Update 18/12/2023: The future of the blog.
As of today, every post that’s been planned to be archived - has been archived. I had to separate one of the posts (Jack/Anti-related Observations/Evidence) into two because turns out that Tumblr has a limit on how many links can be in a single post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unfortunately, the categories the archive is divided by seem to be outdated as of now… most IRIS related posts don’t fit neatly into “Anti” or “the egos”, same thing with Echo. Well and because of “the Great Decanonization of 2023″ having Jack as a category is now outdated as well. I have no intention of removing c!Jack related theories and hints, since even if not canon anymore the community used skills that could be useful or inspiring in the future… But if I want to keep running this blog I would likely need to re-categorize and reorganize the archive.
For the time being, and probably until I know what to do with the archive, the blog will be on a hiatus. It might never become active again, or it might be active in a month… only time will tell. One thing’s certain - it’s not going anywhere and will always stay open for old and new theorists alike.
Welcome to the Theorists Den 2.0
What is it? A blog dedicated to archiving all the major JSE community theories, observations, and “what if”s. Yes you’ve read right, community’s.
The blog has been inactive between 2019 and 2022, but still it contains over 400 links featuring all the JSE community’s discoveries and ongoing hcs/theories I managed to gather since the beginning of ego lore on the channel till my hiatus. And as the title says - I am intending to revive it. Update - As of December 2023 the blog contains over 580 links.
Ever wanted to get into theorizing but didn’t know where to start? Want to catch up with all the lore and ideas that have been in the community since the start? Well this is your lucky day. The archive of this blog is separated into:
fully fledged&lengthy theories,
shorter hypotheses&thought dumps,
observations&confirmed hints,
masterposts and full timelines of videos, posts, and literally everything ego.
This is not a personal blog and will not clutter your dashes with spam, but will only be a place for theories and operate whenever there’s new discoveries.
Can I use this archive for my theorizing needs? But of course. This archive is fully accessible on both desktop and mobile and will be updating as the lore progresses.
How can I contribute?
Reblog. Either this post, or the archive itself (in the description). The more people know this archive exists, the more it’ll evolve, the easier it’ll be for people to catch up with events and find theory material! You don’t find this archive useful? Well maybe this is exactly what your followers need, let them know it’s a thing.
Submit theories! Asks, submits and dms are open. Think you’ve noticed something new? Have a theory you think others should read? Tag @theoristsden . The posts will be added as soon as I get the time.
See a “broken link” or “link gone” note in the archive and have a reblog of the post you think was there? Maybe the OP renamed their url and you happen to know what their url is currently? You’re welcome to contact me. This blog has been open for a while and a lot changed on the platform since…
As an ex theorist myself, I know how disheartening posting theories can be- especially when your blog is new and your audience is small. Hopefully this blog can become a platform for those wanting to reach the community but lacking the means :) especially when this website is so broken.
All opinions are welcome! If you disagree with someone, feel free to provide your opinion and ideas. But no bullying of others for having different opinions than yours will be allowed here. An opinion can’t be right or wrong, same way a theory can’t be right or wrong. (assuming it’s not denying existing canon, of course… then it’s technically not even a theory…)
You might notice that I never took any theories down, even if they ended up being “wrong”… That’s because we don’t write to be “right”, we make theories for fun. An idea that you think is dumb, might be exactly what someone else needs in order to finish a theory. Sharing our thoughts and findings are the only way to understand the overly complicated hints that are being thrown at us.
