon · 11 years
Three years have passed since the slaying of the Fell Dragon, and the tactician has been recovered. Not wanting to cause problems, Lucina leaves Ylisse through way of the Gate … and comes to Elibe. Ghosts from the past, new allies, and ancient heroes long lost shall arise in the rush to save the dying land, and a new enemy takes to wing. Light will once again pierce the darkness.
Can’t Stop.
Won’t Stop. 
Not sure how to stop.
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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"...Nergal?" Roy let out, feeling his blood freeze at the mention of such a name. His parents had told him about who Nergal was, as well as the many atrocities he had commited. "...If you two were on different sides of the battlefield...does that mean you were working for Nergal?"
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"Wait, you know my father!? Personally?" Roy instantly regained his previous stance that was lost amongst the shock of seeing one of his parent’s blades in the hands of a stranger, as his eyes lit up with what one could describe as panic. "When did you meet him? And how?"
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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Feeling as thought she had struck sufficient enough fear into the red head before her, Lavender decided she would ease up a bit on the intimidation; didn’t want to scare him so bad he became useless after all. “Telling me where I am would be greatly appreciated please.” Unless he was a newcomer to the lands, she couldn’t be in Hyrule- his state of dress was one she hadn’t seen around before and thus lead her to believe she had accidentally travelled outside of her usual jurisdiction of where she travelled in Hyrule.
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"Oh, why of course I can Miss!" Roy responded, eager to speak of the land he loved. "This land is known as Elibe, home to many famous heroes and saviors that risked their lives in the wars of this land's history. The specific area we are in right now is known as the plains of Sacae." He rose a hand to showcase the endless fields of green grass that washed like waves when a gust of wind came, only interrupted by the occasional horse or deer running along.
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
The Hero of Flames was a dragon this whole time? Are the demons plotting their invasion again?
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"Stop it..." Roy told the voices surrounding him, the ones that would never leave him be, even after escaping Lycia and keeping his heritage a secret.
He may be of royal descent, but he is no more than the beasts that want us and our children dead in their gullets! We should strike him down where he stands to keep him away from such a throne!
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"I said stop it...!" He shouted now, clenching onto his head and covering his ears. He could feel the magic of the dragonstone in his tunic slowly surging through his veins, in preparation to use its power.
We should slaughter him right here and now. Even with royal blood, his birth is an evil against St. Elimine herself, and will continue to be one for as long as this monster lives.
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"Cease this. NOW." Roy stated, his eyes growing cold and sharp, just like a metal sword stood before piercing its enemy. "Before... before..." A flash of light came from the dragonstone now, as his pale skin sprouted fiery red scales, claws as sharp as spears grew from his fingertips, and the largest of teeth resided within his mouth as a mighty roar bellowed from his throat.
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"Before I freeze your entire homeland and devour you like the cowardly sheep that you are!!" 
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"AAH!" Roy screamed himself awake, lifting his head straight up. Several heavy pants came from the young man, practically swallowing the nighttime air as if he'd just resurfaced from the bottom of a lake.
He looked around to see his surroundings, witnessing only the large plain of grass he found within a forest that he could call a resting place for the night. No towns or villagers anywhere.
Roy let out a deep sigh, both of relief, and of exhaustion.
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"That nightmare again..." Roy whispered to himself. It wasn't the first time that he had that accursed dream since escaping from Lycia, and a voice within his mind told him that it unfortunately wouldn't be the last. For the voices within that dream had haunted him for most of his life, even with such a small amount of people alive that know his secret. It didn't help that the more that Roy had seen of the world, the more truth that those words had carried...
Roy rested his head against the grass and soil again, wrapping his cape around himself as a blanket in the hopes that he would lull back to sleep again. He usually slept in his dragon form in areas as isolate as this forest, for it could tolerate the cold much better, but that was the last thing that Roy wanted to do right now.
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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As someone with a cousin close to my age, I can testify that this is indeed how cousins act. 
In which Lucina gets hold of Owain’s JOURNAL OF JUSTICE….and refused to return it.
