33 posts
    Artist, writer in my spare time, actress and all that jazz. Currently obsessed with Cillian Murphy and Ben Barnes.  Also, I left my heart in Middle Earth.
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themaideninthewoods · 2 years ago
Okay it's officially 27/12, Christmas' passed and I'm really disappointed that none of my parents gave me a Top Gun themed gift.
Disappointed in myself actually.
I mustn't have stressed enough about how much I love that movie.
I need to make amend.
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themaideninthewoods · 2 years ago
Thanks @thatgurlsstuff, I'll try to do my best hahaha
I'll go with my morning loop as well, 'cause if I had to list the songs I used to listen to as a child, they'd probably be all by Laura Pausini.
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
I Heard it Through the Grapevine by Ben Barnes & Scary Pockets
If You Love Her by Forest Blakk
Two by Sleeping at Last
Cool by Ansel Elgort and Mike Faist (West Side Story)
Zitti e Buoni by Maneskin
Haunted House by Christina Aguilera
Enemy by Imagine Dragons
The Greatest by Lana del Rey
Rock You Like a Hurricane by Julianne Hough and Tom Cruise (Rock Of Ages)
I'm tagging @destinedtobeloved and anyone who sees this is welcome to join in ❤️
Music Tag Game
Rules: Repost with ten songs you like, all by a different artist, then tag ten different people.  
Only play if you’d like to, no pressure! 😊
Tagged by: @justafleshwoundbaby - Thank you my dear, sweet Dax! 😘💕
My “Songs I loved as a kid” list comes in handy! 😊
1. Sting - Desert Rose 2. Korn - Word Up 3. Papa Roach - Scars 4. Christina Aguilera - Beautiful 5. Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight 6. Faith Hill - There You’ll Be 7. Nazareth - Child in the Sun 8. U2 - Elevation (Tomb Raider Mix) 9. Outkast - Roses 10. Fatboy Slim - Praise You
Tagging: @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook  @mothermedusa @marquisdegramont @placeinthemiddleofnowhere @thecorilove86 @hillvalleyghost @merryandrewsworld @corinthianskyber @nobadtripsss-blog @kittycat-kai
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themaideninthewoods · 2 years ago
icemav: we keep this love in a photograph
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
The kid does have a point.
Thanks to the genius who put the music, this was hilarious before, now my lungs are collapsing ♥️
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
Baby, Kiss It Better
I sort of made a bet with a friend of mine that if my last post reached 30 notes, I would've published something Top Gun related.
And it happened! i'm actually quite surprised...
So I wrote this, mainly 'cause I got my first wisdom teeth removed and here I am, suffering alone with no one home to listen to my whining. Of course I have to project what happens to me to other characters so here I am 😂
Not sure if they're 100% OC 'cause I still need to rewatch the movies a couple times to really get the characters but I hope I'll still make you smile!
« I'm 'bout to die. »
« Maverick, come on, please. »
« The blood loss is going to be so s'vere- »
« I'm begging you. »
« - that it won't give me any ch'nce to live through this. »
« Mav. »
« If I don't g't to see the n'xt day, know that I've l'ved you. »
« Oh, gimme a break! It's a damn wisdom tooth! »
Maverick grumbles under his breath, holding a pack of instant ice against his cheek and sighing dramatically.
« You h've no idea wh't I'm going through. »
Ice is trying to hold back a laugh and hides behind the cover of the book he's trying to read. He's actually read the same sentence 4 times 'cause of Maverick's incessant whining.
« You're such a drama queen. » he mutters, unable to keep himself from smiling fondly. Part of this is due to the fact that Maverick still has that cotton pad between his teeth and he's trying to talk without letting it fall from his mouth.
And about that...
« Do you want me to take that off? » he asks, stroking Maverick's calf absentmindedly.
His boyfriend's eyes open wide and he looks downright outraged.
« D'you w'nt me t' ble'd to f'cking death, Ice? No f'cking w'y! And d'n't l'ugh at me! » he quickly adds, since Ice is starting to struggle with his self composure.
« I'm sorry, » he says, hidden behind his book, 'cause if Maverick saw him laugh right now, he'd probably break up with him, « you're just adorable. »
« 'm not, » Maverick complains, pushing the ice bag even more, « is it n'rmal th't I c'n still t'ste bl'od? »
« They've taken a tooth out, love. I'd be worried if you couldn't. »
« R'mind me n't to do anything l'ke this ev'r 'gain. »
Oh, now he looks like a kicked puppy. Alright, enough with the pretence.