Do not contact OPs of old theories intending to prove them wrong and definitely not to call them out over “freaking out” over something that turned out to not be a hint. This community existed for years, of course not all theories are correct, we used to jump at shadows back in the day and the current attitude might be completely different… even the ones who wrote the posts might not even believe in them anymore so remember to stay mindful and check what dates posts were posted on before contacting OPs.
Don’t want your theory to be in the archive? No problem, pinpoint the exact post you want me to take down.
And lastly, @therealjacksepticeye hasn’t been active here in years but its a tradition to write this so: if you end up stumbling upon this blog- feel free to use it. This can be a good place to check what the community has discovered so far or look for new ideas! *whispering* the community doesn’t need to know if you use it… It can be a secret y’know…
Signal boosts are extremely appreciated, again- this is not a self-gain personal blog. This is a community blog. I may be operating it alone, but the entirety of this archive wouldn’t exist without this community…
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Jack/Anti-related Observations/Evidence (+IRIS) - Part 2
2014 - 2018:
Part 1 (separated due to tumblr post limits)
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2022 revival:
Jack’s future plans: ⊖
(•:) was added in IRIS’ twitter
We’re all part of IRIS.
Sean’s tween about working on the ego story with Soph (TurquoiseMagpie) ”for the last couple of years”.
Soph confirming that they helped with “Argentum Inanis” & talking about it on stream.
IRIS canonically watch over Jack: ⊖
Glitches in “3 Scary Games”: #1, #2, #3
“They are here...” - “3 Scary Games” title and thumbnail change.
3 Scary Games Notes (6/26/22)
IRIS’ first tweet: ”...we believe in helping create a better world...”
IRIS tweets: “In the run up to 100 Years... we’d like to share some of IRIS’s proudest achievements...” and “We will be sharing pics...”
Odd photos shared on Jack’s Instagram: ⊖
IRIS photo: “A much earlier prototype...”
Answers about the lore & hints from TurquoiseMagpie.
Jack and Magpie still have the Overnight Watch stream saved because it “might come in handy in the future”: ⊖
IRIS photo: “Retrowave!”
IRIS tweet: “...sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
“Who watches the WTCHR? It could be you!” - NIGHT-WATCHER poster.
“Who watches the WTCHR?” - photo.
IRIS’s (•:) changed to a (∴).
Jack is done filming Project I.R.I.S.
IRIS “WTCHR” video title changed to “The Iris Archives - WTCHR”.
IRIS tweet: “Alert a member of the C&C if you see...”
WTCHR video description links to Argentum Inanis and CHASE.
“Weird tentacle thing” in Jack’s tweet resembles a page from Argentum Inanis: ⊖
IRIS tweet: “Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?”
The camera in “this is my 5,000th video“ is recording us: ⊖
“ALTR 5914 is a time thief!”
The interrogation setup is similar to the one in Stories Untold#4.
Screenshots from “this is my 5,000th video“: 1, 2, safety signs
Something went wrong in the IRIS project preview (“this is my 5,000th video“) + similarities to old videos.
Confirmations about the upcoming IRIS video so far: ⊖
Jack confirming that there’s more “spooks” to come.
Another Project IRIS teaser posted on twitter.
IRIS tweet: Chase’s containment details.
Jack announcing the Project IRIS drop: tweet, community post, video
⦵ ⦵ ⦵
Anomaly Found:
The full stream & the clips: ⊖
IRIS tweet: “Observing ALTR 5914′s time altering capabilities”
Livestream notes.
IRIS Presents - WTCHR thumbnail became glitchy (and since went to normal again)
Analysis of the whispers + Anti giggles: #1 #2 #3 #4
“Know your ALTRS” refers to both objects and subjects.
Notes on the weird sounds in the clips: ⊖
IRIS tweet: “IRIS just passed its centenary!”
Parallels between videos.
Since IRIS regained access to their account the document on ALTR 5914 was deleted.
Official JSE server name, avatar and banner changes: ⊖
Screenshots of the puzzles: #1 #2 #3 #4
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IRIS tweet: “There’s no time like the Present, Past and Future”
Top of the Morning Coffee: “He’s been different” and “I’m coming” (likely not JSE related?)
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[back to the archive]
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Dear viewers, seems that a certain someone has inspired Top Of The Morning Coffee!
Thank you @septicuniverse for helping decode what the hints are saying!
The tweet caption- “He’s been different”
The video message- “I’m coming”

