thereallionofbalamb · 25 days
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Seifer and Quistis, when they were 15...
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thereallionofbalamb · 3 months
@corditeheart | Out Cold |
"For fuck's sake Michele." Seifer chuckled, "Go get in bed. I'm gonna clean this up, then I'm gonna call Q and SHE can do these reports, and I'm gonna call Squall, and bitch his fucking ass out for letting you get this way and not forcing you to stop working when it happened." He began by grabbing the dish towel from the small kitchen area and mopping up as much of the spilled tea as he could. "And maybe, if you're real good about it and go before I carry you, I'll lay down with you and we can watch that corny show you like."
“You need to rest.” ~thereallionofbalamb
my muse is ill and refusing to rest | @thereallionofbalamb
"Yeah, well, tell that to the SeeD exam coming up," she groans, congested all to hell, sneezing and coughing her way through what has to be at least half a dozen tissue boxes at this point in the weekend.
What perfect timing-- she finally gets him to come down to visit her, and it's the weekend that every little child carrying every little germ in the world in Garden has decided to give them all to her as a gift.
Another coughing fit, another wad of tissue dropped into an overflowing trash bin. She groans again, and drops her head on her arms for a minute, covering up all the maps and data and reports that she's been staring at with a rapidly-reducing sense of comprehension for the last several hours. Of course, her elbow bumps the cup of tea, long since gone cold, spilling half of it over her papers before she can right it again with reflexes significantly delayed.
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thereallionofbalamb · 4 months
muses who have been on the streets, or kidnapped, or whatever/missing for several years, and they're taken to a police station and "would you like me to call anyone for you?" / "no. Nobody's looking for me" and the police (or social worker, or whatever) has to say, "... actually, someone named (name) reported you missing 7 years ago. They were very concerned. They call every year, I think they'd like to know you're here." idk idk. muses who are looked for. muses who do not stop looking.
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thereallionofbalamb · 4 months
Reblog if it's okay to IM/PM/DM you for plotting, shipping, etc. Or maybe because sometimes people just want to chat.
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thereallionofbalamb · 4 months
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thereallionofbalamb · 4 months
Seifer flounces into the room looking from his girlfriend to his childhood traumatizer: "Xu! I'm having an affair!"
Xu, completely unimpressed and knowing him actually having one is a lie, because she'd kill him: "With what, your left hand?"
Seifer, waving said hand in a flourishing motion: "Yes, it's exceptional at handling my needs."
Quistis: "Oh for fuck's sake." *leaves the room rolling her eyes*
@corditeheart >_> Was gonna write responses, was reading over stuff and the "we ARE in a relationship" one just... presented me with this. LOL
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thereallionofbalamb · 4 months
im a blorbo apologist but also they did every bad thing they did and i will get mad if u ignore that. complexities
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thereallionofbalamb · 4 months
>_> @corditeheart
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It's so them. 💯
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thereallionofbalamb · 5 months
reblog if it's okay for people to mention your muse(s) in their threads!
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thereallionofbalamb · 5 months
just found out my entire personality is a trauma response
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thereallionofbalamb · 5 months
FFVIII text posts pt. 2 let's gooo
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Here have some more haha
The Squall/Irvine one was supposed to be Selphie/Irvine at first but I couldn't find anything that fit (like nothing with the both of them in the same picture wth) so Squirvy it is lmao
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thereallionofbalamb · 6 months
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
Send 🐰 for barely intimidating
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating
Send 🦊 for fairly intimidating
Send 🐯 for very intimidating
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thereallionofbalamb · 6 months
"I broke my rules for you." -corditeheart
@corditeheart | Broken |
He couldn't help it, the asshole in him hadn't had a real outlet in years.
On the run from everything Garden related, the Galbadian Army, and his own guilt. He'd hidden from his closets friends as well as anyone who might see him as an enemy. He'd been uncommonly nice to people when he interacted with them, and frankly, he just WASN'T a nice person. He could do nice things, and he wasn't a complete asshole, he had hard lines he wouldn't cross... some had been crossed while under Ultimecia's control and he couldn't forgive himself for that. That was a whole other issue though.
"Your rules? Or the ones trained into you?" He scoffed, they'd tried... HE'D tried to be what someone would need in a partner. When Raijin and Fujin had found him finally, he thought he'd been ready. And for the most part, nothing terrible had happened. Most were willing to forgive him the things he'd done under Ultimecia's control.
