The Plague Writer
14 posts
Call me Yersinia 26 they/she Feel free to request whatever your heart desires
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
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you can only reblog this today
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
I need the shie hassaikai fans here~
what are y’all’s headcanons on ages, birthdays and heights for the bullets?
I got some hcs myself but I’m curious what others think
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
Pspspspsps Parent, can you please do Tama-bby for the NSFW alphabet whenever you get the inspo? I'm lub yoo~ 🥺👉👈
-- 🐇💙
Hello my little Plagueling, finally I got around to doing this request! I was worried it was a little first, but I hope you like it nonetheless. Stay safe and hydrated. Lob yoo too <3 -Yersinia
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Tamaki Amajiki (MHA) NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare(what they’re like after the act)
Tamaki is very sweet. He will need a moment or two to catch his own breath and get down from his high, but after that his whole focus will be you. He’ll immediately ask if you’re feeling okay, if you’re sore and if you need anything. Water and a damp cloth are not optional, he will bring you both. I can see him as the type to gently clean you up while you’re sipping on your water. Cuddles are an absolute must as well, as soon as you are both cleaned up and hydrated, he will pull you into his arms. The position frequently changes, sometimes he’s the one holding you, other times you hold him. He doesn’t really mind either way, all that matters is that you two stay close for a good while after having sex.
B = Body part (favourite body part of their own or their lovers)
He is absolutely a thigh person. The way your skin feels and how soft they are, it just sparks something within him. If you let him, he will litter them with kisses, hickeys and bite marks. He uses them frequently as pillows too, it doesn’t matter if you consider your thighs to be on the thinner side or anything, for Tamaki there is no place more comfy to rest, or bury, his head. When it comes to himself he is quite insecure. He knows the hero training has toned him quite well, he’s not a muscle monster like All Might, but he’s quite toned and they’re defined. Tamaki’s also aware that he’s not really ugly, though he wouldn’t call himself handsome. However, he is quite proud of his hands. If he had to pick a feature. He has big hands, and due to his training they’re strong too. He likes the way they look while squeezing your thighs too, so it’s a win-win situation for him.
C = Cum (anything that has to do with it)
When it comes to quantity it’s an average amount, which has the upsides of there not being a huge mess to clean up but it’s enough to get a nice creampie shot. It’s a little more on the bitter side, due to his diverse diet. Off white, slightly translucent.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory)
He’s thought a lot about using his quirk on you. In various ways too, and the longer you two date and have sex, the more he thinks about ways he can, or could, use it on you. There is the obvious choice of tentacles, he can hold you down, play with your nipples and penetrate you with them, all at once. It’s his most frequent fantasy, and the one he’s most likely to bring up, albeit with a lot of effort and several attempts needed.
Then there are also other things like several light “poisons”, which might make the experience more trippy, he isn’t quite sure about it though. He knows some plants and fish have poisons that can serve as aphrodisiacs, but the risk is often too high, so he keeps this one to himself.
E = Experience (do they know what they are doing?)
None whatsoever, you are his first. He wasn’t really focused on romance in the first place and he’s been too shy and nervous to engage in anything in his teenage years. So there’s a lot of learning involved with Tamaki, which can make the first couple times a little awkward. He gets worried about doing things wrong, or not making you feel good. However, with a lot of reassurance, guidance and communication you two will learn and grow together until the shyness melts away.
F = Favourite position (may include a visual)
He does like the intimacy of missionary, since he does get to hold your hands and kiss you, or your neck, as much as he likes. He’ll put a pillow under your hips too, so you can feel him as deeply as possible.
He loves fucking you from behind while you two are laying on your sides. It gives him access to your neck and nipples, he can kiss you and he get a nice and deep angle in which he can watch your beautiful faces with each one of his thrusts. That is his favourite position overall.
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G = Goofy (are they joking around or more serious in the moment?)
He’s more on the serious side, especially at first. Tamaki feels like he needs to really focus on what he’s doing, and doesn’t want to spoil the mood in any way or form. His attitude will lighten up over time, just like his shyness when it comes to this, he just needs patience and then he will be able to chuckle at little mishaps too.
Having sex is incredibly intimate to Tamaki, it’s a different kind of vulnerability. That’s why he will never be a full on goofball during sex, he does want to convey how much he loves and trusts you with this. So please keep that in mind too, even if you are someone who likes to crack jokes, he can only handle so much before closing up entirely.
H = Hair (does the carpet match the drapes?)
It does, his pubes are the same shade of indigo as the hair on his head. And any other body hair for that matter. Before getting into a relationship he just let it be as it is. Afterwards he honestly just follows your preference, because he doesn’t really care. If you prefer him shaven, he’ll shave, if you don’t mind some hair, he’ll trim or keep it. It’s not as coarse as pubes usually are, they’re quite soft actually. On you, he follows the same principle, whichever floats your boat he goes with. He’s unbothered by any hair, and would never make any comments about it.
I = Intimacy (in the moment, romantic or rough and dirty) As mentioned, to Tamaki the act in itself is very intimate. He likes gentle touches, looking into each other's eyes and sweet, loving kisses. When you two are being intimate, his mind is 110% on you, nothing else really matters. He wants you to feel how much he loves you through all the touches, kisses, nibbles and bites. Usually it’s very sweet and romantic, Tamaki doesn’t play rough. Often. He does have his moments where he will go feral. For example when you two haven’t seen each other in a while. He’ll be a completely different person, almost animalistic. His kisses will bruise your lips and you’ll have deep purple marks for almost two weeks after and certain holes will be very sore. He will devour you, and you’ll enjoy it just as much.
J = Jack off (self explanatory) He was awkward about it in his younger years, when the urge first came up. Over time he got used to his own body and his own desires. Tamaki usually takes care of himself pretty quickly, it’s not that he’s embarrassed by himself per se, but more so the thought about why he finds himself horny. He likes to do it in the shower, as it gets rid of any mess immediately. His go to fap material is usually you, either in imagined scenarios or he thinks about a time where he came particularly hard. It works like a charm to get him off.
K = Kink ( also self explanatory) Tamaki is more of a softer kink person. These include, but are not limited to:
Light restraining: he likes to hold your hands, but in an actual hand holding way, while he’s thrusting into you. It’s both the thought of control and the intimacy of it that is appealing to him.
Marking: seeing hickeys on your neck, chest and thighs gets him all flustered, but it also reminds him of the feelings and sensations. It makes him feel proud that he was the one to make you feel good. It also has the element of marking his territory, others will know that he’s satisfying you not only emotionally but physically as well.
Tentacles: A little on the nose, and more on the kinkier side, especially for him. He just likes the image of you writhing in pleasure while he covers all the bases.
Praise: on himself as well as on his partner, it’s a sure way of getting him to go faster and encouraging him. Whisper in his ear how good his cock feels inside of you, and watch him stutter in his movements.
Multiple orgasms: It feeds into his pride. He is very insecure and knowing/seeing that he is able to make you cum over and over again just does a lot to him. He doesn’t mind it so much if his happy end has to wait, he’s just very much into seeing you go over the edge again and again. It’s a double win: Tamaki gets to see you in ecstasy and he is the reason for it.
Begging: from his side. It’s not that he needs it, the pleas to cum and to be touched just spill out of his mouth.
L = Location (where are they comfortable with doing it) He prefers it to be at home, the thought of others seeing him or you naked and fucking makes him incredibly uneasy. He’s socially awkward and anxious, so he will never be down for anything public. Semi-public is off the table for actual sex as well, but he may be tempted for some making out and petting, if there’s only a very slim chance of anyone walking in. At your home, however, he is a lot more open. It doesn’t have to be just the bed. The couch is great too, or bending you over the kitchen counter, maybe a nice round of shower sex, Tamaki won’t mind. He’d just like for the aftermath to happen on either the couch or the bed, since he loves to cuddle afterwards.
