thephoenixleader · 2 years
A Leader understands there may be obstacles that create challenges when attempting to reach a desired outcome. Through it all they continue to push forward.
When a challenge arises they do not change the goal but instead changes the plan on how to reach said goal.
A challenge may happen due to a change. Change is something that can be a hurdle for the team. During this time it's important the leader continues to encourage the team to continue to stretch and move pass their comfort zone. Be their cheerleader and safety net by being their support system as they learn to navigate through the change.
A leader may struggle with their own feelings and their own hurdles but do not give up. They know once their goal is reached the feeling of accomplishment will outweigh all the hurdles.
This is the reason we are called The Phoenix Leader. One failure does not define you, it's about getting back up, time and time again to reach your goal.
I hope you found the Leadership series informational and valuable. Stay tuned for our next series!
#presevere #coachthecoach2022 #entrepreneurcoach #leadershipcoach #managementskills #goals
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
Integrity is one of the biggest attributes that makes a leader. It builds credibility within the organization and those that partner or do business with them.
Integrity means doing the right thing even during the tough times. As leaders you are called to make tough decisions. Sometimes those decisions may mean they will face opposition and will stand alone in that decision, however they feel it's the right thing to do.
Integrity allows you to lead the team towards the shared vision and goals since your moral compass will lead you there.
#leadershipcoach #coachthecoach2022 #thephoenixleader #integrity #managementskills
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
Typically when you think of leadership, humility is not something that stands out right away. Humble leaders tend to listen more effectively and focus on the needs of others. This helps gain trust from the team and allows for a collaborative work environment.
Leaders who lead with humility, solicit feedback from all levels of the organization. This helps them with their own development and shows vulnerability.
This type of leader also admits to mistakes and/or to not knowing something or lacking a certain skill. When the team observes this, they too will be encouraged to act in the same manner, because the leader has built a no judgement zone. #leadershipcoach
#managementskills #peoplemanagement #thephoenixleader #humilty #entrepreneurcoach
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
John Maxwell said "The first step to leadership is servanthood" Leadership is about serving others, whether your employees, your team, or your partners. Servanthood in leadership refers to the focus and commitment we have on the needs of the people we lead. It means giving your team members the information and resources they need to achieve the set goals. When leaders serve others, they gain followers through valuing, trusting, and respecting every person they come in contact with. #thephoenixleader #servantleader #johnmaxwell #goals #coachthecoach2022 #lead
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
Listen to our podcast, The Phoenix Leader on @spotify . Today's episode is about Leaders and Self Care. In this episode we will talk about how to take care of your body, mind, and soul. Leaders typically are so busy looking out for others that we forget to look out for ourselves. This is why it is important that we discuss the need to take care of our own well being. Join me in this episode as we talk about the different types of self care routines that you can create for yourself and the importance of it.
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
Leaders work on removing obstacles for their team members success. You can remove obstacles by allowing them to have a safe space to fully disclose their opinions or share anything they wish. Sometimes an obstacle may be that they may not have the confidence to achieve something. Be their cheerleader. Let them know that you got their back. Allow them to bring their whole self. #thephoenixleader #leadershipdevelopment #bossbabe #latinos #owner #entrepreneur #teambuilding
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
As a leader one of the best things you can do for your team is to empower them. This gives them the opportunity to discover new skills by trying out new ideas. Team members who are given the opportunity to stretch themselves will be more productive, because they feel good about their learning. Be their cheerleader! #thephoenixleader #leadershipdevelopment #entrepreneur #manage #coachthecoach
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
Leaders act intentionally. They act with purpose and provide constructive feedback. A leader acts rather than reacts and helps push their team members out of their comfort zone. A leader builds their team up. #leadership #growthmindset #teambuilder #thephoenixleader #entrepreneur #learn
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
A leader who knows how to empathize, is someone team member will trust. Empathic leaders are approachable, flexible, motivating and encouraging. They show interest in their team members’ lives, their thoughts and feelings, and the challenges they may be facing. When team members trust the leader morale and productivity increases. #teamwork #leader #boss #coachthecoach #thephoenixleader #grow
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thephoenixleader · 2 years
The first quality of a servant leader is to LISTEN. This is an essential skill when coaching others. Show care by being an active listener. Give them a platform to voice their opinions. Ask questions to understand. #leadershipdevelopment #leader #coachthecoach #thephoenixleader #skill #listen
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thephoenixleader · 3 years
When leaders shift their mindset and serve first, they benefit as well as their employees in that their employees acquire personal growth, while the organization grows as well due to the employees growing commitment and engagement. 
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thephoenixleader · 3 years
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thephoenixleader · 3 years
A leader is not just someone who has the title of manager, supervisor, etc. Being a leader is much more than that. It is about the power to influence others to get to the desired goal.#tuesdaythoughts #leadershipdevelopment #coachthecoach #thephoenixleader
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thephoenixleader · 3 years
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Attention leaders, this is for you!
Bringing value by providing nuggets of knowledge to those who manage others. The goal is to help you create high producing teams.
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