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I present my link click x swan princess AU or what I call, The Swan Princes 😌🦢
(Part 1)
My notes on this AU:
Swan princes AU
-Ql and CXS are from a neighboring kingdom from LG, QL's parents arranged to start bringing LG over to their kingdom every summer to try and matchmake QL and LG together so they can marry when they are older to unify their kingdoms. Ql and Lg do not have any romantic interest in each other at all right off the bat and end up more like siblings, Lg and Cxs (who is the adopted ward of the royal family) become fast best friends and all three of them are joined at the hip when Lg visits, and often arrange more visits outside of summer as well when they can.
-QL's parents give up trying to get LG and Ql together but still welcome LG whenever he comes to visit
-LG, Ql and CXS start making plans about the best way to unify their kingdoms (without marriage) when they reach their 20s, even though in general their kingdoms are really friendly already.
-Not everyone is a fan of this idea, especially a faction of nobles in LG’s kingdom
-One of the times that LG is leaving to travel back to his kingdom, his convoy gets ambushed by a party wanting to overthrow the throne, and only a wounded messenger escapes back to QL and CXS’s kingdom to tell them that there was this great beast that had attacked their convoy and he doesn't know if anyone survived, but that the beast isn't what it seems to be (like in the movie) but the messenger does not recover from his injuries and passes away shortly
-Cxs and Ql go out immediately when they hear the news to search for the remains for Lg's convoy (and possibly his body, because the messenger was adamant no one had survived.) but all they find is a bloody massacre (and no lg except maybe a personal item) leading them to believe he didn't survive
-They are both devastated, but Cxs is beyond devastated
-Cxs and QL start researching into the great beast and about the messengers last words about how it was a deceiving beast because they want to figure out what the hell happened (And Cxs wants REVENGE)
-Cxs starts hunting in the forest over the span of a month or two because they can’t figure out what the beast could be disguising itself as and also to unleash some of his pent up anger and grief over LG’s ‘death’ when he comes across a Swan, (and like in the movie he assumes that's the great beast) so he chases it to the lake
-But just as he was about to take the shot with revenge on his mind the swan turned into Lg in the moonlight hehe
-both of them overjoyed to see one another
Random Notes:
-Lg can't talk as a swan, and can only honk
-Ltx is part of the faction trying to overthrow the kingdom, but helps lg out when she can, she doesn't really have a choice of being in the faction or not cause her brothers in it also she doesn’t fully understand what is going on with the politics in their kingdom
-at some point cxs is brash and ends up getting turned into a swan too, Lg is less than thrilled with this development because how are two swans supposed to save an entire kingdom.
-They figure out how to go honk to QL for help
-Lg didn't find cxs quickly originally cause he had to learn to be a swan and couldn't get to far from the lake, when cxs becomes a swan he has to teach cxs how to be a swan (fly, swim, honk, poop, eat etc)
-It goes as well as one would expect.
Will upload more notes/artwork probably next week!
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#huggable#because an underclassmen said I looked huggable#then it transmutated into any adjectice withe -able ad the end#e.g. portable (I moved too much)#pushable ( I was being annoying)
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Since the day he gained his powers, his parents knew. It wasn't that hard to tell; their kid is a terrible liar. Even though they were never let in on the secret, they did what they could to help out. Anything to help cover for the new superhero in town, the teenage kid that they are proud of.
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Humans are space orcs writing prompt.
No one can handle their drink like humans!
The biggest land animals on earth, elephants, can handle something being at a maximum of 7% alcohol by volume (abv)
Most species on earth can usually intake 1-3 abv.
With small species like rats only being able to intake alcohol in the milligrams range, at best 80mgs.
Meanwhile humans will sometimes knock back something that is 40 abv. We can drink a whole bottle of it and while we feel lousy the next day, we dont die from it.
If the majority is the precident, then a shot of vodka will be pretty much a death sentence for most alien species.
But there go the humans, just knocking it back and calling that a fun night.
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"So how's your day been honey" I say while placing the chicken dishI had just made. Giving my wonderful partner a look.
He coughed try to swallow the huge spoon of mashed potatoes he just shovelled into his mouth -- staring at me with a very obvious "Now????" face. I say nothing as I sit down and start fixing myself a plate.
"Nothing much, just dealing with the mess that this new wacko is causing. I just wished the police would just hurry up and cath the dude. Better yet, the new kid with those freaky tricks. What's his name again? Super KId? Super Smash? Smash boy-" "Smasher" I and my son say in unison.
I gave my son, Kai a brief look, but decided not to say a word. "Oh I agree with you, but even our "esteemed" police department can't even make the connection that all the places this new wacko has been targetting those new buldings bought by Atlanta Smith and Sons Corporation -- I doubt Smasher is going to connect the dots" My husband coughed not-so-discreetly and went for a glass of water, and gave our son and equally not-so-discrete glance. "Well, I'm sure they know by now. I'm also sure that they know the wackos next most probable target is that mega mall downtown. They'd probably go on saturday, on that new movie premier for.... Toy Story 10?"