M = Motivation (what gets them going?) When you two make out and your hands start to caress his chest or his neck, he can feel himself getting hard rather quickly. Seduce him, in the most cliché and romantic way. The knowledge that you want him as much as he wants you is one of his prime motivations. Of course he doesn’t say no to seeing you in some pretty lingerie, or a rather short pair of shorts/a shorter skirt. He will not be able to tear his eyes away from your thighs, and it reminds him of the sessions you’ve had before. Tell him straight up that you want him to fuck you, and he will be as red as a tomato and hard as a rock.
N = No (turn offs or absolutely won’t do) He will absolutely not hurt you or degrade you. Having low self esteem himself, he couldn’t bring himself to be actually mean to you. It just doesn’t sit right with him. If it’s one of your kinks, he will try but the most he can manage without the mood being ruined for him is calling you his little slut and even that took some time getting used to. Same goes for hurting you, he can give you a couple spanks, he’ll leave some hickeys and bite marks but he would not draw blood or hit you until you literally can’t sit. He hates seeing you hurt and imagining him being the one to do it, turns him off very quickly.
O = Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are) It goes with his lack of experience that he will need some coaching the first couple times. However, Tamaki has some innate skills with his mouth and will really quickly find out what gets you going and what is rather meh to you. Tell him, grab his hair and pull or push his head in the right spot, he will map it out in his head and know what to do the following time. Tamaki will be an expert at making you cum within minutes with his tongue in no time. On the other hand, giving him oral is his weakness. He will cum quite fast, especially if he is watching you do it. It’s something about the way your face looks when your mouth is stuffed with his cock that is so incredibly erotic to him. He loves it though, giving and receiving, it’s something he really wants to do basically every time you two have sex. He could, and will, spend an hour or so between your legs if you let him.
P = Pace (how fast are they going and how long do they last?) He’s neither super fast nor super slow, it’s somewhere in the middle. He likes to see his cock sliding in and out of you, so being too fast isn’t ideal but being too slow makes him too needy. He paces himself, so to speak, because he wants you to feel amazing and you feel so good around him, that he also wants the sensation to last. He will speed up though when he gets closer to cumming, he just loses whatever self-control he has and just pounds into you. An exception would be if he hasn’t seen you in a longer while, in that case he will start rather fast and keep that up. He needs to feel you tighten around him, and he just can’t hold back. How long he can last really depends. He has days where he can last about 20 minutes and others where he will thrust into you for a good hour or so, there’s also no real rhyme or reason for it. So every time is a surprise in that department. (More information under S)
Q = Quickie (do they go for the quick fuck or prefer long sessions?) He prefers longer sessions, they feel more intimate to him. He gets to take his time, making out and kissing, almost worshiping your body, before he gets to his main course. It also feels less “stressful” to him, quickies make him feel like he has a certain time limit to both arouse you and make you cum, which in turn can trigger his anxiety about failing “to perform”.
R = Risk (do they like to try new things?) Technically he is down to try most things at least once. It’s a matter of how you bring them up to him. If it’s something that is commonly more vanilla associated you can bring it up while you two make out. For example, asking him to use his tentacles to hold your hands above your head. He will be absolutely flustered, but he’s well acquainted with his quirk and your body, so he knows how hard he can grab your wrists etc. He doesn’t have to worry much, hence it’s easier to try it. Things that are less vanilla should be brought up before any hot and heavy moments. If there is the possibility of doing something wrong and it being an unpleasant situation then, he will need time to mentally prepare. Let’s say you want him to call you some specific names, he will have to practice it in his head for some time before he can stutter it out in a scene. He will still refuse anything that is considered actually harming you, he just cannot.
S = Stamina (how many times can they go and how long is each round?) Due to his hero training, Tamaki has impressive stamina. As mentioned in Pace, if he has a strong day, he will thrust into you for a good hour before cumming. And on days where he cums quicker, he will simply eat you out or use his quirk or a toy on you until either you cum or he is ready to go another round. So each session, let’s call them that, is made up of foreplay, 2 - 3 rounds and then aftercare. An entire session like this can take up to four hours, also depending on how long the foreplay and/or the aftercare are. Sometimes you have to switch over and suck him off because you simply can’t handle his stamina. He gets quite flustered about that.
T = Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers?) Surprisingly, I don’t see him having a big issue with them. It’s a nice way of making you feel good in case he came way before you and he doesn’t have tentacles on hand. He’s really down for a variety too, from dildos and vibrators to buttplugs, if you tell him you enjoy it, he will be down to try it. On himself he is a little more shy, some toys look unpleasant to him and what they’re used for makes it worse. (Not one for sounding for example.) With Tamaki it’s show not tell, he will try a dildo or a vibrator, maybe even a cockring and find he enjoys it more than the description promised. After the initial awkwardness of him being exposed in that way, he will be more open to you using them on him as well. Sometimes even begging you to.
U = Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves?) While he would love to tease you, it’s usually you who teases him. It’s just so easy given how fast he is flustered and how prone he is to beg for you/your touches. He would be laying there, you’re gently stroking over his cock but not stroking it and he feels himself getting more and more needy until he just pleads you. "Please, please touch me more, I need it.” When he is teasing you, it’s more in a way of rubbing his cock against your nice, wet and prepared hole while giving you a slight smile. It feels so good, why shouldn’t the both of you enjoy this too before he slides into you. He doesn’t realize how this is teasing too until you beg him to just finally fuck you.
V = Volume (are they loud and what sounds and do they talk?) Not a talker, but loud. He can’t hold anything back at all. Tamaki will moan and whimper, with every stroke and every thrust he just lets the sounds escape. He tries to call out your name, to praise you, but most of the time it’s incoherent and unintelligible, especially when he is close to cumming. He is quite embarrassed by it, but he can’t help it. You feel too good stretched out on his cock, your cum and his mixing between you guys’ thighs. He sometimes bites his lip, but that only results in his moans becoming whimpers. You will always know how much he enjoys it.
W = Wild Card (random headcanon) He would wear lingerie for you, no matter the kind. If it is something you want to see him in, he will put it on. Tamaki will be embarrased depending on what you put him in, but seeing the arousal flash in your eyes and between your legs, is so worth it. If it’s something you semi-regularly want him to wear, he will even get more bold. Showing off how his dick looks in it, or his ass. It’s a confidence boost that you get flustered for once.
X = X-ray (what’s going on in their pants?) Above average, so around 6 ½ inches (16.5cm). The shaft is about the same shade as his skin, while his tip is in a very pretty pink, almost the same shade as when he blushes.
Y = Yearning (how high or low is their drive?) His drive used to be very low, he’d masturbate about like twice a month. That has changed since knowing you. Going out from himself, Tamaki will get horny for you like twice a week and if you’ve been together longer he will even have the courage to be the one who initiates. If your drive is higher, however, he is not opposed to being seduced, or given very obvious hints, and fucking you more frequently. I don’t see him as a sex everyday type though. I think he’d like a break for a day before getting it on again.
Z = Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quick) Again his hero training has given this man some impressive stamina and while the sessions can last very long, Tamaki rarely falls asleep after. As a hero he can’t go napping every time he beats a bad guy, and the same sort of applies here too. He will hold you though, if you want to sleep and if you do he will busy himself by reading a little or quietly watching something on his phone. If both of you don’t want to sleep after, he will happily talk to you about anything, or make out some more in the post-sex bliss.
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
-Ahem- Er, I mean-- >∆>;;;;
Umm... Ifit'sokay,canyoupleasedotheSFWalphabetwithMoonbeam-bby? 🥺🥺
Hello my sweet Plagueling! With much delay, for which I am very sorry, here is the SFW alphabet.
I hope you like it <3
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Tamaki Amajiki (MHA) - SFW Alphabet
Affection - What do they do to show affection?
Tamaki is very awkward, even within a relationship he needs some time to adjust before he can show affection properly. He likes to little things, and build it up. Brushing his hand against yours, liking pinkies, bringing you some water or asking if you slept okay, it’s subtle at first but if you know where to look you will see it. And eventually he will be bolder and hold your hand, brush a lock of hair behind your ear (if applicable), or tell you look look good. He will also make sure to be in your vicinity, while he doesn't like PDA much he loves to be generally close to you.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them
Physically? He can’t really pick something, or so he thinks when asked right out. However, his eyes often drift to yours, and the little lines at the corners which appear when you laugh. He also likes to make note of how different lights affect your eye color. He really loves your eyes, they are very expressive to him.
