theocfiles · 7 years
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I’ve been thinking about this a lot
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theocfiles · 7 years
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that procreate update made sketching a lot easier omg i wonder how inking will go
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theocfiles · 7 years
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Breakneck #2 p. 8!
Vinnie’s having some problems imagining things…
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theocfiles · 7 years
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a bad joke with good ocs
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theocfiles · 7 years
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a quick innes for you all
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theocfiles · 7 years
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It’s the 10th anniversary of an internal universe (Cluster AU) so this is a picture to celebrate (for me)
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theocfiles · 7 years
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superhero oc stuff!! rlly love these kids
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theocfiles · 7 years
Fun Fact about Erin aka Highway aka my garbage speedster from the same team that stars Pen and Davie of ‘Eggshells’ fame.
His first proper appearance he is wearing cut off jean shorts with colourful tight caprees underneath and one of those bedazzled ‘Princess’ shirts but with half the gemstones gone. His hair looks like it has never seen a brush in his entire 14 years of life and he cannot handle his speed at all and is only able to sit still if he is playing on two (2) shitty Gameboy Pockets at once.
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theocfiles · 7 years
Music is my biggest source of inspiration, any genre from pop hits, old ska, VGM, 80s metal, to movie OST, music moves my art.
I’ve been putting together playlists to represent my Breakneck characters–stuff that the lyrics describe their personalities, or just genres they may love.
I’m thinking of doing cute dance portraits of each character along with posting each character’s playlist, think that’d be fun?
A project coming soon! ♡ (thankfully I picked songs for them all throughout summer, so drawing is all I gotta do now!)
Speaking of Breakneck, #2 is back and updating every Sunday at @breakneckcomic!
Thanks ♡
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theocfiles · 7 years
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Some oc doodles, young Nik (age 15) and Lily my nightmare demon gal
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theocfiles · 7 years
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Samantha, codenamed “Tsunami” has the power to control water. It’s a power she’s spent years cultivating and training with, and she’s at the height of her game. An eager hero, she quickly joins Kat in her quest to defeat the Peace Corps and save the world….however, not everything is as it seems. In fact, one might say that Sam has a deadly secret. 
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theocfiles · 7 years
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Commission for @sorceringing of their ocs!
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theocfiles · 7 years
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I need to develop these characters more (to be honest, my other four should be in here to)
These characters are more side characters like #teampink also names are hard
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theocfiles · 7 years
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Rowan’s plant daughter Liana :3c
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theocfiles · 7 years
incorrect oc quotes
Dembe: Do we have a siren we can turn on?
Brandon: No. But I could record you making a siren noise and blast that to them
Dembe: Perfect!
Dembe: *makes siren noise*
Kat: *covering Dembe's mouth* No Nope. Sorry, not doing that.
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theocfiles · 7 years
something i find kinda funny is like, my oc miss’s hero design was originally intended to be really simple b/c she’s 14 and doesn’t immediately have the materials to make a super gr8 one right away but like, as i started doodling her i just ended up slowly making up an actual official costume? 
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like. it starts off as a kid in a cute skirt and then she ends up wearing a wig and goggles and a tiara and getting a utility belt with a symbol on them. i guess i basically have a design for all the costume she’ll ever wear, lmao
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theocfiles · 7 years
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I wanted to draw Familiar with messy hair
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