At what stage of a relationship are you most likely to withdraw emotionally?
At the point when he starts to think his partner is less emotionally invested than he is, or that they might betray/lost interest in/leave him. This could happen at any time regardless of what his partner does, but it usually happens after about a month of Evan realizing he's in love.
Or the moment his partner actually does anything to make him think they're going to betray/lose interest in/leave him.
It's like a wave. His withdrawing is not the worst of it. He surges back with extreme anger and aggression after this withdrawal period.
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What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?
Most people think the Trapper is mentally slow because of his large size and lack of speaking. He wishes this was true. He really wishes he was not quick-witted or clever because life seems so much happier for simpler people (just look at the Demogorgon or any of the Legion); and because of his inability to really speak. Sometimes he has things he wants to say, but physically cannot and it's very frustrating.
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*: ・゚✧   90 loaded questions / interview the muse.
found on this website, so credit goes to them.
What’s your favorite strategy for avoiding tough situations?
How often do you do things just for the attention?
Would you prefer to be manipulated or to be the manipulator?
What is something someone always tells you to do more of?
What is something someone always tells you to do less of?
Who do you look to blame when things go wrong?
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn’t true?
When was the last time you lied to protect your image?
How often do you put on a happy face when you’re really not feeling it?
When do you think you began putting your guard up so much?
Who made you feel most anxious when you were a kid?
How do you speak about others when they’re not around?
What aspect of your life are you most delusional about?
How often do your admit you were wrong?
Which one of your biggest flaws do you like to rationalize the most?
Is it your fear of commitment or your fear of intimacy that makes you shut down more?
At what stage of a relationship are you most likely to withdraw emotionally?
What is the one compliment you always get that you’re too embarrassed to accept, so you deflect it?
What would someone say is your worst habit?
What is the one insecurity you are pretty sure has some basis in reality?
When was the last time you felt really insecure about the parts of yourself you pretend don’t exist?
What is the most interesting white lie you’ve told?
Do you ever feel like an imposter?
Do your friends know how competitive you are?
What’s the hardest thing about being rejected?
How do you deal when you know you’re being irrationally jealous?
How do you deal when you know someone’s not willing to give you what you want?
Are you ever afraid of people knowing who you really are?
If you went to a therapist today, what would they say is holding you back the most?
When was the last time you lowered your standards just to get someone else’s approval?
Is your need for revenge greater than your need for peace?
Have you stopped trying to control things yet?
Which parts of yourself do you still seek validation for?
How do you cope with being unfairly ignored?
Do you like punishing yourself for things that are out of your control?
What does someone say is your biggest problem when communicating?
Are you okay with not knowing what happens next?
Will you ever feel okay with being imperfect?
Does sabotaging yourself give you an odd sense of comfort?
How do you feel about being disliked by some people?
What’s the strangest thing you’ve done just to avoid failure?
What is the biggest risk you’ve taken just to prove yourself?
What’s the boldest thing you do every day, just to feel like you’re still in control?
What accusation would you defend yourself most fiercely against, even though you know it’s true?
What’s the most toxic thing about yourself you actually kind of secretly like?
How much do you enjoy being in control?
When do you give yourself permission to lose control?
What guilty pleasure are you currently justifying to yourself?
What is the most passive-aggressive way you’ve dealt with your rage?
What is the pettiest and most immature way you’ve avoided losing face?
What’s the worst habit you have that rewards you the most?
How do you get your needs met when you’re alone?
What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve done to please people?
What is the most ridiculous way you’ve rebelled?
What’s your favorite way to channel your aggression?
How do you cope with being betrayed?
Are you okay with disliking someone?
What is your favorite form of self-destruction?
What’s the one thing you struggle most to manifest in your life?
What’s the one thing that you manifest so easily, people are jealous of it?
What’s the most irrational reason you’ve ever had for disliking someone?
What is one fear that you’d be ashamed of your friends knowing about?
Which one of your deepest secrets do you think is the least common?
How do people normally find out you hate them?
What is your go-to strategy to deflect criticism, even constructive criticism?
What is one thing people always get wrong about you?
What emotion motivates you the most when you’re down?
What emotion makes you want to give up?
Are people shocked when you stand up for yourself?
How often do you say yes to the things you really want to say yes to?
How often do you say no to the things that make your skin crawl?
How far are you willing to go to maintain a relationship, even an unhealthy one?
What is the worst way someone’s ever abandoned you?
What is the worst way you’ve ever abandoned yourself?
How do you entertain yourself when you’re not around people?
Are you happier alone because you enjoy being alone or because you prefer it to being surrounded by horrible people?
What habit do you know you could quit but don’t want to?
What is your favorite strategy for avoiding difficult people?
What is your favorite strategy for avoiding conflict?
What is the weirdest thing that gets you angry?
What is the weirdest thing that makes you sad?
How often do you take responsibility for other people’s crappy behavior?