Emotionally, he loves how he can rely on you. It’s not as if he is dependent per se, but he needs some security in whichever form since his anxiety makes life pretty hard. Even if you have your own battles, you being there and fighting with him is already enough.
Cuddles - How to they like to hug their s/o?
In public he has his difficulties with hugs, he likes to wrap one arm around your waist and sort of pull you into his side. It’s a half-hug but it’s as much PDA as he can handle. But what counts to Tamaki is to have you at his side.
In private he is a little more bold. He will use both arms, sling them under yours and put his head on your head/shoulder. He wouldn’t ask for it, but he hopes that you wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.
Discrete - What’s their opinion on PDA?
Tamaki is absolutely no fan of PDA, he is just too awkward and shy. He wants to show off this beloved, he’s super happy and proud but the anxiety makes PDA his personal nightmare. The most he can do without imploding is holding hands and the aforementioned half-hug. You may get a small kiss, if you just completed a more difficult mission and he was very worried. It won’t be a makeout session, just a wee peck. For Tamaki standards that is a lot.
When he’s in a more comfortable setting, like you guys are hanging out with common friends, he doesn't mind holding hands or sitting squished together. He’ll even go as far as you throw his arms around your shoulders and lightly trace patterns on your arm.
Everything - You are my ____. (Ex. World, Life, etc.)
“You are my anchor.” And you really are, even if you think you’re someone who needs a lot of support yourself, for Tamaki your existence in his life is like a lifeline. Especially when he gets super anxious, all he has to do is take your hand and breathe with you, and like a miracle he will be calm within minutes.
You’ve come into his life and suddenly everything made sense, a lot of things were less scary. You have become Tamaki’s safespace, no matter how hard his day was, you are there to anchor him and make him feel like the world is alright.
Family - Do they want a family?
He absolutely does, however, he will be very anxious about everything. Will he be a good Dad, will the pregnancy be without issues, and the birth? Will he be able to provide a good and stable environment for the kid? He has a lot of doubts, but after a lot of talking and preparation he will feel ready. Tamaki will be incredibly supportive, from the very first day of pregnancy all through raising the child. Tamaki will be an amazing Dad, as soon as he holds his kid, it’s like his anxiety melts away. While he’s not a natural immediately, he adapts super fast.
Gifts - What type of gifts to they give their s/o?
At first Tamaki will be unsure about what to give you. He feels like it should always be very thoughtful and maybe even on the expensive side. This doesn’t last long, Mirio talks him out of this mindset. Once he has passed this hurdle, he will be the one to give you little trinkets here and there, like a cute keychain he saw on patrol or that one book you mentioned early in the week. For holidays and anniversaries, he will go a little more out. It depends on what type of special day it is, it could be a necklace or a special edition of a book or game you like. He will vet you for months, trying to find the perfect gift.
Hands - Do they like to hold hands?
He does! As mentioned, it’s one of the only forms of PDA that doesn’t make this shy bean explode. He likes how warm your hand is in his, it’s also an emotional warmth that spreads through his entire body. To Tamaki it’s a sign you’re still right there next to him, and that he doesn’t have to worry (as much) about anything. It also keeps unwanted fans of yours at bay, everyone can see you’re with him.
Since his anxiety sometimes makes his hands sweat, he prefers to not interlace your fingers when in public, it’s uncomfortable for him, he feels insecure about having clammy hands. In private he will interlace though, he’ll be less nervous and to him it feels like nothing can pull the two of you apart.
Injury - What do they do if their s/o gets hurt?
This can go two ways if it is a minor injury, he will be a little worried and make sure to bandage you or put a bandaid on you himself. He is a hero after all, so scratches or a bruise won’t send him into a full panic. He will ask about what happened, but in general he will be pretty much okay in the situation.
However, if you get seriously injured he will go absolutely insane. If you are a hero/villain/civilian and get hurt during an attack, and Tamaki happens to be present, he will go on autopilot and make sure the threat to your safety is eliminated or contained. Only then will he go into panic mode, he won’t be able to control his nerves, and he will insist on staying right by your side. He will try not to cry or blame himself, but depending on the degree of your injuries he will fail.
If he is not present, and you get hurt by a villain or in an accident, he will also go into panic mode and be utterly useless until he is with you and can be sure that you’re safe and being treated properly. It’s most likely he’ll need one of his friends with him to help him get through the panic attack.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Tamaki will get jealous rather easily, even if it is rooted more in his own insecurity than in any distrust in you or the other person. He simply often thinks that you can do better, that you would maybe thrive more with someone who is less anxious. He would never start a fight because of it, and neither would he accuse you of anything.
You will notice pretty much immediately if he is jealous, because he won’t seek you out to get reassurance. He will avoid you too, a dead giveaway. Be patient, tell him for the umpteenth time that you’re there for him and won’t go. He just needs this, and honestly you knew this was gonna be a thing, so you don’t mind.
He will need a lot of, private, affection for a couple days.
Kisses - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Tamaki is a solid kisser, once you get through the awkward stage of him being super nervous around you. He doesn’t really have experience, at all, so you may have to teach him. He will be very attentive and will learn quickly. So be prepared for a few very blushy and short kisses, that leave him a mess, and for some very sweet and gentle ones that follow. His kisses are always on the gentle side, light and soft, he never adds much pressure.
The first kiss was super sweet and very awkward. He wanted to kiss you, he really did. He’s been hyping himself up for days. When the moment came, he froze up. Both of you a breath width apart, Tamaki has his hand on your hips, you got one hand on the side of his neck, and the other on his chest. The actual kiss was short, only lasting a couple seconds, but the emotions were there and no teeth clashing or the like. The awkwardness came after, when you pulled away and smiled and Tamaki was just standing like Tamaki.exe has stopped working. You laughed it off, patting his cheek and pulling him along to walk for a little.
All in all, a sweet first kiss.
Love - When did they know that they loved you?
Tamaki wasn’t actually looking for love or a relationship, he had trouble enough with platonic interactions and relationships. He fell in love slowly and gradually, the more he met with you, the more he realized how safe and good he feels when he is with you. Before he knew it, he kept thinking about you basically all day, wondering what you were doing and when he would see you again. He didn’t want to admit his feelings at first, when Nejire pointed it out, because of his insecurities, but in the end when you confessed/asked him out, he was overjoyed and stuttered out an affirmative response.
Memory - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Since romance wasn’t immediately high on his list, when Tamaki falls in love it’s for real and he wants to think that he will marry you one day, the only thing holding him back is his insecurity. As mentioned above, he does want a family, he may be a bit more traditional in that aspect. It’s the whole idea of having a spouse and kids, that is appealing to him, he would never judge people who are having kids out of wedlock.
It would take a lot of time for him to actually propose. The fear of rejection sits deep, he also isn’t sure how you feel about the timing and all. Once he has decided to actually go through with proposing though, he is more certain of himself. The marriage will be very domestic, shared chores, cuddles on the couch, etc etc. It’s more or less like the relationship you two had before, except whenever he talk about you and he can call you his, you can see that his eyes light up and his smile gets wider.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Tamaki likes the more common nicknames, he isn’t very experimental. His favorites are bunny, dear and love. To him these count as PDA though and he won’t use them in public, he gets too embarrassed, so he opts to call you by your first name.
However, you may get him to use one if you tease him a little bit. He will let out a “Love please…” or “Bunny…” while blushing furiously.
In private he is less shy and uses all the nicknames he’s comfortable with interchangeably and often.
Orange - What colour reminds them of their s/o?
Whenever he sees a blueish purple he thinks of you.
(Sorry this question is confusing to me, so I won’t elaborate.)
Proposal - How did they propose?