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Mini thought
Ever since videos started having red when they had something to do with Anti I was confused.
"Anti's green! Not red??"
I chucked it aside. Anti is green after all, sure the red signified that he's present or plotting or whatnot... But Anti's primary color is green. He's always been green.
But then,

ANOMALY FOUND came around... And suddenly he's red? Sure his eyes are green, but otherwise it's all red. His skin, the lights around him, everything about him is red.
I originally just figured it's a design choice, I mean sure Anti is a lot more creepy and dangerous seeming when engulfed in red. Gives him a more mature and alarming appearance.
But I didn't like it. From the design standpoint? Perfect call.
From a lore standpoint? I didn't get it. Anti was always green, why is he red all of a sudden?
But was he green?
...or was it Jack who's green?

Jack's channel was always green, the logo, Sam, at the time he even had green hair... And Anti while possessing and puppeting him was green as result.
Essentially what I'm wondering is - what if Anti was never green in the first place? What if the green present was just a "filter" caused by Jack being between Anti and us? Like color tinted glass.
Even in a coma Jack's green was still always present... until it wasn't.
Did Anti find a new body for himself? Or did he do something to Jack... Something worse than a coma...
And now there's no longer a protective green layer between us.
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DisMay 2019 Timeline
this is highly inspired by Fins ( @fear-is-nameless) timeline series, I noticed that no ones really gone and done a timeline (that I’ve seen) for the discord and youtube incidents of May 2019, so I’m gonna do it, about 4 years late, hooray :P
Hit the keep reading cuz this is gonna be long!
along with tagging fin I should probably tag @isas-theory-wall and @jselorekeeper for this
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Psychological Hold Part 2
Dear viewers, I was thinking about my post on how Jack accidentally psychologically conditioned us to think of Anti. (Link to part one)
Rather than focusing on psychological terms and conditions, I wanted to explain it simply. In that case, I would like to bring up the idea of sound, action, and behavior.
So when thinking of Anti what is typically the first thing you think of? Glitching, twitching in weird ways, unsettling behavior, etc.
I tend to see it a lot when we see things that are not within our community such as others using glitches. The sheer sound of a singular glitch has us darting our heads to the screen. Listening as if he was keeping an eye on us from everywhere.
We hear words such as "Say Goodbye" or even just the term puppets. What do we do? Our minds think of Anti. We see something simply as red lighting literally anywhere and we think of Anti absolutely slaughtering everyone in that IRIS hallway or Dark Silence. I know Jack doesn't realize that he made us think this way in a sense but…isn't this what Anti would want?
According to the theory that attention is power, Anti would like us to feed our attention right to him, which would make him so much stronger than he was from the beginning within the community. Think about it, we have so many new theorists who are interested in egos.
When another ego shows his face, do you notice how we immediately wonder "What will Anti do to him?" Does he already seem corrupted? What is the relationship between him and Anti?"
I, along with many other long-term theorists, have watched the entirety of Overnight Watch, and even to this day it haunts us through certain scenes and the music.
It is unlikely that Anti's hold on us will ever completely diminish. With his strings implanted so deep into our minds, he can literally cause chaos and attention with one simple movement, or even by looking into the camera like he has done before. I find it fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
@n-anon @maxthelocalemeraldmayor @malfunctionalmalware @septicuniverse
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Psychological Hold
Dear Viewers, a little fun fact about me is that I have a degree in Psychology and it is something I have studied my whole life. When watching the egos I have noticed some…particular psychological effects it has on us as the community.
Within the psychological field there is a process called "Classical Conditioning" in simple terms means a neutral stimulus naturally produces a behavior that is learned through repeated exposure.
So to put it into terms of our community Antisepticeye is the only ego who has appeared in over 50+ videos, during this process and repeated exposure it has "trained" us to think about him even in the silly horror bits Jack does.
In terms, Jack has accidentally conditioned us to immediately think of Anti when we hear a variety of things ranging from glitching to Silent Night. We know Anti loves our attention and he gets it every single time, which leads me to another process.
A process called "Extinction vs Recovery" has also been put into our heads due to our repeated exposure to Anti over the years. In simple terms, it means that a learned response can diminish when not exposed to a certain sound or person for a long time but when it reappears the response is immediate.
To put into context for our community take Kill Jacksepticeye, it was one of the last appearances of Anti and Henrik in which we had quite the response. Fast forward months later and our interest and thoughts about Henrik started to die out, and the community went silent.
Then Henrik reappeared from his so-called "vacation" and everyone as a collective whole had a Spontaneous Recovery to immediately start theorizing and talking about him.
The psychological hold the storytellers have on us (such as Jack and Magpie) has sparked a unique response from us, when the egos disappear we become quiet but the moment they are even mentioned we have our eyes on them, just like Anti wants…he wants us to watch what he does to them, to the environment, to the powers he holds.
This is all observation that I can see from a psychological standpoint and I hope this is easy for you all to understand!
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This is basically an archive account for iris just in case Twitter deletes the actual iris account.
Also if any of you don’t have a Twitter and can’t access to Twitter account anymore. This account will show you the what you missed.
That’s all!
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Uhhh hey JSE Community
I haven’t seen a single peep about this, but Sean’s latest upload from two days ago, “Don’t Forget To Feed Him (Entity Room)” has some flashes of Chase in it.
I’m genuinely surprised I didn’t see anything about it, because I still follow tons of JSE theorists despite me being beaten senseless by other hyperfixations atm.
Anyway, here’s the glitches with timestamps:
I also want to point out, if you notice these screenshots supplied by @a-septic-mind vs my link to the video, the title changed.
Now, in fairness, nowadays title changes mean little to nothing because the YouTube algorithm is such a bitch.
HOWEVER, I find the change choice interesting. “Don’t forget to feed him.”
Y’know, Chase looks awful exhausted in those screenshots. Maybe bored or whatever, sure. Stressed, of course. But I’d argue weak too. Can’t keep his head up. He’s locked in a cell with no access to food.
He’s relying on his captors to feed him. And it sounds to me like they’re a little more than negligent, or perhaps preoccupied by a certain ALTR? Or dare I suggest that same ALTR, The Watcher, Anti is manipulating the surveillance footage of Chase’s cell, leaving the staff unaware he needs to be fed?
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Dear viewers happy anniversary to this video and IRIS post! Two very fun little bits of information!

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DisMay 2019 Timeline
this is highly inspired by Fins ( @fear-is-nameless) timeline series, I noticed that no ones really gone and done a timeline (that I’ve seen) for the discord and youtube incidents of May 2019, so I’m gonna do it, about 4 years late, hooray :P
Hit the keep reading cuz this is gonna be long!
along with tagging fin I should probably tag @isas-theory-wall and @jselorekeeper for this
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Dear viewers, let’s say happy anniversary to the first post of IRIS!
It has been a year and man what a year it has been! (Thank you @fear-is-nameless for reminding all of us)

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Dear viewers, happy anniversary to these two very fun videos! The clip I’m showing is from Barry Has A Secret!
⚠️Warning for flashing lights and dismemberment in these two videos⚠️

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