thelucaricci · 2 years
"Interesting..."Luca was dumbfounded by the woman. She collected albums based on the aesthetic of the album cover? Granted, he understood that the album cover in itself was a part of the overall artistry packaging. However, who is to say she picked up an album and the record was just random animal noises?
"Alright, top five in no particular order..." he said counting on his fingers as he thought for a moment. "Marvin Gaye, 'What's Going On?', Nirvana 'Nevermind', Prince and The Revolution, 'Purple Rain', Lauryn Hill, 'The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, and Bob Dylan 'Blood on the Tracks." Luca was curious to know if she knew who any of those artist were. Nowadays it felt like everyone who was trendy was coming from tiktok and that was terrifying.
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"You did," the brunette tries to hold back the smirk daring to curve her features as she turns towards the man next to her. "I mostly collect records for the covers and colors of the records. She has a set where they are pink and teal... It's some of the main reasons why I would pick those ones." She smirks as she turns her head to look towards the box she was standing in front of. "Okay... Top five then?" @thelucaricci
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thelucaricci · 2 years
"That's bad even for you." A raccoon mistakenly thought to be a cat? Christ have mercy. He was going to have to vet James and her bags before she stepped foot in his townhome. The last thing Luca wanted to be doing was chasing a rodent with a broom out of his clean home. "Not about the crocs...but the decorations," he nodded, trying to grasp the fanfare. He was pretty sure his goddaughter wore crocs and that was socially acceptable, because she was six. But what did he know? "So, what decorations would you get. A sun?" he chuckled before putting the dish in the oven. "Yes, I am taking over because I don't need you to mistakenly mix baking soda for sugar," he smirked before handing her the bowl of cookie dough. "Mix and form into balls to put on the cookie sheet."
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"You think this is bad? You should have seen some of the other shit I've brought into other people's homes. You gotta count yourself lucky that I didn't bring in a pet that I found on the street drunk one night. I'll tell you how that ended; it was a fucking raccoon that I accidentally mistook for a diseased cat. We couldn't find it come morning." And then she'd left and she remembered her friend telling her a week later that she'd finally gotten it. All ended well but crackers were innocent enough. "It's not about the crocs, it's about the little decorations." Those were what she wanted. "What do you need me to do? Seems like you've got it handled from where I'm standing at."
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thelucaricci · 2 years
"First of all, good morning Danny. It's great to see you too." Luca couldn't give two shits about the relationship CJ had with the twat. They were both grown adults who were capable of making decisions. By Luca's standards, were they sound? No. However, he wasn't wiping the tears away off his sister's face because she was just as complicit in the weird ass cycle of their relationship. If that's what worked between the two of them, it really wasn't his business. However, seeing that CJ was his baby sister, Luca just wanted to make it clear that Danny would probably never be in good standing with him.
"Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I asked you a simple question." All his sister mentioned was that Danny and her were off again. Luca hadn't asked for any more details, because quite frankly he didn't care. However, when he saw it was Danny, curiosity got the best of him in the moment. "Why you so defensive Danny boy? Relax." Clearly he is the one who fucked up. The only other option he thought of it was that it was finally dawning on him that the relationship he had with CJ is beyond chaotic and abnormal.
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When it came to the Ricci family, Danny hadn't ever worked hard to ingratiate himself. He was in and out too often, and he knew how it looked. He wasn't exactly the prize steer that they were hoping CJ would bring home. Danny was fine with that — he played nice in the sandbox, but he didn't need to get too close. It also kept him from getting hurt, particularly when they were off. His airpods were in, and Danny was blasting his music while he walked, scrolling through his phone as he did so. He had just grabbed breakfast with one of his sisters, and decided to walk to the stadium, knowing he had a session with one of the pitchers in about an hour, and he didn't mind being early.
Distracted, he hadn't noticed the man in his periphery until they slightly collied. "My bad," Danny offered, pulling out a airpod to look at the disgruntled party, only to let out a soft groan at who exactly it was. "I know you want to play the whole protective big brother shtick, but it couldn't be any less of your fuckin' business."