He will vet you, just like with normal presents, what you like in jewelry and such. Tamaki makes sure to find the perfect ring for his perfect lover. He will even take months to get the one he thinks you will love. As for the actual proposal, he will take you on a date of your choice, whatever you want to do, he will be on board. The proposal will be technically planned, but he gets a little nervous and blurts out the question earlier than he wanted to. He’s a blushing mess, hands shaking as he’s looking up at you. His face and smile light up like the starry sky when you say yes, and he swears he has never been happier.
He will be all smiles, and giddy like a schoolboy for the rest of the night…actually for the rest of the month.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Tamaki’s quirk. He can fly if he eats chicken, he can replicate plants etc. But let’s focus on the wings for now. Just a nice chicken nugget for lunch and he can take you anywhere you need to be in the evening. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free…well the flying is, you might have to pay for the chicken…in normal circumstances. It’s very useful for emergencies too, flying is much quicker than running or driving, so he can be there as soon as possible.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Tamaki is actually pretty romantic, he loves to take you out for little dates. He gets inspiration on patrols, it’s where he mostly sees flyers and such and will bring it up to you. He’s down to try most things, but he’s not into extreme sports or anything like it. Prefers calm dates over action packed ones. He’s in the middle of creative and cliché, restaurants or obscure exhibitions, he just wants to spend time with you.
He will do his absolute best to remember everything you like and dislike. Be it a genre of book, a colour combination, it doesn’t matter, Tamaki will do his best to keep it in his mind. He wants to be able to surprise you, or give you new recommendations.
Your happiness is very important to him and he will not shy away from anything to make sure you are as content as you can be. If you want or need something, he will be at your beck and call, as long as it is within his abilities.
Supportive - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Yes. Tamaki is your biggest fan and support. He will always be there to encourage you, and he is 100% honest about it. He would never half assedly say something just to keep you happy. If he has some reservations, he will gently voice them, while making sure you know that technically he is on your side. He idolizes you, he believes there’s nothing you can’t do, a little like he regards Mirio. Except he thinks even higher of you.
He will always be your first customer, your first fan, the first one to spread the word about your achievements. It really doesn’t matter what you set your mind too, he will be there for you.
Time - What are their future plans?
He wants to marry you and eventually have kids, which are plans for further down the line. He sees himself working stabley at a hero agency, you doing your thing and at some point having a kid, who if they want to attend UA as well.
But Tamaki tries to not dream too far into the future, his more immediate plans are to just spend more time with you, and just experience life with you. While he is very anxious, he’d rather worry about what’s happening right now than in a couple years time.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He is very understanding, when it comes to you and your worries, anxieties and insecurities he almost forgets his own. He will listen to you for hours while you rant about a certain topic, without judgment and very attentively. When you’re in a state of anxiety or panic, he can even be the one to talk you out of it. After all if someone know what that feels like it is Tamaki Amajiki.
He knows you like the back of his hand. He knows what lotion you like, when you feel snacky, when you’re excited or disappointed. He knows all your likes and dislikes. Tamaki sucks up any information about you like a sponge, it’s second nature to him. You’re beyond interesting to him and the most important person in his life. He wants to support you in every aspect, so to him it makes sense to know all these things.
Tamaki all in all is a very great and sensitive partner, while he needs a lot of reassurance and guidance, he will never hesitate to do the same for you. It’s the basis for a great and long lasting relationship.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
It’s the most important thing to him, he puts you above everything. You are the love of his life, and losing you is an absolute nightmare to him. He will always be there for you first. That being said, he is still a hero and sometimes he needs to be somewhere because they need help. You’re obviously aware of this, and supportive, so usually it is not an issue when he has to ditch or be late.
You’re above his other relationships too, not that he would intentionally hurt his friends’ feelings just for you. But you’re his first address when he needs advice or anything. He loves his friends and would do anything for them and make sure they are fine. Tamaki is very good at making sure all the people in his life are content with the relationship they have with him.
Wild card - Random fluff headcanon
A little while into your relationship Tamaki starts to adopt your mannerisms. He is absolutely unaware of it. Other people need to point it out, and then he feels a mix of embarrassment and happiness. He adores you, and he sees coping you as not a bad thing at all. It’s very cute to see you both together, finishing each other’s puns or inside jokes.
Xylophone - What song describes their relationship with their s/o?
I don’t know much music, so I’m skipping this letter. I am sorry.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Tamaki’s not doing very well with it, it gets him overthinking quickly. He is capable of being apart from you for a couple days, you are both separate people after all. His missing you and becoming actually moody starts about a week after last seeing you. His mood will drop significantly faster and he’s prone to pout longer. When he’s at home he will use your items, not in a creepy way, more like he will drink his tea out of your favourite mug or use your pillow to sleep on.
Zebra - Do they want a pet?
He’s not opposed to it at all. He doesn’t really have a preference, I don’t see him as a strong dog or cat person. However, it also depends on your profession. He is a hero and often gone for an unpredictable amount of time, or sometimes has to leave spontaneously. So if it’s a pet that is very care intensive, it would be better if you had a job that would allow you more time at home. If you also have a time intensive job, he would suggest a pet that’s a bit more independant. Tamaki wouldn’t want the animal to feel sad or alone, so that would be the only thing that is not negotiable to him.
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
Hello! I saw you did Obey Me! Do you think you could do Lucifer (Obey Me) head cannons?
Hello my little Plagueling, I apologize for the delay! Since you didn't specify which kind of headcanons, I did go with general ones. If these aren't really what you're looking for, I am sorry and I'd be happy to write some more/more genre specific.
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Obey Me - Lucifer - General Headcanons
Lucifer has a soft spot for calligraphy, watching the flow of the ink has a soothing effect on him. He likes to write words or names of people dear to him, but he will burn the paper. He can’t have anyone know that he has a massive soft spot for people, it ruins his scary older brother image.
He has a strict routine for his day, from skincare (Asmo forced him at some point) to at what point he has his last coffee or tea. Having this type of order helps him stay on top of the chaos that his brothers like to cause, and it frankly gives him a break from it too.
Cerberus gets frequent cuddly time, another thing he prefers others not to know. That hellhound is his little furbaby and he spoils him rotten. Every evening, mostly when the others think he’s doing some paperwork, he will sneak down and just spend a good hour or two scratching behind Cerby’s ear or his belly. It’s truly adorable, Lucifer’s eyes light up and all worries fall away from him. On the outside if anyone ever saw him with Cerberus, he’d pretend he’s training him.
Lucifer’s love language is acts of service and quality time, and he prefers to make the most out of it. It can range from refilling a glass of water, to chasing off lesser demons. The same applies to quality time, he loves to just sit in the presence of people he cares about and read in silence, but he doesn’t mind being more hectic either. He’ll be satisfied if he can get even 10 minutes in.
Has a ticklish spot right below his ribs, he won’t break out in a full belly laugh but if brushed just right he will not be able to hold in the chuckle. He’s embarrassed by it, it’s unbecoming in his eyes. Mammon doesn’t know, but Levi does, and he keeps the information secret, sorta as a trump card in case he ever needs to cash in with any of the brothers.
Okay, I headcanon that the brothers have weekly nail settings. Asmodeus insists and it’s brotherly bonding. Lucifer did not listen properly when first introduced with the idea, and when Asmo asked what colour he likes, he picked red. Hence he now has red nails, and not the heart to tell his brother that it was a coincidence.
Lucifer has like a 6th sense for his brothers, he may not know always what they are up exactly but he has this gut feeling, this pull within him that tells him, something is off. In 9.5/10 cases he is right on the spot too, he'll just go and see what the respective brother is up and lo and behold he usually walks in on something.
Based on the last one, he isn't always as annoyed as he seems. He has an image to keep up, but sometimes after restoring order, he will go back to his office or study and the slightest smile is on his face. He often finds his brothers antics endearing, to the point where he has multiple journals where he keeps track of their shenanigans. On hard days, he rereads them. Cherishing what he has and making sure to never lose sight of their importance.