"Babe, that was last month. Tommorrow is Fast and Furious: 24 Hours"
My husband just chuckled and contiued with his food, but Kai's face had a sudden change, and he shovelled his food down in record time. "Why the rush? Are you starving?" I asked "I have a lot of homework to do Pa, I would love to get a headstart. May I go?" "Yeah, you can. Go, I'll clean up" Kai raced upstairs, up into his room. I turn to my husband "Could've done with a fewer coughs and chuckles there" "HEY, I was doing my best. You're the one with the theatre major." I roll my eyes, and asked whether he had topped up the "emergency" life kit that we had bought. "Yeah, I even got those nice alcohol wipes from work. Did you get the icepacks?" I sighed, "Nope, the resuable icepacks were sold out. I DIYed some with the hot water bottle and the frezeer. I'll just tell him it was for my leg and I "forgot" about it
"I wonder if he really thinks he's fooling us? He made the rookie mistake of letting you do his laundry"
"It's fine. I just whish he had developed a super power that didn't cause his clothes to rip. Especially across the back. I also wished he inherited my better sense of humour and picked a better name. Smasher?" "Our humors are of equal level, and hey- he picked and easily punnable name. It even has a few innuendos. He's the perfect superhero." "Yeah, yeah. Whatever"
Since the day he gained his powers, his parents knew. It wasn't that hard to tell; their kid is a terrible liar. Even though they were never let in on the secret, they did what they could to help out. Anything to help cover for the new superhero in town, the teenage kid that they are proud of.
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Character Flaws and Their Meanings
Impulsiveness : Acts on instinct without careful planning. Perfectionism : Sets unrealistically high standards, leading to self-criticism. Indecisiveness : Struggles to commit to decisions or choose a path. Arrogance : Overestimates one’s abilities and dismisses others. Pessimism : Habitually expects negative outcomes in most situations. Cynicism : Distrusts the motives and sincerity of others. Overconfidence : Places excessive faith in one’s skills, often underestimating risks. Stubbornness : Resists change and refuses to adapt to new ideas. Jealousy : Feels envious of others' success or possessions. Insecurity : Experiences frequent self-doubt and a lack of confidence. Procrastination : Tends to delay tasks, often leading to missed opportunities. Passivity : Avoids taking initiative and relies on others to act. Aggressiveness : Responds with hostility or force rather than reason. Selfishness : Prioritizes personal gain over the welfare of others. Fragility : Is overly sensitive to criticism and easily discouraged. Egotism : Constantly focuses on oneself and one’s own importance. Defensiveness : Quickly rejects or rationalizes away critique or new information. Manipulativeness : Exploits others to fulfill personal needs or desires. Recklessness : Shows a careless disregard for potential risks or consequences. Resentfulness : Holds lingering bitterness and grudges over perceived wrongs. Distractibility : Finds it hard to maintain focus amid competing interests. Impatience : Lacks the willingness to wait, often spoiling opportunities to learn. Perfunctory : Performs actions in a mechanical, uninspired manner. Self-Doubt : Consistently questions personal abilities and decisions. Arbitraryness : Makes decisions based on whim rather than reason or evidence. Rigidity : Is inflexible and unwilling to consider alternative viewpoints. Gullibility : Trusts too easily, often leading to being misled or deceived. Obsession : Becomes excessively fixated on particular ideas or details. Aloofness : Maintains emotional distance, appearing detached or indifferent. Intolerance : Refuses to accept differing perspectives or lifestyles.
Writing Advice for Brainstorming
Mix genres and time periods: Experiment by combining elements from different eras or genres to create unique settings and narratives.
Use "what if" scenarios: Pose unexpected questions (e.g., What if time travel operated on emotions rather than mechanics?) to spark novel ideas.
Draw from diverse mediums: Engage with art, music, or even scientific papers to inspire unexpected plot twists.
Embrace absurdity: Let illogical or surreal ideas guide you; sometimes the wildest thoughts lead to compelling stories.
Reverse clichés: Identify common tropes in your favorite genres and deliberately invert them to create fresh perspectives.
Incorporate personal anomalies: Transform your idiosyncrasies and personal struggles into rich, multi-dimensional characters.
Use mind-mapping: Visually plot your ideas in a freeform way to uncover hidden connections between disparate elements.
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Apparently a lot of people get dialogue punctuation wrong despite having an otherwise solid grasp of grammar, possibly because they’re used to writing essays rather than prose. I don’t wanna be the asshole who complains about writing errors and then doesn’t offer to help, so here are the basics summarized as simply as I could manage on my phone (“dialogue tag” just refers to phrases like “he said,” “she whispered,” “they asked”):
“For most dialogue, use a comma after the sentence and don’t capitalize the next word after the quotation mark,” she said.
“But what if you’re using a question mark rather than a period?” they asked.
“When using a dialogue tag, you never capitalize the word after the quotation mark unless it’s a proper noun!” she snapped.
“When breaking up a single sentence with a dialogue tag,” she said, “use commas.”
“This is a single sentence,” she said. “Now, this is a second stand-alone sentence, so there’s no comma after ‘she said.’”
“There’s no dialogue tag after this sentence, so end it with a period rather than a comma.” She frowned, suddenly concerned that the entire post was as unasked for as it was sanctimonious.
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I don’t remember much from middle school. Mainly just the Green haze.
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Someone needs to draw this with so many characters. But first, Bruce and all his children
Parenting Super cut of things I say to our tyrannical 3 yo on the daily:
- “your feelings are valid; your actions are not! Let’s bring it 🎶back to life, back to reality🎶”
- “Oop, I do be making decisions for my own body thank yew!”
- “I’ve asked nice three times! You can either do it by yourself or with help! But you will do it bestie!”
- “I need you to be so for real right now, is this a catastrophe or are you just feeling like it is?”
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You teach at a magic school, but you do not teach any magic. In fact, you are not even a mage. Yet your classes are among the few that every student has to take, no matter what kind of magic they are studying.
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Finally made a sheng reference! Now I won't make tiny continuity mistakes!
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I love war and starbucks and lion king live action remakes
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Anubis & Horus spotted having tea in Cairo (2006)
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