The Room- Chapter 1- Hollow Lo
Warnings: needles and abuse
Ships: eventual DLAMP, Logince
They walked into the room that was grey in color. Ready to house their worlds and ideas. Taking a deep breath before they forgot everything, and replaced it all.
Logan sat on his bed, sewing together the clothes of his family, attempting to keep his fingers safe, but despite his practice of the skill; his hands were pricked thoroughly by the time he was done. He quickly ran off and placed the clothes in each of his family's rooms. Before running to the kitchen.
"Well, isn't it nice to finally see you, Hollow Lo." His mother stepped in with that too too sweet grin, always so caring and kind. "I was beginning to think you were going to hide away again."
"No, mother," Logan dismissed, his voice as flat as it could be, "I would never hide from you.”
"Is that sarcasm, young mister?" The softness that she injected into her tone died quickly, along with the faint hope Logan always had when he saw her. She glared, taking a step forward.
Logan cleared his throat, speaking with a heavily forced smile and nodded with a hum of absolute delight, “of course not, my mother.”
He deflated immediately after the tone was used and needed washed of hatred.
"Make dinner then go to your room, dear,” she took Logan’s hand in hers and grabbed the wrist in a fashion that had Logan’s throat seize and curl up in the worst way.
Once done preparing the food of his house mates, Logan opened the door to his room, where an expensive suit laid. It was a midnight black, and had cost Logan almost everything he had, but it was worth it to leave this dreadful castle. Logan wondered what the world was like once his sisters and mother began, but he quickly pushed it away and continued on with his plan.
He had a man get him something to start off, after Logan stole some money from his family, which they would never use for something as needed as this. He simply had to meet him at the ball and hand over the money, then he would be free at last.
So, he packed all his bags, and got ready for when the ball would begin. He heard his mother and sisters get ready, while he did the same, not going as elaborate as they surely were.
He simply did the basics, along with a hint of blue eyeshadow. His face clean and his glasses, that he recently bought, especially made him look like someone else his sisters and mother wouldn’t recognize. He smiled slightly, sorting everything into a bag he would carry, waiting for his family to leave, as he would from their lives.
Once he heard the lock click with a beautiful cry of joy, he put on the well fitting suit, before grabbing his stuff and walking to the palace of the king. He stayed far from his family, and stayed in the shadows so no one would see him. Once he arrived at the castle, he hurried to the wall, and waited for his seller.
He waited.
A young man approached him, a confident smile across his face. Logan raised a brow at the man, causing the other to approach even closer and at a much faster rate than when he was not expected. Logan took some idle comfort in the man’s want to be seen.
"Why, how is your evening, sir?" The man inquired in a charming and ever loved tone.
"Fine." Logan said, his voice even, for that was why he was deemed hollow by the women of the tone he grew in.
"I don't believe I've seen you before.” The man chuckled in a cheeky tone, extending a hand in a polite greeting. “Are you new in town, my good man?”
"I am departing by midnight today, I simply came to talk to a man of importance before my leaving.” Logan folded his hands behind himself in refusal.
"A love interest, by chance?" The man teased, his eyes brightly curious as he mimicked Logan’s stance, but in such a way it felt much more mobile than Logan’s.
"No, of course not, simply someone I must discuss with. They have an offer I could never refuse." Logan dismissed, staring forward, almost past the man.
"Vague, my sir. So you may feel more comfortable to diminish your current speech, my name is Roman. Prince Roman of this castle, but I am certain you have already known that." Roman stuck out a hand for Logan to take for a second time.
"Logan." The servant greeted, taking Roman’s hand into his own in a tight grip, bowing as he was formally taught to do before such royalty.
"You don't belong here." Roman let out a breath with a grin to match, watching their hands with that same curious glint.
"What makes you say that?" Logan asked, his mind buzzing with both fear and puzzlement.
"No noble would have such rough hands, for he never works. Say, how did you even get enough money to buy the suit you wear? Stealing isn't allowed in my kingdom and though I see your poked raw fingers, you are certainly not a professional seamstress.”
Logan sighed in his failure; "I saved up, though it is true I am no noble. Will you be sending me off?"
"Certainly not," Roman raised both his eyebrows, "you are far too interesting to get rid of simply because of your origin. Now tell me of yourself, my dear."
"Don't you have your other guests to tend to?" Logan gestured to the room of nobles Roman was to attend to.
"They may come to me if I am needed. I'm too curious about you to focus on another at the moment." Roman pointed Logan’s chest.
"Fine,” Logan knew he needed to discuss his life with someone, lest he go mad, and who else could he whine to but the whiny prince himself? “If the other option is death, I'm a servant who does indeed come from a noble family, but my mother has recently lost much of her wealth, leaving me to care for the many necessities of the house; because I am her least favorite."
"Why, that is interesting. If you need any help out of the noble madam’s house, I'm here with nowhere to throw my money other than to the feet of a beautiful man." Roman chuckled, his eyes still bright with amusement.
"That's why I'm here, to buy a new house and leave. I shall be out of the castle and kingdom for good after that." Logan gestured to the satchel he had that contained the money he had stolen to leave his life behind.
Roman’s eyes somehow lit up more, "You could stay in the castle!”
"I have no intention of becoming a servant to the king." Logan crossed his arms, shifting his gaze to a familiar man.
"As my date." Roman finished, taking a step forward.
Logan's eyes went wide as he tore his eyes from the familiar man, taking a small step and leaning forward so Roman may speak of the plan, "How would that even happen?"
"One who is in love with the prince may live with him, so the people do not see our "unsavory deeds". My father mildly approves of my fancy in men, but he can't be seen with a son that openly displays it, so he welcomes all of my lovers and gives them a room of their own world. So, how about it? Shall we date, truly or in our own fictions alone? I have no quarrels with either."
It was the greatest arrangement ever, the life of a prince for simply dating someone of that rank. Logan was not foolish enough to turn down the deal.
"Yes. That would be satisfactory." Logan nodded quickly and took Roman’s hands in his, looking up to the beautiful prince.
"Well, to sell it to my father, we'd have to display it, correct." Roman hinted, his high cheek bones glowing a bit red from his own making of embarrassment.
"Your father is absent from the room, my dear. Do you simply want a kiss placed on your lips?" Logan smirked, earning a little whine from Roman.
"Just to practice?" Roman begged the servant.
Logan conceded, cupping the other’s cheek with one of his hands; "For practice."
They pushed their lips together, a lovely push of motion that was nearly too soft. The softness made them lose their grip on their imagination until they fell down down until they reached the grey.
"Roman, how many times must I have to tell you to stop kissing me if you want them to last longer?" Logan huffed as he stood, taking Roman’s hand in his as he rolled his eyes.
"Well, it's not like I can remember your cute face! We can go back anyway." Roman dismissed, then smiled and kissed Logan’s forehead.
"Fine." Logan smiled softly and hugged Roman, closing his eyes softly as he held Roman’s hands tight, “tomorrow?”
They are taking requests.
(If this looks or sounds familiar, I’m restarting this story that I started on Wattpad. Please don’t spoil anyone if you have already read it.)
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