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
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making thibgs... to send people
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
I was like that one cursed emoji that goes "is for me?' When i saw that the requests were open. I wanna request an Obey Me! Angst/Hurt Comfort Headcanon with Lucifer, Diavolo, Barbatos and Mammon in which reader/MC is very blunt and doesnt take shit from anyone (almost down right agressive at times) and is horrible with emotional vulnerability.
It's one of the rare instances where they are vulnerable (like an injury, witnessing something scary, having something bad done to them like violence and arguements etc.), but their pride gets in the way of seeming that way.
Good luck with writing and have fun! I hope this trope is interesting for you
Hello! I am sorry for the delay. The prompt was super fun! And it was quite challenging, I'm not 100% sure I nailed it..and they became scenarios accidentally..I hope you don't mind them either way. >.>
Enjoy my little Plagueling!!
Obey Me, Lucifer, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mammon and a blunt MC who doesn't want to be vulnerable
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You sat at your desk, staring holes into the paper in front of you. Your eyes burned but you wouldn’t let any tears come or fall, not for this. It was all because of Satan, you had borrowed a book and torn a couple pages due to an accident. It had been an honest mistake, and you immediately told him and offered to get him a new copy. Satan had already been in an extremely foul mood, due to an argument with Lucifer, and this was just too much. He downright exploded in your face, screaming bloody murder about how useless humans are and that you couldn’t do anything right. While he didn’t physically attack you, he yelled at you for a good long while, leaving you pale. Now you sat in Lucifer’s personal library, trying to avoid everyone and nobody wanted to bother the oldest demon, so you thought of this as a safe place until you had your emotions in control. 
Fucking ass, it was an accident…it’s not my fucking fault if he and Lucifer argue. No need to make me feel shit for that..
While you were deep in your own thoughts, hurt and anger mingling equally, you didn’t immediately notice Lucifer's approach.
“MC, I was looking for you. I heard about Satan overstepping, and I wanted to check in with you.” 
“I’m good….thanks.” Now this riled you up, you bit the inside of your cheek. You didn’t want Lucifer of all people to pity you. You could handle being yelled at, and you would make Satan apologize, without any help. “I know my brother can be a handful, he really needs to get-”
“I said I’m fine. He yelled at me, big deal. I’m working, so if you wouldn’t mind?”
But there it was, the little betraying heightened pitch in your voice. Lucifer just raised an eyebrow at you interrupting him, then he took a seat next to you. He didn’t face you, and wasn’t really looking at anything in particular. “A human among hold up very well. I don’t know many, if any, other humans who would face the avatar of wrath in his element and just stand and stare and not cower and beg.” His tone was quiet and he had begun to pick disinterestedly at his gloves. Something about what he said made a warmth flood your chest, you took in a deep breath and turned to face the demon at your side. 
“Listen, I appreciate your words but I can handle this, I don’t need you to baby me. I will kick Satan’s ass once he’s calmed himself.”
Lucifer shot you a grin, and patted your head.
“I’ll pay to see that. And I was not trying to baby you, more so encourage you. You are a weaker species, and yet you’re still standing. Even after all of us threatened you. It’s impressive, and showing that sometimes things get under your skin, does not make you weak.”
You huffed, he was right, but you hated feeling vulnerable and open. The weight of his hand in your hair, in addition to the ever spreading warmth in your chest, did wonders to calm you down. A half-smile spread across your face, and you looked back at your academic work, which now felt a lot more clear and doable. 
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Diavolo was just done talking to Lucifer and on his way back to his castle when he saw you in the garden, near the fountain. Since it has been a while he decided to approach you and chat for a little, he always was very eager to snatch up some of your time. He stopped in his tracks when he saw your face. You looked out of it, just staring out into the garden, fists balled in your lap. 
“MC…are you unwell?”
Your head snapped to him, you were so lost in your thoughts you hadn’t heard Diavolo approach. You smoothened your face over, trying to hide any sort of emotion that could betray your current state. 
“No. Just a small altercation with Mammon, nothing to fret about.”
“Altercation?” Diavolo swiftly sat down next to you, his eyes scanning over you for any signs of injury, concern clearly etched into his face. Which only ticked you off more, you clicked your tongue and stared right back. 
“I have two light bruises on my arm. Mammon was mad, grabbed my arm and did not mind his force. It’s no big deal. The moron should just watch out how much strength he uses next time.”
You tried to wave it off, but Diavolo grabbed your hand. The concerned look on his face had been replaced by a mixture of curiosity and seriousness.
“MC. It may have been an accident but you’re a human -”
“And what? I’m fragile compared to you? I know that. Doesn’t mean I’m made of fucking sugar. I can handle this.”
You yanked your hand back and gathered your things, you had heard enough. You didn’t want to seem like a crybaby in front of the ruler of all demons. 
“That is not what I’m trying to say, MC. Please sit down, yes?” His warm smile and stretched out hand made the offer too tempting to resist. So you planted yourself next to Diavolo again, taking his much larger hand while taking a deep breath. 
You hated this, you knew what was coming. The whole thing about being vulnerable and shit, you despised it. 
“You're a human citizen of Devildom, for the time being at least.” He shot you a sad smile and continued on, “Mammon should treat you with the same respect he should treat everyone else with. I have no doubt you can handle yourself, in fact I believe once you feel up to it you will put the fear of God into Mammon.”
Diavolo barked out a laugh at his hilarious (as he finds) pun, and puts his arms around your shoulder, pulling you in for a bear hug. 
The comfort and reassurance that you’re not weak, made you lean into the hug. You wrapped your arms around him smiling lightly into his shoulder. You knew as a human you were physically weaker than the demons, but Diavolo’s words made your heart soar. You would absolutely kick Mammon’s ass for this. 
Diaovolo stayed with you for a little longer, chatting about the recent happenings in Devildom and the upcoming events. It was a welcome distraction from your earlier frustrations, and when he left for the palace again, you felt good again. 
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You weren’t sure what you were looking at. The creature was massive and covered in what you assumed was the blood of the poor lesser demons it had just devoured. While cowering in a little alcove, you prayed to any and all higher power that it would not detect you. You tried your best to keep your breathing even and to make no sound and no movement that could alert this beast to your presence. 
When the door to the corridor burst open, the seven brothers and Diavolo marching in, you couldn’t help but yelp in relief. Saved, you were saved. You jumped up and made a run for them, hurtling over broken pieces of statue that the monster had left in the wake of its rampage. 
“MC, get out. Barbatos will bring you and the others to safety.” 
Diavolo’s firm order left a sour taste in your mouth. You had to be saved, you weren’t able to get out of this on your own. A weak human. 
Barbatos was not far from the door, leading you towards another part of the house, far off. Simeon and Luke were there as well, which made the whole situation a little better.
It was only when you felt Barbatos’ hand on your elbow and saw the worried face when you realized that you had tears running down your face. You pushed the demon away and stomped out of the room, leaving two very confused angels behind. 
“MC, wait please.” Barbatos’ voice rang out clear behind you, as if he was asking you about tea on a normal Tuesday afternoon. 
“Back off. I don’t need help. I’m good. Can’t run for shit, this was some exercise and I-”
“Do you mind cinnamon tea?”
The question took you off guard, as well as Barbatos' now calm and pleasant smile, as if nothing had ever happened. 
“Luke prefers cinnamon, and Simeon will join but I must admit I’m unsure about your preference.” 
“Barb..what the fuck?”
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, furrowing your eyebrows. It felt almost as if he was mocking you, and you fought the urge to hurtle some insults at him about how you can handle this.
“You wanted me to back off, I will not push you. This was a terrifying situation, I’m happy you made it out fine. It must’ve been due to your quick wit. It’s beyond impressive, crying in such a situation does not make you weak. I admire this a lot about you. So cinnamon tea?”
If you hadn’t known Barbatos this well, you could have thought his smile was nothing but a pleasantry. But his eyes betrayed more emotion, he meant what he had said, which in turn made you feel soft and a little regretful of your tone from before. 
“Cinnamon sounds fine.”
He gave you a short nod and made his way towards the kitchen. On a whim you decided to join him, asking him about the creature that was wreaking havoc in your home. Hearing more about it helped you rationalize, and Barbatos did not press you once on the situation. 
