mcnkshood · 3 years
STARTER for @ofrepentance​
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“SOMETHING DRAWS NEAR. I CAN FEEL IT,” lancelot breathes, nodding in sunday’s direction. “HURRY. WE MUST LEAVE THIS PLACE.”
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rxdpyramidthxng · 3 years
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@ofrepentance​ asked
"Dear Executioner," Sunday makes her voice clear, but not too loud as to show respect, (at least, in her eyes-) standing a good distance away, hands clasped politely in her lap. "I don't mean to intrude, but... Are you, perhaps, an.. angel of some sort? An angel of judgment?" She couldn't fathom what the hulking figure was, and the way she rationalized was a bit foolish, but everyone knew about how frightening 'biblically accurate angels' were. Maybe he could be one?
It is not the first time such a question has been asked of him nor would it be the last.
The only sign of him actually hearing the survivor is the small turn of the cage on his shoulders toward her, but otherwise he stand vigil as usual with the heart of his territory. Had it been not the movement of his breathing or the disturbingly wet sound of it one could mistaken him for a statue. The Great Knife is within hold as well, but the tip is buried within the stone beneath his feet, suggesting he had no intentions of moving for the time being.
He has been called many things even before his physical manifestation. Angel, Devil, Judge, Executioner, Beast, Monster, and more. What he actually is though is beyond human understand, outside of their small perception. His purpose is clear, his origins are not.
And so he gives the woman no answer.
Let her believe what she will it matters little to him. Whatever she does believe will not change his judgement on her.
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mxshtyx · 3 years
"Oh, dear.. You've been drinking, haven't you? Let me help... Come sit with me while I make some tea. You'll feel better after having a cup." Sunday gently beckoned- the tea was originally just for herself, but she thought that the tea might help with the inevitable hangover that would come up soon- or at the very least, help get Nea to sleep. She'd be happy to watch over her. (from ofrepentance <3)
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"Eh?" Her head is sluggish to move as she looks towards where the voice is coming from, but as soon as she hears 'tea', she's on her feet and stumbling as fast as she can towards the other. With some effort and grace sheer luck, Nea manages to park herself over by the other.
"I appreciate youuu..." She slurs, smiling somewhat as she gently sways. "I will think of a way to repay you once I'm sober..." A hiccup before she shakes her head. "Ah... 'm Nea... and normally not drunk..."
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"Pardon me, sir," Sunday called to the killer, "I've been travelling through the forest for quite a bit now and I have yet to find the campfire. Would you mind it If I took a short rest here?" The woman inquired- although she knew of him only by the traps she's been caught in during trials and the weapon that's been slashed into her back many a time, it was only polite to ask. (from ofrepentance <3)
The beast stared at the survivor. His breaths came out in deep, pained huffs. His head tilted; animal-like in his curiosity. The whole occurrence was strange given that most survivors wanted nothing to do with the MacMillan heir. He preferred to think of it as them knowing their place beneath his own and not wanting to talk to their betters; the survivors probably saw things a little differently.
"Campfire?" He knew what she was talking about, what puzzled him was how she ended up in his territory asking for respite from her travels. The beast grumbled softly and scratched idly at his back with his blood-stained cleaver, "Yew wanna know..." He spoke slowly, "A short cut?" A cruel grin curled beneath his mask.
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dexdbydxylight · 3 years
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@ofrepentance​ asked
"...I'd like to ask... If we ever get to die permanently.... Where... Where do we end up? Surely, their must be an afterlife." Sunday inquired, fidgeting with her shawl. (from ofrepentance to the Entity! But don't feel obligated to answer of course <3)
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“Oh no, my dear. There’s absolutely nothing, but the Void waiting for you when you run out of use for me. Both you and my killers.” it chuckles as though amused, “And the hilarious part is that you’ll be still alive when I toss you in there! Who knows how long it’ll actually take for you to actually fade.”
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survivedfirst · 3 years
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@ofrepentance said: ❝ pardon me... How long have you been standing there? ❞
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❝ jist a second or two, ❞ she said kindly, kneeling down in front of sunday and holding the wound on her side.
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❝ can yeh heal me? killer nicked me side. ❞
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cursed-legacy · 3 years
What Color Character Are You?
Red Character
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Red characters tend to be both quiet and observant as well as loud and dramatic. They are often brash and impulsive, and tend to act on instinct rather than planning ahead. They are quite self-sacrificing, often veering into self-destructive, and they push themselves to their limits trying to succeed. They tend to be stubborn, and it might take a lot to change their mind.
They have a hard time expressing their feelings, and may come off as either emotionless, self-absorbed, or perpetually angry. They don’t have a ton of friends, and when they do, it’s often by circumstance rather than choice (although they grow to fiercely love their friends). They are not usually innately good at fitting into social situations, and can be awkward and out of place in them.
They can come off as unhumorous because of how sincere and honest they tend to be, but tend to just have a dryer, sarcastic sense of humor. They do often think of others first, but their motivations for it might not be entirely selfless. They usually have a hard time conceivably lying, and are quite earnest without meaning to be.They put their full effort into what they do, and push themselves to improve at all costs.
They get easily defensive, and feel like they have to prove themselves to earn anyone’s respect. They have a strong sense of internal morality and high standards for themselves. They also hold others to their internal high standards, which can cause a lot of conflict if not worked out.
They tend to have bad relationships with their parental figures, who were usually either absent or abusive, and contributed to their toxic view of themselves. At their core, red characters want to be loved and accepted, but have often been denied it, leading them to build up lots of defenses. Others need to be patient with them and give them a safe space to be themselves as they open up and begin to flourish.
Tagged by: @ofrepentance​
Tagging: @themiserablesmilingkiller​, @mxshtyx​, @dexdbydxylight​, @inhuman-hearts​
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inspiringreverie-a · 3 years
Hey... psst... New DBD oc blog from yours truly @ofrepentance
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mcnkshood · 3 years
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incorrect quotes with @ofrepentance
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ghcstfced-archive-2 · 3 years
also if you’re not following @inspiringreverie @ofrepentance and @ofvirulence then you’re missing out!! pancake is a sweetheart! go follow <3
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