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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
Hoyle Sketches Pt 2! (Before they go into the dumpster because of moving)
All of them were done in school books
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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All were done in school books whenever i got bored. Found them while throwing them out. Just posting this to have a place to see them if i ever get nostalgic
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t read BNHA past 201. I read/share spoilers so I have some idea on what the chapter’s about, but I haven’t properly read it
Why? The short chapters makes the arc feel “dragged out” even though it’s not, which in turn makes the general atmosphere for discussing the manga really sour. In the subreddit at least, it’s getting really bad to the point that everyday there’s at least one post about the current arc sucking. But anyway, I know these things shouldn’t stop me from enjoying the series, but it’s hard to distance myself from it especially because I have to see it everyday, because I mod the sub. LUL
ANYWAYS, since the manga is on 210 now I decided to read the 9 chapters in one go and it’s probably the best thing I ever did for this arc! It made it enjoyable for me since technically I didn’t have to wait one week per chapter lmao PLUS the last few chapters are advancing the plot already! Yay
So I’m caught up with the series again. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to being as active as before here though (coz of real life issues) but I maybe I can at least go back to sharing important news or updates about the series.
Also the Tumblr thing about censorship doesn’t affect me too much with my content but it still kinda turned me off from the site as a whole. Ah well, as long as Tumblr exists my blog will still be here. To those who messaged me before I have a Twitter but I rarely use it, but I really, really want to be active there so I’m trying my best. I guess my problem is I don’t really like sharing/”tweeting” my thoughts spontaneously which seems to be how Twitter is supposed to be used. Heck, this post took me about 30 minutes to type up AND before that it took me a whole day to think about whether this is worth sharing here or not. So yeah I suck.
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
Me: wow I’m way too attached to fictional characters
Me: *sees y’all send death threats to writers because you didn’t agree with their decisions*
Me: never mind I’m attached the healthy amount
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
For everyone’s information:
The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.
To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.
On the 17th, dead silence.
People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.
But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.
What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’
A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.
If you want to join in, here’s what to do:
Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
Come back on the 18th and check in
Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.
Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.
Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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Makuta Mutran!
He was just a joy to draw. The hand in front, the wings, the fabric that i choose to give him due to my idea of the Makuta thinking of themselves as royalty, and i loved how i incorporated the Shadow Leach capsule to a more humanoid design.
Mutran was the first Phantoka set we ever had, though it was my brother’s. And personally didnt liked his design as much as the other 3 Phantoka Makuta, but i believe this one came out really good.
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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I did this
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
Matoro and Jaller.
Both of them ready to give it all to save the world.
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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A childhood hero is gone, and I’m left feeling pretty devastated. I used to be obsessed with this show when I was a kid. In a way, I still am. To this day, I’m always quoting or referencing the show with friends or family. It left a big impact on me, on a lot of people. You were a passionate, funny and intelligent person, and you shared a piece of yourself with the world. With generations of kids, and nostalgic adults, we all loved it. Thank you, Stephen Hillenburg, we miss you.
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
Is it worth it to continue what ive been doing at this point?
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Tahu - Nuva No More
Practice that got out of hand.
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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I wanted to draw something with teeth. And i think it came out really well. Specially the Shark Tooth Blades and the face. Loved drawing those dead eyes.
Hope you like it!
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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Hahahaha this is a such nice grandma lady! ….OH WAIT
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
You could say that Nivawk was the former rahi of Dume when he was a Toa, serving Teridax when he impersonated him thinking it was the actual Dume, and tried to escape and return to the wild when he discovered the deception. But Teridax absorbed him and the Toa energy he had to make his new body.
Also Keetongu is a former one-of-a-kind rahi, and went into hiding in Metru Nui when their Toa passed away.
Under Miserix’s dominion, the Brotherhood of Makuta would make specialised Rahi to serve alongside Toa. These Rahi were one of a kind specimens, not intended for mass release into the wild. They were designed to quickly bond with Toa and become their companions. They had many powers, including elemental powers (usually the same as their Toa) among others. Their most notable feature was the ability to merge their bodies and minds with their Toa to enhance their powers. When the Toa became Turaga, their companions would often stay close by to help them protect Matoran in the absence of Toa, though sometimes they would be released into the wild or bonded to a new Toa.
Companion Rahi were popular during the early days of the Toa, especially vagabond Toa and more rural teams. However, when Makuta Teridax took control of the Brotherhood they ceased to commission any more campanion Rahi. Their population dwindled like that of the Toa. Many less savoury hunters saw them as prize game, and when Toa became Turaga and couldn’t protect them would hunt the Rahi to take home as prizes.
By the Reformation, there were no known surviving specimens. Toa Orde has approached Makuta Miserix with the thought of creating new companions, and Miserix approves of the idea.
(I watched Journey to One, and I really liked the Elemental Creatures, so I’ve g1 canonised them.)
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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A sketch i did yesterday night. Just have to outline it.
Next, PRIDAK, former leader of the BARRAKI.
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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Bendis’ My Moments with Stan
Being asked to draw a Stan Lee Memorial is an honor. At the request of the New York Times, it’s a privilege. And bringing to life the tribute penned by Brian Bendis is a little bit of both. ~ Bill Walko
Written by Brian Michael Bendis | Drawn by Bill Walko Colored by Howie Noel | Editor by George Gustines 
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theonehoyle · 6 years ago
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I drew a Mina
I was bored
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