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thelucaricci · 2 years
"Yeah...one of the Spartan ones or something. It's about six of us guys training together. And yes, I'm doing this against my better judgment." It was funny to see the lot of them each a few months to a few years closer to forty trying to get fit and back into their spry and young shape of their twenties. Luca had always had a regular workout regime, but this entire ordeal was on another level all together. Albeit, Luca was actually enjoying himself more than he initially thought. It looked like he was gaining a new row of abs which was a nice touch too.
"Practicing your stripper routine down the fire pole too? And they say you guys are lazy," he joked. How Darragh had the balls to run into a fiery furnace was beyond Luca. He knew he wasn't even close to being that selfish to put his life on the line for a random human being. It was a tough and thankless job. It gave Luca such a huge admiration and respect for his friend. "Ah okay. I'll reach out to her and maybe we can schedule something together down the line." Thanking the barista for his drink, he took a sip before asking his friend another question. "I'm trying to plan a guy's weekend in the Catskills. You interested?"
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There were few relationships in Darragh's life that he felt were stable at that time, and the least of which would have been a relative of his wife's, but, Luca's reaction unnerved Darragh, as he'd expected something wholly different. "Triathlon?" Darragh whistled out a low tune. "I think my brothers and I once, and very hungover, tried to run the marathon here. I'm not sure how far I made it." He could feel his anxiety ebbing from his body as it was clear that either Luca didn't know, or, perhaps, didn't think it was his business. It was a marked difference from his sister, certainly.
"Oh, you know. Keeping busy. Cat gets stuck in a tree, grandma needs help crossing the road. You know, I'm there." Darragh joked. "— Sure. Yeah." Darragh and Haley weren't even having dinner together, so Darragh wouldn't hazard to guess how mentioning the invitation would go over. They didn't talk, didn't even discuss the fact that they existed around one another in the same home. He knew she wouldn't put on a brave face, and he didn't expect her to. "Haley is working nights nowadays, actually." He suggested, squinting ever so slightly as he did. "You might be able to track her down for a late lunch, or something."
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thelucaricci · 2 years
Closed: @dom-vinciguerra Location: Puente Night Club
Puente Night Club was totally not his scene. Luca could not dance to save his life. The hips did not move like Shakira and he was horrifically blessed with two left feet. The only reason why he was in this club for the umpteenth time was to get to know Dom. The guy was a mystery and every time Luca approached he was rejected. Perhaps his antics were a bit much, but he was starting to feel the old age creeping up on him. The relevancy was starting to diminish and the ability to connect with people in the capacity that he once had was beginning to rust over a bit. Yet, he was still emboldened and encouraged to form relationships, one that was beneficial and advantageous, not only for him, but for the other as well. Shimmying towards where the club owner was positioned, Luca nodded his head towards him. “Hell of a night you’re having Dom. How’ve you been? I heard you were in Lagos?”
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thelucaricci · 2 years
Closed: @edenmoores Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art
There was a very particular vendor that Luca was hoping to get into business with by the end of February. They had chatted briefly over the phone and the other party mentioned their love for museums and Luca did as well. Except, it was a lie. He couldn’t tell you who artists were beyond the classic starry night of Van Gogh, the naked statue of David by Michaelangelo, and the Mona Lisa by Da Vinci. After that, it was just merely a lucky guess. Art was never something that captivated his attention or scratched his brain of curiosity. Yet, when he had agreed to having lunch and touring the art museum, the Ricci found himself with a potentially problematic outcome. Which is why he stands before a portrait framed on a wall, encroaching on the forty-five minute mark of walking into this building. “Hey you there. Hi!” he said, waving towards the brunette. “You mind telling me what it is I’m looking at here?”
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thelucaricci · 2 years
Closed: @bruiscdviolets Location: The Dance Studio
Once again, Luca was on “uncle” duty for his friends who were taking their quarterly couple trip. Sasha was crashing at his townhome for the week until they returned.  Despite how he’s been doing this for the past three years, Luca still remains astonished by how busy a six-year old child can truly be. School at eight, pick up at three, a quick afternoon snack, followed by either swim, dance, or piano lessons from five to seven. How Sasha had an ounce of energy when they got back to his home from the restaurant was amazing. Thankfully, tonight would be the last night she was staying with him and he would be returning her to her parents tomorrow afternoon. Waiting for her class to wrap up, he waved down one of the instructors he’d gotten to know passively through the years. “Marnie, right? How’s it going?”