When are you most likely to shut people out?
Which insecurity would shock people if they knew about it?
What do you find yourself justifying to people, even when no justification is needed?
When was the last time you tried to please someone who made you angry?
What do people often tell you need to focus more on?
What do people often tell you need to focus less on?
What is the one thing that could make you happy, but you refuse to do it because you’re afraid of what others would think?
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ice bucket challenge! *drops a bucket of ice and water on bunny evan*
Cold, wet, AND VERY PISSED OFF the killer leaps at the anon and damn near decapitates them with his cleaver in the first blow. Two more strikes and he's got their head, which he throws as far as he can.
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ice bucket challenge! *drops a bucket of ice and water on bunny evan*
Cold, wet, AND VERY PISSED OFF the killer leaps at the anon and damn near decapitates them with his cleaver in the first blow. Two more strikes and he's got their head, which he throws as far as he can.
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❛  alright, you’ve won. happy now ?  ❜ They're trying so hard to be serious, but it's clear Blaine's holding back a laugh. - @dexdbydxylight
"....yes." If it sounded at all like Evan was sulking it's because he was. His unnaturally long, fuzzy ears drooped, clearly showing his mood as well as his gruff voice.
Twelve games; it took him twelve games to finally get a win! Clearly it was the deck of cards at fault. He was never playing Go Fish again. Or maybe he'd just never trust cards given to him by the Clown. It was probably that bastard's fault.
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🐝  *  ―  𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄  𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.   (  all  of  these  are  just  some  random  sentences  i  thought  could  be  fun  to  use.  feel  free  to  adjust  to  better  fit  your  muses.  )
❛  alright, you’ve won. happy now ?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you’re okay ?  ❜ ❛  can you say that again ?  ❜ ❛  come on, are you serious ?  ❜ ❛  do you come here often ?  ❜ ❛  don’t do this to me.  ❜ ❛  don’t leave me alone again.  ❜ ❛  forgive me. just this once.  ❜ ❛  go and never come back.  ❜ ❛  have you lost your mind ?  ❜ ❛  i already knew about that.  ❜ ❛  i can’t trust you anymore.  ❜ ❛  i did it for you.  ❜ ❛  i have to do this.  ❜ ❛  i think i’m in love.  ❜ ❛  i will wait for you.  ❜ ❛  i won’t let you down.  ❜ ❛  i’m always here for you.  ❜ ❛  is now a bad time ?  ❜ ❛  it’s okay. i’ve got you.  ❜ ❛  just pretend to be happy.  ❜ ❛  now what do we do ?  ❜ ❛  oh, don’t pretend you care.  ❜ ❛  please believe me for once.  ❜ ❛  probably not, but who knows ?  ❜ ❛  sometimes, you can be infuriating.  ❜ ❛  stop ! we can’t do this !  ❜ ❛  tell me what’s going on.  ❜ ❛  there’s nothing left to say.  ❜ ❛  this’ll be the last time.  ❜ ❛  we can’t keep doing this.  ❜ ❛  well, are you ready then ?  ❜ ❛  what are you talking about ?  ❜ ❛  what are you waiting for ?  ❜ ❛  where should we go next ?  ❜ ❛  why did you do it ?  ❜ ❛  will you go with me ?  ❜ ❛  you are everything to me.  ❜ ❛  you can talk to me.  ❜ ❛  you deserve to be happy.  ❜ ❛  you really have no idea.  ❜ ❛  you’re hot when you’re mad.  ❜ ❛  you’re going to be okay.  ❜ ❛  you’re out of your mind !  ❜ ❛  you’re stronger than you think.  ❜
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In all honesty he should have woke up whenever it started to feel too warm, when the surface beneath him became hard and unforgiven, but he didn’t. He would beat himself up later for that later though if Trapper didn’t beat him to it first.
The kick was definitely enough to wake him up, the force and being ripped from sleep making curse out, and instinctively he curled up on himself first. It took him a couple of moments for him to collect himself and he pushed himself up, glaring up at the bigger killer.
“Fuck you.” Joey snapped at him as he stood him, getting over the kick quickly. He had worse, this wasn’t much. With that though the Legion member turned away and started to walk away toward the stairs of the basement.
Only for it to be blocked by the Entity itself.
“The hell?!” eyes widened as he took a step back in surprise, “The hell?!” Surprise turned to rage as he kicked the black spikes even if he knew nothing would happen. He turned on the older male, glaring harshly.
“The fuck is this?!”
The Trapper watched, unimpressed. He had figured there would be more keeping the smaller killer in his basement than the expectation of Evan dragging him back every time he ran. Despite that, the number of traps set up at the top of the stairs and around the basement’s exit just in case. His cleaver was also up the stairs, far away from where the other killer could get it. Also just in case.
“Punishment,” The heir said slow.
He placed his hands on his hips and stared at the smaller male, trying to decide exactly what to do. He half considered grabbing him, choking the life out of him. He half considered just letting the kid tire himself out. Both were good options.