His presence and demeanor made you calm down completely again, and you silently thanked him, hoping your feelings would reach him through your smile and the light touch on his shoulder. 
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You were lying awake in your bed, your breathing was uneven and the cut on your leg still burned. You wanted to just curl up and cry, you were still afraid. Some lesser demon had attacked you, you weren’t really sure of the circumstances anymore. It was all a blurry haze, you remember making a comment to something it had said about Asmo, and the next thing you remember was searing pain in your leg. You sucked in your breath and rolled to your side, tucking your legs towards your body. 
How you wished you could ask someone to hold you, to comfort you but you were a human among demons. Here you were weak by definition and you did not feel like adding insult to injury. Hot tears burned in your eyes when you heard the handle of your door move, and in an instant you sat up straight in your bed, eyes focused at the door. 
“ uh.” Mammon had apparently not yet fully thought of an excuse as to why he needed to be in your room in the middle of the night. 
“So like…you good? You dumbass really provoked a demon, huh? Can’t be helped, you should stay with me next time. I’ll put them in their-”
“Shut the fuck up.” You glared at him, which made Mammon shut up instantaneously.
“I don’t need a babysitter. I can handle myself. I don’t need…”
You swallowed hard, the words failing you. Because you did need someone. Just a moment before Mammon had come to check up on you, you had wished for someone to hug you. 
“Listen…MC, I don’t wanna belittle you or anything…I just worry…you know..It was scary, I couldn’t even use Goldie and Asmo kept babbling about all the blood and..”
Mammon let out a groan of frustration, he hadn’t exactly meant to ramble like this either. So he did what everyone would do and stared dumbfoundedly at you.
His little ramble had one effect though, you couldn’t help yourself but let out a light laugh.
He couldn’t even use Goldie, which was a huge deal for Mammon. It made you all bubbly inside, to know he cared about your wellbeing. Even if you hated to admit your own weakness.
“Come here, ass. I’ll give you a hug, would that make you feel better?” you teased him, while he shuffled closer to your bed.
“Pff, I’ll let you hug me because you asked not because I need it, or anything.”
He sat next to you, visibly blushing but refusing to look at you. You threw your arms around him, and felt him shift into a more comfy position. The silence that stretched was not awkward, as you expected it to be. This was comforting, for both of you.
“Does it hurt a lot?”
“It’s alright, I won’t die. What did you want to buy but couldn’t?”
You didn’t feel like talking about it, Mammon got the hint and started to tell you about all the weird trinkets and fancy clothes he had seen today. After a while the two of you were giggling and buying fun outfits for each other.
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
Hello! Could I humbly request a fluff alphabet for diluc from genshin impact🫣👉👈
Hello, sorry for the wait!! I hope you like these. It was a lot of fun to write them. I'm sorry for the colour and music ask..I don't know much music..and the colour confused me XD Nonetheless, please enjoy my little Plagueling
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Diluc SFW Alphabet
Affection - What do they do to show affection?
Diluc will involve you. Be it the winery or his Darknight responsibilities he will want you by his side and he will always appreciate your input. It’s like a work version of quality time, which is also how he shows his affection. He wants you to be around as much as possible, without it being overbearing to either of you. In the evening, when you two lounge in front of the fireplace to read or just relax, he will gently stroke your hair, shoulder or knee…depending on how you two are places on or around the couch. 
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves your smile the most. Not the polite one or the one you use for pictures. He prefers the smile that you can’t stop, when you’re incredibly happy or found something so funny you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. He’s never seen a more beautiful smile. He also admires how you are able to press on despite any challenges. Even if things get rough, you pull through and he can’t help himself but admire and envy that strength you have. 
Cuddles - How do they like to hug their s/o? Can include a visual.
Diluc’s hugs are reserved for emotional moments and the confines of your home. But when they happen they are so warm and comforting. He will wrap his arms below yours around your back, one hand on your neck, the other on the middle of your back. He will hold on to you as long as you, or he, needs him to. 
Discrete - What’s their opinion on PDA?
Diluc does not enjoy PDA. He will hold your hand while the two of you walk through Mondstadt or the surroundings, but he is not the one to initiate a makeout session in front of the entire town. That being stated, he will not outright push you away either. He will kiss you hello and goodbye, but he will prefer to keep them short and sweet. His hand will linger a second longer on your cheek before letting you go/asking about your day.
Everything- You are my _____. (Ex. World, Life, etc.)
“You are my sunshine.” It may come off as cheesy, and he will not call you this in front of others, as he feels a little embarrassed to be seen this vulnerable. But you really are, you brighten up his days. When he has a bad day, remembering his father, or having a particularly nasty encounter with the knights, it’s you that warms him up, emotionally. You’ll be there and he will almost forget anything has happened. You’re soothing his soul, like sunshine after the rainy season. 
Family - Do they want a family?
Diluc would not mind either way. Right now, having children is not his priority, and he feels if he wants some, he still has enough time later. At the same time, the thought of never having kids does not bother him either. It’s not really anything that is rooted in self-doubt, he just doesn’t mind. If his partner voices the wish to have or not have them, he would simply adapt. 
Gifts - What types of gifts do they give their s/o?
Diluc’s love language is gift giving, alongside quality time. He will give you mostly practical things, he will make sure that you never lack anything you need. His gift giving is not the over the top sort, it may be subtle to a lot of people who don’t know him very well. Diluc will make sure you always have enough food, that you have new clothes when your old ones are too adventure-worn. He will occasionally spoil you with a book, artifact or board game he knows you’ve been wanting for a while. He will absolutely show off how filthy rich he is for special occasions though, lavish gifts or trips for your anniversary just because he can, hehe. 
Hands - Do they like holding hands? Can include a visual.
He actually does. It is comforting and he can do it in public without getting shy/embarrassed. Diluc’s grip is more on the firm side, but not bone crushing. He’ll mainly just interlace your fingers but sometimes when you are upset he will do the little thumb stroke thing to soothe you. 
Injury - What do they do if their s/o gets hurt?
If you had an accident, while training or traveling, just generally something that is to be blamed on clumsiness or just a simple plain accident. He will tease you, and others may find it too harsh. Of course, while making fun of you he will tend to any injuries you have. If you two are alone, you will even get to see him grin and laugh, making you forget any pain you may have felt. 
If someone hurt you however, bless their soul because Diluc is coming for their ass, and not in the fun way. His priority will be to make sure you are fine, tend to any injuries and tuck you into bed with a hot tea in the mansion. Then he will go out and hunt down whoever laid their hands on you. He will beat them up depending on the degree of your injury, the worse off you are, the worse it will be for your attacker. He cannot stand the thought of losing you too, so this really sends him into a panic. He might want to try and hide that from you, but you know him. Which is usually why you comply with letting him deal with the attacker, he needs to let the anxiety out.  
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Diluc isn’t the type to be overly jealous, he is quite secure in the relationship you have and does not perceive other people hitting on you as a threat. However, he has his limit. If this person is very persistent, he may doubt some things. He will at first try to just ignore the feelings bubbling in his chest and try to distract himself with work. If it goes on for even longer, he will ask to speak with you about it. Diluc tries to be calm and rational, but he fails. His disdain for the other person is incredibly obvious, as if it was a knight of Favonius. 
Kisses - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He is not the best kisser in the world, but also not the worst. A nice middle ground, which mainly comes from the fact that he is quite awkward with physical affection. But no need to worry, it’s only the first few times. Diluc will learn and adapt to your kissing style quite fast, making the kisses more and more enjoyable as they come. The first time he kissed you, was after a date. He’d lost count how many there had been, but seeing you sit there in the pale moonlight, while Mondstadt was quieting down for the night, and feeling the gentle breeze, it just flipped a switch. He took your hand, leaning closer, and asking if he could kiss you. Unromantic? No, because the way he asked was incredibly soft. His voice was quiet and holding back, there was no hint of his usual standoffish or cold demeanor. His eyes were focused on yours, not daring to look at your lips yet, lest he loses control and just goes for it. The look he gave you was a mix between a silent plea and determination. When you agreed, you saw his lips part, and if you had looked really really hard, you could see the faint pink tint right above his cheekbones. 
