Owls and Ants and Fairies, oh my!
307 posts
Formerly RariSweetiChief. Now just a general art blog because Owl likes attention
Last active 3 hours ago
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theowlgoesmoo · 4 days ago
Thank you @abugeatbugworld for finding and sharing these gems with me. Best princesses? Best princesses. Go and appreciate them more.
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theowlgoesmoo · 14 days ago
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Who? No, she's not a princess. She's a regular bug, just like you. Hey, have you seen another ant around here...? Older pic I finally finished, based on Atta's flawless disguise in "Go Head, Take Her". Nothing is more inconspicuous than a giant cloak that covers you from head to toe, especially in a seedy bar!
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theowlgoesmoo · 17 days ago
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She stiffened. With an effort, she forced herself to glance towards him. He was making his way straight to their table, effortlessly pushing his way through the tables, chairs, and grasshoppers in his way, forcefully but not quickly - as if his will alone was all that he needed to make a path. Maybe it was.
Soon, all too soon, she felt him looming over her and Molt, before bending over to almost - but not quite - meet his brother at eye level. She could smell the stink of the cactus liquor on his breath, even while he was above her. It washed over her, rustling her antennae. She shut her eyes, as if she could will him to disappear. 
He didn’t, of course. Instead, he made himself all too real.  
“Seems like you actually did something right for once, brat. I went upstairs, and there was my vest, still in one piece!”
He grabbed her cheek, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. She suppressed a whine, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing her discomfort.
“Never thought an ant could do something as hard as that, especially some spoiled grub like you.” 
He pinched a little harder, and this time she did let a quiet groan slip out. 
“Hop, come on, leave her alone. Ya gonna give her a bruise.” Molt’s hand raised, reaching - but not quite touching - Hopper’s hand.  
Hopper has no such hesitation. He slapped Molt’s hand away, and his eyes flared with a burning fury. But, only for a second. He slipped back into his facade of amused kindness, though the corners of his lips were tighter, and his words tinged with more venom.
“What, I can’t fawn over our guest? Is that something only you get to do, Molt? Hmm?”
He moved to stand behind Dot, looming over her. His lower arms unfurled from his back, and grasped her shoulders. She shuddered, especially as his weight pressed down upon her, keeping her on her seat.
“Are you saying there’s something I can’t do, Molt?”
The brothers stared at each other, locked in a silent match. Hopper remained perfectly still, moving only to keep Dot locked in place as she tried to roll his claws off her shoulder, but he would not be so easily unperched.
Fourth chapter of "Go Ahead, Take Her" is coming along, and poor Dot's found herself in a spot of trouble after her run-in with Thumper. But she did manage to get Hopper's vest back, and he's just SO grateful for it! He wants to make sure she knows that.
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theowlgoesmoo · 20 days ago
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"Now let me tell you how things are supposed to go, princess. The colony grows the ants, the ants bring the snouts, the grasshoppers honk the snouts-" "And the ants bite the grasshoppers!"
There are Atta and Flik slippers somewhere out there in the world.
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theowlgoesmoo · 23 days ago
This is SO FRICKEN CUTE. I love the top left and bottom right ones. These designs are perfect, and the expressions are adorable. Also Dot with a tooth gap is just criminally cute.
If someone would ask me what radicalized me, it would be A Bug's Life from Pixar. I'm back into a brainrot and i attempted a humanization sketchy sketch. It's mostly Dot and Dim because they're siblings for me, your honor. And Dim is my favorite character, he baby and so Big Brother coded.
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Top left: Piggyback ride! Top right: Flik explaining a very displeased Dot he has work to do and they can invent things later. Bottom left: Dim telling Dot to buckle up because he may be a big baby but he is still a responsible adult (Yes. He drives a truck) Bottom Right: Dot sneaked in Dim's truck and started pushing random buttons
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theowlgoesmoo · 2 months ago
ABL Theme Songs?
So I'm curious, do any of you lovelies have any songs that you think would fit some of the A Bug's Life cast? That kind of stuff is always super useful to me when writing or otherwise working with specific characters. So far I've got Dot, Flik, and Hopper, but if you lot have any you'd care to share, I'd be most grateful. Flik (AJR - 100 Bad Days):
Dot (Sleeping At Last - Daughter)
Hopper (Shayfer James - Weight of the World)
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theowlgoesmoo · 2 months ago
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Sure, hats and coats and whatnot are great for fighting the cold, but you know what really does the trick? A thermos of steaming hot cocoa to split. Give it a few seconds, sweetpea. It'll be the perfect temperature in no time in this weather.
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theowlgoesmoo · 3 months ago
Aaaaaa this is way too sweet! I'm an insatiable sucker for this kind of stuff, and you, my friend., have provided wonderfully. I love how just Itty-bitty Dot looks here, and Flik's pose is wonderful, just wrapped around her like that. Can't wait to see this finished!
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needs some touching up/coloring in (and better lighting), but here’s a WIP of flik in protective big bro mode 🩵
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theowlgoesmoo · 3 months ago
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Ant is so adorable.
