theponyone · 16 days
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Just realized I never posted these two actually?? So uh here they are ig
more abt them laterrrrr
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theponyone · 16 days
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When your boyfriend drags your ass out into the middle of nowhere so he can look at bugs
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theponyone · 1 month
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cousins amiright🙄
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theponyone · 6 months
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Thank you to Glorymoon for this beautiful design!! I have big plans for this gal and her family  >: )<
im beginning to think I have too many quiet-type characters in this next gen… but they’re my favorite type of character 🥺 (don’t worry, I have plans for some more…excitable characters)
Name: Orange Chocolate Nicknames: Orange, O’jay, Rango, Chalk, latte, chocolate chip Age: 28 Parents: Big Mac x Cheese Sandwitch
Pronouns: She/They Gender: AMAB demigirl
Race: Earth Pony Build: Stocky and barrel chested, with long legs and muscular body Voiceclaim: Cynthia McWilliams (‘Senna’ in league of legends)
Talent: Chocolatiére
Description: O’jay is a calm, mellow pony, often speaking in low, slow tones. She’s in no rush, and is more than happy to mosey on through life. She’s a very comfortable pony to be around, secure in herself and Their place in the world, and if asked for advice she offers wisdom that is, perhaps, beyond her years. They have little care for drama or dramatics, preferring to keep to herself, and rarely says anything she doesn’t find worth saying. In fact, little O’jay didn’t say ANYTHING until they were 5 years old- where she promptly and succinctly asked her daddy (cheese sandwitch) if she could ‘have a bit of that delicous looking pie, If it’s not too much trouble?’
Orange Chocolate is one of the oldest of 5, being Habenero Jelly’s fraternal twin, and very little shakes her. 
O’jay has a work ethic like no one else, and she often spends days without sleep in the name of her business’ success. But it’s worth it, and they would rather be doing little else with their time. Of course, this has left an even smaller amount of time for other pursuits- such as romance, friendship, or even other hobbies. Every second is spent in the service of their craft.
She travels very little, preferring to stay close to her fathers in ponyville, where she has her own storefront. Her chocolate has become something of a household name, highly sought after and held as some of the best you could find. 
Orange chocolate is generally very close with her fathers, however she and Big Mac often get into loud, terrible fights over her unwillingness to join the family business- fights which first started and have happened frequently since the age 16, and even more so when they moved out (or as her father says; ran away) at 17. Unfortunately, Their relationship with Cheese sandwich got caught in the crossfire when it was made clear that, while he empathized, he would always take his husbands side on matters.  
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theponyone · 6 months
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I don’t really do rendered pieces like this, but here’s an attempt?
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theponyone · 6 months
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Heres Névé! I have so many plans for him lol
Name: Gloaming Névé Nicknames: Névé, glow, gloaming, oh, név, glow bug, little light Age: Indeterminate Parents: Luna x Rarity
Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Cis male
Race: Alicorn x Unicorn Build: Tall and muscular, with a lean build and sleek fur. Voiceclaim: Benedict Cumberbatch
Talent: Raising/lowering the stars
Description: An only child, Névé is a solitary and serious character. His duty to his kingdom and people is prioritized above all else, and he is meticulous in his work— work which entails both the raising and lowering of the stars, as well as caring for those ponies lost in spaces between sleep and wakefullness (Whether it be by waking them in the morning, or lulling them to sleep at night). 
Raising the stars was previously done by Luna, however the task was immensely draining and often left her too tired to properly attend to the dreams of her subjects. Névé Taking over this duty for her has allowed his mother to better raise the moon as well as to attend her subjects needs. 
Névé is, despite his diligent loyalty and care, rather unknown in equestria. Public appearances are rare, and the few he does make are under cover of night. Rumors regarding the reason why run rampant, the most popular of which entailing descriptions of a prince’s shame regarding his hideously deformed face. 
And yet the real reason is much simpler, albeit much less interesting; Névé is by no means a charismatic pony, having a hard time maintaining conversations or banter. And besides this he has little patience or tolerance for large crowds or noises, preferring to wander empty castle halls and city streets. 
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theponyone · 6 months
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Oh gosh I think I’m deep in the mlp obsession now 🫥
I’ve hesitantly dubbed this next gen verse ‘Incipient!verse’, and to start it off have a twipie kiddo! 
I plant to make a secondary blog later to properly house and upload future next!gen so don’t worry abt my flooding your feed with too much more pony content :)
her info below 💝
Name: Saccharine Artifice Age: Indeterminate Parents: Pinkie Pie x Twilight Sparkle
Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Cis Female
Race: Alicorn x Earthpony Build: Short and stocky, with an odd mixture of unicorn, Pegasus, and earthpony traits.  Voiceclaim: Allyn Rachel (‘Bee’ in Bee and Puppycat)
Talent: stratagem/logistics
Description: Saccharine Artifice is rarely bested in matters which necessitate strategy or cunning, with a mind umatched in regards to tactical thought. She most especially has a knack for reading the ponies around her, seemingly always one step ahead in a, usually, one sided game of wits. Unfortunately, This means she’s really rather quite bored half the time, which in turn ensures that the other half is spent eagerly searching for an enticing enough challenge. 
Still, Saccharine is, at her core, an extroverted pony with an, albeit overwhelming, emotional intensity and unforgettable presence. She sees little to no issue asking others uncomfortable, or even inappropriate, questions, either in a misguided attempt at making friends or to satiate her own curiosity, and has no concept of small talk unless it’s part of some elaborate plan.
With very little interest in her role as her mothers’ successor, bored to bits just by the very idea, Saccharine avoids her duties like the plague. She resents her position deeply, and this has caused a large rift between herself and Twilight.
Saccharine has a few odd quirks, both magical and physical. She possess an amount of control over magic that is wholly unheard of in any race outside of unicorns or alicorns, and was born with a few glaringly obvious ‘mutations’.  While Saccharine typically maintains a purely pony-like appearance, she only rarely hides her teeth, which are much sharper than usual. 
After much research, it was discovered that this is all due to pinkie pie’s brief stint with discord’s magic, which has left her with an incredibly abnormal amount of chaotic magic even after its removal. This magic seems to have had interesting effects on Saccharine, the full breadth of which is still left to be discovered.
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