The Light Words
19 posts
Messages of encouragement and inspiration for the LGBTQIA Community 🏳️‍🌈- #thelightwords IG @thelightwords
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Be you. Let's journey in our minds to observe nature. Every single leaf, every single flower, every single animal... every rock, every grain of sand, every fish. Every single hueman, every strand of hair, every eye ball, etc. No two zebras share the same stripes. No two elephants are the same size. No two leaves that grow on a tree are the same... EVER. I could go on. It's all UNIQUE. It's all one of one. Never to be replicated, never again will it exist as it has been created. Now look at yourself. What makes you think that it doesn't apply to you? Your fingerprint is a code, a signature of the Divine. When you were intended, you were sealed and released into this life to BE YOURSELF. Honor your purpose, why would you want to be anyone or anything other than that? Maybe somewhere down the line, that information was misplaced, or hidden... possibly distorted. I am persuaded that you're here for a reason. No one else, I mean NO ONE ELSE CAN BE YOU THAT IS YOUR POWER. That mole on your cheek? That weird looking pinky toe, that lazy eye? That awkward laugh, that hop in your step? All yours, and beautiful might I add. Embrace your quirks and "imperfections". It all means "I'm perfect, as I am." So be powerful, be empowered... by loving and ACCEPTING who you are, as you are in every single moment. You're necessary. If you weren't, you wouldn't be here. The world is waiting for you to embrace and step into your power. What better time than NOW? #beyou #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Love yours. Life always finds a way for us to cherish it and love it more fully once death and loss are added to the picture. We tend to look for more ways to love, honor and support ourselves and others. We open ourselves to feel a bit deeper, share and care a bit more, argue and hold grudges a bit less. To embody more compassion, to be more patient, to be more present. It was and always serves as a reminder to live a meaningful life, inspire change, share love unconditionally and to build something that can last long after I'm released. All that kept coming to mind is that death is a part of life, a natural part at that. So I honor my life while I still have it and may my release/death reflect that. May we all honor each other's lives while we are still here. May we shower others with flowers while they can smell them. The present truly is a gift. #loveyours #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Remain focused. Life will always throw you curve balls. I think that's how it's built. But... Will you use these seeming detours and problems to sharpen your edges and refine your essence? Are you open to allowing your character to be challenged, to see what you're made of? Will you commit to constantly getting better, no matter what the circumstances? I trust in you. I believe in the resiliency of your Soul. Keep going. #remainfocused #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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I feel powerful. I realized a lot about myself this past week; learning from my past and reflecting on what was valuable in and from each interaction. I gave them space to breath, I no longer forced any connections. I severed many cords and fed myself medicine in the process. The applauds are resounding in the cosmos. Honoring Self never felt this good. Grateful. #ifeelpowerful #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Prepared for this. I'm not going to lie, I'm hurting right now. I'm questioning my current position in life, though I know that I'm exactly where I need to be. Sometimes, my mind wants to reject it and come up with a solution on its own. The puzzle pieces still seem scattered and the bigger picture isn't in clear view. Where do I fit into this? When will it all come together and make ALL THE SENSE? I've heard that everything in your life prepares you for your purpose, even if it hurts and it doesn't seem to add up from a logical standpoint. I'm choosing to see it from that side, from the light side. I'll continue to allow the Universe to align the remaining pieces. I can't wait to be in awe of the picture that's created. I'll keep holding on, I'll keep preparing. #preparedforthis #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Do it anyway. Let's talk about the F-word. Fear. What is fear, really? I came across one of my favorite huemans on IG, sharing her story about being afraid and anxious during an important talk but still DOING IT ANYWAY. That was when it hit me: fear is an illusion. In the spiritual realm, there is mention of veils being lifted and the connection between fear and the veil instantly made sense. When you walk through it or allow it to be lifted from your mind, you're able to see and experience a whole other side to what you were once afraid of. Is there something you're currently afraid to do, or be? Has it stopped you in your tracks, kept you stuck? Well, Love is here to hold your hand and walk you beyond the veil. Don't allow the spirit of fear to stop you from doing anything. When you trust your intuition, there is no need to be afraid. #doitanyway #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Worth it. Pain is an interesting teacher. Let's think for a moment about the process of olives when being pressed for oil, or the grapes for wine. Often times, we're put through the wringer in order for our most potent, purest essence to be extracted. Or let's meditate on a time where we individually experienced extreme pain, whether it was in mind, body or soul. What was it (re)directing us to? What did it birth? Is the process pretty? Is it quick? NO. I can say from my own journey that my deepest pain has birthed my clearest purpose. It has (re)directed me inwards and shown me where the dis-ease has been hiding so it can be acknowledged, understood and released. Ask the pain what it wants you to learn. I promise you if you take the time to see the lesson, the pain will pass... and you'll realize that it was necessary to get to where you are now. It all adds up eventually, if you want it to. It isn't happening to you, it is happening for you. #worthit #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Just flow. There's a natural rhythm to life, to nature, to the beat of your very own heart. Have you taken time to listen, to reconnect to it? Water has been the best teacher lately and since we're mostly made up of water, it would make sense for us to listen when she has something to say. Lately, she's been telling me to just flow. You ever witness water passing through rocks or flowing down a steam? Whenever she is met with resistance, she follows right around it or through it... with ease. Be like water. #justflow #thelightwords #balanced #divinelyinspired