Ice puts his book on the table, it's not like he was actually reading that anyway, and turns to Maverick, still sulking between two cushions.
« I love you. » he says, plainly. Simply.
Just three words, nothing else, but Maverick's eyes light up like Christmas lights on a tree.
He looks at Ice dumbfounded, as if that was the last thing he'd expected to hear from him.
« Why're you saying th't? » he asks back, honestly shocked by such a honest display of fondness.
Ice smiles and leans over him, putting a hand over Maverick's, feeling the coldness of the ice pack.
« You know, generally, one should say something like "love you too", "you're the love of my life", "I'd let you fly my F-14..." »
« Like h'll I will. Keep your h'nds off my b'by. »
Ice laughs softly and brushes his nose against Maverick's, breathing in and, brushing his cheek with his thumb.
« Does this hurt? »
Maverick shooks his head and touches his cheek with his lips.
« Not really, but you c'n kiss it b'tter if you l'ke. » he grins.
Ice moves Maverick's hand from his own cheek and slowly kisses the skin there.
It's cold and weird, but Maverick's hand comes to rest on Ice's nape and pulls him down, sighing contentedly.
It's been a while since he's kissed Maverick on his cheek and, yes, he'd rather kiss his lips, but this isn't so bad. It's gentle and loving and not rushed at all. He knows where it'll end if they start to kiss properly and he's not sure this is the right moment.
« Better? »
« Hm-hm. »
All of a sudden, Ice starts laughing out loud and Maverick just raises an eyebrow, confused.
« Wh't? »
« Goose said it was going to take a crash to get you to stop flying. Turns out it was a tooth. »
Maverick grabs one of the cushions and slams it on Ice's head, almost throwing him off the couch.
« F'ck 'ff! » he almost yells, or at least tries to, with the pad still through his teeth. It's still not enough to get Ice to stop laughing.
« Swear to God, » he mumbles, wiping a tear from his eye, « I don't know how you managed to get a wisdom tooth in the first place. »
« Ice- »
« You're the unwisest person I know. »
« As s'on as I g't b'ck on my pl'ne, I'm g'nna make you pay. »
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
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"Ain't it funny? Rumors fly and I know you heard about me. So hey, let's be friends. I'm dying to see how this one ends."
Love's a game, wanna play?
I'm gonna write about these two, they've stolen my heart.
Who am I kidding? I'm already writing about them. Right now, I should be writing something else, like my West Side Story WIP or, more importantly, MY BOOK. But what can I do, I love these two idiots. ❤️
And I'm still coping with Top Gun: Maverick. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about.
Oh, the gifs are not mine, by the way, I've found them on GIFER, 'cause I don't know how to make my own.
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
You know that annoying feeling you get when you wanted to write a couple lines just to get that idea out of your head, since you're already writing a fanfiction and a fantasy book, and then you end up with another fanfiction with an almost complete synopsis and nine pages already written?
Yup, that's where I'm at.
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
Nothing more to say, Tommy's shocked face is enough, he's like "WTF that's my man? I'm speechless."
Rare footage of Alfie's wedding:
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I wish I were one of those people who say super interesting and intelligent things about the episodes. Turns out I'm not. This is all my mind could conceive after peaky's finale. Mine and @themaideninthewoods. Yeah.
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
Oh how I wish this was on DVD, 'cause let me tell ya, if I could have Cillian and Tom in *this*... I'd be jumping all around in pure delight... violent delight.
Sorry, I had to.
COME READ THIS, I PROMISE IT'S GOOD. at least, by my standards.
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These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph die like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume. 
For @themaideninthewoods fic "Violent Delights" now available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Nah, just on AO3.
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
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I finally posted my first Poldark fanfiction. To enjoy, listen to Karliene's cover of "Love Song For A Vampire". I really wanted to write something spooky for Halloween and I think it came out pretty nice. Let me know.
Oh, this is also "Being Human"'s fault. I mean... Mitchell is such a cutie pie, I adore him, and that got me thinking "okay but what about... Vampires in Poldark?"
Yup, my mind is an interesting place.
Happy Halloween!
PS: @thatgurlsstuff is to thank for this collage. Thanks soooo much gurl, you're adorable ❤
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themaideninthewoods · 3 years ago
At first I was like "falling for Ben Barnes again" as a joke. But, bro... I don't think it's a joke anymore.
I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say "I might actually be in love with this man I've never met in my life."
I think I need to talk about this with my psychologist, but since I'll have to wait until monday, I'll just wait here, listening to this song in loop and falling for his smile and for the look in his eyes and for that NOTE YOU HEARD THAT, RIGHT?