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thelucaricci · 2 years
Closed: @silascody Location: Fishtown Tavern
Learning that his usual dealer was on probation for not paying his child support left Luca in a bit of a tizzy. He smoked regularly, usually to help with the Sunday scaries, but with his normal guy out of commission, he was given the name of a guy to fill his temporary needs. Texting back and forth, they had made plans to meet up with each other downtown at a local bar Luca normally picked up his stash from. However, the last person he expected was to see the dude he saw pass through his neighbors home on multiple occasions. “Hey,” he said, nodding towards the others. “You friends with a James Mitchel?”
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thelucaricci · 2 years
“The fact that you thought that was acceptable to even bring into a person’s home is the saddening part of the whole thing,” he chuckled, throwing his hand up defensively so he didn’t get hit again. If it was him and he knew he missed or messed up an intricate part of a recipe he would have just tossed it in the trash. Equating the whole situation to lack of time or accidentally burning the dish. That was far better than mixing chocolate chips and raisins. The horror. “Crocs? James. Who are you even? Crocs? Might as well walk barefoot out here,” he said, shaking his head as he returned back towards the kitchen. “Are you gonna help me or am I just working over here for free?”
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"These aren't shit cookies," she swats his arm as if he insulted her first born or dog. "okay, there's like two times i mixed the chocolate chip with raisins." She places a hand on his chest when she needs him to quiet down but she realizes that its her own chewing that isn't allowing her to hear. "what did she say? I swear it was something about crocs. You know, i was thinking of getting a pair only for those little tiny things you pop in the holes. What are they called?"
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thelucaricci · 2 years
Closed: @marleycallahan Location: Mission Taqueria - Rittenhouse
“I’m glad we finally got a chance to get together. Sorry, it took me ages to connect with you,” he smiled over towards the blonde before taking a sip from his glass of water. “Alright, so fill me in. How are we adjusting to the City of Brotherly Love?” It was always fun for Luca to get in touch with a friend from the past. He hadn’t seen Marley in a little over three years since the company disbanded after the buyout. No more annual yacht trips and being chartered by the likes of the beaut. They had stayed friends through social media and when he heard she was relocating, he happily reached out to them. “Better or worse than you anticipated?”
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thelucaricci · 2 years
The last person he thought he’d run into was his good friend Darragh this early in the morning. Luca and four other guys were training for an Ironman for Connor’s 40th birthday. His wife told him she needed to shape up a bit and somehow Luca got dragged into the process too. The event wasn’t until July, but they were hitting the gym early at the crack ass of dawn to get their daily hours in. Plus, it was easier to be motivated when you were relying on four other people to power through with you. As he was grabbing sugar for his coffee, he had to do a double take, before smiling at the man and giving them a quick fist bump. How they were even still on their own two feet at this hour of the day was always impressive. “I am a good friend and am training for a triathlon. Don’t ask me too much about it or I may just cry.” It was the second week in and Luca was happy to just roll out of bed despite how much his body and joints hurt with each micro movement. 
“How’ve you been man? Sorry I’ve been MIA. Was out of town the last two weekends for weddings and shit.” It was a fun time to see all those he mentored throughout his career take these big leaps and jumps in their future. Luca was just truly honored to even be considered someone important enough to be invited to these soirees. “How’s Hales? We should do dinner together sometime soon.”
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CLOSED START FOR: @lucaxricci LOCATION: pilgrim roasters, manayunk
Darragh didn't typically order his coffee out. He brewed a batch in the morning, early enough that Haley could have some before her shift started, depending what schedule she worked. Or, there was always coffee for him at the firehouse. He wasn't one for frivolities like this, particularly because in his mind, it was an unnecessary splurge. Only, their coffee pot was on the fritz, and Darragh had had a particularly late night, so he'd decided that just this once, he'd treat himself to a cup.
He was just coming off of a night shift, but he had a few things to get done that morning before he let himself sleep for a few hours. Namely, grab a coffee for Haley as well, because he felt as though it was his chore, or at least, something he did for her, that he enjoyed. After ordering, Darragh moved towards the pick-up, hands shoved into the pockets of his Carhartt. The city was fluctuating in the mid-30s, which meant the thick jacket was more than welcome to ward off the chill. Sheer boredom brought him to look up, analyzing the other coffee drinkers waiting for their buzz, until exhausted eyes landed on a familiar face, though it didn't necessarily fill Darragh with excitement. He'd just been berated by the man's sister, after all. More fuss was the last thing that Darragh really wanted. A nod in Luca's direction would initate the interaction, as he wasn't going to ignore Haley's cousin, or his friend. "Hey, man." He offered with a smile. "What brings you out our way this early?"