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theowlgoesmoo · 3 months ago
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Oh hey it's me
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theowlgoesmoo · 3 months ago
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How do you speak to royalty? Bow before them? Throw in as many honorifics as your little peasant brain can come up with? Shower them with offerings and oaths of service, as if you could offer then anything worth while? No, of course not, you silly goose. The best way is to toss said royal in the air, spin her around a couple times until she's giggling her little blue-blooded head off, and THEN speak to her. Watch closely as Molt demonstrates this with Princess Dot.
Been working on a Human!Molt for a long time, and this piece in particular. I'm not super pleased with the final results, but hey, finally got it finished.
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theowlgoesmoo · 3 months ago
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Once you're friends with someone long enough, you're going to start swapping stories. And Dot and her new friend Olive ("OLIVIA!") definitely have some stories to swap! Inventor father figures? Megalomaniacs with hair-trigger tempers who wanted to kill and replace their queens? Pet monsters who definitely would have gobbled them up if given half the chance?
Yeah they're going to be at this for a while. Also thank you @abugeatbugworld for your help with the layout and poses.
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theowlgoesmoo · 4 months ago
Aaaaaah it's PERFECT! Their expressions are so fricken cute Atta then walks by, seeing Dot still clinging to her catch with all the might in her little hands. "...Do I want to know?"
"Your little monster is eating me alive. Get her off."
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Dot dressed as Khezu from Monster Hunter! I love that thing and it was my best buddy in the Stories game on the 3DS.
She likes to hang onto ceilings and drop on top of Flik, Atta, Hopper, Molt, whoever is at hand, and give them heart attacks.
A Bug’s Life fanart.
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theowlgoesmoo · 4 months ago
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The mighty huntress has found her prey. Hopper never stood a chance.
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Dot dressed as Khezu from Monster Hunter! I love that thing and it was my best buddy in the Stories game on the 3DS.
She likes to hang onto ceilings and drop on top of Flik, Atta, Hopper, Molt, whoever is at hand, and give them heart attacks.
A Bug’s Life fanart.
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theowlgoesmoo · 4 months ago
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Trying to reignite my muse for bugs, so a bunch of quick sketches
Playing with Hopper's multiple arms is fun
Grimm is ever so miffed
Dot being Dot, probably overlooking her kingdom up on a clover.
Taking a shot at Francis, since he and Slim show up in GATH. Not sure if I like how this design came out, but eh, it's a start.
Atta knows they don't fight grasshoppers, they DESTROY them. Wanted to draw her rocket launcher from:
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theowlgoesmoo · 4 months ago
Oooh, these are fun! 1. Owl (sometimes Cabbage); He/Him.
2. Saw it in theaters which was awesome, so 7. Perfect time for it to sink its roots into my brain =p
3. Well you've got the whole drawing and writing thing you see here. Also have a fondness for gardening and cooking, when I get the chance.
4. Besides ABL of course, probably The Incredibles (There was no sequel =p), Lilo and Stich, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, A:TLA, Star Trek TNG, and The Clone Wars
5. It's got to be the three main ants, Flik, Atta, and Dot. I love them individually and I love their interplaying relationships. It's a dynamic I've used time and time again in my own works.
6. Has to be the scene where the grasshoppers break into the bunker. It's terrifying, you see just how cruel they all are, Hopper has such PRESENCE, and just SO many iconic lines. "Nature has a certain order..." "I swear, if I hadn't promised mother on her deathbed I wouldn't kill you, I would kill you. "First rule of leadership: EVERYTHING is your fault." And of course, "LEAVE HER ALONE." Heck, I made a fanfic based on that scene alone. You want her? Go ahead... take her.
7. Professional voice work / author, especially for kid lit.
8. Anything by C.S Lewis, the Ciaphas Cain series, and A Confederacy of Dunces.
9. Both my siblings and their spouses were able to get a lot of time off over the holidays, so for the first time in years, we're going to have the whole clan in one place! Been a long time since we've even all been on the same continent, let alone together.
10. Trying to get a new job, as I've been stuck in a pretty awful dead-end one for the past couple years, one that barely pays enough and isn't wonderful for my health.
let's get to know each other!
if you follow this blog, i'd love to get to know you a little more! choose 3 or more of the following q's and leave your answers in the comments. some are ABL related, some are not. i'll share mine as well :)
name (/what you go by here) + pronouns
approx how old you were when you watched a bug's life for the first time
one or two favorite hobbies
2-3 favorite movies/shows
your personal favorite a bug's life character(s)
your personal favorite a bug's life scene(s)
your dream job
1-2 favorite books
what's something good in your life at the moment?
what's something hard in your life at the moment?
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theowlgoesmoo · 5 months ago
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Well Molt, you treat people nice, they treat you nice back. And Dot thinks you've been very nice indeed. Thanks, big guy. So my wonderful friend MustLoveFrogs whipped up some more bug art for me, this time with Dot and her honorary uncle Molt, based on "Go Ahead, Take Her"
I absolutely ADORE how this turned out! Dot looks like the precious little bean she is, and Molt looks simultaneously spiky and huggable all at once. If you need them, they'll be having a tea party in the corner of the cantina. Hopper is not invited. Go check out my favorite frog too! Her art is FANTASTIC:
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