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Thing is, the rewards shall be greater. Still haven't reached your goal yet? Still working tirelessly towards the vision? Still haven't received the fruits of your labor? It's been a long, long road. Things don't seem to add up anymore and the lines are blurring together. You're tired, I know. Your patience is running thinner by the second, I know. You feel like you're doing it for nothing, I know. But guess what? IT WILL PAY OFF. We can plant the seeds, tend to the ground, water them and be patient but we can't dictate how and when they'll grow. You'll soon see the results of your work. You'll soon eat the fruits of your labor and be deeply satisfied. The hard work will pay off. Just watch. #therewardsshallbegreater #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Being tested. January isn't even halfway through yet and there's already been so much unrest and testing. It's kind of wild. I realized that my faith was being tested when all of my options were exhausted and I couldn't do anything else but be still. That's the way the Divine wants me... still, at rest, at peace. I've laid the groundwork... now it's time to WATCH GOD MOVE. #beingtested #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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I deserve better. Yeah, easier said than done if you're anything like me; someone who grew up in poverty to a single mother and two other siblings with little to no help. Someone who was never affirmed of their worth from childhood so settling became the norm and people pleasing happened by default. I've stayed in toxic situations for long periods of time and convinced myself it was for the "benefit of the doubt" when in all actuality I lacked enough self-worth to walk away from people, places and things that didn't serve my highest good. I say all that to say, I deserve better. You deserve better. It doesn't matter how and when you used to settle, it ends now. You have to KNOW you deserve the very best and your past doesn't make you exempt. #ideservebetter #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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A new compass. When starting over, one can become overwhelmed with so many new possibilities, unable to make a choice in the right direction. That's when the hunches begin to surface. What stands out to you? What can you see yourself doing effortlessly? Where do you see yourself going? What can you dedicate yourself to starting AND finishing? Take time to write down the options and begin to narrow it down. Grace, compassion and focus will be your best friends during this time, and don't fret. The vision will become clearer and you will be able to make the best choice for you. Here's to new beginnings and following the compass of your heart! #anewcompass #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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For the good of all. My prayers have been different lately. They used to be very self-centered, I'm not going to lie. But then I realized that by me wanting, needing or desiring something, it could be to the detriment of another. And if it comes to me that way, is it really worth having? Nah. The attaining of your desires shouldn't cause you or anyone else any harm. My blessings shouldn't be at your expense. I want to see everyone blessed in their own right. We all deserve it. #forthegoodofall #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Bet on you. How many times, in how many ways have you heard that your desires are too big? That your goals aren't realistic? That you couldn't possibly achieve it or become it? That you don't deserve what you seek? Who are you going to believe, them or yourself? Your desires are just the right size for you. Your goals are crushable, just stay committed and remain flexible in it's execution. You have what it takes to accomplish WHATEVER you decide to do. You're deserving of all the good that your heart wants to pour into your life. Fuck the noise. #betonyou #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Let go, make room. Let go? Sure! That's easy... right?! Not really. We love the idea of possession, of having, of owning. But what about when it's not good for us, will we still hold onto it? Often times we do. We get dragged and pulled in every direction other than the one of our hearts. Non-attatchment is a very great way to allow the innate flow of giving and receiving. When we let go, we are simultaneously opening up space to receive. Do you trust that what you're about to receive is better for you than what you released? #letgomakeroom #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Stick to it. Sidetracks, roadblocks, negative energy, lack of support... the list is long and goes on. When working towards a goal, you may encounter many things that make you feel like you want to give up all together. Remember why you started. Feeling overwhelmed? Take a break. Unsure of the next step? Step away from the work and let some air in... but never quit. #sticktoit #thehighlights
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thelightwords · 5 years ago
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Shine. You are a Light and the only way you can fully shine your brightest and purest is by being authentically yourself. Rather than playing the game of comparison, remind yourself that we all are different hues in the full spectrum of huemanity and every one of us is unique. Doesn't that take the pressure off, knowing that there's only one hue that is YOU? #shineyourlight
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