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thelucaricci · 2 years
Closed: @danny-mancini Location: Green Street Coffee Co. - Midtown Village
Luca had just gone done with talking to a potential new distributor when he rounded the corner in south philly with a bagel and coffee hand, before colliding into someone. “Watch it man,” he sighed, looking down at his cashmere coat, relieved that there were no stains. Looking up at the other he realized that it was none other than his sister’s ridiculous dancing partner in the most unstable relationship known to man. “Ah of course I’d run into you Danny boy. What have you done to my sister this time around?” CJ had casually dropped the tidbit that the two have parted against for now. They were as fragile as imported china. The moment you thought it would hold together, they crashed and burned like clockwork. It was a bit later in their normal cycle and so for once he held his breath, but wasn’t shocked to hear they had separated again. “Better yet, what did she do to you?”
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thelucaricci · 2 years
"Well I'm telling you that it is. Do what you want with that information." Luca was known was a destructive force in the sense that he could blow up what was a seemingly good option for anything. Always wanting to push the constraints and limitations that people were always found in. Whether it was business related or on a moral path to virtue and wholeness. "Yeah, I do. Like the fact that we're in a simulation and I'm wondering where the key to putting it all to an end is located." Luca loved himself a good conspiracy theory and there were a few out there that are so inconceivable, that it was probably true. "Did someone put you in a box? Is that why you're contemplating this whole binary shit?"
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"Of course," Clem agrees, smiling. "I guess that's kind of the question, though, isn't it? If the binary moral system is just a social construct? But you're probably right, it's a little early for that." Both hands around her cup of coffee, she runs her thumb contemplatively along the sharp edge of the plastic lid, head tilting in thought. "Do you think about this stuff a lot? Maybe it's just me."
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thelucaricci · 2 years
"But it's a stellar green suit and it's not atrocious." It was a very sophisticated suit in his opinion. Lined with silver embellished Christmas trees. It was the perfect thing for a ceremony. It would liven up the place instead of another dull and cooke-cutter ceremony. "I think once you hit forty, your start to rewind back to childlike tendencies. I read it online." Despite the fear that lingered with aging, Luca would like to consider himself still young in spirit. He was incredibly successful through his late twenties and practically his entire thirties. Plus, he was centered around family and friends, yet there was still something that felt off about this current course of trajectory. Reaching for his hand, he rose off the floor before muttering, "See that's what I told Gina and then she gave me a dirty look because she doesn't think the suit is great. Mind you, no one wants to go to an all-white wedding. What type of shit is that?" he scoffed.
Taking a few steps around his sister, he beelined towards the suit color that was requested of the bride-to-be. "Anyways, what's new with you? Please tell me I won't be officiating your wedding anytime soon." If he was, Luca was definitely going to provide a surcharge with his wedding gift.
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Arms folded over her chest as she looked at her brother with a carefully neutral expression. Embarrassment wasn't something she felt often and even if it had been in this case, she wasn't about to let Luca know. Knowing her brother the whole scene had been crafted for the sole purpose of embarrassing her. "Are you for real? Maybe because it's not fucking Christmas?" Incredulous look was shot his way when the answered seemed so obvious to her and she didn't doubt that he probably knew that too. "You'd think at your age you'd know how to dress yourself." Eyes rolled before she took a step towards him, hand flung out towards him as the closest thing to an offer of help he was going to get. "Get your ass up, if I have to spend my day off helping you pick a suit, we're not leaving without one. You're making this way harder than it needs to be, Riccis look good in everything."
