The Journey Back
257 posts
I used to be the fittest person I knew. I lost motivation, but I want it back. I'm not doing this to be skinny (but I do want to lose weight). I'm doing this to be STRONG. I've battled Anxiety and Depression. I'm still managing to smile. It's time I loved myself. Height: 164cm Waist: 30"; Goal:25".
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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Swiss Ball Single Leg Lift
3 sets of 20 reps
Liana Schmidt
Come onto the knees and place a Swiss ball in front of you. Press your forearms onto the top of the ball and extend the legs straight back, coming into a plank position. Squeeze through the core and begin to lift one leg up, bringing it parallel to the floor. Be sure to use your core so to not dump any weight into the low back. Release leg back to starting position. That was one rep. Continue this on the same side, going for 15-20 reps, then switch sides and repeat. To increase difficulty, add ankle weights.
Good for balance, core and low back strength.
Standard Moves presented by PUMA.
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
Good and Bad...
I ran the furthest I have ever run on Saturday - 12 miles in under 2 hours, which I was really pleased with because I hadn't trained for it, and I was told the run would only be 10 miles.
Bad news is that I've just stuffed my face with wotsits...
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
I have a 26" waist!!
I'm so happy - I've dropped 4 inches in a month! And all from just cutting out wheat and dairy!
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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Buffet Tips
1) Go for protein: it’s the safest choice you’ll get, usually people go for the carbs (pasta, pizza) but staying with proteins, such as roasted chicken or cold shrimps will keep you on track
2) Hit the salad bar: BEFORE you decide to gorge on everything, make yourself a pretty colorful salad. Healthy and filling.
3) Forget the sauces: sure, you got the roasted chicken. Now time to drown it in some sauce right? WRONG. Forget the sauces. Empty calories and fats.
4) No seconds: on average people will have at LEAST 2 platefuls of buffet food. Don’t. Have a salad and one other plate and fill it with healthy choices, this will also keep your portions in check as you’ll likely have less of things
5) Take your time: don’t get too excited and swallow down your food, take it in, enjoy it. You’ll get fuller faster.
6) Fruit for last: most buffets come with the deadly dessert table. But! They also have fruit tables, go for fruit as dessert. Sweet and healthy.
Renniesane / Tumblr
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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chili lime shrimp skewers
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
Nothing feels better than a badass, sweaty workout. Or maybe coming back and peeling off your sweaty clothes and jumping in the shower and having the hot water soothe your proud muscles. Or maybe the feeling of the cold post-workout protein hit your lips and fuel your body. It also could be climbing into your bed at night, sore yet satisfied, knowing that you reached your daily goal. Or what about waking up the next morning as your feet take their first morning steps and feeling the hard workout ache that you earned. Go workout. Go be proud. Make yourself indecisive about what your favorite part about getting fit is.
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
The Rules
 Rule 1: Always post the rules. 
Rule 2: Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new questions. 
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post.
 Rule 4: Let them know you tagged them.
My Questions:
1. If you could pick your own name, what would it be?
Isabella 2. Cookies or chips?
To me this should say biscuits or crisps. I choose biscuits.
3. What is the last book you read?
For my course: Disgrace 
Out of pleasure: The Garden of Evening Mists  4. Iron Man or Batman?
Batman 5. Do you like cotton candy?
Yup! 6. What are your short term goals?
Revise for Modernism-Contemporary module, and then for Reason&Passion module, complete a 7 mile run tomorrow. 7. Do you prefer the day or night, why?
Day - there are more things that I enjoy doing available 8. Do you think crying is a sign of strength or weakness?
Strength. If you're strong enough to be open about how you feel, then that is so enviable. You have to recognise the pain to get over it properly. 9. What was the first cd you ever bought with your own money?
Busted. I've been borrowing my parents' CDs for years though. 10. How much time do you spend on tumblr each day?
Probably about half an hour if that, it's usually a background thing more than anything else. 11. What is your fav quote?
"If you stick your head in the sand, all people are going to see is an arse" ~  my momma bear.
My Questions:
1. What is your favourite song?
2. Where in the world would you most like to travel?
3. Cats or dogs?
4. Favourite season?
5. Books or kindle?
6. Have you got any tattoos?
7. If you were on a desert island, what three items (not including a mobile phone) would you want?
8. What would you do if you won the lottery?
9. What are your career aspirations?
10. If you could be an animal for the day, what would you be?
11. Do you like spicy food?
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theprodigalathlete · 12 years ago
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