“I think I’m actually more happy about being together with Astrid for a year rather than turning 20.”
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“I swear, I’ve actually not done anything wrong this time.”
“Hi, sorry. Can I interrupt you for a moment?”
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“Yes, I was almost murdered by a cat once. Several cats actually. Astrid’s cats hate me.”
“What do you think all cats are super evil?”
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“Not even Lucas?” He waggled his eyebrows.
“Because I don’t tolerate anyone on Mondays, Mondays are the Devil’s day.”
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Theo was bored. World literature was probably his least favourite class, and as much as he didn’t want to go, he kinda had to. His attendance was shit enough already. His head was resting on the desk, his eyes barely open before he heard a familiar voice, causing him to jump. “Huh?” At her words, his lips formed into a smirk. “Well I don’t usually skip classes but what the hell, I don’t fancy being eaten alive.” He replied, words from when they first met still fresh in his mind as he stood.
Blast to the Past || Astreo
The idea continued to grow, and grow in her mind as the day passed so before class started, Astrid collected her belongings and slipped out. Making her way through the corridors toward Theo’s current class, she peered into the room before slowly and quietly opening the door. Eventually she managed to make her way over to where he was seated, fortunate that the professor had yet to arrive. “So I have some good news,” she smirked, ignoring the eyes that looked her way. “Turns out that the professor you’re meant to have is sick, bad news, the old hag is rumored to be a sub, so you have two options. You either let me rescue you by escaping now, or you can stay here and be eaten alive, the decision is yours.”
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“Nope, they are all evil. Super evil.”
“They’re not all evil. Cole took care of my cousin’s Bearded Dragon. I am sure he can help take care of a baby owl. My parents are supervising hardcore.” He gave a soft chuckle. “They will be fine.”
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“Mondays? Why Mondays specifically?”
“On most days, not all though. I struggle with being able to stand you on Mondays.”
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“Wait, what?”
“It’s okay, I’m sure I can find a way to return the favor.”
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“I know, but sometimes it helps, when someone understands.”
“I know, thank you. I just don’t really know how to talk about what happened, or even if I should.”
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“Hey, slytherin’s can be innocent!”
“Because I believe that.”
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“Um, rude. You can’t just shave off a man’s beard.”
“Then you’re just going to have to live with no kisses from me until I shave it off in your sleep.” Astrid joked.
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“Fair enough,” Theo chuckled, quickly ringing room service for food, tea and coffee. “Sounds good to me, or I mean, we could just sleep all day. That’s fun too.”
Trip To Fiji || Astreo
“Coffee, some food and more coffee,” she smiled, covering her mouth as she yawned. “We could just go exploring?”
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“Love you too, babe, love you too.”
“I think it’s best you continue to pretend,” Astrid teased.
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“I was surprisingly good at holding my liquor. I do apologise for my behaviour though.”
“I’d be more surprised if you remembered me entirely considering the amount of alcohol you had in your system.”
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“Your cat is what? But, it’s a cat. They’re evil.”
“Aw! My cat is actually being nice and helping take care of the baby owl. OH! And my parents sent me snacks.”
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“Oh, hey! It’s you. I vaguely remember you.”
“I’m sure you weren’t expecting to see me around here anytime soon.”
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“Valid point, but still, I plead innocence.”
“You’re a Slytherin, having a smug expression comes with being sorted into the house.”
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