“Yew fucked up.” He had no clue exactly what Joey did to cause this, but he didn’t much care. He knew his job and would do it.
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Continued from here | @themiserablesmilingkiller
Truthfully, being stared down at was, to say the least? Extremely uncomfortable. Being a bit taller than the average woman meant nothing when almost every beast in this realm was a skyscraper. Still, at his offering of a shortcut, too caught up in her relief that this beast was possibly more polite than she ought to think he was, she smiled. 
“That is quite kind of you,” She began, “But I feel it impolite to inconvenience you more than I already have.” 
Sunday wanted to find a way to feel better about accepting the ‘help’- and it only took her moments to think of one. 
“Well, I would gladly do any chores you have around your dwelling, if there are any… I would also be happy to brew you a cup of hot tea with the petals and leaves I found. It’s the least I can do in return for your help.” 
The heir only half listened. He didn’t actually care for any of it; especially not any accusations that he was kind. Evan knew what he was; he was proud of what he was. He rolled his shoulders and snorted.
“No need.” He sucked in a deep breath, “First one’s.” Another deep breath, “Free.”
It would be generous if not for the fact that the MacMillan heir was a terrible person with a sick sense of humor. He struck suddenly with his cleaver; the fastest way for a survivor to end up at the campfire was through death. The Entity tended to dump them back with the others. One hell of a short-cut back if you asked him.
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@ghcstfced is sloshed here
“Don’t,” The heir shook his head and laughed. He was not going to help if Danny fell, but he was going to bust a gut over it. He pointed and wagged his finger at the podcaster as if hat meant fucking anything, “We’re goin’ t’a bahr. Ah’ll get us th’best shit.” And he would. Evan was a man of money and a love of whiskey. He was like a bloodhound for the stuff.
“None’a whatever cheap shit yew’ll get.” There really wasn’t anything wrong with the beer they’d had, but still. MacMillan wanted something fancy and expensive. Ah’ll drive. Yer fuckered.” Evan was also too drunk to drive a nail in a wall, let alone any kinda vehicle.
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danny stares at him, lips quirking in a grin. “CLOSE.” then, “BUT IF I DIDN’T KNOW ANY BETTER ( WHICH I DO ), I’D SAY YOU WERE FUCKING WITH ME.”
danny can’t help the bubbly laughter that keeps coming up, the more he goes. “FUCK, MAN. THAT’S A GOOD ONE. BUT YOU’RE STILL WRONG. BUNDY WAS IN ROSEANNE.” why not. 
“Ah don’t think he was,” The MacMillan heir drawled. He crossed his arms and hummed, “Gimme a better line sellin’ yer show.” He was a businessman despite how much he did not seem like one. Evan gave a shit-eating grin and leaned a little closer, as though sharing a secret, but all he said was, “And be better at it this time.”
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Keep reading
Eager was one way to put it; a very accurate way to put it.
The larger killer purred happily and gripped Danny’s hips. There was so much he wanted to do and nothing to get in his way for most of it. “Knees.” Evan growled low and shoved the smaller male down. If he had the reins he was more than happy to do exactly what he wanted, and in that moment what he wanted was to tease the stalker open on his tongue.
He pushed and pulled, wanting Danny’s head down and ass up. He bit hard at the other killer’s ass before roughly shoving his tongue into the other male’s hole. He kept his hands gripped hard, wanting to leave bruises on Danny’s hips. Markings that would stay with him, reminders of the Trapper.
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◑ @amancalledboy
Send me a ◑ for my muse to give yours some bad advice
“Deepthroat corn.” He nodded sagely, “Digests better.”
This is a lie, Max, do not do this.
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◑ ((from Blaine)) - @dexdbydxylight
Send me a ◑ for my muse to give yours some bad advice
“When Huntress throws axes,” The Trapper sucked in a breath, grinning sharply behind his mask, “Thow ‘em back.”
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Send me a ◑ for my muse to give yours some bad advice
“Lick broke generators,” He took a deep breath, “Fer a pick-me-up.”
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Send me a ◑ for my muse to give yours some bad advice
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@dexdbydxylight is under house arrest! At the MacMillan Estate.
What the Hell is he supposed to to do with this? Evan stared down at the Legion- which one even was this? It wasn’t Frank. He couldn’t remember the names of the others. He knew what the Entity wanted and he would do it. Whatever the Entity wanted the Trapper would do without hesitation or question like a good son killer. It was what he was meant to do. He had to keep the Legion. Train him to behave? Maybe. Probably. Or was he meant to hurt the smaller male over and over again? Evan could do that. If the other killer was annoying, Evan probably would do that.
The Trapper nudged the body with his foot. He wasn’t gentle about it. If the Legion boy couldn’t take a little kicking that was his problem to work through, not MacMillan’s.
“Up.” He had no time for lazy workers sleeping.
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