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thelucaricci · 2 years
"Yeah of course, no problem." Luca had a dog of his own and appreciated when businesses went out of their way to offer up a bowl for his pup or a treat to munch on. It was the small things that kept people coming back and it was merely a kind gesture at the end of the day. "Oh, you mean that rowdy couple? Yes, I'm pretty sure the blonde was about to throw her drink in the guy's face, so I stepped in before the roof blew off." Not that anyone would blame the restaurant for the dealings and matters of guest. There was a certain appearance they wanted to maintain. Fun, happy, healthy, family-friendly, and at night, a good old time who desired to have fun and drink to their hearts were merry. They were not that at all. "Yeah, I'm not really inclined to be an enabler, so I will stir clear of that. Although I guess it did work for the mouse in that book, did it not?" he chuckled. It was one his god daughter made him read to her religiously whenever he came over. "Anyways, can I get you anything else?"
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"I appreciate it. They will too when they wake up." Breanah gave him a grateful smile, having gone a little too far in her own thoughts to have remembered to bring a bowl to put water in for the dogs. She gave another glance at the inside, glad to see that the rush had started to die down enough to where she could see some of the staff members visibly relaxing. "It looked like it could have been worse." she commented, knowing that it always looks like it could be worse than what it ends up being. "Ah," she gave a knowing nod, "usually not great tippers unless one of them feels bad for whatever scene they may have caused but not necessarily apologetic about it." she paused for a moment, thinking about the description she just gave. "Toddlers might fit that description too. Except I usually give them cookies or some small treat so I get some form of a thank you in the end."
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thelucaricci · 2 years
"Seriously James? This is what you do? No wonder you keep bringing shit cookies from the supermarket over," he sighed as she turned on the oven. They had been working on a full meal spread with a dessert when his sous chef got distracted by some noise coming through the wall. As he walked over, he placed his ear against the wall, surprised by the commotion. "Why are your walls so thin?"
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"Sh-" she tells the nearby person who was making noise. Having lingered around the trio for too long, she rounded the corner to eavesdrop on what was going on. "Come here and listen, do you think it's a lovers quarrel? Sounds like they're all talking about going john tucker must die on this guy. Either that or we're listening to our very tales of the sister wives." She took a box of crackers and pried it open, tilting it as an offering to the companion. @philly-starters
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thelucaricci · 2 years
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Three things you should know about Luca: always has his morning coffee with three sugars and a splash of Bailey's; has a skydiving license; secretly enjoys a good carpool karaoke moment.
Name: Luca Giovanni Ricci Gender & Pronouns: Cis man; He/Him Orientation & Status: Heterosexual; Forever single by choice Age & Birthday: 38; July 17, 1984 (Cancer) Birthplace & Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA; Philadelphia, PA Occupation: Director of Food and Beverages at Ricci’s (Family Restaurant) Appearance: 6 ft.; Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes Personality: resilient, selfless, loyal; reactionary, impatient, stubborn
0-10 Years Old
Born to Anthony and Lia Ricci a few weeks before they expected. Always been a riot in that manner, disrupting the plans of those around him for better and worst. Still very much ingrained into his soul to this day.
Since he was a tyke had a very independent, adventurous, and bold spirit about himself. Did not have really any fears and always wanted to give everything a go.
Grew up in what he believed was a healthy home until his parents split when he was six, leaving him and his brother in his dad's custody while Lia passed the baton onto him to raise them.
Ended up becoming the oldest of five in his new blended family of his. Despite the hiccup with his dad's first marriage, Luca was happy for the most part in his expanded family.
11-20 Years Old
Had a pretty standard childhood. Being the eldest though at times meant he parented more than he probably should have.
Was a defiant teenager though always at war with his father.
Ended up leaving the house at 18 to stay with his mom for about six months, before inevitably returning and heading the advice of his dd.
Did the college thing. Could care less about it, but figured a stable career and a quarter million dollar piece of card stock would appease the old man.
21-30 Years Old
Ended up graduating with a marketing degree. Worked for a friend of his dad before getting fired and blacklisted for sleeping with the CEO's wife.
A friend of him offered him a tech gig as a the head of marketing and that launched his professional career at the ripe age of 25.
Traveled the globe, partied every weekend, hooked up with countless women, and was thriving. The happiest he'd been at that point his life.
31 Years Old-Present
Worked for the company until he was 35 and they were bought out by some big mega tech fish. Returned back to Philly then.
Has been working at the family's restaurant as the Director of Food and Beverage for the past three years.
Currently has just been enjoying being back around his family, friends, and community.
Can find him skateboarding around time, whipping up something new in the kitchen, cuddling with his English bulldog Luther, and pestering the people around him.
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