Xu hadn't, she'd run him ragged proving he wasn't that person. And he'd fallen for her. And now, now he was just fucking it up again. He was a veterinarian in a small town east of Winhill, and he'd refused to go back to Garden for any reason. He wouldn't even visit to see the people he'd grown up with. He wasn't ever their friend, and Raijin and Fujin came to see him, so he didn't see why it mattered.
Sure, he'd thought about it a few times, going there with flowers for Michele, just to see the looks on everyone else's faces because - yes, he's actually capable of CARING about someone.
Seifer hadn't expected her to be so upset over the fact that he wouldn't do it though. He couldn't make himself go back to Balamb. Every memory there was bitter and he hated himself more just thinking about it. He knew he was an asshole, he'd been one since he was born - he was sure Quistis would back him up with it, she'd known him the longest after all. And wasn't it just the kicker that he'd fallen in love with her best friend. She probably felt like he was trying to take more away from her again.
He winced as he shrugged a shoulder, leaning back against the tree in his backyard. "Besides, rules are meant to be broken. I won't make you stay with me if it's not something you want."
He'd probably be broken over it for the rest of his life if she walked out on him. But, he'd also probably deserve it.
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thereallionofbalamb · 6 months
@corditeheart | Together |
"Oh, just makin' sure." Seifer reaches up and grabs a bag of what she's after and places it in the cart. He grabs one of strawberry for himself and places that in the cart too. "It would just be rather awkward if we weren't is all."
He's following along behind her as she gathers the things on her list, barely remembering to grab the things he needs himself. His mind is on another matter entirely, and having it confirmed that they are in fact 'in a relationship' fills him with relief and a sense that he might not be blasted with the gun he knows she has hidden on her person somewhere at all times.
“Just to clarify: We are in a relationship, right?” ~thereallionofbalamb (not me nearly forgetting to hit the anon switch again...)
@thereallionofbalamb | together.
They're in the middle of the grocery store, and she's reaching to take a box of protein bars from the shelf, when he asks the question.
It takes Xu a second to parse what he's asking her, because Seifer's so damn confident in every aspect of his life that it's just strange he's questioning anything at all.
"I mean, at this point, yeah." Considering that he's got stuff in her apartment, she's got things at his place. Her dog likes him.
Whatever initial pretense of secrecy they'd been keeping is long gone.
She sets the box in the cart, and moves a few steps down the aisle to grab those little breakfast granola cluster things that she's almost out of.
Of course, they're a shelf higher than she can reach. And because it's early, the weekend, with nowhere to be except home, she's in flat sandals, with no extra three inches of shoe to help her out here.
"Can you grab a bag of the blueberry ones for me? And... why are you asking?"
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thereallionofbalamb · 6 months
@corditeheart | 14. with a broken arm/leg | *Door*
Seifer wasn't proud of this, he was in fact dreading it. He was supposed to be picking Michele up to take her out to dinner, he'd had it all planned... but now. Now his damn arm was broken.
He'd already seen a doc about it, and it was in a cast and strapped to his chest in a sling. It meant however, that he couldn't wear the fancy suit he'd planned on. He'd finagled himself into a nice shirt and his slacks and shoes at least, and he'd be damned if he wasn't still taking her to dinner. But... the plans he'd had for after dinner, may need a bit of a change.
He was hoping she wouldn't sock him in the nose for getting into a fist fight with Zell a couple of hours before their date. It wouldn't endear him to her to know he'd kicked the martial artists ass and he was still laid up unconscious in the infirmary. He had plans to check on him tomorrow, since he was actually worried about that. Not that he'd ever admit that to Zell. Besides his own broken arm and the bruising on his chin, Zell being unconscious were the only tells to them getting into a fight at all.
With a resigned sigh he knocked on her door. He'd have to cancel their reservation if she took a look at him and decided she didn't want to go anymore. And then he'd have to go back to his own apartment and wallow because he'd ruined his own night.
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thereallionofbalamb · 6 months
Send me 🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
sopping wet
blackout drunk
holding a baby
after a car crash
looking for a fight
covered in bruises
after being mugged
covered with confetti
severely dehydrated 
angry beyond reason
with a broken arm/leg
covered in blood (theirs)
after having a nightmare
after being missing for days
after the death of a loved one
covered in baking ingredients
about to faint from exhaustion
with a real crown on their head
on their knee, with ring in hand
covered in tiny scrapes and cuts
covered in blood ( someone else’s )
holding a baby animal ( sender’s choice )
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thereallionofbalamb · 6 months
Uh oh! Your character is watching mine get hit on and is feeling possessive. How does your character handle this?
submitted by anonymous.
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