Seriously, I think he might be my "comfort person". I mean, it could be just a phase, one of those things that come and go, make you feel happy but then you don't really feel bad for moving on.
Thing is, I've been binge watching (and listening to) anything featuring Ben Barnes since S&B came out on Netflix in april. I know it's just a celebrity crush but... I can't help but deeply care about this person.
I adore him. That's it. Thanks for reading, goodnight. You know where to find me.
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themaideninthewoods · 4 years ago
Today is Ben Barnes' birthday and, since we can't like, HAPPYBIRTHDAY him in person, @benbarnes_arg shared this lovely project to send him our best wishes.
It's beautiful, it's lovely, it's sweet and I think the only thing that could make this day even better (since Mr Barnes here announced the release of his album on October 15th OMG I'M SCREAMING), is him actually seeing this.
I'm hoping it'll happen, GO ON IG AND SPREAD THE LOVE!
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themaideninthewoods · 4 years ago
My first ship: Lady Oscar and Andrè. Yes, I'm such a nerd but I WORSHIPPED Versailles No Bara when I was a child (lol who am I kidding, I stil worship it). The weird one: Greg House and Robert Chase. I loved them in House M.D.
The recent one: Legolas/Aragorn... yup, Tolkien would be appalled, I know. But come on, have you seen the way they look at each other? Eowyn noticed too (hehehe).
Philippa Soo - Helpless (HAMILTON)
Well, I was with @thatgurlsstuff yesterday, soooo... The Fellowship Of The Ring (now you get my recent ship, right?)
Two words. Gold. Digger. I'm in my "Ben Barnes worshipping period", so I'm having a marathon of EVERYTHING he's done. So yeah, Gold Digger. Westworld too.
- Chronicles of Narnia. I finally decided to read it and I think it's really nice. It's... very different from LOTR, you can feel that it was meant for children, but it's still nice to read (yeah, it's for children, but dr Cornelius says Miraz would have Caspian killed with no hesitation and he's like a CHILD, come on Lewis.)
Alright, everyone, feel free to share this!
Get to know me/catch up tag
Thanks @weeo for tagging me! My first tag, the pressure is real hahaha
3 Ships
My first one: Johnlock (BBC Sherlock), even though my actual first ship were Tullio and Miguel from "The Road to El Dorado" when I was around 6 I thought they were an actual couple lol
The everlasting: Tommy/Alfie (Peaky Blinders)
The most recent: Loki/Mobius (Loki)
Last song
The me inside of me - Heathers the Musical
Last Movie:
I got the chance to re-watch "The Fellowship of the Ring" yesterday at the cinema it was AMAZING! It's crazy how movies change from home to cinema!
Currently watching:
Uff I'm in a time of block I feel like I've watched everything I wanted to watch and I dont know what to do now. But I really want to watch Gentleman Jack if it'll ever come out on any legal sites😂
Currently Reading:
Too many things at a time😂
- The Song of Achilles (Madeline Miller), its sooooo so good
-The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Milan Kundera) ehm I dont know what to say about this one, it's a classic and it's good for your soul haha
- Figure (Riccardo Falcinelli) dont think this one was translated in other languages for now, buuuut it's about how classic art changed and influenced the way we see the world and the most recent medias (Cinema, TV, Instagram...)
- A Brief History of Time (Stephen Hawking) because im a universe nerd, I find it really fascinating!
Yay that's it, it was fun haha I'll tag @themaideninthewoods and anyone who feels like doing it!
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themaideninthewoods · 4 years ago
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Who would have thought the hardest part of writing a book... was finding the title?
I mean, I'm trying to find something that centers the whole thing and not just the main event, it's just so hard 'cause I've got like... 14 characters and I don't want a title that only has got to do with just one of them.
Argh, I'm getting nervous 'cause I have an appointment in a few days with the lady thah must help me to publish and I still don't have the title.
Send help.
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themaideninthewoods · 4 years ago
No words needed.
This gurl is just awesome.
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"You look sad when you think he can't see you, are you okay? And don't just say you are, because I know what that means, looking sad when you think no one can see you"
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themaideninthewoods · 4 years ago
On a gathering storm comes a brand new project, this is gonna be good.
Okay, new project on its way🥃🚬
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My dear guuuuuuurl @themaideninthewoods and I are working on this little project, if you'd like to support us, please share and STAY TUNED BY ORDER OF THE PEAKY BLINDERS
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themaideninthewoods · 4 years ago
This can't be legal. I'm dead.
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Cillian Murphy for GQ UK (2017)
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