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thequeercoalition · 14 hours ago
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We're on the right track with questions like these, and it's important to recognize that meaningful change may require both government action and collective effort.
Before we explore solutions, I want to focus on how the public is being misled—fed misinformation that encourages the acceptance of harsh and unnecessary methods of destruction.
The term "invasive species" is itself misleading. Moving forward, we will refer to them as "displaced species" to more accurately reflect their reality. These animals did not "invade"—they were placed there, directly or indirectly, by human actions. The only species that has ever truly invaded is humans. Much of what we see is overhyped media sensation, used to churn money in. All of my examples will be of Floridian origin as that's what I'm most familiar with.
Our first example is the Burmese Python, they're rather famously known for "invading" the ever glades. Aside from their mere existence I have never heard of what they're supposedly threatening. Perhaps alligators were endangered so maybe the threat was supposed to be to the alligators? At this time Alligators are of least concern on the endangered list. Also "wildlife removal" usually includes the killing of alligators - far more than python vs alligator so it seems strange to kill in the name of protection with one hand and then killing the "protected" animal with the other. It goes deeper. Several years ago kicked off the first "Burmese Python Hunt". There was much selling about the pythons overrunning the everglades and aren't they so scary? It certainly made a good headline. A journalist covering the event noted that the number of kills were elevated as the dead bodies of the snakes were counted more than once - so the premise that the everglades was "overrun" would be reinforced and maybe they make some more money with the headlines and the next hunt. Another famous example is the Gambian Pouched Rat - oh I really love rats so this is great. "GIANT RAT" is a really flashy headline, and pulls from a lot of feelings and fear the propaganda machine had already worked on with the common rat. Gambian Rats were dumped by exotic breeders when African rodents (and prairie dogs) were banned in the United States. Florida being an excellent host, it seems some of the giant rats survived. Again there isn't much about what ecological disaster that was to be feared from with the Gambian Rat - at best there might have been something about the Gambian Rats outcompeting for vegetation. With zero information about how much of an impact these rats would actually have, the fwc launched an attack, leaving out poisoned baits. They killed 4 times the wildlife than they did Gambian Rats. But do you know who DOES have information about the potential ecological impact a Gambian Pouched Rat might have? Me! Well, info gleaned from people who keep them in captivity. Gambian Pouched Rats are not prolific breeders, they typically have up to three pups, breed in the summer, have to have certain humidity perimeters and IF more than one female is born to the litter, only one goes on to be a breeder. As you might expect from this info this isn't conducive to an out compete situation. In fact with this information it should be no surprise to you that: There has been No Sightings of a Gambian Pouched Rat in at Least a Decade. And personally, I've tried. I've asked around, I've looked, I've offered money for any clues - nothing. But this doesn't stop the headlines running this gag from time to time. My last example will be the Quaker Parrot. Quaker Parrot's offense is them being loud- ok. It seems to me that would be a "learn to live with wildlife" situation but I guess killing whoever inconveniences you is a thing. I can say with Quakers is that the government at least makes it hard and annoying to kill them, to do so legally you have to catch them and bring them to the vet to euthanize. My biggest issue is; Many years ago Florida had it's own parrot. And humans killed them, color me shocked. This indicates to me that Florida has a niche open for a parrot species and that instead of interfering with an eco-system the quakers are completing it.
So with that I hope I've demonstrated the misinformation, the money driven, the in competencies, the counter productive harm, and all in all general mishandling of displaced species.
Some methods to put in place when dealing with and preventing displaced species.
Offering amnesty days where people can relinquish exotic animals they no longer want to care for. The animals are then adopted out to willing participants. FWC already does this with Amnesty Days. Sterilization of displaced species. This is sort of in place for Muscovy ducks (I find it arguable if they are displaced but anyway) where destruction of their nests are encouraged. So duck abortions I guess. Relocation to proper habitats. The common argument against this is disease transmission, but standard wildlife rehabilitation practices include vaccination and parasite treatment. This should not be a barrier. There is no reason why an animal examined for health and vaccinated can't be relocated other than the biggest hurdle which is establishing themself. Take the animals into captivity - a method used by my wildlife hospital so they could avoid killing non-natives. They also find volunteers with a good amount of land to relocate the displaced species.
What if we had a dedicated department to capture, accept surrenders, sterilize, vaccinate, and rehome displaced species?
It’s not unrealistic—we already have a model for it: Animal Control.
While Animal Control itself could use significant reform (especially regarding anti-speciesist practices), the basic framework already exists. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel—just improve and expand the systems we have.
My final bit of advice is to continue to collect information. Speak to humane wildlife services. Check out Humane Wildlife Consulting of South Florida as one example.
When Colonists label animals “invasive species “ and therefore do not deserve empathy or humane treatment, only destruction
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thequeercoalition · 4 days ago
Unintentionally finding out the truth all the time is just something that happens to the divinely protected.
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thequeercoalition · 5 days ago
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thequeercoalition · 5 days ago
Indeed- why IS cannibalism “disgusting and evil”? Is it because taking someone’s life, stripping their autonomy, for something so frivolous as a culinary choice (or input any other intangible reason) heinous? Cruel? Unfair? Is stripping someone down to object status repugnant? A violation of justice?
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thequeercoalition · 11 days ago
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thequeercoalition · 23 days ago
Think about it, milking =taking but nursing = healing, nourishing
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Since watering means giving something water but milking means extracting milk from something that must means that water's default is to give but milk's default is to take. So water must be inherently kind while milk is cruel
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thequeercoalition · 1 month ago
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thequeercoalition · 2 months ago
“We need community we can’t be divided” you want slaves. I don’t know what to tell you
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thequeercoalition · 3 months ago
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thequeercoalition · 3 months ago
Dude would still be free if he was vegan 🤷🏽‍♂️
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thequeercoalition · 3 months ago
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thequeercoalition · 3 months ago
We really overlooked that whole “Lolita” name huh
Really not so much as a (ignorant) mistake but an actual plan, wasn’t it
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thequeercoalition · 3 months ago
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thequeercoalition · 3 months ago
Carnists trying to argue with marginalized vegans is like, lol
No I will never accept, honor, or care about supremacist values lol
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thequeercoalition · 4 months ago
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thequeercoalition · 4 months ago
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thequeercoalition · 4 months ago
How literally Anyone can be Vegan in 4 easy steps
1. Find your reflection
2. Look at yourself
3. say “I am an animal, all animals are equal.”
4. Now live your life as is if you are equal to everyone else
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