theocult · 12 hours
no bc everyone's having the best time of their lives living those wonderful teenage years going to parties and restaurants and taking pictures together and do i not deserve that too ??
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theocult · 14 hours
opened tumblr
-> haikyuu smut (thought i blocked that tag!)
-> eyes described as bulbs (nice!)
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theocult · 20 hours
sjap weekend is upon us…
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theocult · 24 hours
accidentally referred to noya with it its pronouns..
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theocult · 1 day
im extremely attached to rin itoshi but like how tf is he so strong if my older sister did that i would kill myself
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theocult · 1 day
close enough welcome back haikyuu
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theocult · 1 day
What direction are you facing?
I don't know
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theocult · 1 day
The only time that Kaiser think with his dick.
I mean that is fucking Chigiri you're talking about.
No one is immune to the Blue Lock princess.
Not even the emperor himself.
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theocult · 1 day
nagi is such a faker tbh bc if reo said that to me i would be Staying Forever
im finally reading bllk nagi episode and…
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WHAT IS THISSS😭😭 get this KINKY shit OFF my screen😭😭😭😭
“good boy” I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE REO 😭
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theocult · 2 days
i just want to laugh and have fun with my friends is that too much to ask for
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theocult · 2 days
wrong blog but im not reposting allat
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theocult · 2 days
and tomorrow they will all hang out and have fun again except i won't because i'm not invited and i'll never be invited and judge me for caring i guess but it hurts and it hurts and maybe i was stupid for thinking things would go any other way and maybe i was naïve and i know one day in the future it will be okay and i will not care but right now i don't think there's a worse feeling in the world
everyone's growing up and going to each others' houses and having fun and taking pictures and texting through the night, everyone except me, that is, and it's horrible and sad and i hate how i am no longer looked for or a necessity and i am only seen and thought of when i make myself seen and sometimes that does not work either and as soon as i am gone it is like i never existed
and these people honestly could not give a singular fuck about me but i'm crying over them every other day because they matter so much to me even though i do not matter to them and i wish i could be seen in the light they saw me in once upon a time
obviously it's kind of my fault that i'm in this situation but still. a personal thing like that really didn't deserve all of their eyes on it and if we were truly friends would they not want my perspective of the situation? i mean i'm just saying but whatever
teenage dream this, the most important years of your life that and i'm here crying and never leaving the house and pretending not to hear when they talk about everything that they're doing together and like if they don't want to be friends with me, can't they just act like that? instead it's some sort of fake something where they're nice and then it's like they remember they're supposed to hate me and it gets all weird and ahhh
i guess i'm not okay right now this should've gone in the notes app but whatever this IS my notes app and don't worry about me or anything i'll be okay as soon as i wash my hair
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theocult · 2 days
i love internet drama but exclusively when said internet drama is an actual full grown adult getting embarassed to hell by tommyinnit
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theocult · 2 days
oh ok
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theocult · 2 days
we done so much today
wow today was lowk a big day whew! gnight everyone!!
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theocult · 2 days
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what's that? a pop-up bubble tea place by the beach? 🪼
there's 300 people crowding at the entrance; this place is about to get really busy. you better get your orders in quick, though - we're only here until oct 31st.
we might be small, but we've still got rules in this place!
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we're actually open in a few places...
fandoms — jjk, kny, aot
what size were you after?
small — 0.5k - 0.8k regular — 0.8k - 1.5k large (mutuals-only special!) — 1.5k+
what type of toppings? pearls or jelly? or chia seed, if that's your thing?
🫧 — fluff 🍮 — hurt/comfort 🍬 — angst
alright, and what flavour were you ordering? max. 2 ; mutuals can add up to 3
canon-compliant spiderman/batman bakery florist tattoo college coffee shop royalty pirate actors vampire zombie apocalypse when they’re/you’re sick confession childhood friends to lovers enemies to lovers soulmate (feel free to specify) bad day cooking together late night drive movie night first date deep nighttime conversation touch starved morning routines forbidden love/secret relationship first meeting
are you following our socials? you might get extra benefits... mutuals-only ; choose a quote of your liking (max. 3) or add in your own!
“are those my clothes?” “i’m so lucky to have you” “your hands are warm” “i want to believe you. i really do.” “you remembered?” “are you blushing?” “i don’t deserve you.” “do you trust me?” “don’t cry. you’ll make me cry as well.” “are you jealous, baby?” “i’ve got you.” “just let me love you already.” “didn’t i mean something to you?” “i just think it would’ve been best if we never met.” “you deserve better.” “you scared me.” “you always know what to say.” “stay with me.” “you’re allowed to fall apart a little.” “your apologies have lost their meaning by now.” “i don’t want you to see me like this.” “god, i hope you’re happy now.” “we shouldn’t be doing this.” “it was nothing. just… a nightmare.”
mutuals can also add in any specific details about themselves or further context!
can i get a name to that order... thanks so much! and yes, it's only one per person — unless you're lina or iya. we're a bit behind so we might take a while, but we'll get them out as soon as possible!
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theocult · 2 days
ch4 is more of a transition chapter imo not Much and then ch5 things kinda explode and
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