Masked Marth/Lucina by me
Owain by antextreme
Photography and editing by Kris
DeviantArt || World Cosplay || Cosplay.com
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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"O-oh Gods! My apologies Miss, I-I didn't see you at first and just assumed, I swear that I meant no offense to it!" Roy bowed several times to give the deepest of apologies. Mistaking a maiden for a male? His mentor would've spanked him silly three times over for that! "I apologize again Miss. Do you wish for me to buy you a drink for that?"
cheerful-tactician-seth started following you
 taciturnmyrmidon started following
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“Why salutations there Good Sir!” Roy said out in his classically optimistic style. “Who are you?”
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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"H-huh? ...Human?" Roy swallowed, hoping to Naga that this ....uh....green-haired mistress couldn't hear the hesitation in his words. "Um, well Mistress... I'm not quite sure myself? I didn't mean to intrude into these lands of yours I swear, I just lost my way and ended up here." He said. At the very least, none of it was technically wrong. "...What is this 'Garden of the Sun' though? I hadn't heard of such a land in Elibe before."
Four People have entered the Garden of the Sun
"Oh my, what brings you all here?" Yuuka arched an eyebrow, one scarlet eye curious. "This is the Garden of the Sun. Not too many humans enter here … At least, I assume you are all human." 
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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"Oh! No particular reason sire, I just noticed that the scent of rabbits seemed rather strong on you, so I wondered if you had stayed within an area with wildlife for a while." Roy chuckled a little to himself, hoping that the question of how good his sense of smell was wouldn't arise.
Meeting the Master (RP W/ grandmaster-makoto)
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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Click through to awesome photo array at: http://www.buzzfeed.com/doree/quotes-about-writing
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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If you are okay with roleplaying violent / mature based themes such as; rape, abuse or other violent mature natures please give this a like or reblog. I need more mature and serious roleplayer to interact with. All people do is condemn and criticize these plots and although disturbing they have a huge range for character development. If you aren’t okay with it, I don’t need your comments about how wrong it is I’m sorry but if you aren’t mature enough to handle it I didn’t ask for that.
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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Science enthusiasm in kids and teenagers, more two stories of year 2012 | Picture edited via Sci-Tech
10-Year-Old Accidentally Creates New Molecule in Science Class
Clara Lazen is the discoverer of tetranitratoxycarbon, a molecule constructed of, obviously, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. It’s got some interesting possible properties, ranging from use as an explosive to energy storage. Lazen is listed as the co-author of a recent paper on the molecule. But that’s not what’s so interesting and inspiring about this story. What’s so unusual here is that Clara Lazen is a ten-year-old fifth-grader in Kansas City, MO.
Kenneth Boehr, Clara’s science teacher, handed out the usual ball-and-stick models used to visualize simple molecules to his fifth-grade class. But Clara put the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms together in a particular complex way and asked Boehr if she’d made a real molecule. Boehr, to his surprise, wasn’t sure. So he photographed the model and sent it over to a chemist friend at Humboldt State University who identified it as a wholly new but also wholly viable chemical.
16-Year-Old Egyptian Scientist Finds Way to Turn Plastic Waste Into $78 Million of Biofuel
Sixteen-year-old Azza Abdel Hamid Faiad has found that an inexpensive catalyst could be used to create $78 million worth of biofuel each year. Egypt’s plastic consumption is estimated to total one million tons per year, so Azza’s proposal could transform the country’s economy, allowing it to make money from recycled plastic.
What Azza proposes is to break down the plastic polymers found in drinks bottles and general waste and turn them into biofuel feedstock. (This is the bulk raw material that generally used for producing biofuel.) It should be noted that this is not a particularly new idea, but what makes Azza stand out from the crowd is the catalyst that she is proposing. She says that she has found a high-yield catalyst called aluminosilicate, that will break down plastic waste and also produce gaseous products like methane, propane and ethane, which can then be converted into ethanol. Speaking about the breakthrough, Azza said that the technology could “provide an economically efficient method for production of hydrocarbon fuel” including 40,000 tons per year of cracked naptha and 138,000 tons of hydrocarbon gasses – the equivalent of $78 million in biofuel.
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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 ”Women shouldn’t be valued because we are strong, or kick-ass, but because we are people.  So don’t focus on writing characters who are strong.  Write characters who are people.” - Lori
inspired by {x}
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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theroyaldragon · 11 years
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