theodd-duo · 4 days
Hey Toast and Red! What kinda things do you two like to do in the day to day?
"Oh oh!!! We we uhm uh we go on walkies alot and and uhm uh we go to the river and drink the water!! Sowmtimes we uhmmm we go into the city and i paint on the path so people can, can see my artwork!! People usually walkie on it..but thats just cause they dont see it! Sometimes a nice lady will give us food!!"
*the young meowth went on and on, he was rather excited and happy to share what they do most of the time..Red appears to be getting more anxious, his paw taps the ground and his eyes stay on Toast*
"One time we went on an adventure and we were getting me some paints so i could paint and i fell over and got it all over Red!! I felt really bad but he said it was ok because accidents can happen"
*the Lycanroc has a soft and warm smile, his tail wags ever so slightly*
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theodd-duo · 4 days
It is okay if you don't want to answer. Toast, why do you not have the usual gold piece on you forehead? Most Meowth have one. I do apologise if I sound rude or whatever when I ask but I am curious and I would like to know. Again, don't feel pressured to tell me, if you don't want to tell me then I will respect it and that can be the end of it.
"Oh, i don't have one because im just weird i guess!! I gots tolds that alot!! Red says im just special though and that im one of a kind hehe!!"
*The small pokemon spoke, a wide grin on his face as he ruffled the fur on top of his head, demonstrating his lack of coin*
"He's just special..there is absolutely nothing wrong with him. He doesn't need the coin.."
*the Lycanroc spoke, but very quietly, almost like a whisper*
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theodd-duo · 4 days
Well Toast, what are you and Red doing out here all alone? Are you two lost?
"Hmmm, Lost??? Nope, nope!! Sometimes we just have sleepy in the sun because is warm"
The small meowth chripped out loudly, the Lycanroc seemed a little on edge but stayed behind the meowth, watching over him closely
"Did you know that, that Red is superrrr fluffy!!!?"
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theodd-duo · 10 days
Hello! What are you names?
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It appears the two pokemon are now awake. One seems much more happy to see you than the other
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theodd-duo · 11 days
You are traveling, embarking on an adventure when suddenly you stumble upon two pokemon, a Lycanroc midnight form, and a small Meowth without it's coin, both laying peacefully in the sun...what is it that you'll do??
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