Love - When did they know that they loved their s/o?
Diluc realized he loved you, when he complained to Adelaide about needing your input on a certain issue at the winery. When she asked why your opinion would be needed, since you are not part of the family or work there. Diluc was dumbfounded. It got him thinking why he needed you around so much, why he always valued your thoughts and sought you out after a long day. Long story short, it took him completely by surprise. 
Memory - Do they want to get married? What would the marriage be like?
He does want to get married, like the family thing it’s not a very high priority right now. However, unlike the issue with kids, this is something he’d actually really want. He will not force you, of course if you hate the idea of marriage, there will be none. It’s just something he always imagined, coming home to his wife/husband/spouse, sharing everything, being able to say that even by law he is yours, and you are his. In his mind the marriage wouldn’t be that much different from the relationship you have now, he already shares everything with you and you with him. It’s more the idea of being bound together for the rest of your lives that makes his heart pound. Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Diluc isn’t really one for pet names…out loud. Most of the time he will call you by your first name, especially when you are around other people. When it’s just the two of you, he will stick to the more classic ones: love, dear, if he wants to make fun of you or tease you he will throw in a babe. 
Orange - What color reminds them of their s/o?
Proposal - How did they propose?
He would approach the proposal in a classic way, dinner at your favourite restaurant, yes even if that is in Sumeru, he will get you your favourite flowers, or any that you really like if you don’t have a favourite and he will pop the question at the end of the night, just before dessert. He will gather information about what ring to get you over months. Always disguising his questions. “Ah, Jean had a new gold necklace. I don’t think gold suits her that much, she’s more of a silver type. What do you think?” and then he casually bounces the question on your preference. And he will make sure they’re spaced out enough so you (hopefully) don’t connect them.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He knows every time, without fail, when your social energy is drained, or when you’re overwhelmed. Diluc will proceed to remove you from the scene, so you can take a breather, he doesn’t mind being the “bad guy” in that situation. This applies to himself too, if his presence is too much, he will tell you that he’s gonna give you all the time and space you need. He will let you know where he’ll be if you need him. He will also make sure to keep his tone soft and comforting, so that it doesn’t come across ass judgemental. 
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Diluc wants to be romantic, he really does. He just comes up short in the idea department. Given how he’s grown to be, he has a bit of trouble with social interactions, which also applies to your relationship. He will get better as the time goes on, but his romantic plans are usually quite textbook. He tries his best. 
Supportive - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Yes. Diluc will support you, no matter what your goal is. However, he won’t blow sugar up your ass. If your steps or immediate goals are unrealistic, he will tell you. He’ll try to come up with a solution together with you as well, but he will be firm and harsh when it’s needed. He believes, though, that his s/o can achieve basically anything, and that he’s just there to cheer them on and sometimes give them nudges. 
Time - What are their future plans?
Growing old with you. He wants to retire at some point and travel through Teyvat with you. Just him as Diluc. Not the Dawn Winery owner or the Darknight Hero. Just him and you, seeing the world and not needing to worry about anything at all.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Usually, Diluc is very understanding. He tends to approach almost everything rationally, the exception being the knights and Kaeya. And after all the time you two spend together, he knows you in and out. He knows all the little signs, if you’re happy, excited, sad or overwhelmed, Diluc can usually read it pretty well. Sometimes he has a little trouble rationally understanding some of your struggles, but he would never belittle you. He’s got the spirit, he’s just a bit confused. He will be there for you regardless if he can understand your struggle or not. 
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
It may not seem so, but Diluc puts you above everything when it comes to it. If he had to choose, he would choose you. Now, on the daily, sometimes he has to put the winery before lunch with you. Or he’ll come home later than he said because  of some Darknight business, but he will always make it up to you. And in serious issues, say you’re injured or in need of help, he will choose you first, no matter what that means for his other dealings. 
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
In his sleep Diluc touches butts with you. He’s not very cuddly, because it gets too hot, too uncomfy, hair everywhere. But he has to have his butt pressed against yours, or he won’t have a restful sleep.
Xylophone - What song describes their relationship with their s/o?
I am sorry, I don’t know much music…so I will skip X in these requests..
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will be okay for about three days. Then he drowns himself in work, winery or hero business, anything to keep his brain occupied. He’ll take on extra work, and even tour the surroundings of Mondstadt at night, just so he doesn’t have to think about the fact that you’re not home. 
Zebra - Do they want a pet? What kind?
I can see Diluc as a cat person, even multiple. He’d especially like a pet if he and his s/o decide to not have kids. That way they wouldn’t even have to worry about allergies and such, they could just get cats if they wanted to. 
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
NSFW Alphabet
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
C = Cum (anything that has to do with it)
D= Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory)
E= Experience (do they know what they're doing)
F= Favourite position (may include a visual)
G= Goofy (are they joking around or more serious in the moment)
H= Hair (does the carpet match the drapes)
I= Intimacy (in the moment, romantic or rough and dirty)
J= Jack Off (self explanatory)
K= Kink (also self explanatory)
L= Location (where are they comfortable with doing it)
M= Motivation (what gets them going?)
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won't do)
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Q= Quickie (do they go for the quick fuck or prefer long rounds?)
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
S= Stamina (how many times can they go and how long is each round)
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds and do they talk)
W= Wild Card (random headcanon)
X= X-ray (what's going on in their pantaloons)
Y= Yearning (how high or low is their drive?)
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quick)
Full alphabet: one character
Otherwise you can ask for multiples
No minors please
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
Will absolutely do this :3
Fluff Alphabet Template
Affection - What do they do to show affection?
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Cuddles - How do they like to hug their s/o? Can include a visual.
Discrete - What’s their opinion on PDA?
Everything- You are my _____. (Ex. World, Life, etc.)
Family - Do they want a family?
Gifts - What types of gifts do they give their s/o?
Hands - Do they like holding hands? Can include a visual.
Injury - What do they do if their s/o gets hurt?
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Kisses - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Love - When did they know that they loved their s/o?
Memory - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Orange - What color reminds them of their s/o?
Proposal - How did they propose?
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Supportive - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Time - What are their future plans?
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Xylophone - What song describes their relationship with their s/o?
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Zebra - Do they want a pet? What kind?
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theplaguewriter · 2 years ago
Taking Requests
Hello my Plaguelings, I am opening my requests to the world so I can practice writing. If you do not see a fandom, you can always ask. If I know it I will write for it.
MHA: any characters
FMAB: any characters
Obey Me: any characters
JJK: Gojo, Choso, Yuji, Junpei, Megumi, Nobara, Shoko, Nanami...maybe others too
Genshin Impact: any character*
Naruto/Naruto Shipudden: everyone
Bleach: everyone before TYBW (have not seen it, will add these when I watched it)
DBD: Killers only, I don't have a good grasp on the survivors yet
Stardew Valley: any character
Supernatural, Stranger Things, Avatar the Last Airbender, Overwatch, and many more..really just ask. I’ll write it ;3
*I don't know every character in Genshin yet, I'll try my best tho
Scenarios Headcanons (serious or crack, whichever floats your boat!)
Honestly idk, just shoot your shot.
Good to know:
Headcanons are 5 characters
Scenarios are 2
I will try to write gender neutral unless specified otherwise
Feel free to send in as many requests as you'd like
If you want a self insert, don't be shy. Tell me about yourself and I'll do my best for you.
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theplaguewriter · 3 years ago
Pops stared out of the window, the gray wall contrasting hard with the sunny and bright day. He had no energy left to actually get out of the car, his age seemed to be catching up on him. Not just his age, but also the life he had lived. He’d been born into the yakuza lifestyle, and raised and such. When he was younger he had gotten into a rival fight or two, but he stayed true to the honor code and never actually harmed someone beyond repair. He had taken care of his wife until she left him way too soon, he tried his best to raise his daughter. The two had never really seen eye to eye but they didn’t have a bad relationship, until she left Eri in his charge. Eri. Something inside the elder man snapped. He choked up, a hand flying to his mouth. He had tried his best to not let this whole situation get to him. This little child, who had accidentally killed her dad and was then abandoned. She did not even really know who he was. The heroes had tried to reintroduce the two, but there had always been sort of an invisible wall, keeping the two from actually bonding. He forced himself to push Chisaki, or Overhaul, out of his mind. He didn’t want to think about him, he didn’t want to remember the child he had picked up on the street and the heartless demon this child had become. The need to think about anything but Overhaul made Pops finally get out of the car. His men immediately stood behind him, ready to play their roles as bodyguards to the boss of the Shie Hassaikai. Though he did not feel like he deserved this position anymore, not after everything.
Pops stood in front of the gates for what felt like an eternity, nobody had forced him to come here. It was his own choice, he felt like he needed this closure. “Boss..” one of his men tentatively tried, it was clear that nobody was comfortable in this situation, yet they would never dream of abandoning their boss for their own comfort. The elder man looked at his subordinates and gave himself a final mental push, walking through the metal gates, holding his head high. He spared no glance to the many dwellings he passed. His mind was set in one location, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to take his time or get this whole thing over with as fast as possible. The entire walk to his destination took about 5 minutes, he ordered his men to stay behind, for some privacy.
“Hello ..Chisaki.…It’s been a while.” The old man didn’t expect any response, he bit the inner side of his cheek, swallowing hard. “I am unsure how to start. Perhaps an apology, I should have made it more clear that you were not my son in any way. I took you in because you were a child, and gave you false hope in the process. For that I sincerely apologize.” Pops had to stop himself, emotions and memories flooding his brain. He remembered the child, staring up at him. A small trickle of dried blood running from his forehead to his nose, and barely able to croak out his name. How the child had basically swallowed all the food he was given whole, out of fear of it being his last meal. How he was surprised to be sent off to school and allowed to be in rooms. Pops remembered how he felt happy and proud that he was able to give this boy a second chance at life. “For a while I really believed that you could take over the Hassaikai once I’d retire. I thought you could grow up into a respectable man. You were such a bright, adorable child. I had hopes for you.” Then the pride and happiness turned to regret. He should have seen the signs when Chisaki had become a teenager, the violent tendencies should have been a dead giveaway. At this point he couldn’t hold his anger back, he knew he was gonna be met with silence anyways, so he let out all these thoughts that he had kept bottled up for the past months. “You…you ruined her life. An innocent child. Eri has done nothing to deserve this. Nobody deserves what you did to them! You fucking….You drove the Hassaikai into the ground. You are the reason we no longer exist. You deserve everything that happened to you. This Shigaraki shouldn’t have stopped at…” Pops interrupted himself. Did he really wish death on Overhaul? He wasn’t sure. He was angry and never wanted to see the man again. He wanted him to pay for what he had done to this granddaughter, his organization and himself. He furrowed his brows, a lump forming in his throat. He had seen the video footage of Chisaki freshly out of Tartarus. A shell of a man, mindlessly repeating that he just wanted to see the boss. His forehead bleeding just like it had back then when he had picked that small boy off the street, albeit the wound now was much larger and came from the crippled man banging his head against the metal door and not a child falling down and hitting its head. The boss looked at the ground, seeing Chisaki in that state hadn’t left him untouched. It was no secret that Tartarus treated its inmates worse than animals. He had never really gotten the appropriate medical care for his amputation, and his psychological state showed that nobody had bothered with therapy either. Tartarus was for monsters. A place to throw them in and forget about them until the end of their days. “Chisaki…I don’t believe there is anything in this lifetime that you could do to make up for what you did. You may have regrets..and would love to try…but it’s too late. You gave up your humanity a long time ago..” He sighed heavily, Pops wasn’t really sure anymore what else to say. Before coming here, he could have spoken a novel, but standing here the words failed him. “Chisaki, I’m….Kai…I’m leaving. I hope you find peace, somehow..” He cleared his throat and placed the bouquet of lotuses and lilies of the valley on the tombstone, which read in bold letters “Chisaki Kai. 20.03.XXXX - 30.10.XXXX”.
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theplaguewriter · 3 years ago
His wings twitched in anticipation, he was sprawled out beneath you on the bed. You had him where you wanted him, kisses spilled from your lips, covering each inch of skin that you could reach.
Your hand traced the faint scars on his side, marking them down in your mental map of his body. Keigo had been feeling off lately, having to deal with Hero work and fans, he didn’t feel like the greatest boyfriend. You, on the other hand, understood. He had not neglected you. Not at all. He still asked about your day, listened intently and asked questions, pushing away his own tiredness. He had made it to every date, until today. Some villain had popped up and he didn’t get home until late.
Which lead to this current situation: His teary face looking up at you, the only good thing in his cursed life. Peppering him with kisses, sneaking in a kittenlick here and there. He couldn’t believe how kind you were to him, how he had deserved you.
You did not heed any of his weak protests, saying how he should spoil you. Instead, you started to gently kiss his neck, a sure way to make the hero go very quiet and soft in your embrace. You sat up, straddling him, and took his hand in yours, kissing first the back of it, then the palm and finishing by giving each fingertip a soft kiss. Exaggerating on the pinky, you gave him a big smug smile.
“You need to relax, Love. You’re doing so well in every aspect. You are an amazing hero. You are kind to your fans. You take such great care of me. You fulfill every task the commission gives you dutifully. Such an amazing man, and I get to call you mine.”
Hawks swallowed at your words, his chest swelling. He was used to the praise of his fellow heroes and fans, but coming from you, these words may as well have been nectar from the Gods.
In a flash he sat up, arms wrapping around your middle and head nestled under your chin. He pulled you impossibly close to his chest, needing to feel your warm skin against his, to make sure you’re not just a dream.
“I love you…How did I get this lucky?” His voice was barely above a whisper, the words were meant for your ears only.
You two locked eyes, the moments passing might have felt like an eternity. No words were needed. You understood him, and he understood you. As his lightly chapped lips met yours, you poured all your feelings into the kiss, knowing they’d reach him.
Gently you pushed him back, so he’d be flat on his back again. Your hand sliding down his chest in a soft caress, while his found their place on your thighs, squeezing the flesh reassuringly.
The kiss soon turned from sweet to more needing, the need to be closer, to be connected. To be one. Neither of you cared that it got a little messy, it was after all not your first time. Your hand went from his chest to his hip, stalling there. The grip he had on your thighs tightened, one hand shot up your back, pushing your upper body down on his.
You broke the kiss first, for oxygen and to make sure he was alright with going further too. The slightly dazed smile and whispered terms of affection were enough to make your hand slide to his groin.
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theplaguewriter · 3 years ago
Sweat collected on his forehead and made the already tight hero suit cling even more to his muscles. Yet Endeavor couldn’t stop himself, cock in his hand, he sat in his office chair trying to stifle any sounds leaving his mouth.
He gave his cock a firm squeeze while picking up the pace. For a brief moment he considered spitting on himself, to add some extra lube to the precum which served as the former. One particularly firm squeeze and pump combo made Endeavor’s hips buck up and a rather high grunt breach his composure.
His eyes darted to the door. Getting caught would stain his career, but it excited him all the more. To have someone see him jerking off, his mind ran wild and imagined different scenarios of people he’d even invite to help him out.
His fist sped up, keeping the same pressure around himself though. He kept staring at the door, he didn’t stop himself from morning and grunting but he did try his best to keep the volume low enough that you’d have to have your ear pressed against the huge and heavy door to hear him.
A thought sprung into his head, and his other hand inched downwards from his balls. He’d seen it happen in porn and he knew his happy spot is hidden inside his ass. The tip of his finger breached his rim, and at this point he didn’t care about volume anymore. It hurt slightly due to the lack of proper lube, but at the same time the feeling of being somewhat filled hurdled him towards his orgasm. It only took him a few pumps of his cock and inside his ass for him to come, hard. Cum covering his hand, part of his stomach and some splattered on his desk.
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